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American Economic Association

Long-Run Changes in the Workweek of Fixed Capital

Author(s): Murray F. Foss
Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 71, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the
Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1981), pp. 58-
Published by: American Economic Association
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Accessed: 05-05-2018 17:52 UTC

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Long-Run Changes in the Workweek
of Fixed Capital

By MURRAY F. Foss*

The measurement of capital has always continuous industries and more efficient use
been difficult and the measurement of fixedof fixed capital by business were among the
capital input in accounting for the long-run reasons for the increase in hours.
growth of output in the United States has There isn't time to review that con-
had its share of controversy. One question troversy (see Survey of Current Business)
that arose in what could be called the capital and its aftermath here. The debate came to
utilization dispute of the late 1960's and a halt mainly because the opposing sides
1970's was whether, in measuring capital acknowledged that data were lacking to
input, the change in the real capital stock in make an adjustment of capital for a long-
place (the balance-sheet concept) should be run increase in utilization. It was agreed
adjusted also for any long-run change in that it made no difference, given proper
hours worked by capital per week or per measurement, whether one adjusted capital
year. This issue was part of a broader de- for longer hours, or identified the effect of
bate over the sources of U. S. economic longer capital hours as a component of the
growth. Two key conclusions of growth change in total factor productivity. It
studies by investigators in the 1950's and was further agreed that data on shift work
early 1960's were 1) the contribution of fixedwould help eliminate a deficiency that had
capital to output growth, while considerable, been pointed out earlier by Abramovitz,
in a sense has been smaller than commonly Fabricant, and Kuznets. In his 1957 article,
thought, and 2) the contribution of the Solow speculated that a secular increase in
growth in total factor productivity- the "re-shift work would explain at least part of the
sidual"- has been comparatively large 1943-49 deviations from his long-run rela-
(see Moses Abramovitz, Edward Denison, tionship between output and capital.
Solomon Fabricant, John Kendrick, and William Fellner had used a similar explana-
Robert Solow). But this view of the econ- tion for the low capital-output ratio he
omy was criticized. For example, in 1967 found for the wartime years.
Dale Jorgenson and Zvi Griliches main- This paper summarizes major findings of
tained that, as measured by Denison, the a more detailed study of the change in the
contribution of capital was understated (and workweek of fixed capital in manufacturing
total factor productivity overstated) in large from 1929 to 1976. The study, which refers
part because no allowance was made for the to weekly hours of plant operations and not
long-run increase in the utilization of fixed to the workweek of labor, first sets out the
capital. They made a utilization adjustment main facts of the change in weekly plant
that relied on a 1963 study I had made that hours in manufacturing from 1929 to 1976,
found an increase in equipment utilization and then analyzes reasons for the changes,
of one-third to one-half from the 1920's to using detailed industries as units of observa-
the mid-1950's in the manufacturing sector. tion. The study is scheduled to be published
My earlier study speculated that a rise in in early 1981.
shiftwork, an increase in the importance of The data on weekly plant hours are based
on a virtually identical set of questions that
have been asked in recent years of a sample
*Visiting scholar, American Enterprise Institute for of manufacturing plants as part of a Census
Public Policy Research. The assistance of Robert Dub- Bureau survey of capacity utilization, and
man is gratefully acknowledged. that were asked of all manufacturers in the


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1929 Census of Manufactures.' The 1929 TABLE I -AVERAGE WEEKLY PLANTr HouRs AND THEIR

