Indra Lumbantobing, 221310004

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NAME : Indra Bonatua Lumbantobing

NPM : 221310004

1. According to the passage, what was the first domesticated plant

Answer : Corn and Rice crops
2. What was the first domesticated animal?
Answer : Dog
3. What are the benefits of food surpluses?
Answer: As additional food when crop failure or exchange it with other goods
4. It in paragraph 1 line 2 refers to…
Answer: A. Agriculture
5. Them in paragraph 8 line 5 refers to…
Answer : C. Animals
6. Domesticated in paragraph 8 line1 is closest in meaning to ……
Answer: B. Wild
7. Nomadic in paragraph 10 line1 is closest in meaning to …..
Answer : C. Wandering
8. Summarize the text above into 8-10 sentences
Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and
raising livestock. Agriculture provides most of the world’s food and fabrics. These
products, as well as the agricultural methods used, may vary from one part of the
world to another. Before agriculture became widespread, people spent most of their
lives searching for food-hunting wild animals and gathering wild plants. By 2,000
years ago, much of the Earth’s population had become dependent on agriculture.
When people began growing crops, they also began herding and breeding wild
animals. The first domesticated plant was probably rice or corn. Chinese farmers
were cultivating rice as early as 7500 BCE. The first domesticated animals were
dogs, which were used for hunting. Sheep and goats were probably domesticated
next. Agriculture enabled people to produce surplus food. They could use this extra
food when crops failed or trade it for other goods. Food surpluses allowed people
to work at other tasks unrelated to farming.

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