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Academic Writing

Application of Knowledge
Dr. Trevor Mendis (Ph.D)
Business Writing and

Academic writing
Differences between Business writing and
Academic writing

• Format/s
• Formality (academic writing is formal and
business writing is informal)
• Rational (business writing does not need a
rational in most of the instances)
• Interpretation
Business Academic
workers, supervisors, subordinates Professors, journal readers

reports, procedures, proposals: explain “thought pieces”: Built in Literature

how something happened, how to theoretical underpinning,
do, understanding something,
propose a project.

• imparting info is end result

imparting info is also end result, but must
place in the relevant context
• Memoranda, Reports Journals, Conference papers, thesis..

• No references References required

Sri Jayawardanepura University incorrect

Sri Jayewardenepura University correct

“Failing to plan is planning to fail”
Pay attention to detail….
Student stimulation

Simple exercise to assess General Knowledge

• 2022 FIFA world cup will be held in ………………….

• Israel spy service is known as …………………

• Sri Devi’s last husband is …………………..

• No of MPs in Sri Lankan Parliament: ………………

• Great car racing champion who is now in a coma ………………………

• Recently assassinated Iranian Commander’s name ……………………………

• CNN stands for ……………………………………….

• Who hacked Jeff Bezo’s phone? …………………………………….

• Richest woman in the world………………………………

• “Ira Sanda Wandala” song was originally sung by…………………….

• Osama Bin Laden was born in ………………

• Write anything in the given space
• New British PM’s name is ……………………..

• Harry Potter’s name is ……………….

• Two probable reasons to impose sanctions on Iran’s……………….

• Four countries that have moved barriers to Qatar…………. …………….. ………….


• Name of the Israel PM? ……………

Few important aspects…

• Application of knowledge
• Time management
• 4Ds’
• Perception
Write myself in 03 different ways…
Tables / Figures:

Table 1.1: Export trend from 2010-2017 in Sri Lanka

Source: CBSL. Annual Report. (2008, p. xxx)

References ;
• Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Annual Report-2008.
References & Bibliography
• Introduction
• Structure
• 3Bs
• Theory / models and application of theory/models
• Examples
• Analysis
• Conclusion
• Recommendations
• References
• Cover page
Attributes- logo/ emblem , ………..
Individual Assignment:
See page 23

Group Assignment
See page 27
Table of Contents

Page no 55
Displaying figures in the body of the assignment

Figure 2.1: Ugandan Model in CG…

Source: Gavin & Geoffrey. Organizational Behaviour in Uganda. 2004, p. xx).

Displaying tables in the body of the assignment

Table 3.2: Exports of Sri Lanka from 2017-2018

Source: CBSL. Annual Report.(2019, p. xx)

Theoretical Underpinning

ABC theory
XYZ theory
PQR theory

Porters Five Force Model….

Models are not theories….

Application of theory/ models ….to the given scenario
Sound Attributes in Academic Writing

• Intellectual requirements
• Supporting evidence
• Quantitative measures
• Qualitative measures
• Intellectual rigour
• Critical analysis
• Ethically prepared
• Consistency
• Intellectual integrity
Value Additions;
• Charts (pie, gnat, bar..)
• Tables
• Figures
• Arguments
• Quotes
• Flow and the sequence
• Graphs (dotted, single line, different colours…)
• Adding colour
• Adding a suitable theme/ picture Cumbersome, tiny, so
many figures/ numbers… etc should be stated as
attachments or annexure after referencing &
How to improve quality & content..
• Analyse
• Explain / narrate
• Argue
• Rationalize
• Use charts/ graphs… to support your arguments/ points
• Demonstrate the summary in the body of the
assignment and trivial aspects under annexure.
• Avoid plagiarism by duly acknowledging the source in
the body and giving a detail one under references.
Writing skills
• Grammar
• Presentation (way of presenting facts…)
• Avoiding punctuation errors (margins, spacing, bold
letters, no unnecessary space, font size, ..)
• Making reader friendly
Examination Answers
Thank you

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