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End of Project Evaluation of “Reducing mortality and improving childhood

development of children aged 1-4 in rural communities of Barisal, Bangladesh’

The Centre for Injury Prevention and Research

Bangladesh (CIPRB)

Study Conducted by DevResonance Ltd.

List of Tools
Introduction and verbal consent for discussion.............................................................................2
Tool-1: FGD with Anchal caregivers/Mas.............................................................................................4
Tools-2: Parents and caregivers (community members).....................................................................6
Tools- 3: FGD with VIPC, UIPC...............................................................................................................8
Tools- 4: Group Consultation with Anchal supervisors........................................................................9
Tools- 5: Group Consultation with CIPRB field staff (Area Coordinator, Mentor, AMO and others) 11
Tools- 6: KII with UNO, WAO, UHFPO, Thana Education officer........................................................14
Tools- 7: KII with CIPRB project manager..........................................................................................16
Tools- 8: KII with Senior Management of CIPRB and RNLI................................................................18
Tools- 9: Observation Checklist of Community Day Care Centre (Anchal)........................................19
Documents for Review........................................................................................................................21

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 1

Introduction and verbal consent for discussion

GB M‡elYvwUThe Centre for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh

(CIPRB)KZ…©K ev¯ÍevwqZ“Reducing mortality and improving childhood
development of children aged 1-4 in rural communities of Barisal,
Bangladesh’cÖK‡íi mgvcbx g~j¨vqb | †Wf‡i‡mvb¨vÝ- GKwU RvZxq
ch©v‡qi M‡elYv ms¯’v- G M‡elbvwU cwiPvjbv Ki‡Q|

G M‡elbvi Rb¨ Avgiv Avcbv‡`i‡K ˆ`ePqb wfwˇZ g‡bvbxZ

K‡iwQ| Avcbv‡`i mv‡_ Av‡jvPbvwU c«vq GK NÈv ¯’vqx n‡e
‡hLv‡b Avgiv Avcbvi GjvKvq wkï‡`i cvwb‡Z Wz‡e g„Z¨yi wel‡q
Ges Zv‡`i myiÿvi wel‡q Avcbvi gšÍe¨ I AwfÁZv Rvb‡Z PvBe| |

Avgiv Avkv KiwQ bv GB M‡elYvq AskM«n‡Yi d‡j Avcbvi ‡Kvb

SuywK n‡Z cv‡i| GB M‡elYvq AskM«n‡Yi d‡j Avcbvi ‡Kvb jvf ev
¶wZ n‡ebv| GB AskM«nY ‡_‡K ‡Kvb AwZwi³ myweav _vK‡e bv|

Avcwb ‡h ‡Kv‡bv mgq PvB‡j Av‡jvPbvwU eÜ Ki‡Z cv‡ib| Avcbvi

c«wZwµqv Ges e¨w³MZ Z_¨ ‡Mvcb ivL‡Z Avgiv me ai‡bi
mycvwik g~jK c×wZ M«nY Kie| ïaygvÎ M‡elK‡`iB Avcbv‡`I
c«wZwµqvi Dci c«‡ekvwaKvi _vK‡e Ges Avcbv‡`i Z_¨ ¸‡jv
wbivc‡` msiw¶Z n‡e| GB M‡elYv c«K‡íi mKj c«wZ‡e`b Ges
wbeܸ‡jv‡Z Avcbvi cwiPq me©vwaK m¤¢ve¨ Dcv‡q msiw¶Z
ivLv n‡e| GB Av‡jvPbvq AskM«nYKvix c«‡Z¨K‡K G‡K A‡b¨i
‡MvcbxqZv‡K m¤§vb Kivi Rb¨ Ges Av‡jvPbvPjv Kvjxb mg‡q
AskM«nYKvix KZ©…K ‡kqviK…Z Z_¨ ‡hb MÖæc Gi g‡a¨
mxgve× _v‡K (D`vnib ¯^iæc Ggb wKQy ‡kqvi Kiv ‡_‡K weiZ
_vK‡eb hv wb‡q AskM«nYKvixiv ‡hb MÖæc Gi evB‡I K_v ej‡Z bv

AskM«nYKvixiv PvB‡j ‡h‡Kv‡bv c«‡kœi Rb¨ ‡dvb K‡i A_ev wj‡LI

Rvbv‡Z cv‡ib| M‡elYvi myweav‡_© Avcbv‡`i mv‡_ Avjvc¸‡jv
Avgiv †iKW© Ki‡j ev G †mk‡bi †Kvb Qwe ev wfwWI Ki‡j Avcbv‡`i
†Kvb AvcwË Av‡Q ywK? hw` AvcwË bv _v‡K Ges Avcbviv
AbygwZ w`‡j Avgiv Av‡jvPbv ïiæ Ki‡Z cvwi|

m¤§wZi wbðqZv cÖ`vb:

