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MATRIC NO.:21/2011
Estimation Technique: One of the key differences between COCOMO 1 and
COCOMO 2 is the estimation technique used. COCOMO 1 uses a single-point
estimation technique, while COCOMO 2 uses a multi-point estimation technique.
This means that COCOMO 2 provides a range of cost estimates, taking into
account the uncertainty and variability of software development projects.

Level of Detail: COCOMO 1 provides a relatively simple and straightforward

estimate of the cost of a software project, while COCOMO 2 provides a more
detailed and sophisticated estimate. COCOMO 2 takes into account a wider range
of factors and provides a more comprehensive picture of the cost and schedule of a
software development project.

Range of Factors Considered: COCOMO 1 is based on a limited set of factors that

can affect software development projects, while COCOMO 2 takes into account a
wider range of factors, including the development environment, the experience
level of the development team, the use of new and innovative technologies, and the
requirement for reuse and reuse of existing components.

Flexibility and Adaptability: COCOMO 2 provides a more flexible and adaptable

approach to cost estimation, allowing for more accurate and reliable cost estimates.
This is achieved by using a multi-point estimation technique and taking into
account a wider range of factors that can affect software development projects.

Complexity: COCOMO 1 is a relatively simple and straightforward model, while

COCOMO 2 is a more complex and sophisticated model. This is reflected in the
level of detail and precision provided by the two models, with COCOMO 2
providing a more comprehensive picture of the cost and schedule of a software
development project.
Model Parameters: COCOMO 1 uses a limited set of model parameters, while
COCOMO 2 uses a more extensive set of parameters that take into account a wider
range of factors that can affect software development projects.

Mode of Operation: COCOMO 1 is based on the assumption that software

development projects can be represented by three different modes: organic,
semidetached, and embedded. COCOMO 2, on the other hand, takes a more
flexible approach and allows for a more customized representation of software
development projects.

User Experience: COCOMO 1 is relatively straightforward and easy to use,

making it a good choice for small and simple software development projects.
COCOMO 2, on the other hand, is a more complex and sophisticated model that is
better suited to larger and more complex software development projects.

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