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Yard of Ale is a large-scale brewery in Sri Lanka and well establish company control 20%
market share of beer market which is the 2nd biggest market share from entire beer market.
The company have automated production line include mills, Brewhouse and bottling plant and
each control by separate embedded software system not allowed to access operational data
stores but can be configured to generate CSV or excel operational data file at the end of each
batch. The company consists of multiple departments responsible for each operations of the
organization such as Production, Engineering, HR/Legal, finance, Sales and marketing,
Procurement, Administration, Quality control, Research and development, IT and each and
every department have its own operational systems to record keeping purposes and each
operational application software developed by professionally. Each department manages by a
department manager. For an example, production department manages by the production
manager and he is responsible for manage all production related operations in sub
departments. Mills ,Brewhouse ,Bottling plant, raw material and finish products stores and
each sub department managed by operational manager. This hierarchical configuration
replicates throughout most of the department. Upper management of brewery required to
consolidate all these data in to one data warehouse with the data contain in the legacy system
as well. Other than that upper management required to incorporate every external data about
company and products from various data collection and research agencies the business
intelligent system. Those external data available as JSON/XML data files, plain text reports,
social media comments/posts and all negative and positive online comments about
organization and products.

Upper management of company believe more you know about organization and the external
environment you have better completive advantage. Have potential to control bigger market
share and effectively become number 1 beer in Sri Lanka

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