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 2

GB g‡g© cÖZ¨qb KiwQ †h, Dc‡ii mKj Z_¨ Avgvi Kv‡Q h_vh_fv‡e
e¨vL¨v Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges Avwg Gi SyuwK, myweav Ges e¨vL¨vmg~n
eyS‡Z †c‡iwQ| GB M‡elYvq Avgvi AskMÖnY †¯^”Qvg~jK Ges hw`
Avgvi †Kv‡bv cÖkœ ev mgm¨v _v‡K Zvn‡j Avgv‡K h_vh_ KZ…©c‡ÿi
wVKvbv †`Iqv n‡q‡Q hv‡Z cieZ©x‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z cvwi|
AskMÖnYKvix‡`i ¯^vÿi ZvwiL:
(hw` PIGicwie‡Z© Ab¨ †KD ¯^vÿi K‡i _v‡K Z‡e Zvi bvg, c`we Ges ¯^vÿi)

c`ex, cÖwZôvb, †dvb bs-

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 3

List participants and signaturefor their consent.
Sl. Name of Participants Position/ Organization/ Phone Age Sex Disability Signature
Designation Department/ Number

Date: Place of FGD:

Union: Upazila: District:

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 4

Tool-1: FGD with Anchal caregivers/Mas


Key question: To what extent are the outcomes of the project still valid?

1.1.3: How the needs and demands of the targeted population were relevant with the
project intervention three years back?Are the interventions still valid?"

1.1.3. wZb
eQi Av‡M jw¶Z Rb‡Mvôxi c«‡qvRbxqZv I
Pvwn`vi mv‡_ c«K‡íi Kvh©µg KZUzKz mvgÄm¨ wQj?
GL‡bv cÖKí Kvh©µg PvjyivLv KZUzKz †hŠw³K?
Key question:Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the impact goal
and the attainment of its outcomes?

1.2.2 : Extent of services available according to need

1.2.2c«‡qvRb Abyhvqx cwi‡levi cwigvb

Key question:Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the intended
impacts and effects?
1.3.3: How much the project activities meets the needs of the beneficiaries?
1.3.3. c«K‡íi Kvh©µg myweav ‡fvMx‡`i Pvwn`v KZUyKy
c~iY K‡i?
1.3.4: How did/do the beneficiaries receive the services? How these could be delivered?
1.3.4. Kxfv‡e
myweav‡fvMxiv cwi‡lev ¸‡jv M«nb K‡i‡Q ev
K‡i? cwi‡lev ¸‡jv Kxfv‡e c«`vb Kiv ‡h‡Z cv‡i?
Key question:To what extent were the outcomes achieved?
2.1.2: What are the services provided by the project and to whom ? Which services are
most effective? Why?
2.1.2. cÖKí
†_‡K Kv‡K †Kvb ai‡Yi †mev cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q?
‡Kvb cwi‡lev ¸wj me‡P‡q Kvh©Ki? ‡Kb?
Key question:How has the project benefited both the intended beneficiaries and other
groups (most vulnerable and marginalized communities)?
2.2.7: How Anchal caregivers/ma do disability screening?

2.2.7.wKfv‡e AvuPj cwiPh©vKvix/gv c«wZeÜx ‡`Lv ïbv


Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 5

Key question:What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-
achievement of the outcomes?

1. Why regular attendance of 1-2 years is low? [Annual Report 2019-20];
1. 1-2 eQ‡ii wkï‡`i wbqwgZ Dcw¯’wZ Kg ‡Kb?
2. What is the distance between centre and houses of the children?
2. wkï‡`i emev‡mi Ni Ges ‡K‡›`«i g‡a¨ `~iZ¡ KZ?

Key question:Are there unintended impacts?

3.2.1: What are the changes in beneficiaries, anchal caregivers, supervisors?
3.2.1. myweav‡fvMx,
AvuPj cwiPh©vKvix, ZË¡veavqK‡`I
gv‡S wK ai‡Yi cwieZ©b jÿ¨ Kiv †M‡Q ?

Key question:How has the project contributed to higher level changes/Soft changes on the
theory of change- engagement of Anchal staff, leadership of VIPC’s, acquirement of new
3.3.1: How have the project activities contributed to the changes in lives, health, behaviour?
3.3.1. GB
c«K‡íi Kvh©µg Kxfv‡e Rxeb, ¯^v¯’¨I AvPib
cwie©Z‡b f~wgKv ‡i‡L‡Q?
Key question:What was the community’ perception of effectiveness of pivoted activities
during the suspension period?
5.2.2: How much effective the pivoted activities during the lockdown/ Covid-19 period?

5.2.2 . jKWvDb/‡KvwfW-19 mgqKv‡j wc‡fv‡UW Kvh©µg

KZUv Kvh©Ki wQj?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 6

Tools-2: Parents and caregivers (community members)

Key question: To what extent are the outcomes of the project still valid?
1.1.3: How the needs and demands of the targeted population were relevant with the
project intervention three years back?Are the interventions still valid?"

