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Intro to Systematics Part 2 Synapomorphy

● Shared derived feature

How do systematists infer phylogeny?

● Gather morphological and molecular data
(genes and biochemistry) of living
organisms and analyze fossil records
● Seek morphological and molecular
○ Homologies = phenotypic and
genetic similarities due to shared
○ Organisms with similar
morphologies or DNA sequences
are likely to be more closely related
than organisms with different
structures or sequences
● Is the similarity a result of homology or
○ Homology is similarity due to
shared ancestry
○ Analogy is similarity due to
Phylogenetic Trees
convergent evolution
● Represents a hypothesis about evolutionary
Morphological homologies
Branch point
● Similarities due to common ancestry
● Represents divergence between two
○ Arms, forelegs, wings, and flippers
of mammals
● Tree branches can be rotated around a
Convergent evolution
branch point without changing the
● Occurs when similar environmental
evolutionary relationships
pressures and natural selection produce
Sister Taxa
similar (analogous) adaptions in
● Groups that share an immediate common
organisms from different evolutionary
Rooted tree
● Convergence - Stem succulent and “spines”
● Includes a branch to represent the last
in Cactaceae and Euphorbia spp.
common ancestor of all taxa in the tree
Basal taxon
Primary tenet of phylogenetic systematics?
● Diverges early in the history of a group
● Taxa (Operational Taxonomic Units) can be
● Originates near the common ancestor of
grouped by apomorphies because these
the group
represent unique evolutionary events
● Most primitive
Recency of common ancestry?
● Premise: All forms of life share a common
● A branch from which two branches emerge
Pre-existing Feature
● Taxa that share a common ancestor more
recent in time are more closely related to
● Ancestral feature
one another than they are to a taxon whose
common ancestor is further back in time.
● Shared ancestral feature

New Feature
● Derived feature
○ The analysis of how species may
be group into clades is called
cladistics. (Will Hennig,
Phylogenetic Systematics, 1966)

Types of clades or groupings

Monophyletic clade
● Consists of a common ancestor and all its
○ Single tribe
○ Only monophyletic groups qualify
Is C most closely related to D or F? ad legitimate taxa derived from
● Taxon D is more related to taxon C cladistics
● D was related to C
Is C more closely related to E or to B?
● Take note of their common ancestor
● C is more closely related to E than to B
● Because C and E share a common ancestor
Is C most closely related to A or B?
● C is more closely related to A
● Common ancestor
● B is only derived from A

Molecular homologies
● DNA and RNA sequences of nucleic acids ● All systemasists are aiming to reach
● Each change in a nuclelic acid is equal to monophyletic grouping
one evolutionary event Paraphyletic clade
○ The more events, the more
disstantly related are the species
○ Fewer events mean that a species
if more closely related
● Systematists use computer programs and
mathemathical tools when analyzing
comparable DNA segments from different

● Consists of an ancestor and some but not

all of the descendants
● Does not meet the cladistic criterion
● Descendants that are yet to be discovered
Polyphyletic clade

A phylogenetic tree is also called a cladogram

● Each brancg in the tree is called a clade
● Clade is a group of species that includes a
common ancestor and all its descendants
● Consists of various species with different a. A species that is closely related to
ancestors; lacks a common ancestor the species under study, the
● Fails the cladistic test outgroup has a shared primitive
character that is common to all
3. Construct a character table and tabulate
the data.
a. The more shared characters, the
more closely related are the
● Only monophyletic group is acceptable in 4. Construct a cladogram based on the
cladistic analysis number of shared characters

