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Green Apple Step 1

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes and

the Red Circle
Summary-based Activities
by Kenneth Brodey
S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S

Sherlock Holmes and the Red Circle Chapters 1-2 2 Scrambled word cloze with distractors (i)
Read the summary of Chapters 1-2 below.
1 Scrambled word cloze
Choose one of the words from the box to write in each space. There
Read the summary of Chapters 1-2 below. are five words you do not need to use. The first one has been done as
Choose one of the words from the box to write in each space. The first an example.
one has been done as an example.
no for had too outside these again spoke more
again too had never spoke no talked never those no left went ever
for outside these left ever
Mrs Warren (0) …..............…….. a strange young lodger with a beard. He
Mrs Warren (0) …..............…….. a strange young lodger with a beard. He (1) …..............…….. good English with an accent. He received
(1) …..............…….. good English with an accent. He received (2) …..............…….. letters or friends. He left notes (3) …..............…….. his
(2) …..............…….. letters or friends. He left notes (3) …..............…….. his door. These notes contained only one word in capital letters. In one
door. These notes contained only one word in capital letters. In one note he asked (4) …..............…….. the Daily Gazette, a newspaper.
note he asked (4) …..............…….. the Daily Gazette, a newspaper. Neither Mrs Warren or the cleaning girl (5) …..............…….. entered his
Neither Mrs Warren or the cleaning girl (5 )…..............…….. entered his room. Also, after their first meeting, the lodger (6) …..............…….. the
room. Also, after their first meeting, the lodger (6) …..............…….. the room once and then returned late that night. He never left his room
room once and then returned late that night. He never left his room (7) …..............…….. Holmes examined the lodger’s cigarette stubs. They
(7) …..............…….. Holmes examined the lodger’s cigarette stubs. They were (8) …..............…….. short for a man with a beard. With (9)
were (8) …..............…….. short for a man with a beard. With (9) …..............…….. facts Holmes deduced these things. The person in the
…..............…….. facts Holmes deduced these things. The person in the room now was not the person (10 )…..............…….. had rented it. The
room now was not the person (10) …..............…….. had rented it. The lodger received messages in the advertisements of the newspaper.
lodger received messages in the advertisements of the newspaper.

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S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S

3 Scrambled word cloze with distractors (ii) 4 Multiple choice cloze

Read the summary of Chapters 1-2 below. Read the summary of Chapters 1-2 below.
Choose one of the words from the box to write in each space. There Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. The first one has been
are ten words you do not need to use. The first one has been done as done as an example.
an example.
Mrs Warren (0) …..............…….. a strange young lodger with a beard. He
no not for to much from again those (1) …..............…….. good English with an accent. He received
more too these never went had spoke (2) …..............…….. letters or friends. He left notes (3) …..............…….. his
talked outside no ever left none door. These notes contained only one word in capital letters. In one
note he asked (4) …..............…….. the Daily Gazette, a newspaper.
Mrs Warren (0) …..............…….. a strange young lodger with a beard. He Neither Mrs Warren or the cleaning girl (5) …..............…….. entered his
(1) …..............…….. good English with an accent. He received room. Also, after their first meeting, the lodger (6) …..............…….. the
(2) …..............…….. letters or friends. He left notes (3) …..............…….. his room once and then returned late that night. He never left his room
door. These notes contained only one word in capital letters. In one (7) …..............…….. Holmes examined the lodger’s cigarette stubs. They
note he asked (4) …..............…….. the Daily Gazette, a newspaper. were (8) …..............…….. short for a man with a beard. With
Neither Mrs Warren or the cleaning girl (5) …..............…….. entered his (9) …..............…….. facts Holmes deduced these things. The person in
room. Also, after their first meeting, the lodger (6) …..............…….. the the room now was not the person (10) …..............…….. had rented it.
room once and then returned late that night. He never left his room The lodger received messages in the advertisements of the
(7) …..............…….. Holmes examined the lodger’s cigarette stubs. They newspaper.
were (8) …..............…….. short for a man with a beard. With 0 A took B got C had
(9) …..............…….. facts Holmes deduced these things. The person in
1 A spoke B talked C said
the room now was not the person (10) …..............…….. had rented it.
The lodger received messages in the advertisements of the 2 A none B not C no
newspaper. 3 A from B out C outside
4 A to B at C for
5 A never B not C no
6 A went B left C cut
7 A more B again C time
8 A too B much C very
9 A these B those C her
10 A that B who C what