1.1.3. wZb
eQi Av‡M jw¶Z Rb‡Mvôxi c«‡qvRbxqZv I
Pvwn`vi mv‡_ c«K‡íi Kvh©µg KZUzKz mvgÄm¨ wQj?
GL‡bv cÖKí Kvh©µg PvjyivLv KZUzKz †hŠw³K?
Key question: Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the impact goal
and the attainment of its outcomes?

1.2.1 : What are/were the services available for the target population from the project?
Whether the services have become sufficient enough to meet the needs?
c«Kí ‡_‡K jw¶Z Rb‡Mvôxi Rb¨ wK wK cwi‡lev
we`¨gvb wQj ev Av‡Q? c«K‡íi GB cwi‡lev ¸‡jv Pvwn`v
‡gUv‡Z ch©vß wQj wKbv?
1.2.2: Extent of services available according to need
1.2.2. c«‡qvRb Abyhvqx cwi‡levi cwigvb
Key question: Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the intended
impacts and effects?

1.3.3: How much the project activities meets the needs of the beneficiaries?
1.3.3.c«K‡íi Kvh©µg myweav ‡fvMx‡`i Pvwn`v KZUyKy
c~iY K‡i?
1.3.4: How did/do the beneficiaries receive the services? How these could be delivered?
1.3.4. Kxfv‡e
myweav‡fvMxiv cwi‡lev ¸‡jv M«nb K‡i‡Q ev
K‡i? cwi‡lev ¸‡jv Kxfv‡e c«`vb Kiv ‡h‡Z cv‡i?
Key question: To what extent were the outcomes achieved?

2.1.2: What are the services provided by the project and to whom ? Which services are
most effective? Why?
2.1.2. cÖKí
†_‡K Kv‡K †Kvb ai‡Yi †mev cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q?
‡Kvb cwi‡lev ¸wj me‡P‡q Kvh©Ki? ‡Kb?
2.1.3: Satisfaction from project interventions? Reasons, if any dissatisfaction (Quality of

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 7

2.1.3. c«K‡íi
Kvh©µg ‡_‡K mš‘wó? Ges Zvi KviY? hw`
‡Kv‡bv Am‡šÍvl _v‡K, Zvi KviY? (cwi‡levi gvb wb‡q)

Key question: How has the project benefited both the intended beneficiaries and other
groups (most vulnerable and marginalized communities)?

2.1.5: What type of topics and problem shared in the parents meeting ? [Need to have
meeting minutes of caregivers/ parents. This will be source of data for OECD criteria
2.1.5.AwffveK wgwUs G ‡Kvb ai‡bi welqI mgm¨v ‡kqvi Kiv
2.2.4: How did/do the parents and caregivers participate in the project specifically their role
in the participation?
2.2.4. wKfv‡e
gv-evev Ges cwiPh©vKvwiiv GB c«K‡í
AskM«nY K‡i, we‡kl fv‡e AskM«n‡Y Zv‡`i f~wgKv wK?
2.2.5: What are roles of the community in the services delivery and demand creation? How
do/did they play role?
2.2.5. ‡mev
c«`vb Ges Pvwn`v m…wó‡Z KwgDwbDwUi
f~wgKv Kx? Zviv wKfv‡e f~wgKv cvjb K‡i‡Q/K‡i‡Q?
2.2.6: Whether there is change of the extent of participation of children, families and
communities over the time?
2.2.6. mg‡qi
mv‡_ mv‡_ wkï, cwievi Ges KwgDwbwUi
AskM«n‡Yi gvÎvi cwieZ©b n‡q‡Q wKbv?
Key question: Are there unintended impacts?

3.2.1: What are the changes in beneficiaries, anchal caregivers, supervisors?

3.2.1. myweav‡fvMx, AvuPj cwiPh©vKvix, ZË¡veavqK‡`i
cwieZ©b wK?
Key question: How has the project contributed to higher level changes/Soft changes on
the theory of change- engagement of Anchal staff, leadership of VIPC’s, acquirement of
new skills?

3.3.1: How have the project activities contributed to the changes in lives, health, behaviour?
3.3.1. GB
c«K‡íi Kvh©µg Kxfv‡e Rxeb, ¯^v¯’¨I AvPib
cwie©Z‡b f~wgKv ‡i‡L‡Q?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 8

Tools- 3: FGD with VIPC, UIPC
Key question: To what extent are the outcomes of the project still valid?
1.1.3: How the needs and demands of the targeted population were relevant with the
project intervention three years back?Are the interventions still valid?"

1.1.3. wZb
eQi Av‡M jw¶Z Rb‡Mvôxi c«‡qvRbxqZv I
Pvwn`vi mv‡_ c«K‡íi Kvh©µg KZUzKz mvgÄm¨ wQj?
GL‡bv cÖKí Kvh©µg PvjyivLv KZUzKz †hŠw³K?
Key question:How has the project benefited both the intended beneficiaries and other
groups (most vulnerable and marginalized communities)?

