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Adolescence is considered one of the hardest and grimmest times of every human.

It is the age
between being a child and being an adult, a confusing and challenging phase. These texts both
share a similar point of view on this polemic topic.

The first writer sheds light on the issue brought by the belief that adolescence is a horrendous
time when a teenager rebels against everything they have been taught. Moreover, they argue
it should be considered an age of self-awareness and a time of growth. However, the text fails
to mention how adolescence is not only a time of “self-discovery”, but it is also a time where
each person becomes who they need or want to be and stops being the child they were

Furthermore, the second writer highlights the challenges parents have to face when their
children become teenagers. They remark the physical and emotional changes adolescents have
to undergo and how some progenitors try to alter them in some way to achieve benefit. It
must also be mentioned how these can affect the child in question making them someone they
are not and turning them into a perfect human without considering their feelings.

All in all, both writers reflect an agreement on the subject of adolescence being a time of
transformations as humans, but I am of the opinion that they have gone overboard in their
criticism for this age and have not considered the beauty of it enough.

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