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Process of Communication - 1948

1. Speaker / Sender: the Schramm’s Communication Model

message encoded in either - 1954
verbal or nonverbal symbols - Wilber Schramm
originates from him or her - Without properly put into words
2. Listener / Receiver: speakers and communicating with others,
counterpart information is useless
3. Message: would be any
information that they wish to
convey through the use of a
4. Medium: communication
5. Channel: method or means of
expressing the messages,
6. Feedback: describes the
thoughts, feelings, and details
of the listener or message
recipient reaction, which can
either be positive or negative
7. Context: circumstances and
setting of the communication
8. Noise: refers to any type of
disturbance that prevents
people from understanding the
sent message.

Shannon-Weaver Model
- Claude Shannon and Warren

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