2.2.5: What are roles of the community in the services delivery and demand creation? How
do/did they play role?
2.2.5. ‡mev
c«`vb Ges Pvwn`v m…wó‡Z KwgDwbDwUi
f~wgKv Kx? Zviv wKfv‡e f~wgKv cvjb K‡i‡Q/K‡i‡Q?.
2.2.6:Whether there is change of the extent of participation of children, families and
communities over the time?
2.2.6. mg‡qi
mv‡_ mv‡_ wkï, cwievi Ges KwgDwbwUi
AskM«n‡Yi gvÎvi cwieZ©b n‡q‡Q wKbv?
2.2.9: Who are the members of VIPCs, UIPCs? How VIPC/UIPC functioning? [Need to have
meeting minutes ]
2.2.9. VIPCs, UIPCs Gi m`m¨ Kviv? wKfv‡e VIPC/UIPC KvR K‡i?
Key question:Are there unintended impacts?

3.2.1: What are the changes in beneficiaries, anchal caregivers, supervisors?

3.2.1. myweav‡fvMx, AvuPj cwiPh©vKvix, ZË¡veavqK‡`i
cwieZ©b wK?
Key question:How has the project contributed to higher level changes/Soft changes on the
theory of change- engagement of Anchal staff, leadership of VIPC’s, acquirement of new

3.3.1:How have the project activities contributed to the changes in lives, health, behaviour?
c«K‡íi Kvh©µg Kxfv‡e Rxeb, ¯^v¯’¨I AvPib
cwie©Z‡b f~wgKv ‡i‡L‡Q?
Key question:What was the community’ perception of effectiveness of pivoted activities
during the suspension period?
5.2.2:How much effective the pivoted activities during the lockdown/ Covid-19 period?
5.2.2. jKWvDb/‡KvwfW-19 mgqKv‡j wc‡fv‡UW Kvh©µg
KZUv Kvh©Ki wQj?
Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 9
Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 10
Tools- 4: Group Consultation with Anchal supervisors

Key question:Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the intended
impacts and effects?

Key question: To what extent were the outcomes achieved?

2.1.4: What have been the most effective interventions of the project? What worked best
and what could be improved?
2.1.4. c«K‡íi
me‡P‡qKvh©Ki Kvh©µg wK n‡q‡Q? ‡KvbwU
me‡P‡q fvj KvR K‡i‡Q Ges wK DbœZ Kiv ‡h‡Z cv‡i?

New Question-1: "Do you think the interventions have been effective in keeping children
safer around water?"

New Question-2: How the project ensure inclusion of persons/children with disability in the
delivery of the intervention? (Note: explore different type of disabilities)

Key question:How has the project benefited both the intended beneficiaries and other
groups (most vulnerable and marginalized communities)?

2.2.5:What are roles of the community in the services delivery and demand creation? How
do/did they play role?
2.2.5. ‡mev
c«`vb Ges Pvwn`v m…wó‡Z KwgDwbDwUi
f~wgKv Kx? Zviv wKfv‡e f~wgKv cvjb K‡i‡Q/K‡i‡Q?
Key question:What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-
achievement of the outcomes?

2.2.5: What are roles of the community in the services delivery and demand creation? How
do/did they play role?
c«`v‡b Ges Pvwn`v m…wó‡Z KwgDwbDwUi
f~wgKv Kx? Zviv wKfv‡e f~wgKv cvjb K‡i‡Q/K‡i‡Q?
Key question:What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-
achievement of the outcomes?

2.3.1: What are the successes, challenges of the participation?

2.3.1. AskM«n‡Yi mdjZv, P¨v‡jÄ ¸‡jv Kx Kx?
Key question:Are there unintended impacts?

3.2.1: What are the changes in beneficiaries, anchal caregivers, supervisors?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 11

3.2.1. myweav‡fvMx, AvuPj cwiPh©vKvix, ZË¡veavqK‡`i
cwieZ©b wK?
Key question:How has the project contributed to higher level changes/Soft changes on the
theory of change- engagement of Anchal staff, leadership of VIPC’s, acquirement of new

3.3.1. How have the project activities contributed to the changes in lives, health, behaviour?
c«K‡íi Kvh©µg Kxfv‡e Rxeb, ¯^v¯’¨I AvPib
cwie©Z‡b f~wgKv ‡i‡L‡Q?
Key question:What was the impact of Covid-19 on progress towards the original project

5.1.2: What happened when new children came to villages from town during COVID-19
5.1.2. ‡KvwfW-19
mg‡q hLb bZyb wkïiv kni ‡_‡K M«v‡g
Av‡m ZLb Kx N‡UwQj?
Key question:What was the community’ perception of effectiveness of pivoted activities
during the suspension period?

