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Bianca has gone through a lot, apparently becoming a woman has changed her way of
thinking a little. Bryan, a person who really hates the principles that women carry, now has to
submit to reality, being a woman is not an easy matter and there are too many obstacles, but,
even so, they are still strong in living their lives.

Ellena arrived at the apartment first, now Bianca has also arrived at the apartment, news
from the internet about Bryan's whereabouts is still very viral. Ellena, who accidentally saw
the news, initially wanted to turn off the cell phone, but suddenly Bianca reprimanded

"Eh? Bryan? Whereabouts? Ellena what are you watching?" asked Bianca who had just come

"Bianca? You're home already? Here, I'm scrolling through my cellphone and watching a video," Ellena said,
seeming not to care too much about the news, even though the news she was currently witnessing caused
the company's stock price to continue to fall.

"Ellena, I want to see the news, don't change it," Bianca said then sat with Ellena while
watching the news.

From the news he watched and then opened Bianca had a little hope of convincing
Luis if Bryan was still around, now it's just a matter of how Bianca convinces Luis.

"Good, Bryan is still alive, finally the truth was revealed, now I have more chances to convince
Luis," Bianca said, making Ellena confused.

"You know the man in the news?" she asked.

"I know him so well that I even know every detail about him," Bianca said, opening
Ellena laughing.
"What's wrong with you, are you his ex-girlfriend?" she asked.

"More than that, I have even united with his body," said Bianca.

"Have you made love to that man?" Inquired Ellena with an emphasized gaze.

"It's not like that, the point is that I have become one with myself," Bianca said, focusing on watching the

Finally Bryan's photo was clearly displayed there and then Ellena seemed to recognize the man in
the news.

"Bianca? What is this man that is being talked about?" asked Ellen curiously.

"So you don't know Bryan Adam? One of the richest men in the world? How did you not know
this news was talking about this person

I, uh, do you mean that person?" Bianca said annoyed.

Ellena seemed to remember all the events she had experienced with Bryan, none of
which had good memories in her head.

"He is a man who is so arrogant, he is also a man who always embarrasses me in public,
several times he even managed to influence people around me until I was finally fired from my
job, even though at that time I really needed money for my grandfather's treatment," said
Ellena making Bianca regretted the way she treated Ellena in the past.

"Ellena, then what about your grandfather?" asked Bianca who heard Ellena's story.
"That day grandpa died, the day I didn't have a job because that arrogant man had taken
everything away, I really felt useless when grandpa died, I haven't even had time to make
grandpa see me succeed and return the company's assets controlled by her children," Ellena
said, looking sad at the memory of that incident.

"Ellena? Are you really mad at that guy?" she asked.

"I don't know, until this moment I don't know how to say it but, everything that man did has
changed my life, I really hate him," Ellena said, causing Bianca to hug Ellena reflexively.

"Ellena, I don't know if the problem you are facing is so heavy, I don't know how a weak
woman can bear such a heavy burden, you are truly extraordinary," Bianca said, looking

"Eh? What are you doing, why are you suddenly hugging me? I consider this problem that I'm
facing as part of my perfect life. I have to accept everything that happens to my life. After all,
it's already passed. I'm happy," said Ellena who was currently being hugged by Bianca.

"Ellena, I'm really sorry for what I did before, I will try to make you happy and protect you,
even with this weak body, I have to prove to Ellena that I'm not as bad as she thinks,"
Bianca muttered while hugging Ellen.

"Come on let go of your hug, do you also miss your family?" asked Ellena then Bianca let go of
her hug.

"No, I just want to go back to how it was before," Bianca said a little touched.
"Everything will come back Bianca, maybe now you are abandoned by your family, that's
the same thing I received today but, I will try to keep living my life, you also have to be
passionate, we are not just ordinary women, we are strong because we have strong
bones," Ellena said, trying to encourage Bianca, who thought that Bianca had been
abandoned by her family.

"No Ellena, you don't understand what I'm going through, you even think I was abandoned by my
family, right now I'm looking for a way so I can return to my original form, even though I've never
understood why things could be like this," Bianca muttered under her breath. his heart.

Now that the news of Bryan's death is known, it might push Bianca to be able to convince Luis
but, then again, she's going to take a gamble because Luis is not a fool to be fooled.

"I just realized that the news about the fact of the man's death has caused the shares of several
companies to drop. It even affects the value of the shares of the company where we work," Ellena said
when she opened her laptop and received a message from Paul.

"That's obvious because Bryan is the most influential person in the world, everyone will
definitely transfer their assets to Bryan's company, because that company is the fastest among
the other companies," Bianca said when Ellena said about the value of Paul's company shares.

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