Constructing cladograms
1. Identify homologies
a. Shared characteristics derived
from one ancestor
2. When constructing a cladogram, the
greater the number of homologous paarts
between two organisms, the more closely
related they are
3. The classification scheme must reflect the
Classification Schemes
1. Classical/Artificial
Similarities can either be:
a. Based on few observable
a. Shared primitive characters
i. Homologous characters that are
i. Linnaeus Sexual System
shared by more than one taxon
and Theophrastus from
ii. (example) backbone is shared by
system of plant
mammals and reptiles
b. Shared derived characteristics
ii. Theophrastus -
i. An evolutionary novelty that is
classification system of
unique for a particular clade
plants, made use of plant
ii. The more derived characters that a
habit only, classified
species has, the more
plants according to the
evolutionarily unique it is
Steps to construct a cladogram
2. Phenetics/Natural
1. Select your species for which you want to
a. Constructs phenohgrams based
make a cladogram. These are called the
on overall similarity, largely
ingroup. They have shared primitive and
phenotypic, without regard to
derived characters.
2. Select an outgroup
evolutionary history; all characters Development of Plant Classification System
are given equal weights ● Premolecular classification
i. Sneath and Sokal ○ Artifical
Numerical Taxonomy ○ Natural
(1973) ■ Sneath and Sokal
ii. Builds a phenogram Numerical Taxonomy is
3. Cladistics an appilication of natural
a. Constructs cladograms anchored classification
on assumed phylogenetic ○ Phylogenetic
relationships ● Molecular classification
i. Willi Henning ○ Phylogenetic
Phylogenetic Systematics ● Postmolecular classifications
(1966) ○ Phylogenetic based on a wide array
of characters including the
molecular and
micromorphological level (based
on the Angiosperm Phylogeny
Group [APG])
○ APG - group of scientists working
on classification of flowering

Drawing of Phylogenetic classifications

● Baesd on Darwin’s Natural Selection theory
○ On The Origin of Species by Means
of Natural Selection on the
Preservation of Favoured Races in
the Struggle for Life Classification of Life: The Five-Kingdom System (R.
○ Published 1859 Whittaker & L. Margulis 1969)
Phylogenetic classifications
● Charles Bessey (1845-1915)
○ Proposed the Phylogenetic
Taxonomy of Flowering Plants
○ Based classification on 28 guiding
dicta to determine the level of
being simple/complex,
Classification of Life: The Three-Domain/ Eight Species Fixity
Kingdom System (Campbell, 1996) ● Concept that each species remain
unchanged since its creation
● Began by Plato (428-348 BC)
○ Theory of Forms
○ There is a perfect form for every
organism, any deviation from that
would be considered an
○ Perfect vs imperfect forms;
variations are imperfections
● Reinforced by Aristotle
○ Theory of types
○ Species reflect existence of
unchanging ideal form the
universal or type
○ Variations are imperfections
Classification of Life: The
● St. Augustine (AD 345-430)
Two-Empire/Eight-Kingdom System
○ Adhered to the Aristotelian fixity of
(May 1997)
○ “In the beginning were created
only germs or causes of the forms
of life which were afterwards to be
developed in gradual course”
■ St. Augustine from De
Genesi (Literal meaning of
● St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
○ Design in nature is evidence of
benevolence, omnipotence, and
existence of God as Creator of the
Six-Kingdom Classification (Woese, 1977) existing order (Argument from
● Accepted design)
● Kingdom Eubacteria (domain Bacteria) ● Caroulus Linnaeus (1707-1778)
● Kingdom Protista (domain Eukarya) ○ An entire species could be
● Kingdom Fungi (domain Eukarya) represented by one type specimen
● Kingdom Plante (domain Eukarya) (holotype)
● Kingdom Animalia (domain Eukarya) ● Typological species concept =
Morphological Species Concept (Linneaus)
September 8, 2022 - Species, Species Concepts ○ Species is a set of organisms that
and Speciation resemble one another and is
General Ideas on Species distinct from other sets
● Latin for “kind” or “appreance” ○ Species are groups of individuals
● Species: organisms belonging to the same that are morphologically similar
kind and clearly distinguishable from
individuals of other groups
How many species are there? Species as Evolving Entities
● No one knows ● Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
● Estimate 3.6 to 111 million species ○ Origin of Species* (1859)
● Normally used working figure is often 10 to ○ Central dogma of Biological
15 million Studies
○ 2000+ years of certainty in fixed
Development of species concept species ended
○ Species Problem was born ○ Fireflies recognize signals of their
The Modern Species Problem own species
● Problem of competing species concepts ○ Frogs have calls that only attract
○ Biological Species Concept their own species
○ Paleontological Species Concept ○ Birds have songs that only attract
○ Ecological Species Concept their own species
○ Phylogeneic Species concept Temporal isolation
○ Etc.. ● Species reproduce in different seasons or
The Biological Species Concept at different timmes of the day
● Ernst Mayr’s biological species concept ○ Frog species mate at different
defines species as… seasons
“...groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural
populations which are reproductively isoloated from
other such groups.”
● In short, members of a population mate
with each other and procude fertile
Reproductively isolated
● Populations whose members do not mate
with each other or who cannot produce
Mechanical isolation
fertile offspring
● Structural differences between species
● Reproductive isolating mechanisms:
prevent mating
barriers to successful reproduction
○ Flowers of varied nature of corolla
○ Geographic (prezygotic)
are likely visted by dissimilar
○ Behavioral (prezygotic)
○ Mechanical (prezygotic)
○ Insects whose copulatory organs
○ Ecological (prezygotic)
may not fit together, so no sperm
○ Temporal (prezygotic)
wpuld be transferred
○ Gamete fusion (prezygotic)
Prevention of gamete fusion
○ Postzygotic (Once fertilization is
(Gametic/gametophytic isolation)
successfully carried out)
● Gametes of one species functions poorly
with the gametes of another species or
Prezygotic Isolating Mechanism
within the reproductive tract of another
○ Failure of egg to recognize sperm
from another species among
aquatic species
○ Failure of pollen germination
between different flowering plant