5.2.1: How the pivoted activities operated during the lockdown/ Covid-19 period?
5.2.1. jKWvDb/‡KvwfW-19
mgqKv‡j wc‡fv‡UW Kvh©µg ¸wj
Kx fv‡e cwiPvwjZ n‡qwQj?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 12

Tools- 5: Group Consultation with CIPRB field staff (Area Coordinator,
Mentor, AMO and others)

Key question:Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the intended
impacts and effects?

New Q: 1.3.1 In your opinion which activities and outputs are more consistent with the
intended impact on a) reducing under 5 mortality, b) reduce risk of drowning and c)
commitment of relevant stakeholders to scale up the model?

1.3.5: How did women and person with disabilities participate in design and planning stage?
1.3.5. c«K‡íi
cwiKíbv ch©v‡q wKfv‡e bvix Ges c«wZeÜx
e¨w³iv AskM«nY K‡iwQj?
Key question:How has the project benefited both the intended beneficiaries and other
groups (most vulnerable and marginalized communities)?

2.1.6: What is the message in Robi Axiata? Whether this is in Bangla or English? Frequency?
[Annual Report 2019-20]

Axiata Gi ‡g‡mR Kx? GUv evsjvq bvwK Bs‡iwR‡Z ?

2.1.6. Robi
2.2.3: What are the mechanisms by which the project interventions produced the outcomes
and achieved the targets?
2.2.3. c«K‡íi
Kvh©µg ‡_‡K Drcvw`Z djvdj Ges j¶gvÎv
AR©‡bi c«wµqv wK wK?
2.2.8: List of training provided to Anchal Maa and assistants.
2.2.8.AvuPj gv Ges mnKvix‡`i ‡`Iqv c«wk¶‡Yi ZvwjKv
1. How the project has identified the vulnerable children? What are the criteria?
1. c«KíwU Kxfv‡e SyuwKc~Y© wkï‡`i wPwýZ K‡i‡Q?
gvb`Û ¸‡jv wK wK?
2. How the location and facilities of the Anchal Maa were selected? (Accessibility issue)
2. wKfv‡e AvuPj gv Gi ¯’vb I my‡hvM-myweav wbe©vPb
Kiv n‡qwQj?
3. How the Anchal Maa and assistants promote gender equality, breaking gender norms and
stereotypes in activities?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 13

3. wKfv‡e AvuPj gv Ges mnKvixiv wj½ mgZv c«Pvi K‡i,
Ges wµqvKjv‡ci MZvbyMwZK wj½ wbqg fvO‡Q?
4. What are the challenges of attendance in Anchal Centres? What are the factors for low
attendance? (Outcome indicator) What are the different means to increase overall Anchal
4. AvuPj ‡K›`« ¸wj‡Z Dcw¯’wZi P¨v‡jÄ ¸wj Kx Kx? Kg
Dcw¯’wZi Rb¨ KviY wK? AvuP‡ji mvwe©K Dcw¯’wZ
evov‡bvi wewfbœ Dcvq wK?
5. Why there is huge drop out of Anchal Maa and assistants? Any percentage of drop out?
How did the project overcome that?
5. ‡Kb AvuPj gv I mnKvixiv S‡o co‡Q? S‡o covi nvi KZ?
c«Kí GUv‡K Kxfv‡e AwZµg K‡i‡Q?
6. How does the on the job mentoring take place for Anchal Mas?
6. AvuPj gv‡qi Rb¨ civgk©`vZv Kxfv‡e KvR K‡i?
Key question:What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-
achievement of the outcomes?
2.3.1: What are the successes, challenges of the participation?
2.3.1. AskM«n‡Yi mdjZv, P¨v‡jÄ ¸‡jv Kx Kx?
2.3.2: What were the challenges on engaging male guardians in the evening and how you
overcome it? (Reference annual report: 2019-2020)
2.3.2. mܨvq
cyiæl AwffveK‡`i hy³ Kivi P¨v‡jÄ ¸wj Kx Kx
wQj Ges Avcwb Kx fv‡e Zv AwZµg Ki‡jb?
2.3.4: Why there is delay in formation of some VIPCs? (Reference annual report: 2019-2020)
2.3.4.wKQy VIPCs MV‡b wej¤^ nq ‡Kb?
2.3.6: How the child development and early learning score is measured? Process
weKvk Ges c«v_wgK wk¶vi ‡¯‹vi Kxfv‡e cwigvc
Kiv nq? c«wµqv
Key question:How has the project contributed to higher level changes/Soft changes on the
theory of change- engagement of Anchal staff, leadership of VIPC’s, acquirement of new

3.3.2: What are the internal and external factors of expected achievement and failures?
3.3.2. AšÍ©MZ
Ges ewn©M‡Zi ‡¶‡Î c«Z¨vwkZ mvdj¨ I
e¨_©Zv ¸‡jv wK wK?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 14

Key question:What was the impact of Covid-19 on progress towards the original project

5.1.4: What were the re-opening preparatory tasks of the centres after COVID-19?
5.1.4. COVID-19-Gic‡i ‡K›`« ¸wji cybivq‡Lvjvi c¯‘wZ g~jK KvR
¸wj Kx wQj?
5.1.5: What are COVID-19 specific message to the direct beneficiaries and community when
the centres were closed? [Reference: annual report 2019-20: 13 messages]
5.1.5. ‡K›`«
¸wj hLb eÜ wQj ZLb myweav‡fvMx Ges
KwgDwbwU‡K COVID-19 Gi Kx ‡g‡mR ev evZ©v ‡`Iqv

Key question: To what extent are community-based mechanisms for drowning

prevention still in place and functioning?

