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Essay on Rural Community Development in Development


N I M : 210811030070

Kelas : GENAP

Prodi : ilmu pemerintahan

Semester II

English course mid test


This essay discusses the role of the community in development both from the bottom, especially

the village to the very top. In the wet, the authors add some literature based on journals and

books about the role of society in development. The data presented is secondary data taken from

several available journals and books without primary data due to time constraints. Community

development which aims to improve the welfare of rural communities and the quality of human

life as well as poverty alleviation through the provision of fulfillment of basic needs,

development of facilities and infrastructure, development of local economic potential, and

sustainable use of natural resources and the environment. The results of the essay show that in

the implementation of development there needs to be maximum support from the community and

the surrounding government in order to realize development goals in accordance with Pancasila

and the 1945 Constitution. The lack of community participation in development is due to the lack

of public knowledge in the field of development which is actually for the welfare of the people

Keywords: Community, Development, The Role of the Community.

A. Introduction
Society is a group of people who are in a certain area who have the same goal. The
community will gather and form an organization that takes care of all matters relating to
its interests. The existence of a community is an important condition for the formation of
a state. People will gather more widely in large numbers who will form an association
called citizens. Development is a manifestation of the main goal of a country to be better.
Indonesia has set its goals as stated in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, one of which
is to create a just and prosperous society. This goal is the trigger for the state to keep
trying to make a society that is in accordance with its goals. The purpose of development
is to create prosperity for the people. This must be supported by real planning and
realization from the community. Even though it is intended for the welfare of the
community itself, it is necessary to have the support and participation of the community
in making it happen. The plans made must be comprehensive, from the bottom to the top.
The lower part, such as village development planning to high planning, is the state. If it is
not comprehensive then it will not create community welfare through development.
Community empowerment is a step in development to improve community capacity. So
community planning that will play a role in development must empower the ability of the

B. Discussion
Development is one manifestation of the willingness and ability of a country to be able to
develop in a better direction. National development is essentially aimed at creating a just
and prosperous society in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. attention
and targets as well as the main actors in development. The most essential development
goal is to improve people's welfare. In an effort to carry out development, it is necessary
to have a development plan to achieve the goals to be achieved. Therefore, success in
implementing development cannot be separated from the existence of a development plan
(Rafsanzaniet al.2005) Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 7 of 2007 concerning Cadres for Community Empowerment, states
that community empowerment is a strategy used in community development as an effort
to realize ability and independence in the life of society, nation and state (Article 1,
paragraph (8). The core understanding of community empowerment is a strategy to
realize the ability and independence of the community.Regulation of the Minister of
Home Affairs Number 66 of 2007 concerning Village Development Planning, Article 5
paragraph (2) empowerment is an effort to realize the ability and independence of the
community in the life of society, nation and state.
As mandated in the 1945 Constitution, national development is an activity that covers the
entire life of the people of the nation and state, protects the entire nation and the entire
homeland of Indonesia, advances public welfare, educates the nation's life, and
implements world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice.
Historically, various kinds of development programs have been carried out by the
Indonesian government, starting from the Old Order, New Order to the Reformation
Period to continue to encourage the welfare and progress of the nation in a better
direction. Development

implemented in various aspects of the nation's life which include politics, economy,
socio-culture, and aspects of defense and security (Muljana 2001).

According to Slamet (2003) asserts that rural development efforts through participatory
planning processes need to be approached in various ways, namely: (1) controlling the
potentials that can be built by the local community, (2) the use of appropriate technology
which includes the creation, development, dissemination and use of the technology by the
local community. rural community. (3) fostering business organizations or implementing
units that implement various appropriate technologies to achieve development goals. (4)
fostering supervisors/supporting organizations, which connect development efforts
carried out by individuals in rural communities with other institutions or at a higher level
(sub-district, district, province, national) (5) fostering supporting policies, which include
inputs, costs, credit According to Priyono (1996) giving the meaning of community
empowerment as an effort to make a just and civilized human atmosphere more
structurally effective, both in family, community, state, regional, international and
domestic life. fields of politics, economics, psychology and others. Empowering the
community has the meaning of developing, becoming independent, self-supporting and
strengthening the bargaining position of the lower classes of society against the
oppressive forces in all fields and sectors of life. National development requires synergy
between the community and the government, and existing experiences show that the
community is the main actor in development. and the government directs, guides, and
creates a supportive atmosphere. Community activities and government activities must be
integrated, complement each other, complement each other in advancing society and the
nation in general (Lubis 1998).