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S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S

5 Open cloze 7 Correct the mistakes!

Complete the summary of Chapters 1-2 below. Write ONE word for This is an oral activity, so do not give the students any photocopies.
each space. The first one has been done as an example. Tell them you are going to read a summary, but with some mistakes.
When they hear a mistake they should correct it.
Mrs Warren (0)…..............…….. a strange young lodger with a beard. He In the summary below there are 10 mistakes to read out, all written
(1)…..............…….. good English with an accent. He received in italics. As a quick reminder to you, the correct version is given in
(2)…..............…….. letters or friends. He left notes (3)…..............…….. his brackets.
door. These notes contained only one word in capital letters. In one
note he asked (4)…..............…….. the Daily Gazette, a newspaper. Mrs Warren had a strange young student (lodger) with a beard. He
Neither Mrs Warren or the cleaning girl (5)…..............…….. entered his spoke good French (English) with an accent. He received no letters or
room. Also, after their first meeting, the lodger (6)…..............…….. the friends. He left books (notes) outside his door. These notes contained
room once and then returned late that night. He never left his room one word in capital letters. In one note he asked for the Daily Gazette,
(7)…..............…….. Holmes examined the lodger’s cigarette stubs. They a magazine (newspaper). Neither Dr Watson (Mrs Warren) or the
were (8)…..............…….. short for a man with a beard. With cleaning girl ever entered his room. Also, after their first meeting, the
(9)…..............…….. facts Holmes deduced these things. The person in lodger left London (the room) once and then returned late that night.
the room now was not the person (10)…..............…….. had rented it. He never left his room again. Holmes examined the lodger’s trousers
The lodger received messages in the advertisements of the (cigarette stubs). They were too short for a man with an accent (a
newspaper. beard). With these facts Mrs Warren (Holmes) deduced these things.
The person in the kitchen (room) now was not the person who had
rented it. The detective (lodger) received messages in the
6 Put the sentences in order
advertisements of the newspaper.
The sentences A-J of the summary of Chapters 1-3 are in the wrong
order. Put them in the right order and number them 1-10.
8 Rub out
A He never left his room and he received no letters or friends. On the board / the interactive whiteboard, copy a short paragraph
B The lodger received messages in the advertisements of the from the summary. Gradually, rub out individual words and even two-
newspaper. and three-word phrases. Begin by rubbing out some of the important
C With these facts Holmes deduced these things. content words. After each time you rub out some words get the whole
class to read out the text, supplying the missing words from their
D Mrs Warren had a strange young lodger with a beard.
memory. Eventually, when all the words on the board have been
E They were too short for a man with a beard. rubbed out, the class will – amazingly! – remember all the text.
F The person in the room now was not the person who had rented it.
G In one note he asked for the Daily Gazette, a newspaper.
9 Dictogloss
H He left notes outside his door.
Sit the students in groups of two to five. Tell them that you are going
I Holmes examined the lodger’s cigarette stubs. to read out a summary of Chapters 1-2 of Sherlock Holmes and the Red
J These notes contained only one or two words in capital letters. Circle twice, and that they may note down key words or short phrases.

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S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S

Read the text once at normal speed, pause for a minute, then read it 12 Rewrite it
again. Tell the students to rewrite the summary changing some of the
Tell the students to work together in their groups and use their notes information. They should use their imagination to add details – which
to write a text which is grammatically and lexically correct but which can be words, phrases or sentences – and change some of the words
doesn’t have to be the same as the original: the aim of their writing is and phrases that are already there.
to produce a correct text, not to show they have perfect memories!
Then students compare their written texts with each others’. This can
be done by reading aloud, but it is better if the texts. Groups should
try to point out any errors in the texts of other groups.
Finally, show or give the students the original text; ask them to
identify any differences with their own texts, and ask them if they
think the differences are important.

