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Located in the bustling Yau Tsim Mong District of Kowloon in Hong Kong,
the Yau Ma Tei MTR Station is a major transportation hub that connects
commuters to various destinations throughout the city. While the station
plays a vital role in facilitating travel for thousands of individuals each
day, there is a concerning lack of equity present for people with
disabilities. Those who struggle with visual and physical impairments
face numerous barriers when navigating the station, including
inadequate signage, a lack of accessible facilities, and steep staircases
that can pose a safety hazard. As a result, many individuals with
disabilities are unable to fully access the transportation services
provided by the station, making it all the more crucial to prioritize equity
and accessibility in this important public space. Therefore, in this
infoboard, I will talk about the main groups of people being affected by
this issue and how all of us can help to promote equity in our local MTR

What specific group of individuals is the infoboard intended to assist, and how can different organizations and individuals contribute to

providing them with the necessary support and resources?

Achieving equity is a multifaceted and complex goal that requires a coordinated and collective effort from

People with
People with
individuals, communities, organizations, and governments at all levels. Everyone's involvement is crucial because
promoting social justice and creating a fairer society cannot be achieved by any single group or individual acting

alone. Furthermore, individuals and organizations with diverse backgrounds and perspectives can bring unique

insights and ideas that can help to identify and address systemic barriers that perpetuate social inequalities. In

impairments disabilites many cases, the government alone may not have the resources, expertise, or capacity to address these issues

effectively, making the involvement of different stakeholders even more essential for achieving meaningful and

This infoboard aims to discuss practical ways to promote equity for people with disabilities, specifically
lasting change. Another example could be of the MTR stations interviewing people with visual impairments and

those with visual impairments and physical disabilities, in MTR stations, specifically Yau Ma Tei station. physical disabilities to see the trouble they are going through. Everyone, those with the disabilities, MTR stations

with high power and you can all help make HK a more equitable world.


In Yau Ma Tei MTR Station, systemic inequity disproportionately affects individuals with disabilities. In this

infoboard, I will be specifically discussing the inequity present in the MTR station for individuals with physical

disabilities and visual impairments.

Breaking Barriers: The Challenges of Physical Disabilities Clearing the Blind Spots: Inequity and Visual Impairment

I recently conducted a walking audit of Yau Ma

I recently conducted a walking audit of Yau Ma Tei Station,
Tei Station, and found that for many aspects,
and found that for visually impaired people, it was very
hard to navigate around the station. I believe this is due
including its facilities particualrly lifts, it ranked
to the insufficient tactile paving, insufficient seatings, and
very poorly for individuals with visual
insufficient sound systems, all of which affect the ability
impairments and physical disabilities. Inequity in
of visually impaired people to access and navigate the
the facilities of the station, particularly lifts are
station. As seen in the first image, there is almost no way
for a visually impaired person to find their way around the
due to the fact that there are an inadequate

station. In the second image, people have to make their

amount of them, sometimes for areas, there
own seats in the station via their own luggages, and in the
aren't even any (as seen in 2nd photo. third image, we can only see lighting systems but no

sound systems.

Yau Ma Tei Station presents several inequitable conditions that pose significant
challenges for individuals with disabilities, including the lack of elevators, accessible
Inequity for visually impaired individuals at Yau Ma Tei MTR station is a significant

issue, as they face several barriers that prevent them from accessing essential

seating, and tactile paving, which are crucial features for individuals with mobility and transportation services and infrastructure. The lack of tactile paving, clear

visual impairments. These barriers not only prevent individuals with disabilities from signage, and staff assistance can make navigating the station challenging and

accessing transportation services and infrastructure but also perpetuate societal

unsafe, further marginalizing individuals with visual impairments in society.

marginalization. It is imperative for governments, policy makers, and MTR stations to

Addressing these issues by promoting inclusive design and accessibility features

address these concerns and prioritize accessibility to promote equity and inclusion
can create a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone, ensuring that

for everyone. As depicted in the accompanying images, the station's sole lift often
individuals with visual impairments can exercise their rights and actively

leads to long queues, and there isn't even a lift available at exit B, further
participate in society.
highlighting the urgent need for action.


In this section, I will discuss how individuals from different backgrounds can contribute to creating a
more equitable MTR station, focusing on footpaths, facilities, crossing roads, safety, traffic, and
aesthetics, and why it is important for everyone to help achieve equity for all.

Footpaths Safety
The footpaths of Yau Ma Tei Station present inequitable Yau Ma Tei Station's safety is inequitable for individuals

conditions for individuals with visual impairments and with visual impairments and physical disabilities due to

physical disabilities, as they often lack clear signage, tactile

hazards such as uneven surfaces and insufficient lighting,

paving, and other accessibility features. To address this

as indicated by high scores on a walking audit form. To

issue, governments, policy makers, and regular people can

work together to promote inclusive design, implement create a safer and more inclusive environment,

accessibility standards, and ensure that the needs of governments, policy-makers, and regular people can

individuals with disabilities are considered and met during promote inclusive design, implement accessibility

the planning and design phases of transportation standards, and install safety measures like tactile paving,

infrastructure. clear signage, and adequate lighting.

