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Hamilton Sundstrand Timea CORI Cony te 64128 toon Sundneand Corporation DESIGN SPECIFICATION (CS-EPDS) 7 RAE-LIONS § pec 2001 Waid NOTTRANSMETTED - FOR Rt COU LRU: CDU ta CY, Mitogran 30-ADmnsee Counter LABELS 172 ‘Vatets) ut Eunet, Logic | Lowtcd 2 | 2 | 4 i FT] ARINC Label Nombers 172 ‘Sousee Destination Index (SD Rueed Wot Used Not Ueed isiegram 20 40nnsee Counter ‘Sign totus Mari (S580) Paty 8 Souce Destination hudex (SPN) Noid a Not Used 3 Net Used 1 1S 6 17 8 is Ea | to number (ee Appendix ¥) 2 2 2 EI 5 26 2 2 ‘Comaand Value (ce Table 1) » 0 3H Sign Sits Nain (68M) 2 Paty (O03) AS Calculated sor disclosure ofthis data is suboct othe cestraction on the ite page of ts dacianent Hamilton Sundstrand ro Tinie eonaegae Company DESIGN SPECIFICATION pune acs- EPDS) Fec200 teat ochord, ls 61126 Hunion Sundyrad Corporation ROT TRANSMITTED - FOR REFERENCE ONLY CDULRU: CDU to CBU, Mstograem » 200nsee Counter LABEL: 198 Vahuetsp Emerton Lovet | Losiee ARINC-420 Label Number = 135, Source Destination ees (SEH) Ror red Ret Used er Used Hisiageam > 200masoe ° Sign Status Matis (SM) ° Parity (Oa) ‘As Caleulted Use or ascloruve of Hs dota ss subject to the ret itionon tho ule page of this doownent ” Wamilton Sundstrand DESIGN SPECHACATION (CS- EPDS) ra oehord, tus 61125 Hanon Sundseand Corporation NOT TRANSMITTED - FOR REFERENCE ONLY DU LRU: CU to DAL, Contmon HRT Test Resulls LABEI Valuets) Bit Logics | Lovieg i 3 4 FT] ARINC 429 Rabe Number = 200 ¢ 7 a 3 o 10 | Source Detination index (SBI) 6 i | Nausea @ 1 [ Net Ure ° 1 [Rated 0 i4__| chook id= Power On fat Taw 15 | ine loopbick ret = Power On Fail Pas 1S | en addiess est Fail Pass 17 __| srree loopback rx? - Power On Fait Pass 18 [tes supervisor Power On Pat Tass To __| arin, ware. fomout- Comlawous Fail Pass 20 | Norse 6 21__| check tak_overeun - Contino Pac 22__| eheck sector, sable - Commons Fail Pass 23 | eheak_main loop - Contiouons Fail Pass 24 | check compenion - Continuous nil Pose 25 ine. quous.oveeren Co Fail Pass 26__| compue,aiecksum - Contawnus Fail Pass Bi | eheek raps Continsour al Dass 28 | cheek, sok - Continous Fail Pass 25 | Noi Uso 6 3M 2 BI__| Sign Sctus Matric (SSN) e 22__| Pay Oa) As Caleatned Use or disctoaure ofthis data is abject to the restttion on the ttle page of ths docunten BENGE DESIGN SPECIFICATION BANOS Ral ois Hamilton Sundstrand ni aN 0089 inked Teint ap evs acs - Epps) DATE: DEC 2601 TAGE: West RoeMfod tina 125 Hunton wean Cperato NOT TRANSMITTED - FOR REFERENCE ONLY ‘COU LRU: CDU (0 DAU, Power On BIT Test Rests LABEL: 201 Values) wnction Logte Logica Source Dea Nor ed Not Used ot Used esting, card Wot Used Wor Used Net Wied Not Used Rat Used Not Used Nor Used Not sed Nov tied Not Used Nat Used Not Used Not Geel Rei Used Not Used ‘Sig Status Navix SSM} Paviy (Ost) As Calptsted se or disclosure ofthis data is subject othe restriction ot the tle page of this docuaet, Hamilton Sundstrand anaes Hanae cao DESIGN SPECTEICATION Ra 700.097 (ICS - EPDS) IGE oro, ints 6125 tute a a YE TRANSMITFED - FOR