10 Cut it down
Put the students in groups of two to five. Make sure that each group
has a copy of the summary and a red pen/highlighter or access to
computer. Tell them that they must cut 15 words from the summary:
Mrs Warren had a strange young lodger with a beard. He spoke good
their shortened version must still be grammatically correct. They can
English with an accent. He received no letters or friends. He left notes
change punctuation, but they mustn’t add any words.
outside his door. These notes contained only one word in capital
When they have finished, they should compare their shortened letters. In one note he asked for the Daily Gazette, a newspaper.
versions. It is better if the texts are stuck on a wall or passed around Neither Mrs Warren or the cleaning girl ever entered his room. Also,
(or compared in electronic form). They should decide which are the after their first meeting, the lodger left the room once and then
best cuts, and why. returned late that night. He never left his room again Holmes
examined the lodger’s cigarette stubs. They were too short for a man
11 Build it up
with a beard. With these facts Holmes deduced these things. The
person in the room now was not the person who had rented it. The
Put the students in groups of two to five. Make sure that each group
lodger received messages in the advertisements of the newspaper.
has a copy of the summary and a red pen or access to computer. Tell
them that they must add two details, which they must choose
themselves, to the summary. Tell them that the details they add can KEY
be words, phrases or even sentences. Tell them they shouldn’t write 1, 2, 3, 5: 1 spoke; 2 no; 3 outside; 4 for; 5 ever; 6 left; 7 again; 8 too;
fewer than five words, and that there is no upper limit, but they 9 these; 10 who;
probably won’t need more than about 25 words. 4: 1 A; 2 C; 3 C; 4 C; 5 A; 6 B; 7 B; 8 A; 9 A; 10 B
When they have finished, they should compare their versions. They 6: 1 D; 2 A; 3 H; 4 J; 5 G; 6 I; 7 E; 8 C; 9 F/B; 10 F/B
should decide which are the most interesting added details, and why.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Red Circle Chapters 3-4 2 Scrambled word cloze with distractors (i)
Read the summary of Chapters 3-4 below.
1 Scrambled word cloze
Choose one of the words from the box to write in each space. There
Read the summary of Chapters 3-4 below. are five words you do not need to use. The first one has been done as
Choose one of the words from the box to write in each space. The first an example.
one has been done as an example.
next after about of another other really truth watch
next about another really watch looked code a out mirror be front
code a out mirror be front
The (0) …..............…….. morning, Holmes saw a message in the
The (0) …..............…….. morning, Holmes saw a message in the newspaper (1) …..............…….. a red house. (2) …..............…….. message
newspaper (1) …..............…….. a red house. (2) …..............…….. message described a secret code. There was (3) …..............…….. red house in
described a secret code. There was (3) …..............…….. red house in front of Mrs Warren’s house. They went to Mrs Warren’s house. She
front of Mrs Warren’s house. They went to Mrs Warren’s house. She had terrible news. ‘This morning,’ she said, ‘two men pushed my
had terrible news. ‘This morning,’ she said, ‘two men pushed my husband into a cab, and then pushed him (4) …..............…….. later.’
husband into a cab, and then pushed him (4) …..............…….. later.’ Holmes said, ‘They (5) …..............…….. wanted your lodger.’ Later, with
Holmes said, ‘They (5) …..............…….. wanted your lodger.’ Later, with a (6) …..............…….., they discovered that the lodger was really a
a (6) …..............…….., they discovered that the lodger was really a woman. Holmes and Watson returned in the evening to
woman. Holmes and Watson returned in the evening to (7) …..............…….. the red house. They saw a candle. It sent a message
(7) …..............…….. the red house. They saw a candle. It sent a message in (8) …..............…….. . The message said ‘ (9) …..............…….. careful’
in (8) …..............…….. . The message said ‘ (9) …..............…….. careful’ and ‘danger’ in Italian. Then it stopped. They ran to the house. In
and ‘danger’ in Italian. Then it stopped. They ran to the house. In (10) …..............…….. of the house they saw Gregson of Scotland Yard.
(10) …..............…….. of the house they saw Gregson of Scotland Yard.