Lions and tigers are GEOGRAPHICALLY (1) &

ECOLOGICALLY (2) isolated
● Also morphologically separated
● No zygote may be formed between two
distantly located organisms

Behavioral isolation
● Species differ in their mating rules
Limitations of biological species concept
● Interspecific hybridization among animals
● 10% of bird species have hybridized in
● Many plants naturally hybridize
1. Reduced Hybrid Viability ● Concept applies to sexual species only,
a. Hybrid zygotes fail to develop or excludes fossils and asexual organisms
fail to reach sexual maturity such as prokaryotes
2. Reduced hybrid fertility
a. Even if hybrids are vigorous, they Other species concepts
may be sterile Paleontological Species Concept
3. Hybrid breakdown ● Focuses on morphologically discrete
a. Offspring of hybrids have reduced species known only from fossil record
viability or fertility Phylogenetic Species Concept
● Defines a species as a set of organisms
with a unique genetic history-that is, as
one branch on the tree of life
Ecological Species Concept
● Views a species in terms of its ecological
niche, its role in a biological community

Real Species Problems

● Asexual populations
● Prokaryotes
● Interspecific hybrids
● Endosymbionts
● Are all organisms assignable to species?

How are Species formed?

● The process by which new species arise
either by
○ Anagenesis - Transformation of
one species into another
○ Cladogenesis - Splitting of one
ancestral species into two
descendant species
b. Speciation that takes place in
geographically overlapping
c. Chromosomal changes and
nonrandom mating reduce gene
3. Parapatric Speciation
a. Adjacent populations evolve into
distinct species while maintaining
contact along a common border
Remember: Species arise when individuals in a
population become isolated from one another

Modes of speciation

1. Allopatric Speciation
a. “Patric” = country
b. Speciation that takes place in
populations with geographically
separate ranges
c. Gene flow is interrupted and new
species evolve
2. Sympatric Speciation
a. “Same country”
Autopolyploidy arises from gene duplication