New Q- 4.2.4: How the project has acquired local knowledge and community experience to
deliver the services appropriately ?
4.2.4. cÖKíwU
wKfv‡e ¯’vbxqÁvb Ges KwgDwbwUwi
AwfÁZv¸wj msMÖn K‡i‡Q Ges Zv cÖK‡íi †mev mg~n
cÖ`v‡bi †ÿ‡Î Kv‡R jvwM‡q‡Q?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 15

Tools- 6: KII with UNO, WAO, UHFPO, Thana Education officer

Key question:To what extent were the outcomes achieved?

2.1.4: What have been the most effective interventions of the project? What worked best
and what could be improved?
2.1.4. c«K‡íi
me‡P‡qKvh©Ki Kvh©µg wK n‡q‡Q e‡j Avcwb
g‡b K‡ib ?

Key question:How has the project benefited both the intended beneficiaries and other
groups (most vulnerable and marginalized communities)?

2.2.1: What are the implementation modality with local and natonal authorities ?
2.2.1. Avcbvi
`ßi I wefv‡Mi mv‡_ cÖKíwU wKfv‡e m¤ú„³
wQj? †Kb I †Kvb mg‡q G m¤ú„³Zv ˆZwi n‡q‡Q?
2.2.2: How do they contribute in achieving the results of the project?
2.2.2. Avcbviv
wKfv‡e c«K‡íi djvdj AR©‡b Ae`vb ‡i‡L‡Qb?
miKv‡ii ‡Kvb ai‡Yi D‡Ïk¨ c~i‡Y cÖKíwU KZUzKz mnvqZv
Ki‡Z †c‡i‡Q e‡j Avcwb g‡b K‡ib?

Key question:How has the project contributed to higher level changes/Soft changes on the
theory of change- engagement of Anchal staff, leadership of VIPC’s, acquirement of new
3.3.1: How have the project activities contributed to the changes in lives, health, behaviour?
3.3.1. GB
c«K‡íi Kvh©µg Kxfv‡e Rxeb, ¯^v¯’¨I AvPib
cwie©Z‡b f~wgKv ‡i‡L‡Q?
Key question:To what extent will the benefits of the project continue after donor funding

4.1.3: What are the factors for project’s sustainability?

4.1.3cÖKíwU†kl n‡j Avcbviv wKfv‡e cÖK‡íi G g‡WjwU‡K
Pjgvb ivL‡eb ev Pjgvb ivL‡Z wK ai‡bi c`‡ÿc wb‡Z
cvi‡eb ?
we`¨gvb miKvix bxZ I wewa G‡ÿ‡Î KZUzKz mnvqK n‡e?
¯’vqxZ¡kxj Kivi †ÿ‡Î P¨v‡jĸ‡jv wK wK?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 16

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 17
Tools- 7: KII with CIPRB project manager

Key question:Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the intended
impacts and effects?
1.3.2: What modalities were adopted to meet recipients' needs?
1.3.2. M«nxZv‡`i Pvwn`v ‡gUv‡Z wK wK c×wZ M«nY Kiv
Key question:How has the project benefited both the intended beneficiaries and other
groups (most vulnerable and marginalized communities)?
2.2.1: What are the implementation modality with local and natonal authorities ?
2.2.1. ¯’vbxqGes
RvZxq ch©v‡q KZ©…c‡¶i mv‡_
ev¯Íevq‡bi c×wZ wK?
2.2.2: How do they contribute in achieving the results of the project?
2.2.2. Zviv wKfv‡e c«K‡íi djvdj AR©‡b Ae`vb iv‡L?
2.2.10. c«KíwU Kx fv‡e IDELA (International Development and Early Learning
Assessment) Uyj c«‡qvM K‡i‡Q?

Key question:What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-
achievement of the outcomes?
2.3.1: What are the successes, challenges of the participation?
2.3.1. AskM«n‡Yi mdjZv, P¨v‡jÄ ¸‡jv Kx Kx?
2.3.7: How the project use social media for people awareness? Any opinions from viewers?
Explore the challenges and opportunities
2.3.7. ‡mvk¨vj
wgwWqv‡K cÖK‡í wKfv‡e e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q
GesKZUzKz Kvh©Ki wQj? `k©‡Ki gZvgZ wK wQj?
‡mvk¨vj wgwWqv e¨env‡ii †ÿ‡Î P¨v‡jÄ Ges my‡hvM ¸‡jv
wK wQj?