questions, which are part of the ques- CHANGE, 1929-76, BY MAJOR INDUSTRY

tionnaire reproduced in the published 1929

census volumes, were answered by respon-
1929 1976 Change
dents but apparently were never tabulated. I
found that the basic census records for 1929 Food 88.0 90.3 2.6
had been preserved on microfilm, contrary Tobacco 49.2 104.4 112.2
to some earlier information I had received. Textiles 66.8 115.6 73.0
With the help of the National Science Apparel 46.0 46.3 0.6
Lumber 58.2 62.6 7.6
Foundation and the Bureau of the Census, I
Furniture 50.3 52.6 4.6
initiated a study in which the Census Bureau Paper 128.7 139.6 8.5
drew from the 1929 returns a probability Printing and Publishing 62.7 82.8 31.6
sample of some 9,000 plants, which was Chemicals 108.1 138.2 27.8
Petroleum 157.8 162.9 3.2
blown up to universe totals for companson
Rubber 103.7 120.0 15.7
with the results of recent surveys.
Leather 49.4 45.6 -7.7
From 1929 to 1976, the average workweek Stone, Clay, and Glass 104.6 119.3 14.1
of fixed capital in manufacturing increased Primary Metals 125.5 142.4 13.5
about 25 percent or at an average annual Fabricated Metals 55.6 77.8 39.9
Machinery 55.7 83.5 49.9
rate of 0.47 percent (Table 1). This rise
Electrical Machinery 49.6 77.0 55.2
reflects an increase in the number of hours Transportation Equipment 60.5 88.8 46.8
worked by plants per day as a result of Instruments 59.5 76.6 28.7
increased shift work partly offset by a de- Miscellaneous 49.3 62.1 26.0
All Manufacturing 24.7
crease in the number of days worked per
week. The overall rise occurred in the face
of a decline in the average workweek of Source: Estimates based on data from Bureau of
labor from a customary 50 hours per week Census and BLS.
Notes: 2-digit industries- 1976, average weekly
in 1929 (actual hours were lower) to a 40-
plant hours at 4-digit level weighted by book value
hour standard in 1976. The overall rise oc- of gross fixed assets (Census);- 1929, average
curred even though there was little or no weekly plant hours at detailed industry level
change in the length of the plant workweek weighted by horsepower. For both years industry
classifications have been modified. All manufactur-
for part of the capital stock that has typi-
ing change: percent change in 2-digit averages as
cally worked around the clock. calculated above weighted by 1954 gross fixed assets
From 1929 to 1976 the gross stock of in 1972 prices (BLS).
fixed capital in manufacturing (Commerce)
in 1972 prices rose by 166 percent or at an
average annual rate of 2.10 percent. The of almost 45 percent in the ratio of fixed
0.47 percent annual rise in average weekly capital to output in manufacturing from
plant hours over this period was thus 22 1929 to 1976. The drop is about 30 percent
percent of the gross stock increase. In most after adjusting for the rise in plant hours
2-digit industries, increases in plant hours (Table 2).
reinforced increases in capital stock. When changes in capital input are esti-
The rise in average weekly plant hours mated by the change in the stock of capital
provides a partial explanation for the drop in place, the effect of longer average week-
ly plant hours should be included in the
change in total factor productivity. Using
'The 1976 questionnaire instructs respondents to Kendrick's estimates of total factor produc-
refer to the "duration the plant is open and operating" tivity in 2-digit industries for 1929-48 and
in reporting days per week and hours per day. Weekly 1948-76, I regressed the 1929-76 change in
plant hours were derived as the product of industry
plant hours on the change in total factor
averages of these two items for "actual operations." In
1929, respondents were asked to report "normal num- productivity. For the twenty 2-digit in-
bers of hours plant was operated per day and per dustries, r=.45, which is significant at the
week." Shift data were also reported. .05 level.

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Fixed Capital

Without Hours Adjustment With Hours Adjustment

Output Gross Net Gross Net

480.8 265.8 254.7 331.6 317.6
Fixed Capital-Output Ratios

55.3 53.0 69.0 66.0

Source: Output-Kendrick and Bureau of Economic Analysis; Capital Stocks-

Bureau of Economic Analysis; Hours Adjustment-see All Manufacturing, Table 1.

The data on weekly hours of plant opera- 1929 and 1976 and usually with the same
tions made possible an estimate of the variables, explained more than half of the
growth of "continuousness" in manufactur- variance in each year. But only the change
ing, which is an important aspect of modem version results are described here. The de-
technical change. A rise in the capital-labor pendent variable is ordinarily the difference
ratio and a reduction in the time during in average weekly plant hours in 1976 as
which capital is idle are two of the most compared to 1929. The independent vari-
important results of the trend toward con- ables, data for which came mostly from the
tinuousness. Within each 4-digit industry in census, are as follows:
1976 it was possible to obtain tabulations of 1) The change in continuousness. Two
plants working 150 hours or more per week versions of this variable were used. One, the
and their share of employment. These de- share of employment in continuous plants,
tailed industry percentages were weighted has already been described. A second was a
by gross fixed assets to obtain 2-digit in- dummy variable indicating the presence or
dustry percentages and a percentage of all absence of a single plant operating 150
manufacturing. This yielded a figure of 28 hours or more per week in a given industry.
percent for 1976. Similar tabulations for 2) The change in capital intensity. The
1929 that made use of horsepower to com- greater the capital intensity, the more likely
bined detailed industries yielded a figure of the use of shift work. This variable is obvi-
16 percent for that year. The difference be- ously related to continuousness. Because
tween the figures would be smaller if the measures of capital intensity based on data
mix of industries at the 2-digit level were that take no account of shifts can be mis-
held constant. leading, I wound up using the ratio of kilo-
To explain industry variations in the watt hours of all electricity-a proxy for
change in weekly hours of plant operations capital services-to wage earner man-hours.
from 1929 to 1976, I made use of some 3) Changes in wage differentials for late
broad facts that emerged from the statistical shift work. At a point in time wage differen-
tabulations, some institutional developments tials for late shifts discourage shift work. We
and certain portions of the micro theory have two important facts about these
underlying shift work (see Robin Marris, differentials from the BLS (see Charles
Gordon Winston, and Roger Betancourt O'Connor). First, they are small relative to
and Christopher Clague). Both cross-sec- straight-time wages in this country. Second,
tional and change versions were tried based shift differentials in manufacturing have not
on essentially the same group of industries, kept pace with wages generally, at least in
which numbered from 85 to 95. The cross the postwar period. Testing of the hypothe-
sections, which were done separately for sis was severely hampered by data limita-

