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Trisha R.

Miña BSHM 2B

Quiz#4 10/4/2022

1. Discuss the importance of technology in dealing with your own business enterprise.

-The importance of technology in business is that it is very efficient to have technology

because you can make many things that help your business grow and be successful in the future.
With technology, you can easily do more products or services that are not time-wasting.
Additionally, by having technology, you can easily promote or advertise your product or services
by using cellphones, laptops, computers, etc. lastly, it is easy for you to comply and track the
records of your business, including your employees and all.

2. What are the implications of high internet connection in dealing with everyday life?

- Having a high internet connection is very helpful for us in dealing with everyday life
because with high internet, you can easily do whatever you want to do that is not time wasting.
And also, having high internet can make a lot more difference to growing our country's economy
because most businesses use internet connections.

3. What is your opinion about the current internet connection here in the Philippines?

-Sadly, my opinion about the current internet connection here in the Philippines is not
satisfactory because our internet here is very poor, which can make you upset or lose patience
because of how poor our internet is here in the Philippines.

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