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3 Scrambled word cloze with distractors (ii) 4 Multiple choice cloze

Read the summary of Chapters 3-4 below. Read the summary of Chapters 3-4 below.
Choose one of the words from the box to write in each space. There Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. The first one has been
are ten words you do not need to use. The first one has been done as done as an example.
an example.
The (0) …..............…….. morning, Holmes saw a message in the
next after about of another other really newspaper (1) …..............…….. a red house. (2) …..............…….. message
truth watch looked code secret a this out described a secret code. There was (3) …..............…….. red house in
from mirror reflect be face front front of Mrs Warren’s house. They went to Mrs Warren’s house. She
had terrible news. ‘This morning,’ she said, ‘two men pushed my
The (0) …..............…….. morning, Holmes saw a message in the husband into a cab, and then pushed him (4) …..............…….. later.’
newspaper (1) …..............…….. a red house. (2) …..............…….. message Holmes said, ‘They (5) …..............…….. wanted your lodger.’ Later, with
described a secret code. There was (3) …..............…….. red house in a (6) …..............…….., they discovered that the lodger was really a
front of Mrs Warren’s house. They went to Mrs Warren’s house. She woman. Holmes and Watson returned in the evening to
had terrible news. ‘This morning,’ she said, ‘two men pushed my (7) …..............…….. the red house. They saw a candle. It sent a message
husband into a cab, and then pushed him (4) …..............…….. later.’ in (8) …..............…….. . The message said ‘ (9) …..............…….. careful’
Holmes said, ‘They (5) …..............…….. wanted your lodger.’ Later, with and ‘danger’ in Italian. Then it stopped. They ran to the house. In
a (6) …..............…….., they discovered that the lodger was really a (10) …..............…….. of the house they saw Gregson of Scotland Yard.
woman. Holmes and Watson returned in the evening to 0 A after B then C next
(7) …..............…….. the red house. They saw a candle. It sent a message
1 A of B around C about
in (8) …..............…….. . The message said ‘ (9) …..............…….. careful’
and ‘danger’ in Italian. Then it stopped. They ran to the house. In 2 A other B another C more
(10) …..............…….. of the house they saw Gregson of Scotland Yard. 3 A any B this Ca
4 A outside B out C from
5 A really B truth C very
6 A mirror B reflect C glass
7 A look B watch C saw
8 A sign B system C code
9 A Go B Look C Be
10 A face B before C front

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5 Open cloze H They saw a candle. It sent a message in code.