2.3.5: Additional information needed to know (with confidentially)

1. How the safeguarding investigation is being conducted?
2. How does the project management process take place? [Reference: Annual Report,
3. How CIDT is involved in the project? [Reference: Annual Report, 2019-20]

Key question:How has the project contributed to higher level changes/Soft changes on the
theory of change- engagement of Anchal staff, leadership of VIPC’s, acquirement of new

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 18

3.3.3: What is the impact on orientation at Betagi Press Club? Did the journalist visit the
project areas?
3.3.3. ‡eZvMx
‡c«mK¬v‡ei I wi‡q‡›Uk‡bi Dci wK c«fve
c‡o‡Q? mvsevw`K wK c«Kí GjvKv cwi`k©b K‡i‡Qb?
Key question:To what extent will the benefits of the project continue after donor funding
4.1.1: Does the project have a sustainability strategy/vision?
4.1.1. GB c«K‡íi wK GKwU ‡UKmB ‡KŠkj/jÿ¨ Av‡Q?
4.1.2: To what extent are the outcomes and impact of the programme expected to continue
after projects completion?
4.1.2. c«K‡íi
mgvwßi ci ‡c«vM«v‡gi djvdj Ges c«fve KZUv
Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e?
Key question:To what extent are community-based mechanisms for drowning prevention
still in place and functioning?
4.2.1: What is needed for outcomes and impact to be sustained?
4.2.1. djvdj Ges c«fve ‡UKmB Kivi Rb¨ wK c«‡qvRb?
4.2.2: Is an exit strategy developed?If so, if the exit strategy implemented?
strategywK cÖ¯‘Z Kiv n‡q‡Q?hw` nq Zvn‡j exit
4.2.2. Exit
strategy wK ev¯ÍevwqZ n‡q‡Q?
Key question:What was the impact of Covid-19 on progress towards the original project
5.1.1: What types of activities suspended and what was the challenges to implement the
project activities during Covid 19?
5.1.1. ‡KvwfW
19-Gi mg‡q c«K‡íi Kx ai‡bi Kvh©µg
ev¯Íevqb ¯’wMZ Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges Kx Kx P¨v‡jÄ wQj?
5.1.3: How did the field staff conduct meeting, monitor, and awareness sessions during
COVID time?
5.1.3. ‡Kvwf‡Wi
mgq Kxfv‡e gvVKg©xiv mfv, gwbUi Ges
m‡PZbZv ‡mkb cwiPvjbv K‡iwQ‡jb?

NEW QUESTION: 5.1.6What types of new activities adopted by the project during Covid-19?
Why and how implement these activities? What types of results are generated by these
activities ?
‡KvwfW 19-Gi mg‡q bZzb †Kvb †Kvb Kvh©µg cÖK‡í hy³
Kiv n‡q‡Q? †Kb Gmg¯Í we‡kl Kvh©µg MÖnY Kiv n‡qwQj?
Gi djvdj wK?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 19

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 20
Tools- 8: KII with Senior Management of CIPRB and RNLI

Key question:What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-
achievement of the outcomes?

2.3.10: Whether ToC is changed? How many times? Why?

2.3.10.ToC cwieZ©b Kiv n‡h‡Q wKbv? KZevi? ‡Kb?
Key question:How has the project contributed to higher level changes/Soft changes on the
theory of change- engagement of Anchal staff, leadership of VIPC’s, acquirement of new
3.3.1: How have the project activities contributed to the changes in lives, health, behaviour?
3.3.1. GB
c«K‡íi Kvh©µg Kxfv‡e Rxeb, ¯^v¯’¨I AvPib
cwie©Z‡b f~wgKv ‡i‡L‡Q?
Key question:To what extent will the benefits of the project continue after donor funding

4.1.1: Does the project have a sustainability strategy/vision?

4.1.1. GB c«K‡íi wK GKwU ‡UKmB ‡KŠkj/D‡Ïk¨ Av‡Q?
4.1.2: To what extent are the outcomes and impact of the programme expected to continue
after projects completion?
4.1.2. c«K‡íi
mgvwßi ci ‡c«vM«v‡gi djvdj Ges c«fve KZUv
Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e?
Key question:To what extent are community-based mechanisms for drowning prevention
still in place and functioning?

4.2.1: What is needed for outcomes and impact to be sustained?

4.2.1. djvdj Ges c«fve ‡UKmB Kivi Rb¨ wK c«‡qvRb?
4.2.2: Is an exit strategy developed?If so, if the exit strategy implemented?
4.2.2. exit strategy wK
cÖ¯‘Z Kiv n‡q‡Q ?. hw` nq Zvn‡j exit
strategy wK ev¯ÍevwqZ n‡q‡Q?