Facilities Traffic
Facilities at Yau Ma Tei Station are inequitable for individuals with The traffic I am referring to is not the busses and cars on the street, but the

visual impairments and physical disabilities due to a lack of amount of people in the Yau Ma Tei MTR station. The traffic inside Yau Ma Tei MTR

station can be inequitable for individuals with visual and physical disabilities, as

accessible features such as ramps, elevators, and accessible

they may face challenges navigating through the crowded station. This can result

seating. To address this issue, governments and policy makers can in unsafe conditions for individuals with mobility impairments and visual

implement accessibility standards and regulations, while MTR impairments who may be at risk of injury or getting lost. To address these

stations can provide accessible facilities and services. Regular concerns, governments and policy makers can implement measures to reduce

people can help by advocating for equitable transportation systems, overcrowding, such as increasing the frequency of trains or adding additional staff

volunteering with organizations that support individuals with to assist individuals with disabilities in navigating the station. Regular people can

disabilities, and educating themselves about accessibility needs. also help by advocating for safer and more accessible transportation

infrastructure, donating to organizations that support individuals with disabilities,

While MTR stations have already incorporated accessibility features

and volunteering with organizations that provide support and resources to

such as ramps, staff assistance is still necessary to ensure the individuals with disabilities. By working together, we can create a safer and more

safety and accessibility of visually impaired individuals. accessible environment for everyone in the Yau Ma Tei MTR station area.

Crossing Roads Aesthetics

The aesthetics of Yau Ma Tei MTR station can be inequitable for individuals with visual

Exiting Yau Ma Tei Station can present dangerous crossing conditions for

and physical disabilities, as they may present barriers such as poor lighting, confusing

individuals with visual and physical disabilities, as they may encounter

signage, and lack of tactile paving. The main aesthetical problem I would like to talk

unsafe crossing locations, insufficient crossing time, and a lack of audible

about is the confusing signage. To address these issues, governments and policy makers

signals. These issues are particularly evident in the road directly outside the

can implement inclusive design principles and accessibility standards, ensuring that

station from exit A, which can pose a significant danger for visually impaired

transportation infrastructure is accessible and inclusive for everyone. MTR stations and

individuals who are unsure of when to cross the road. To address these
transportation organizations can also provide staff training to assist individuals with

concerns, governments, MTR stations, and transportation organizations can

disabilities in navigating the station safely. Regular people can help by advocating for

implement safer and more accessible crossing infrastructure, while regular

inclusive design and accessibility, donating to organizations that support individuals with
people can advocate for safer crossing conditions and volunteer with
disabilities, and volunteering with organizations that provide support and resources to

organizations that support individuals with disabilities. By working together,

individuals with disabilities. By working together, we can create a more aesthetically

we can create a safer and more equitable environment for everyone in the
pleasing and equitable environment for everyone in the Yau Ma Tei MTR station area.
Yau Ma Tei MTR station area.

Why you should help?

Achieving a fully equitable MTR station for individuals with physical disabilities and visual impairments, such as Yau Ma Tei station, is crucial for promoting social justice, upholding human rights,

and fostering fairness. The Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department reported that in 2016, 594,200 people with disabilities resided in Hong Kong, accounting for 8.3% of the population. A

survey by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service revealed that 80% of these individuals rely on public transportation. However, a 2019 report by the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

identified many MTR stations lacking adequate accessibility features. This lack of accessibility can restrict the participation of people with disabilities in social activities, hinder access to

healthcare services, and limit employment opportunities. The World Health Organization found that the cost of inaccessibility can be significant, including lost productivity, increased medical

expenses, and reduced quality of life. Improving public transportation accessibility can provide significant economic benefits, such as increased employment for people with disabilities, boosted

tourism, and enhanced productivity, as reported by the World Bank. By considering diverse perspectives and needs during transportation system design and planning, we can create an inclusive

environment that grants equal access to everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Systemic barriers often hinder social and economic progress for individuals with disabilities, further

limiting their access to essential transportation services and infrastructure. By promoting equity at Yau Ma Tei station, we can work towards dismantling these barriers and empower individuals

with disabilities to fully exercise their rights and actively participate in society. Achieving equity for all is our shared responsibility, as it benefits not only individuals with disabilities but also

enriches society by fostering fairness. Making one MTR station more equitable is a crucial step for Hong Kong to develop a more inclusive world. A truly equitable MTR station caters to

everyone's needs, providing accessible facilities and services, such as clear signage and staff trained to assist individuals with disabilities. The station encourages alternative transportation

modes, offers affordable and accessible services, and addresses systemic barriers. Collaboration among policymakers, governments, MTR stations, and citizens is vital for implementing design

ideas that promote equitable safety in Yau Ma Tei Station for individuals with disabilities. Regular people can help by advocating for equitable transportation systems, volunteering with

organizations supporting individuals with disabilities, and educating themselves about the experiences and needs of people with disabilities. Together, we can create a safe and inclusive

environment for everyone at Yau Ma Tei Station. Ultimately, a fully equitable MTR station exemplifies a commitment to social justice, equality, and human rights, ensuring equal access for

everyone to flourish, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. It is our collective responsibility to contribute to the 10th SDG to make a more inclusive and equitable society.


Yau Ma Tei Station is a significant transportation hub in Hong Kong, yet inequity is present as those with physical disabilities and

visual impairments face barriers to accessing transportation services. Achieving equity is crucial for social justice and human

rights, benefiting everyone and society. Everyone of different natures such as governments, regular pedestrians can all help by

Advocating, volunteering, donating, and educating ourselves can contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable society and
help follow the 10th SDG, making Hong Kong thrive.

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