Complete the summary of Chapters 3-4 below. Write ONE word for I Holmes said, ‘They really wanted your lodger.’
each space. The first one has been done as an example. J Later, with a mirror, they discovered that the lodger was really
a woman.
The (0) …..............…….. morning, Holmes saw a message in the
newspaper (1) …..............…….. a red house. (2) …..............…….. message
described a secret code. There was (3) …..............…….. red house in 7 Correct the mistakes!
front of Mrs Warren’s house. They went to Mrs Warren’s house. She This is an oral activity, so do not give the students any photocopies.
had terrible news. ‘This morning,’ she said, ‘two men pushed my Tell them you are going to read a summary, but with some mistakes.
husband into a cab, and then pushed him (4) …..............…….. later.’ When they hear a mistake they should correct it.
Holmes said, ‘They (5) …..............…….. wanted your lodger.’ Later, with In the summary below there are 10 mistakes to read out, all written
a (6) …..............…….., they discovered that the lodger was really a in italics. As a quick reminder to you, the correct version is given in
woman. Holmes and Watson returned in the evening to brackets.
(7) …..............…….. the red house. They saw a candle. It sent a message
in (8) …..............…….. . The message said ‘ (9) …..............…….. careful’ The next morning, Holmes saw a message in the newspaper about a
and ‘danger’ in Italian. Then it stopped. They ran to the house. In red horse (house). Another message described a secret door (code).
(10) …..............…….. of the house they saw Gregson of Scotland Yard. There was a red house in front of Holmes’s (Mrs Warren’s) house. They
went to Mrs Warren’s house. She had terrible news. ‘This morning,’
she said, ‘two girls (men) pushed my husband into a cab, and then
6 Put the sentences in order
pushed him out later.’ Holmes said, ‘They really wanted your cleaning
The sentences A-J of the summary of Chapters 3-4 are in the wrong girl (lodger).’ Later, with a telescope (mirror), they discovered that the
order. Put them in the right order and number them 1-10. lodger was really a woman. Mrs Warren (Holmes) and Watson
returned in the evening to watch the red house. They saw a mirror
A Holmes and Watson returned in the evening to watch the red (candle). It sent a message in code. The message said ‘Be careful’ and
house. ‘danger’ in Chinese (Italian). Then it stopped. They ran to the house. In
B The next morning, Holmes saw a message in the newspaper front of the house they saw Gregson of the United States Army
about a red house. (Scotland Yard).
C The message said ‘Be careful’ and ‘danger’ in Italian. Then it
8 Rub out
D They went to Mrs Warren’s house.
On the board / the interactive whiteboard, copy a short paragraph
E Another day a message described a secret code. There was a from the summary. Gradually, rub out individual words and even two-
red house in front of Mrs Warren’s house. and three-word phrases. Begin by rubbing out some of the important
F They ran to the house. In front of the house they saw Gregson content words. After each time you rub out some words get the whole
of Scotland Yard. class to read out the text, supplying the missing words from their
G She had terrible news. ‘This morning,’ she said, ‘two men memory. Eventually, when all the words on the board have been
pushed my husband into a cab, and then pushed him out later.’ rubbed out, the class will – amazingly! – remember all the text.

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9 Dictogloss probably won’t need more than about 25 words.

Sit the students in groups of two to five. Tell them that you are going When they have finished, they should compare their versions. It is
to read out a summary of Chapters 3-4 of Sherlock Holmes and the Red better if the texts are stuck on a wall or passed around (or compared
Circle twice, and that they may note down key words or short phrases. in electronic form). They should decide which are the most interesting
Read the text once at normal speed, pause for a minute, then read it added details, and why.
Tell the students to work together in their groups and use their notes 12 Rewrite it
to write a text which is grammatically and lexically correct but which
Tell the students to rewrite the summary changing some of the
doesn’t have to be the same as the original: the aim of their writing is
information. They should use their imagination to add details – which
to produce a correct text, not to show they have perfect memories!
can be words, phrases or sentences – and change some of the words
Then students compare their written texts. Groups should try to point and phrases that are already there.
out any errors in the texts of other groups.
Finally, show or give the students the original text; ask them to
identify any differences with their own texts, and ask them if they
think the differences are important.

10 Cut it down SUMMARY

Put the students in groups of two to five. Make sure that each group The next morning, Holmes saw a message in the newspaper about a
has a copy of the summary and a red pen/highlighter or access to red house. Another message described a secret code. There was a red
computer. Tell them that they must cut 15 words from the summary: house in front of Mrs Warren’s house. They went to Mrs Warren’s
their shortened version must still be grammatically correct. They can house. She had terrible news. ‘This morning,’ she said, ‘two men
change punctuation, but they mustn’t add any words. pushed my husband into a cab, and then pushed him out later.’
Holmes said, ‘They really wanted your lodger.’ Later, with a mirror,
When they have finished, they should compare their shortened
they discovered that the lodger was really a woman. Holmes and
versions. It is better if the texts are stuck on a wall or passed around
Watson returned in the evening to watch the red house. They saw a
(or compared in electronic form). They should decide which are the
candle. It sent a message in code. The message said ‘Be careful’ and
best cuts, and why.
‘danger’ in Italian. Then it stopped. They ran to the house. In front of
the house they saw Gregson of Scotland Yard.
11 Build it up
Put the students in groups of two to five. Make sure that each group KEY
has a copy of the summary and a red pen or access to computer. Tell
1, 2, 3, 5: 1 about; 2 another; 3 a; 4 out; 5 really; 6 mirror; 7 watch; 8 code; 9 be;
them that they must add two details, which they must choose
10 front
themselves, to the summary. Tell them that the details they add can
be words, phrases or even sentences. Tell them they shouldn’t write 4: 1 C; 2 B; 3 C; 4 B; 5 A; 6 A; 7 B; 8 C; 9 C; 10 C
fewer than five words, and that there is no upper limit, but they 6: 1 B; 2 E; 3 D; 4 G; 5 I 6 J; 7 A; 8 H; 9 C; 10 F

