Construction Guidelines & HOA Rules and Regulations PDF

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These Guidelines have been prepared to serve as practical guide for

owners/builders; and should be strictly followed. From time to time, these rules
may be supplemented and updated by RS Property Management Corp. ln any
event, the Village Management will notify you of any changes.

Securing ldentification Cards and Permit Procedures:

o No construction worker shall be allowed to enter the Village nor work in any
construction projects without an official Village ldentification Card (lD) to be worn
at all times. lt shall he the responsibility of the homeowner and building contractor
to secure the said l.D cards from the Village Administration office with the
following required documents namely: (a) NBt Clearance, (b) Medical
Certificate/Rapid-COVlD Test Clearance, (c) Signed request letter from the
Contractor or their authorized representative together with the worker/s Bio-
data with two (2) pieces 1x1 picture. A fee of One Hundred Pesos Only (PhP 100)
shall be collected as payment for the !.D.

o The said lDs shall be valid for one (1) year and co-terminus with the Village
Construction Permit. The lDs shall remain the property of The Orchard Residential
Estate and must be surrendered to the Village Administration office upon
completion of the project/construction or ternnination of contract of the worker.
A penalty shall be imposed on the construction bond in case of failure to render
issued lDs to the Village Administration office.

o The Foreman is required to attend the orientation of the rules and regulations to
be conducted at the Admin Office prior to start of work. Please contact Ms.
Myl en e Ata na cio at O925-217 -2837 f o r rese rvati on.

o The Foreman or representative is required to update the list of his workers on a

monthly basis for security monitoring,

o Regulations, Routines and Schedules of the Workers:

o Construction worker/s are required to surrender their Village lDs before

exiting the Village. Daily passes are provided to the worker valid from
7:00am until 6:00pm. Non stay-in workers are only allowed to stay inside
the village within the stipulated validity hours of their issued pass. For
security purposes, workers shall be constricted on their designated working
areas since loitering is prohibited inside the village.

o For Stay-in Workers: Only three (3) stay-in workers are allowed per project
and their identities must be validated by the homeowner and their
contractor. Submission of their personal information (names and
addresses) and their contractor's name must be forwarded by the
homeowner or the contractor to the Village Administration Office copy
furnished Security Office for approval. Curfew hours sholl be strictly
followed from 6:00pm to 7:00om since loitering inside the village of any
non-resident is strictl.y piohibited. The privileges of staying-in is restricted
to the worker alone and does not include any member/s of their respective

o Any homeowner or Contractor found to be bringing in unregistered

worker/s shall be deemed to have violated the village's regulations and shall
be subject to a corresponding penalty fee stipulated in the contract.

o Designated officers, village administration and security personnel, may

randomly inspect the project site for the purpose of ensuring strict
adherence to the foregoing rules.

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No unauthorized signage, billboards, stickers and any painted or written
markings are allowed to be placed on any part of the work site including
trees and penimeter walls for the purpose of advertisement and promotion
of any occupant's products and services. However, nameplates and
professional signage of occupants shall be permitted as long as the
prescribed signage size of 30 cm x 60 cm only are observed.

Construction activities are restricted during Saturdays, Sundays and

holidays. Painting and other non-disturbing work activities may be allowed
during the said days and shall abide by the 8:00am to 5:00pm working

Construction materials such as, but not limited to, wood, gravel and sand
should be confined within the perimeter of the working area and should not
be placed on the road pavements.

Soil excavated from the construction site must be flattened out once project
is done. Non-abiding contractors shall be penalized and may be banned on
future projects inside the village.

A blue tarpaulin cover must be installed surrounding the perimeter of the

work area in observance'of the village's standards.

ln case of work stoppage for a valid reason, the homeowner or contractor

shall maintain the perimeter's cleanliness, free from any debris or
unattended construction materials and grass around the site and done
periodically until work has resumed and thoroughly completed.

builder to safe keep of their belonsings


The contractor is required to submit its Barangay Clearance,

Construction Permit issued by the Municipality together with the
approved plan by Sta. Lucia printed on an A3 size paper.


The owner is required to accomplished the home improvement/renovation

form at the administration office prior to said activity.


to provide shuttle service for their workers. All

The contractor is required
shuttle services whether a van, motorbike and/or a bicycle is required to be
registered at the Administration Office.


For Green Meadows 1; lO-wheeler Dump Truck Type ONLY, whether loaded or unloaded, may
enter the Village.

Delivery Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ONLY

Phase 1,9,7A,LA7 Gate 1

Phase 2 Delivery Gate 1

Phase 6,7,8, Tea House Gate 5
Gate 4 Area Gate 4
Green Meadows Salitran Gate Green Meadows

5.2. . Application Requirements:

- Personal completed Application Form

- Copy of Residence Certificate
- Copy of NBI clearance
- lf a Driver, copy of Driver's License
- 3 pcs. 1X1- picture

Rules and Regulations

6.1. The employee ldentiflcation Cards both Village id and Domestic Pass shall only be valid if
authorized by the Owner of the property or the authorized tenant.

6.2. The ldentification card shall be noted by the representative of RSPMC - Village Administrator
first prior to issuing the card.

6.3. Curfew for household employees is between 8pm to 5am.

6.4. When leaving the village and entering the premises, they are subject to inspection by security
personnel at the village gate.

6.5. The lD card shall be renewable yearly.

6.6. Registration Fee: P100 per lD card

Peace and Order

j.L. Noise that disturb peace and tranquility is discouraged and should be strictly avoided.
Minimize party noise at 10pm so as not to disturb neighbors. For late night activities,
consent of the neighbors within the area should be mandatory sought.