REFERENCE ONLY CU TRU: CDU fo DAL, Contionous BIT Test Resuts Lawes 202 Valve} nm Emetian 1 2 3 + 3__} aRNC-#29 Label Number 202 e 7 a 2 © 10. | Somes Destinator tex (SPD a iy [Nate a Fe [Ror tsoe e 1B __ | Norse @ T4__| check redundant pon Fall Pass 15_| cheek sting. sonne Fal Pass 3o_ [Ret Usea ° | Notsea ® 1s | Nettsea e | Naruse @ 20_ | Netusea ° 21 | Natkee @ 2 | Nor Osea @ 2 | Nor Used @ 2 [ Nosed © 2 | Not ised 2 2 __| Nor Used ° 2_| Nethed e 25 [Nosed ° 4 | NetUset @ [2 o Bi__{ Sign Status srs ($844) e 32_| pay ous As Calculated Use ar disclosure ofthis data i subject the restricuon on the ee poge of cus desert DESIGN SPECIFICATION (ICS - EPDS) Hamilton Sundstrand NOTTRANSMLYTED - FOR REFERENCE ONLY (COU LRU: CDU to DAU, Companion Commen IT Test Resuls LABEL: 204 Values) Bit yeton Louie | Logie 1 2 a 3} ARINC#29 Label Number 204 6 7 8 > o 16 __| Source Destination hex (S00) ° i [Norteed e 2 [Nore @ 13 | Nor ee @ Ta __| cheek 4 Power On Pas 35 Paeine loopback ml - Power On Pas 16 | rom, addess_ tes Pass TF arine loopback. re - Power On Pass 1S __ | test superstar - Power On Pass 19__[ ane. sesehdog_ timeout - Contiouous Pass 20 | Not Used a 21__| eheck task overa- Comtianone Fall Pass 22 | eheck_ vector table Gontinsous Fail Pass 23 | eheck main loop- Coniinuons Fail Past 24__| check, companion - Continuous Fail Past 25 ___[ seine, gaeve_ovewron - Gantinuoes Pai Pass Be | compute, cheokaum - Continous Fat Pass 27__| check raps - Continous Fait Pass 28 | check stack Continuous bat Pass 2 | Recuied ° 30, @ 317 | siga seats Matric (85x) a 32 __| Parity Ose As Caleuated se 7 disclosure ofthis dai is subject to the serction on He bile page of this document gp pag ser a ¢ Hamilton Sundstrand — ypocx sprcaicarion MSO: Kaba ne Co Ba “ CS - BPDS) DATE: REC 200 TAGE: Wess Mond, tase 61125 Heaton Salseaa Corporation NOT TRANSMITTED. fl CDULRU: CDU to DAL, Companion Power Ou BIE Fest Results Lal 205 Vaiue(s) Bit Penction sogie 1 Logic 0 1 z a + 3] ARINC-429 Lobel Number ~ 208 6 7 3 9 0 To | Source Destination Indox 565 ‘Cireufi Breaker Out Breaker Lock See CDU Labels 170 shrough!75 and 370 through 375 in ICS Appendix TV for the command format. The table in the following pages list all ofthe EPPS JIDs. Those thet are named SPARE or BUMMYNol Used ean not be commanded, ‘The Target determines what command label will be used to communicate the load change. For example: ACPC: Label £70for left CU 370 fr right CDU. Note that only loads with Virlual Cirenit Break ACPC'S AC 2 CABIN FEED has. target sj “This is because the Circuit [reaker is thermal circuit breaker and the CDU will never icate a ¥CB IN/OUT. '.AS.a result, the Target is specified as “No se or disclosure ofthis dai i subject 10 the restictio on the te page ofthis deciament. Hamilton Sundstrand — DESIGN SPECIFICATION -EPDS} Table V-2 SWITCH IID Tables “Tora AB 706-089| e Dee: 200, a lO iLoaa i: DIR EOOTWARMER SwiTCH 2 ale a ‘exis I ig Sia, bs ell IR RS, eu Use ordclose of thea 1s sabyect tH rest ction ow the tte page of tie locum

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