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Sherlock Holmes and the Red Circle Chapters 5-7 2 Scrambled word cloze with distractors (i)
Read the summary of Chapters 5-7 below.
1 Scrambled word cloze
Choose one of the words from the box to write in each space. There
Read the summary of Chapters 5-7 below. are five words you do not need to use. The first one has been done as
Choose one of the words from the box to write in each space. The first an example.
one has been done as an example.
later to then and outside explained for building rest
outside for building told met met when member at told knew piece
member rest and at to then
An American detective was also (0) …..............…….. the house. He was
An American detective was also (0) …..............…….. the house. He was looking (1) …..............…….. a killer named Gorgiano of the Red Circle, a
looking (1) …..............…….. a killer named Gorgiano of the Red Circle, a criminal organisation. ‘Three men left this (2) …..............…….. ,’ said
criminal organisation. ‘Three men left this (2) …..............…….. ,’ said Gregson, ‘but not Gorgiano.’ They went into the house
Gregson, ‘but not Gorgiano.’ They went into the house (3) …..............…….. found Gorgiano’s body. Holmes made a signal
(3) …..............…….. found Gorgiano’s body. Holmes made a signal (4) …..............…….. the window with the candle, and Emilia Lucca – Mrs
(4) …..............…….. the window with the candle, and Emilia Lucca – Mrs Warren’s lodger – arrived. She (5) …..............…….. them her story: ‘My
Warren’s lodger – arrived. She (5) …..............…….. them her story: ‘My husband and I (6) …..............…….. in Italy, but we moved to New York
husband and I (6) …..............…….. in Italy, but we moved to New York City. My husband worked for a man named Mr Castalotte. One
City. My husband worked for a man named Mr Castalotte. One day Gorgiano came to our house. My husband too was a
day Gorgiano came to our house. My husband too was a (7) …..............…….. of the Red Circle. Later, Giorgiano told my husband
(7) …..............…….. of the Red Circle. Later, Giorgiano told my husband to kill Mr Castalotte. We told Mr Castalotte, and came to London.
to kill Mr Castalotte. We told Mr Castalotte, and came to London. Gennaro found a place for me (8) …..............…….. hide.
Gennaro found a place for me (8) …..............…….. hide. (9) …..............…….. one day I saw Gorgiano with another man in front
(9) …..............…….. one day I saw Gorgiano with another man in front of the house. You know the (10) …..............…….. of the story.’
of the house. You know the (10) …..............…….. of the story.’

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3 Scrambled word cloze with distractors (ii) 4 Multiple choice cloze

