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Veiksmažodis to BE

Savo reikšme savarankiškas veiksmažodis to be atitinka lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodį būti. Kai veiksmažodis to be
eina tarinio jungtimi, jo ir lietuviško atitikmens pagrindinis skirtumas yra tas, kad lietuvių kalboje veiksmažodinė
jungtis būti esamajame laike dažniausiai praleidžiama, o anglų kalboje žodis be niekada negali būti praleistas.

Today is Wednesday = Šiandien – trečiadienis

Mary is a student = Marytė – studentė
Mary is very beautiful = Marytė labai graži

Veiksmažodis to be (Būti) turi tris esamojo laiko formas: am/is/are

Teigiamoji forma
I + am
He/She/It + is
We/You/They + are

I am young. I am smart. She is beautiful. Gold is metal. Today is Monday. We are active. Canada is very big

Neigiamoji forma
I +  am not
He/She/It + is not
We/You/They + are not

I am not young. I am not smart. She is not beautiful. Gold is not metal. We are not active. Canada is not very big

Klausiamoji forma
Am + I
Is + He/She/It
Are + We/You/They

Am I young? Am I smart? Is she beautiful? Is gold metal? Are we active? Is Canada very big country?

Trumposios veiksmažodžio to be formos:

Teigiamoji forma
I + am –> I’m
He/She/It + is –> He’s/She’s/It’s
We/You/They + are –> We’re/You’re/They’re

Neigiamoji forma
I + am not –> I’m not
He/She/It + is not –> He’s not/She’s not/It’s not arba he isn’t/she isn’t/he isn’t
We/You/They + are not –> We’re not/You’re not/They’re not arba We aren’t/You aren’t/They aren’t

I’m cold. Can you close the window, please?
I’m 32 years old. My sister is 29.
My brother is very tall. He’s a policeman.
John is afraid of dogs.
It’s ten o’clock. You’re late again.

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