Merritt v. Government of The Philippine Islands

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~~~ v. ~~ o\ -bh: ~\\\~~~~ k\amc!.e

G.'R . ~D· L- \\\S~ l MtircM ~ \z 1q \~

~~k t'\dh·tA em rA ~CMdttb'J Tt.tPb Avwve, Merri-b wru bvmFd b111 ~ o.rnbv~ut of ~ht ~~
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~~~l- ~fb ~utfeted &~Jere i~tri~ rcnderl~ ~lVI oniJk ~ rdxJrV1 -bP weti ar tn cxm~lltb tWtJ
~ )\~ --b-o ~\(S'Oived ik ~)'l()-~l~ ~ h~ ~ liji-bh an eJl~lnePr. ~ret'lcrt vtd (n -tk hoa~~)

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tA~'tUb -\k. b~~trr61~ In vrckriu fl"' ~ tU~-(ibi~ ferik- colli!M W1~ ~ ~bu1~ert J ~
&wert'\\ PN~ML ~ -k> ~mine~ ~rnm~ J dctrn~~ r{ ~l ~ toh~cn he iJ ~1tlcl.

\~&D~ :
1~ W~ tr f't)~ tk Go~¥lmeflb wo.ive ik lrmv1~ ~c1Y' &n\~ ~ ~n~~;~ Ac{l Jtr7
lJ ~~~ Dr" nt>'b~ &OVlf'1mcdJ i~ Uck.k -£r ~ ~v~~ C\vt vf ~he dri--Jef' of tk I
litffi'o~\CAJ{\Vt, • I
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\· jti· ~ COl&f.fful~ to \oe ~~ tkt Go'J0!1lvrtn-b VJcM'J& ik iv11rrnm1~ ~ Jv~·l-b ~,dD~ I

tm~ ~~ c.onc.edt '~ \\~i& ~~~l\tHf,er ~{e ~ o:;\1)-t:e af ~ob11m iVl \1~ f~'-'Vr,of~w
\-\( ~t+o\\\~ ~ ~ c;,\\)-{e VlO~ r\}'~'li~ rtco~n1-ud."' ~ ~\-ve! ~ remedy 1b ~c£ Y1 I
~~~\~~ \\Jv\\~ cwd ~~~Yn\~ rtd to ikjurlidlc]]oo Qt ik covrb~~!i?J-cdb ro ih! h'~hl i7o I
\~o-ir_ lM\~ )o.wfu\ dd~-c · . I

c1 ~ k C.\J~ Mt ;tk, b~ !1 II <kit lllhen ;b ~ tlw-o~h 01 .{ ~q/IJ<lrf~Vt ~~ MJb wb I

-\}e rhn~J!: ~\mule.\ ~ ~ co. u.rttl ~ 1k of{; vilillib wln>m g:o~ ;!, ~iqlrr.J {b do ~ '
~dl ~~~ · ~ qecia\ ~ k t>te LOho rece\~ ~ definl-be etrd fi-xed orcler (}{' ccmm1J:Stnn 1 I
LJ®~n 'be k t;~:erc\.r-e of 1tte dubiu ofht'" off{ce {he, J{ Cl ~~ec1'C-1l offic/q[.1hlJ concey& j
rloc.s. ro\J ~ -IP ~ ~Vc ~ llim ~ M e111~ c£ -li-e~~ 0~inid¥m,'tl1 an:/ whv I . I

OV\ ~~ 0~ rc.cpons\'olli~ wfortrli ~ -t'unc~fens 10hld, ~ inW 1~ tWld Yl~1Yi11~

\!~~ ~ (Jt ~ wn:d-J ewe rePt~\~ b\1\ law ~ ~ ~~1\ablmr .lk dv-1WX' of 1he l1frlbu\an6f. of I
~ G~l \\o$~\ ~ nob C\ .~~~' wpm ~ ~ ~ btNCrllnt:rJlJ /_( vrob l!'ckk ·


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