Read the summary of Chapters 5-7 below. Read the summary of Chapters 5-7 below.
Choose one of the words from the box to write in each space. There Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. The first one has been
are ten words you do not need to use. The first one has been done as done as an example.
an example.
An American detective was also (0) …..............…….. the house. He was
met told for explained on knew later piece looking (1) …..............…….. a killer named Gorgiano of the Red Circle, a
rest to and then building when at outside criminal organisation. ‘Three men left this (2) …..............…….. ,’ said
structure member other to for Gregson, ‘but not Gorgiano.’ They went into the house
(3) …..............…….. found Gorgiano’s body. Holmes made a signal
An American detective was also (0)…..............…….. the house. He was (4) …..............…….. the window with the candle, and Emilia Lucca – Mrs
looking (1) …..............…….. a killer named Gorgiano of the Red Circle, a Warren’s lodger – arrived. She (5) …..............…….. them her story: ‘My
criminal organisation. ‘Three men left this (2) …..............…….. ,’ said husband and I (6) …..............…….. in Italy, but we moved to New York
Gregson, ‘but not Gorgiano.’ They went into the house City. My husband worked for a man named Mr Castalotte. One
(3) …..............…….. found Gorgiano’s body. Holmes made a signal day Gorgiano came to our house. My husband too was a
(4) …..............…….. the window with the candle, and Emilia Lucca – Mrs (7) …..............…….. of the Red Circle. Later, Giorgiano told my husband
Warren’s lodger – arrived. She (5) …..............…….. them her story: ‘My to kill Mr Castalotte. We told Mr Castalotte, and came to London.
husband and I (6) …..............…….. in Italy, but we moved to New York Gennaro found a place for me (8) …..............…….. hide.
City. My husband worked for a man named Mr Castalotte. One (9) …..............…….. one day I saw Gorgiano with another man in front
day Gorgiano came to our house. My husband too was a of the house. You know the (10) …..............…….. of the story.’
(7) …..............…….. of the Red Circle. Later, Giorgiano told my husband 0 A outside B front C out
to kill Mr Castalotte. We told Mr Castalotte, and came to London.
1 A for B to C about
Gennaro found a place for me (8) …..............…….. hide.
(9) …..............…….. one day I saw Gorgiano with another man in front 2 A construction B structure C building
of the house. You know the (10) …..............…….. of the story.’ 3 A when B then C and
4 A at B on C through
5 A said B explained C told
6 A knew B came C met
7 A piece B member C element
8 A for B by C to
9 A Later B After C Then
10 A rest B other C left

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S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S

5 Open cloze F One day Gorgiano came to our house because my husband was
Complete the summary of Chapters 5-7 below. also a member of the Red Circle.
Write ONE word for each space. The first one has been done as an G We told Mr Castalotte, and came to London.
example. H Gennaro found a place for me to hide.’
outside I An American detective was also outside the house.
An American detective was also (0) …..............…….. the house. He was
looking (1) …..............…….. a killer named Gorgiano of the Red Circle, a J Later, Giorgiano told my husband to kill Mr Castalotte
criminal organisation. ‘Three men left this (2) …..............…….. ,’ said
Gregson, ‘but not Gorgiano.’ They went into the house
7 Correct the mistakes!
(3) …..............…….. found Gorgiano’s body. Holmes made a signal
(4) …..............…….. the window with the candle, and Emilia Lucca – Mrs This is an oral activity, so do not give the students any photocopies.
Warren’s lodger – arrived. She (5) …..............…….. them her story: ‘My Tell them you are going to read a summary, but with some mistakes.
husband and I (6) …..............…….. in Italy, but we moved to New York When they hear a mistake they should correct it.
City. My husband worked for a man named Mr Castalotte. One In the summary below there are 10 mistakes to read out, all written
day Gorgiano came to our house. My husband too was a in italics. As a quick reminder to you, the correct version is given in
(7) …..............…….. of the Red Circle. Later, Giorgiano told my husband brackets.
to kill Mr Castalotte. We told Mr Castalotte, and came to London.
An American musician (detective) was also outside the house. He was
Gennaro found a place for me (8) …..............…….. hide.
looking for a scientist (killer) named Gorgiano of the Red Circle, a
(9) …..............…….. one day I saw Gorgiano with another man in front
criminal organisation. ‘Three cats (men) left this building,’ said
of the house. You know the (10) …..............…….. of the story.’
Gregson, ‘but not Gorgiano.’ They went into the house and found
Gorgiano’s glasses (body). Holmes made a signal at the window with
6 Put the sentences in order the candle, and Emilia Lucca – Mrs Warren’s sister (lodger) – arrived.
The sentences A-J of the summary of Chapters 5-7 are in the wrong She told them her story: ‘My husband and I met in Germany (Italy),
order. Put them in the right order and number them 1-10. but we moved to New York City. My husband worked for a man named
Mr Castalotte. One day Gorgiano came to our school (house). My
A He was looking for a killer named Gorgiano of the Red Circle, a husband too was a member of the orchestra (Red Circle). Later,
criminal organisation. Giorgiano told my husband to kill Mr Casitalotte. We told Mr
Castalotte, and came to Paris (London). Gennaro found a place for me
B They went into the house and found Gorgiano’s body.
to hide. Then one day I saw Holmes (Gorgiano) with another man in
C Holmes made a signal at the window with the candle, and front of the house. You know the rest of the story.’
Emilia Lucca – Mrs Warren’s lodger – arrived.
D ‘Three men left this building,’ said Gregson, ‘but not Gorgiano.’
E She told them her story: ‘My husband and I met in Italy, but we
moved to New York City. My husband worked for a man named
Mr Castalotte.

