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Teacher Education Program

Elementary Lesson Plan Template – ABRIDGED

Name: Shellsea Melara Date(s) of implementation: 4/18/2022

Key Content Standards and CA ELD Standards (Integrated ELD): List the relevant parts of each content and ELD standard. (TPE 3.1)
R.L 3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions
contribute to the sequence of events.
Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do? (TPE 3.1, 3.3)
SWBAT makes inferences based on characters' notice patterns which help them understand the author's overall
message or big idea about the character

Prerequisite Skills: What do students need to know and be able to do in order to engage in the lesson? (TPE 3.2, 4.2, 4.4)
- Understand patterns
- understand evidence can be used as text, dialogue, actions, ect
- Understand the meaning and purpose of inferring
Backward Planning (Summative Assessment): What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objective by the
end of the lesson or learning segment? (TPE 1.5, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1)
- students will be able to share their inferences with partners out loud with the help of sentence frames. “ I infer that Opal is _____
because (i know in real life that, in the text it says, or she does)

Modifications: What modification of the above assessment will you use for students with various support needs (including language learners)?
(TPE 4.4)
- Sentence phrases will be placed on the board in English and Spanish
- Vocabulary words will be said and written on the board, we will clap out syllables, and definitions (both languages)
Checking for Understanding (Formative Assessments): How will you monitor student learning to make modifications during the lesson(s)?
(TPE 1.5, 1.8, 3.3, 3.4, 4.7, 5.1)
- Walking around while listening to student pair talk
- Students will return to their seats, read a fiction book of their choice for 15 min, then have a think pair share and write down their
- students have the opportunity to share their inferences with the class
Connections (TPE 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4)
· Connections to Students’ Lives - experiences, interests, development, and social-emotional learning needs:
- Making friends or meeting someone new
· Connections to Real Life Contexts & Culturally Responsive Practices:
- T will make a connection about meeting new students in her class, being observant, and noticing likes and dislikes from students in
comparison to reading about a new character
Differentiation (TPE 1.4, 3.2, 3.6, 4.4, 5.8):
Describe your differentiated instructional strategies for…
· Varying Academic Abilities:
- Vocabulary words will be said and written on the board, we will clap out syllables, and definitions (both languages)
- Guided reading as the whole class
- Poster with pictures that relate to the story
- IRL during independent reading
- sentence frames’
- Work with a small group during individual reading
- Characteristics packets with picture/symbol
· Language Levels:
Academic Language (Integrated ELD): What CA ELD Standards, content-specific vocabulary, skill-specific vocabulary, text structures, and
stylistic or grammatical features will be explicitly taught? (TPE 1.6, 3.1, 3.5, 4.1, 5.7)
- Observant
- independent

Name: Shellsea Melara Date(s) of implementation:

Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning:

How will you 1) engage/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning, 2) identify
learning outcomes 3) present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4) monitor student learning during instruction, 5)
build metacognitive understanding, and 6) maintain a positive learning environment that is culturally responsive?

List what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing.
DAY __ of __
Time Teacher Student Resources / Materials
10:20 Connection
Readers, I want to tell you a secret. Come
close. At the beginning of this year, I came into
your classroom and I have to admit, I was very
nervous about meeting you all.
I wondered to myself ….” Are they accepting
newcomers? Are they inclusive?

Then I walked in on the first day of school, and

quickly I began to know you. ( share their
perspectives as well)
I notice that you are all-inclusive to your
classmates and teacher
One reason is that you follow your social
contrast every day,
the second reason is that all your classmates
feel included as you listen and respond to each
other in the community circle,
and the third reason is that during “free time”,
I notice that you share and invite others to play
board games
Winn Dixie Book
Your actions and everyday routines (patterns)
gave me an idea of who you are

and you know what? The way I got to know a

new class full of kids is the same way that
readers get to know characters when reading

Naming the Teaching Point

Today we will meet a new friend,
as we begin reading a new book called “ Students give thumbs-up
Because of Winn-Dixie”, we will meet new
characters such as Opal. We will notice how
characters talk and act, discovering what they
are like.

Action: show poster with a picture of Opal, a

dog, and Florida*

As readers, we should be observant( write on

board, definition, clap syllables)

Thumbs up if you are excited to meet our

new friend
Questions while reading Ch. 1
1) Remember this part after the store manager

has seen the chaos that Winn-Dixie creates in

his store? *Restate” p.9

What do we notice about Opal?*signal

thinking* “She did something interesting… Students Think Pair Share

she stood up to a manager who's a little scary

and claimed a stray dog as hers, even though

she'd never seen the dog before”

Sentence frame:” I infer that Opal is

independent (write on board, syllables,


One reason is that, from my own schema, I

know that being assertive and standing up to

someone who is older or is screaming can be

Students will Think Pair Share (with
partner and class)

Think about how I did to make this

White Board
Ending of chapter one

What inference can we make from her

actions? think *thumbs up*(look over

characteristics packet), turn, and talk *thumbs

up* Would anyone like to share?

Students will clap out the symbols

Sentence frame:” I notice that Opal is _____ for the vocabulary word

because, from my own schema, I know that…

Student Practice as a whole group Characteristics packet

We infer that Opal is __ because of her actions. Think Pair Share (Ask students to
use their list of characteristics
While we continue to read, we must observe
patterns through actions and text that

demonstrate and strengthen our inferences.

Action: Write student responses on the poster

Thank you for sharing and participating, we

will continue to make inferences on Opal as we

continue to read the story. We will notice

patterns in her actions and text that will help us

get to know our friends better. IRL Books or Computer

Independent Practice and Small


Students will go back to their desks

Once we go back to our table we will focus on and practice inferences (IRL)

practicing being observant readers.

1) Find a book fiction on RaEpic Think Pair Share

2) Notice the character's actions and text

3) Make an inference about the character

using the sentence frame posted

4) Turn and talk (instructed) and share

inferences to class

Conferences: SMALL GROUP analyzing

characters traits- USE SPECIFIC

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