Dimple Jane Bahian - Movie Analysis - 2K5

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Movie Analysis

The Great Hack

The Great Hack is a 2019 documentary film about the Facebook–Cambridge

Analytica data scandal, produced and directed by Jehane Noujaim and Karim
Amer, both previous documentary Academy Award nominees (The Square,
Control Room, Startup.com). The 2016 US Presidential election, the Brexit
referendum, and other international political campaigns are all addressed in "The
Great Hack" to a lesser extent. A now-defunct company named Cambridge
Analytica, which is represented by a number of former workers throughout the
movie, is the unifying denominator in all these incidents.

The movie explores how a data company named Cambridge Analytica came to
symbolize the dark side of social media in the wake of the 2016 U.S. presidential
election, as uncovered by journalist Carole Cadwalladr. In connecting to the vast
power of social media and how it affects governments, campaigns, and, even
elections, this movie has really a great impacts about it. Every individual must
know that the Great Hack is all about exposing the advancement abuse and
misuse of internet user's personal data over the years, since technology is more
innovative in today's time. It impacts in every aspects of our lives especially the
government, campaigns and even elections. It starts off sounding like it's going
to discuss data farming in general before focusing solely on the Trump Campaign
and anyone who is right-leaning. The employment of "propaganda" is discussed,
although Obama's political marketing campaign is not referred to as propaganda.
They talk about "the persuadable"—individuals without a strong preference for
one side or the other—whose ideas they would try to sway through marketing
strategies, but this is precisely the audience for which the movie is intended.
They certainly succeeded in creating propaganda with this movie. In campaigns,
there is nobody there forcing your hand when you vote but people were swayed
by anything like adverts is actually insulting their intelligence.

The movie itself are giving us the insight on how to prioritize it to keep our
family, and business' information safe from data harvesting. Additionally, on how
to deal other people's data particularly our clients. Just don’t be a
“PERSUADABLE” as described in the video. Don’t be a “useful idiot” like Vladimir
Lennon says is critical for his rise of communism. Be an INFORMED voter. Be a
critical thinker. Do these simple things and their ability to manipulate you will be
greatly reduced.

Dimple Jane B. Bahian

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