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MUN- 13/04/2023

Saudi Arabia has recently announced a new contract-based system to replace the kafala
policy, which will allow most foreign workers to freely enter and exit the country; and to
freely change employers one year into their first contract. The reform took place after
extensive policy dialogue. Saudi Arabia began allowing migrant workers to leave the
country without their sponsor’s permission.

Based on the 2020 edition of the International Migrant Stock database of the Population
Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), in
2020, Arab countries hosted 41.4 million international migrants and refugees, who made up
around 15 per cent of all migrants and refugees worldwide. 

The United States has removed key ally Saudi Arabia from its list of the worst offenders
on human trafficking. The State Department’s 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report  said
the country had made “key achievements” in the last 12 months. It also said that Saudi
authorities had “criminally convicted and sentenced to stringent imprisonment terms
two Saudi officials complicit in trafficking crimes during the recent years” .T he country
was moved from Tier 3 to Tier 2.


This is likely due to Saudi Arabia's close economic ties with China and its desire to maintain
a positive relationship with Beijing.

Saudi officials have stated that they are concerned about the situation and have raised the
issue privately with Chinese authorities. Saudi religious scholars have issued statements
condemning China's actions, and there have been some protests by Saudi citizens.

In 2019, the Saudi ambassador to China, he also said that Saudi Arabia hoped the issue of the
Uighurs would be resolved in accordance with international human rights standards.

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