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TABLE 3-REsULTs OF EQUATIONS ExPLAINING THE industries that adapted most rapidly to the
40-hour week and multiple shifts, that is, to
1929 TO 1976, wiTH Two VARIANTS FOR
longplant hours, were those that started off
with long labor hours and a large potential
Regression Coefficients using liability due to the new wage-hour legisla-
tion. I used the labor week in 1929 as a
Constant Dummy for (4) Percentage for (4)
proxy for its length around the time of the
-10.54 (1.2) -10.83 (1.2) passage of the Wage-Hour Law.
(1) Capital intensity .2434 (2.3)a .1951 (1.4) Table 3 presents the results of the change
(2) Single-plant firms - .2354 (2.0)a - .2503 (2.0)a equations with two versions for continuous-
(3) Women - .3036 (1.8)b - .3569 (2.1)a
ness. With the dummy version, which has
(4) Continuousness 13.04 (3.0)a .1716 (.9)
(5) Labor workweek the higher r2, the coefficients on (1), (2), (4),
in 1929 1.96 (2.6)a 2.2332 (2.9)a and (5) have the correct signs and all are
R 2 .28 .21 significant at the .05 level. The coefficient
N 88 88
for the share of women in total employment
is negative and significant at the .10 level.
'Significant at .05 lev
bSignificant The comparativelyat low t-values.10
for capital le
intensity and continuousness when continu-
ousness is measured as a percentage are
tions and was confined to a very small sub- attributable to multicollinearity.
sample of the large sample. The coefficient on weekly labor hours in
4) Changes in relative importance of 1929 indicates that, for every hour by which
single-plant firms. A few industries like the ap- workweek of labor in 1929 exceeds 40
parel and footwear operate their plants fewer hours, the length of the plant workweek
hours per week today than in 1929. These increased by 2.0 to 2.2 hours from 1929 to
are industries in which owners may provide 1976.
a significant share of total labor input or Because of data gaps my analysis of the
may constitute the only managerial input effect of late-shift wage differentials was
available to the firm. In such firms the limited to nineteen industries and was con-
owners prefer leisure to the income that fined to 1976. Since the shift differential is
might be earned through longer hours on positively related to the supply of labor for
extra shifts. This influence would have di- late shifts and negatively related to the de-
minished over time as the importance of mand for late-shift labor, I used a model
small firms within industries diminished. with both supply and demand equations.
This variable was measured by the change However, significant coefficients for the dif-
in the proportion of value-added accounted ferential variable were not obtained.
for by single-plant firms from 1929 to 1976. To summarize: the rise in average weekly
5) Changes in the importance of women plant hours in manufacturing from 1929 to
in the labor force. If women are the main 1976 is explained in part by the rise in
source of added labor supply, but do not capital intensity and a related increase
wish to work at night or are prohibited by in continuous operations in industry. In-
law from doing so, industries may find dustries where single-plant firms predom-
themselves inhibited in their ability to use inate today are those where plant hours are
shift work. However, the force of this in- short and probably reflect a preference by
fluence probably grew smaller over time as owners of small firms for leisure as against
a result of the movement toward equality income. The decline in the importance of
between the sexes. such firms has contributed to the lengthen-
6) The effect of the Wage-Hour Law. The ing in plant hours. The overtime provisions
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 probably of the Wage-Hour Law also contributed to
hastened the adoption of shift work because the trend toward longer plant hours. The
it required that overtime be paid at a time- evidence is not strong but the growing pres-
and-a-half rate. My hypothesis is that the ence of women in employment seems to