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S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S

8 Rub out 10 Cut it down

On the board / the interactive whiteboard, copy a short paragraph Put the students in groups of two to five. Make sure that each group
from the summary. Gradually, rub out individual words and even two- has a copy of the summary and a red pen/highlighter or access to
and three-word phrases. Begin by rubbing out some of the important computer. Tell them that they must cut 15 words from the summary:
content words. After each time you rub out some words get the whole their shortened version must still be grammatically correct. They can
class to read out the text, supplying the missing words from their change punctuation, but they mustn’t add any words.
memory. Eventually, when all the words on the board have been When they have finished, they should compare their shortened
rubbed out, the class will – amazingly! – remember all the text. versions. They should decide which are the best cuts, and why.
The text used for the rub out activity need not taken from the
summary. You could use a dramatic part of the story, for example.
11 Build it up
Put the students in groups of two to five. Make sure that each group
9 Dictogloss has a copy of the summary and a red pen or access to computer. Tell
Sit the students in groups of two to five. Tell them that you are going them that they must add two details, which they must choose
to read out a summary of Chapters 5-7 of Sherlock Holmes and the Red themselves, to the summary. Tell them that the details they add can
Circle twice, and that they may note down key words or short phrases. be words, phrases or even sentences. Tell them they shouldn’t write
Read the text once at normal speed, pause for a minute, then read it fewer than five words, and that there is no upper limit, but they
again. probably won’t need more than about 25 words.
Tell the students to work together in their groups and use their notes When they have finished, they should compare their versions. It is
to write a text which is grammatically and lexically correct but which better if the texts are stuck on a wall or passed around (or compared
doesn’t have to be the same as the original: the aim of their writing is in electronic form). They should decide which are the most interesting
to produce a correct text, not to show they have perfect memories! added details, and why.
Then students compare their written texts. Groups should try to point
out any errors in the texts of other groups.
12 Rewrite it
Finally, show or give the students the original text; ask them to
Tell the students to rewrite the summary changing some of the
identify any differences with their own texts, and ask them if they
information. They should use their imagination to add details – which
think the differences are important.
can be words, phrases or sentences – and change some of the words
and phrases that are already there.

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S U M M A R Y- B A S E D A C T I V I T I E S

An American detective was also outside the house. He was looking for
a killer named Gorgiano of the Red Circle, a criminal organisation.
‘Three men left this building,’ said Gregson, ‘but not Gorgiano.’ They
went into the house and found Gorgiano’s body. Holmes made a signal
at the window with the candle, and Emilia Lucca – Mrs Warren’s
lodger – arrived. She told them her story: ‘My husband and I met in
Italy, but we moved to New York City. My husband worked for a man
named Mr Castalotte. One day Gorgiano came to our house. My
husband too was a member of the Red Circle. Later, Giorgiano told my
husband to kill Mr Castalotte. We told Mr Castalotte, and came to
London. Gennaro found a place for me to hide. Then one day I saw
Gorgiano with another man in front of the house. You know the rest
of the story.’

1, 2, 3, 5: 1 for; 2 building; 3 and; 4 at; 5 told; 6 met; 7 member; 8 to
9 then; 10 rest
4: 1 A; 2 C; 3 C; 4 A; 5 C; 6 C; 7 B; 8 C; 9 C; 10 A
6: 1 I; 2 A; 3 D; 4 B; 5 C; 6 E; 7 F; 8 J; 9 G; 10 H

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