According to Background (2012) the majority of Indonesian people live in rural areas
where structurally administrative funds have a very important role for the development of
a country, most of the villagers make a living as farmers/agriculturalists, but in fact the
livelihoods of the population are strongly influenced by existing natural factors, based on
Village livelihoods can be divided into:
fishing village, agricultural village, plantation village, livestock village, industrial village
and so on, but the hallmark of the village is the homogeneity of the livelihood system of
its inhabitants, although there are some who have different livelihoods (ex, traders, body
bureaus, etc.) but in fact only one type of livelihood stands out and becomes the hallmark
of the village. The style of village life is based on close family ties. The community is a
gemeinschafet that has a strong gotong royong element. Geographical environmental
factors also have an influence on gotong royong, including:
a. Local topographic factors that provide a place to live and a form of adaptation to the

b. Climatic factors that can have a positive or negative influence on the population,
especially farmers. c.

c. Natural disaster factors such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and floods.

Community empowerment should be seen as an effort to accelerate and expand poverty

alleviation efforts through the coordination of various policies, programs and development
activities, both at the central and regional levels so that their effectiveness has great significance
for poverty reduction (Arsiyah 2009). According to Arsiyah (2009) the empowerment process
The community is independent, meaning that the process towards empowerment conditions is
very dependent on the individual himself. Community empowerment is carried out in three
directions, namely:

1.Through the creation of an atmosphere or climate that allows the community to develop (ena-

2. Strengthen the potential or resources owned by the community (empowerment)

3.Protection for the weaker party so as not to become weaker in the face of the stronger party

According to Vidyandika and Pranarka (1996) to achieve these goals, the community
empowerment process can be carried out through 3 stages, namely:

a.Initials, from the government by the government, for the people

b.Participatory, from the government, with the government, by the government with the
community for the people.

c.Emancipatory, from the people, by the people and for the people, and supported by the
government with the people.
According to Arsiyah (2009) the obstacles faced in the implementation of community
empowerment are:

1. Internal constraints, namely:

a. Limited capacity of human resources

b. Unavailability of raw materials for making fish crackers

c. Limited managerial ability

d. Lack of ability to manage existing market opportunities and limited business capital owned

2. External constraints, namely:

a. KUB access as a government partner and at the same time as a bridge between the government
and fish cracker entrepreneurs is less than optimal

b. There is no private sector that actually provides business capital assistance as participation in
community economic empowerment.

The importance of community involvement, so many argue that successful development can only
be achieved with programs that are

inclusive, equitable, fair, requires community participation, and togetherness and positive
synergy among all

nation component. The success of development is impossible to achieve if the elements of the
government themselves work hard without positive support from the community. Contribution
and support of the wider community is social capital (social capital) which should not be absent
from development in all fields (Komariah 2010). Development can be controlled directly by the
people, and development policies are based on democratization which reads from, by and for the
people, which means that it is included in economic life, development in Indonesia involves
people's participation ( Yustika 2002). Planning is the most important activity of development,
because planning determines the direction, priority, and strategy of development while village
development planning is an initial step taken by the village head and the authorities in the village
development process to manage resources so that the community villages can enjoy the results
(Rafsanzaniet al.2005).

According to Waskita (2005) that development does not only deal with the product and
distribution of material goods but also must create conditions that enable humans to develop their
creativity as subjects of development and not just as objects of development. Encouraging
community participation, which at the same time empowers them in the development process, is
very important as well as conditions the occurrence of a two-way dialogue or communication
relationship between the community and the government, between various parties in society and
the government at various levels. This needs to be done continuously and sustainably during the
development process. So that in the future there will be awareness or mutual understanding and
the same perception between the various parties involved in development. This awareness relates
to what, why and how development should be carried out for mutual prosperity towards the
aspired civil society. Village development needs to be continued and improved by involving
community initiatives and self-help mutual assistance. Rural areas with all the potential
contained in them are actually the result of the life and livelihood of the Indonesian people.
Without rural areas, the existence of the Indonesian state and nation would not be possible to
defend against the threat of collapse, which would also mean extinction. This is due to two main
facts which are very vital in nature and greatly affect the dynamics of the life of the Indonesian
nation. First, the allocation of the majority of Indonesia's population resides or resides in rural
areas, and second, the potential of Indonesia's other natural resources are also mostly located in
rural areas. Today, the pattern of village community development that is carried out is no longer
only based on a planning system that comes from above, but at the same time a rural
development pattern based on a bottom-up planning system is used.

C. Conclusion
Based on the discussion that has been discussed previously, development is a
manifestation of the willingness and ability of a country to be able to develop in a better
direction. National development is essentially aimed at realizing a just and prosperous
society in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. development planning to
achieve the goals to be achieved and success in carrying out development cannot be
separated from the existence of a development plan.

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