Causes of genome duplication

a. Meotic non-reduction of gametes (in both
egg and sperm)
b. Genome duplication w/o cytokinesis (after
● Autopolyploids are fertile because each
chromosome has a partner with which it
can pair during meiosis, the process in
which gametes are produced
● Duplicated genomes are tertraploid when
the cell contains 4 copies of each
chromosome. It is diploid when it contains
only 2 copies of each,
● Autopoluploidy in some plants can result in
Examples of Sympatric Speciation
cells with more than a hundred
● Speciation that takes place in
geographically overlapping populations
○ Occur by chromosomal changes
Allopolyploidy arises from hybridization plus
and nonrandom mating. Both can
genome duplication
reduce gene flow between
organisms and cause populations
to evolve to new species
● Greater than 2 sets of chromosomes
● Most common in plants
Allopolyploidy Origin of Life, Geologic Time, Speciation,
● Chromosomes in the new species come Extinction
from two different (but related ancestral)
species Theories on the origin of life

● Seeds everywhere
● Life exists throughout the Universe,
distributed by space dust, meteoroids,
asteroids, comets, planetoids, and also by
contaminated spacecraft
● Deinococcus radiodurans
○ Extremophilic bacterium and one
of the most radiation-resistant
organisms known. It can survive
cold, dehydration, vacuum, and
acid. It has been listed as the
world’s toughest known bacterium
in The Guinness Book of World
○ Found to withstand harsh
environmental conditions present
in outer space. Deinococcus
radiodurans was exposed for 1 year
outside the International Space
Station with Tanpopo orbital
mission (Microbiome, 2020)

Spontaneous Generation Theory (Abiogenesis)

● Life can arise from nonliving matter.
● Aristotle (384-322 BC) proposed that life
arose from nonliving material if the
material contained pneuma (vital heat)
● Evidences
○ Bivalves/fishes from
spontaneously in mud or sand
○ Insects generated on dew falling oxides, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia,
on leaves hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide)
○ The atmosphere was devoid of
Spontaneous Generation - 19th Century oxygen = reducing oxygen
Lamarck (1724-1829)
● Each species arose from an independent Synthesis of Organic Compounds on Early Earth
event of spontaneous generation ● In the 1920’s, A.I. Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane
● Spontaneous generation continues today hypothesized that the early atmosphere
was a reducing environment and could
Spontaneous generation was first refuted by produce organics
Pasteur (1822-1895) ● In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey
● Demonstrated experimentally that conducted lab experiments that showed
microbes would not appear in flasks that the abiotic synthesis of organic
protected from dust and other small molecules (amino acids) in a reducing
particles atmosphere is possible

The key building blocks of life are not hard to

come by
● Amino acids have also been found in
● RNA monomers have been produced
● The biological production of organic
spontaneously from simple molecules
compounds from C-1 compounds and
● In water, lipids and other organic molecules
nutrients, using the energy generated by
can spontaneously form vesicles with a
the oxidation of inorganic (e.g. hydrogen
lipid bilayer
gas, hydrogen sulfide, ammonium,) or C-1
● Adding clay can increase the rate of vesicle
organic (e.g. methane, methanol)
● Vesicles exhibit simple reproduction and
● Implies that the development of life is
metabolism and maintain an internal
probable wherever the proper physical and
chemical environment
chemical conditions are in place
○ Result —> protocells
Conditions on early Earth made the origin of life
possible Chemical and physical processes on early Earth
may have produced very simple cell through a
● Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago,
sequence of stages
along with the rest of the solar system
a. Abiotic synthesis of small organic
● Bombardment of Earth by rocks and ice
likely vaporized water and prevented seas
b. Joining of these small molecules into
from forming before 4.2 to 3.9 billion years
c. Packaging of molecules into protocells
● Earth’s early atmosphere likely contained
d. Origin of self-replicating molecules
water vapor and chemicals released by
volcanic eruptions (nitrogen, nitrogen
The rise and fall of groups of organisms reflect
differences in speciation and extinction rates.
● Not only geologic time but also continental
movement had profound effects on these
○ A continent’s climate can change
as it moves north or south
○ Separation of land masses can
lead to allopatric speciation
What died: 86% of species and 57% of genera
(Trilobites, corals, etc)
What thrived best: Sponges