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 21

Tools- 9: Observation Checklist of Community Day Care Centre

Question Response Option

A. Identification
1. Name of the Centre:
2. Name of Anchal Ma :
3. Address of the Centre:
(Specific place: village, para)
4. Total listed children (Girls/ Boys/ CWDs/ Vulnerability

5. Average number of children attend in December 2022

Apply Tick
B. Venue selection: Yes, Partially/ No/Not Not
Fully Moderately at all Applicable
1. Is the Anchal located away from highways?
2. Is the Anchal located mid-point of the catchment
3. Is the Anchal Ma of the village provided room as centre
from her dwelling?
C. Ensuring safety from injury risks and hazards
1. Non-slippery floors
2. Restricted access to fire or heat sources which can cause
burn injury
3. No sharp corners of furniture
4. No risk of falls from significant heights like balconies or
5. No access to sharp objects or tools which can cause cut
6. No risk for unintentional poisoning. Soap, washing
powder etc. will be kept on a flank of wood out of reach
of the children
7. No risk for electrocution
8. No access to open bodies of water

D. Child-friendly physical environment

1. ECD learning materials:
a) Has some color-full toys, that are safe from physical
injuries, made of non-toxic materials, soft and injury free
and also the toys are age-appropriate.
b) Has some approved storybooks for Early Childhood
Development (ECD)
c) Has Plain papers, color Pencils/Pastels
d) Has blackBoard
e) Has learning posters with poems/songs, flip charts,
pictures, handmade (by Anchal Maa) decoration

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 22

Question Response Option

2. The Anchal decorated as child-friendly, and enjoyable Yes, Partially/ No/ Not Not
space for child. Fully Moderately at all Applicable
a) Has a place to display daily routine, and the artwork of
the children.
b) The walls of the venue are decorated with colorful
papers, posters, flip cards, handcrafted items and
c) The wall of the Anchal venue will be decorated with
colorful posters including the alphabet charts,
flowers/animals charts, a regular routine, child ID
document, poems and songs etc.
d) The VIPC members’ list with contacts, CIPRB
safeguarding contact person’s name and contact
number are placed in a poster form, in a visible location.
3. The floor of the room will be covered with a mat
4. Children puts off their shoes outside Anchal; a shoe rack
placed just outside of the room.
5. Anchal center has a fan to keep the room temperature
cool where electricity is available.
6. Spare clothes for children, medical/ first aid kit kept in
the Anchal.
7. Anchal has shelf/lockers/cubbies for children’s toys,
personal papers, tiffin boxes etc.
8. Locker/cubbies are located in a corner of the Anchal.
9. Has a separate private space or room for breastfeeding
of babies for mothers by Anchal Maa.
E. Adaption for Covid-19:
1. Has a hand cleaning space at the front door for the child
to wash hands on arrival and before leaving the Anchal.
2. Frequently used areas are clean with a suitable
household cleaner at the beginning and end of each
3. Toys and resources are clean and regularly wiped down.
4. Where possible children are discourage to bring toys or
any objects from home.
5. Children wears a clean set of clothes each day.
6. Anchal Maa weard appropriate PPE when in close
contact with children, e.g. gloves for nappy changes. A
mask were only worn if dealing with a young child
exhibiting symptoms and close care is needed.
7. Anchal Maa ensured restriction for all visitors during
Anchal session.
8. Caregivers, parents were stick to their agreed drop off
and pick up time to avoid unnecessary contact with
other families arriving or leaving.

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 23

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 24
Documents for Review

Evaluation Key questions in Sl.

Specific Questions/Checklist Source of documents
criteria  ToR No.
To what extent 1.1.1 What are the expected results, Project proposal,
Relevance are the outcomes project components and modules and other
of the project still strategies of the project? relevant docs
valid? 1.1.2 How the activities and Project proposal,
components were selected? modulesand other
relevant docs
Effectiveness To what extent 2.1.1 What are/were the progress Baseline and end
and Reach were the achieved (comparison with survey
outcomes baseline) by each result reports/assessmentan
achieved? indicator of the project? Was d other relevant docs
CIPRB successful in expanding
the reach of projects?
What has 3.1.1 How many people benefitted Baseline and end
happened as a in each activity? (by type of survey
result of the activities, type of beneficiaries) reports/assessmentan
project? d other relevant docs

List of documents for review

1. Project proposal
2. Theory of Change
3. Baseline report
4. Project completion report / survey report
5. Annual and Quarterly Reports
6. Monitoring reports
7. Training module and materials
8. Communication materials (including audio-visual) and messages
9. Logical framework
10. Implementation Guideline, SOP
11. International Development and Early Learning Assessment Tool
12. Safeguarding strategy
13. COVID-19 focused guideline/ documents
14. Case study
15. Exit strategy / plan

Tools: DevResonance Ltd. 25

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