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The Tanzania's Students Coalition on climate is the first network of

secondary school students focussing on climate and environmental
issues in Tanzania. Its primary goal is to discuss, find, implement and
advise on key measures which should be taken by the youth, or other
climate stakeholders, when it comes to climate action.

The Youth
The youth in Tanzania represent a key stakeholder

when it comes to climate action. Constituting 45% of

the male population, and 44% of the female
population, the youth (0-15) in Tanzania needs to
make their voices heard. The TaSCC shall come with
the proper platform to uplift voices of Tanzanians for
common and collective climate action all around the

Our Goals
The Tanzania's Students Coalition on Climate aims at
mobilising the student youth all around Tanzania for
them to discuss, find, implement and advise on climate
matter. These processes shall lead to more youth
consultation on climate but most importantly, to
concrete climate action.

April May Sept. Nov. Dec.

Timeline Official Launching First Annual Pre-COP Annual Tanzania Youth Assess COP28
of the platform General Meeting Meeting Proposals to COP outcomes

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