When (MYA): 359-380
Why: Climate change for >20 million plus years:
volcanic activity in Siberia, reduced oxygen levels in
the oceans
What died: 75% of species and 35% of genera;
placoderms, corals, trilobites
What thrived best: Small vertebrates, tetrapods,
amphibians, reptiles, mammals

When (MYA): 251
Why: Volcanic activity in Siberia; global warming;
apocalypse unfolded over a span of about 50,000
What died: 96% of species and 35% of genera; vast
forests; amphibians; marine life
What thrived best: Fungi; early ancestors of

Permian extinctions
A number of factors might have contributed to these
Mass Extinctions 1. Intense volcanism in what is now Siberia
● The fossil record shows that most species 2. Global warming resulting from the
that have ever lived are now extinct emission of large amounts of Co2 from the
● At times, the rate of extinction has other volcanoes
increased dramatically and caused a mass 3. Reduced temperature gradient from
extinction, and is the result of disruptive equator to poles
global environmental changes
When (MYA): 201
Why: Massive volcanic eruptions in what would
become the Atlantic Ocean
What died: 80% of Species and 47% of genera;
ribbonlike fish conodont, reptiles
What thrived best: Dinosaurs

When (MYA): 65.5
Why: Asteroid; volcanic eruptions
The “Big Five” Mass Extinction Events What died: 76% of species and 40% of genera;
● In each of the five mass extinction events, dinosaurs, ammonites, etc..
more than 50% of the Earth’s population What thrived best: Mammals
became extinct
Cretaceous extinction
Ordovician 1. Dinosaurs went extinct after living for ca.
When: (MYA): ca. 443 165 MY on earth
Why: Climate change (first icy, then ice melted)
2. Planetwide volcanism; large-scale volcanic
eruption in the Indian Deccan Traps
a. A spike in carbon dioxide and a
drop in ocean oxygen levels
3. An asteroid (or comet) hit the earth and
created a cloud of debris that blocked out
sunlight for months. Temperatures dropped
and plants died.

Is a Sixth Mass Extinction Under Way?

● Scientists estimate that the current rate of
extinction is 1,000 to 10,000 times the
typical background rate (IUCN)
○ Background extinction = normal
1997 Core - Tiny Creatures Tell a Big Story extinction rate, refers to the
number of species that would be
expected to go extinct over a
period of time, based on
non-anthropogenic (non-human)
○ Species-level life span
○ The baseline extinction rate is
about one species per one million
species per year.
○ For mammals
■ Background extinction: 1
species / 200 years
■ Current: 89 species from
past 400 years alone
● Speciation has generated the diversity of
● Eukaryotes are “cells within cells”
● Photosynthesis changed the course of
evolution - and the planet
● Multicellular organisms developed
relatively late in Earth's history

Major threats to biodiversity are:

● Habitat destruction and degradation
● Over-exploitation (extraction, hunting,
fishing, etc)
● Pollution
● Disease
● Invasions of alien species (e.g. cats and
rats on islands)
● Global climate change (changes in
migratory species, coral bleaching)

Data suggest that a sixth mass extinction is already

underway and speeding up unless dramatic action
is taken.
● Cause: Anthropogenic
● Extinction rates speeded up since the
1800s (Industrial Age)

Consequences of Mass Extinctions

Mass extinction can pave the way for adaptive
● Mammals underwent adaptive radiation
after the extinction of terrestrial dinosaurs
● Other notable radiations include
photosynthetic prokaryotes, large predators
in the Cambrian, land plants, insects, and

Evolutionary Milestones
● Life arose from nonlife
○ Involved a lot of chemical
processes in between
○ Chemosynthetic process
● The first organisms were single cells

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