The Milkmaid and Her Pail

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The Milkmaid and Her Pail

Once there was a young milkmaid who was going to the market carrying a jug of milk. While walking, she thought about
all the things she would do with the money she would get for selling her milk.
“When they pay me,” she said to herself, “I'll buy some chickens. The chickens will lay a lot of eggs which I will sell at the
market. With the money I make from the eggs I will buy myself a dress and very elegant shoes. Then I will go to the fair
and since I will look so beautiful, all the boys will want to come and talk to me.”
Thinking of everything she would do with the money from selling her milk, the maid soon became distracted and tripped
on a stone. Her jug broke, spilling all the milk. With the jug broken, so too were her dreams of the chickens and eggs, the
dress and shoes.
Moral: Do not count you chickens before they are hatched.

The Milkmaid and Her Pail

Once there was a young milkmaid who was going to the market carrying a jug of milk. While walking, she thought about
all the things she would do with the money she would get for selling her milk.
“When they pay me,” she said to herself, “I'll buy some chickens. The chickens will lay a lot of eggs which I will sell at the
market. With the money I make from the eggs I will buy myself a dress and very elegant shoes. Then I will go to the fair
and since I will look so beautiful, all the boys will want to come and talk to me.”
Thinking of everything she would do with the money from selling her milk, the maid soon became distracted and tripped
on a stone. Her jug broke, spilling all the milk. With the jug broken, so too were her dreams of the chickens and eggs, the
dress and shoes.
Moral: Do not count you chickens before they are hatched.
Había una vez una joven lechera que iba al mercado con una
jarra de leche. Mientras caminaba, pensaba en todas las cosas
que haría con el dinero que obtendría por vender su leche.
“Cuando me paguen”, se dijo, “compro unas gallinas. Las
gallinas pondrán muchos huevos que venderé en el mercado.
Con el dinero que saque de los huevos me compraré un vestido
y unos zapatos muy elegantes. Luego iré a la feria y como me
veré tan hermosa, todos los muchachos querrán venir a hablar
Pensando en todo lo que haría con el dinero de la venta de su
leche, la criada pronto se distrajo y tropezó con una piedra. Su
jarra se rompió, derramando toda la leche. Con la jarra rota,
también lo estaban sus sueños de las gallinas y los huevos, el
vestido y los zapatos.
Moraleja: No cuentes tus pollos antes de que nazcan.

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