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have inhibited the use of shift work for the quit farming or to moonlight and thus im-
period as a whole. The long-term decline in prove their income. If so, increases in shift
shift differentials relative to wages has prob- work in rural areas at relatively low shift
ably had some influence on the spread of differentials could be an important nexus
shift work even though the severely limited between capital investment and the move-
sample with wage differential data did not ment of labor out of farming. This rationale
yield statistically significant results. is consistent with Denison, who has
I have not yet attempted to relate these attached importance to the shift of farm
findings to those of my 1963 study. Today's labor to nonfarm employment in explaining
results provide part of the explanation for the rise in total factor productivity from
the rise in average weekly equipment hours 1929 to recent years.
in manufacturing I had found from 1929 to
1954, but they will not explain any rise in
the efficiency of capital utilization on a REFERENCES
given shift. Still, the increases reported here
could help explain an apparent decline in M. Abramovitz, Resource and Output Trends
average lives of equipment in use. They in the United States Since 1870, Occas.
could also be one of the explanations of Paper 42, Nat. Bur. Econ. Res., New York
why the stock of manufacturing plants has 1956.
risen so little in the past 25 or 50 years. R. T. Betancourt and C. K. Clague, "An Eco-
Work is underway on estimates of weekly nomic Analysis of Capital Utilization,"
plant hours for periods between 1929 and Southern Econ. J, July 1975, 42, 69-78.
1976 as well as on the rest of the private Edward F. Denison, The Sources of Economic
business sector. Until the picture is more Growth in the United States and the
complete, we ought to reserve judgment Alternatives Before Us, Suppl. Paper No.
about economy-wide issues, such as the ex- 13, New York 1962.
tent to which the long-run decline in the S. Fabricant, "Economic Progress and Eco-
workweek of labor may have been offset by nomic Change," 34th Annual Report of the
a rise in the workweek of fixed capital. That National Bureau of Economic Research,
problem was addressed in a 1956 paper by New York 1954.
Charles Schultze, who surmised that from Murray F. Foss, Changes in the Workweek of
1890 to the early 1950's about two-thirds of Fixed Capital: U.S. Manufacturing, 1929
the decline in the workweek of nonfarm to 1976, American Enterprise Institute,
labor was accompanied by a drop in hours Washington, forthcoming.
worked by fixed capital. , "The Utilization of Capital Equip-
It is interesting to speculate about the ment," Surv. Curr. Bus., June 1963, 43,
long-term relative decline in late shift wage 8-16.
differentials, and the concomitant rise in D. W. Jorgenson and Z. Griliches, "The Ex-
shift work. Does it mean that the supply planation of Productivity Change," Rev.
curve of labor willing to work evenings and Econ. Studies, July 1967, 34, 249-83.
nights has shifted out? And is this because John W. Kendrick, Productivity Trends in the
of improved transportation and plant amen- United States, Princeton 1961.
ities that have reduced the real cost to the Simon Kuznets, Capital in the American Econ-
worker of night work? It may be that deci- omy: Its Formation and Financing, Prince-
sions by business to locate new plants de- ton 1961.
signed to operate two and three shifts have Robin Marris, The Economics of Capital Utili-
been importantly influenced by the availa- zation, Cambridge Univ. Press: Cam-
bility of a labor supply that was willing to bridge 1964.
work late shifts at low shift differentials. C. M. O'Connor, "Late-Shift Employment in
This could be the case where plants were Manufacturing Industries," Mon. Labor
located away from large cities and repre- Rev., Nov. 1970, 93, 37-42.
sented opportunities for farmers either to C. L. Schultze, "Some Economic Con-

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sequences of Long-Term Changes in 1974, 12, 1301-20.

Working Hours," mimeo., 1956. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census of Manufac-
R. M. Solow, "Technical Change and the tures, Washington 1929, 1, 330.
Aggregate Production Function," Rev. Survey of Plant Capacity, Washing-
Econ. Statist., Aug. 1957, 39, 312-20. ton 1976, MQ-C1 (76)-i.
G. Winston, "The Theory of Capital Utiliza- "The Measurement of Productivity," Surv. Curr.
tion and Idleness," J. Econ. Lit., Dec. Bus., May 1972, No. 5, Part II, 52.

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