-7.2. Use, sale or possession of any prohibited drugs are strictly prohibited anywhere within
the village. Violators shall be reported to the proper local authorities.
'1.3, Vandalism of any vlllage structure and signage as well as display of indecent and
obscene behavior shall not be tolerated within The Orchard Residential Estate-

7.4. Littering at any part of the village is discouraged. Proper care must always be observed
on plants and structures within the village. Any damage caused on the said materials
and plants shall be charged to the violator/s.
7.5. As part of our security measures, homeowners are discouraged from acquiring services
of any driver/s or household helper/s who have previously worked from any co-villager's
residence. This may be allowed provided a written consent from the previous employer
(homeowner) is given to the Village administration for record purposes.

Construction / Renovation

(Please see attached separate R & R Construction File)

Visitor's Pass/Car Pass shall be issued to walk-in guests. A valid driver's license lD shall be given
to the main gate guard in exchange for the Visitor's Pass.

Event Pass

During big events (i.e. Wedding, Baptism, Parties), the host's invitation shallserve as entry pass
to the village. A sample must be given to the Administration not less than one (1) week before
the scheduled event,

Homeowners are requested to have an advanced notification to the Village Security on Dutyfor
expected guests through the Hotline Number of the Village to avoid further inconvenience and

A 3-day advance notice must be made through the Village Administration office on any gatherings
or specialoccasions to be held at any residence to include submission of list of expected guests
and Catering Service for security on duty's information as well as security purposes of the village.
Roving guards shall also make several ocular visits during any residential gatherings for checking.

Village Gate Pass

Village gate pass shall be used to regulate the exit of resident's guests/employees in bringing
items out of the village. This can only be authorized by the Owner of the property or the
authorized representative. The pass should likewise be noted by the Administrator before the
guard-on-duty can allow the release.


All deliveries to homeowners must be cleared through the Administration Office and no delivery
personnel shall be allowed inside the village without such clearance. Deliveries of furniture,
appliances, etc. are permitted only between 8am to7pm, Mondays to Saturdays. Any exception
must be cleared with the Administration.
Fraternization Policy

For security purposes, fraternizing with other drivers or household helpers from the nearby
residences are prohibited. Any complaint made by any homeowner/s on this kind of activity, shall
restrict the driver or household helper from re-entering the village.


Residents are only allowed to keep and maintain house pets such as dogs, cats, fish and birds
within their property. Categorized farm animals such as horses, chicken/game fowls, goats, hogs,
cows and the likes are strictly prohibited within the village. ln addition, feeding of stray animals
is also prohibited. Pets must be confined inside the owner's residential boundaries only, though
dogs may be taken out for a walk provided it is supported by a leash for the welfare of residents
and employees of the village. Furthermore, All pet droppings will immediately be picked up,
bagged and disposed of in proper cans or dumpsters.

The village security personnel are instructed

to impound any pets found loitering. A 48-hour claim
period shall be implemented on stray pets. Unclaimed pets/animal shall be turned over to the
city pound office.


No unauthorized signage, billboards, stickers and any painted or written markings are allowed to
be placed on any part of the residential area including trees and perimeter walls for the purpose
of advertisement and promotion of any occupant's products and services. However, nameplates
and professional signage of occupants shall be permitted as long as the prescribed signage size
of 30cm x 60 cm only are observed.

Firearms and Fireworks

Deliberate display or use of any firearms by any homeowner/s, its family members or guests,
except for village security personnel is strictly prohibited. Any violators shall be reported to the
proper local authorities.

Moving in and out of the Village

Move-lns. Anyone who wishes to move into any house in the village must first obtain a written
clearance from the Administration office for presentation to the security guard upon entry.
Requirements for "move-in" clearance shall include:
For registered lot owners of newly completed or constructed house:

a. Submission of copy of an Occupancy Permit.

b. A dully filled-out and accomplished "Horneowners lnfo Sheet"

ln case leased dwelling, the following documents are required;

a. A copy of the lease contract

b. Submission of duly accomplished "Occupants" lnfo Sheet for all occupants of the leased
c. ln the case of non-Filipino, copies of VISA AND Passport of all concerned.

A registered owner or lessor should inform the Administrotion office of his/her or

lessee's intention to move in ot leost five (5) working doys before the date of transfer.
Moving-in activities should take place only between &am to 6pm-

Move-outs. For registered owners/lessees moving out, proper written clearance must be sought
from the Administration Office. Requirements for "move-out" clearance shall include:

a. Written notice to the Administration office filed during office hours at five (5) working
days before any registered owner / tenant decides to move-out.
b. An issuance of quit claim letter by the registered owner stating that the Administration is
free and harmless of any and all claims and liabilities should be furnished to the
Administration office atleast three (3) working days before moving out. ln case if a lease,
a copy of a written permit issued to the tenant is required within the same period.
c. Schedule of move-out shall be from Sam to 6pm only'


GARAGE SALE: Residents who plan to hold a yard salewithin their respective residence are
advised to inform The Administration Office on the activity for proper security measures. A
maximum of a 3-day duratlon for this activity shall be observed.

MOVIE/TV FILMING: Filming or Location shooting of commercial movies and advertisements

will be allowed within the village provided a prior approval must be secured through a
confirmation letter from the homeowner. The homeowner shall be responsible in providing
schedules of taping to the Village Administration office for proper notification of nearby
homeowners on the activitY.
USE OF COMMON AREAS: The Orchard Residential Estate Administration and all its
residents-members are encouraged to work towards preserving a peaceful and tidy ambience
within the village through the proper use , cleanliness and maintenance of its roads, vacant lots,
playgrounds, parks and other common areas. Residents and their guests are prioritized with the
use of the Orchard Clubhouse and its facilities. No recreational activities shall be allowed to be
held on any streets of the village.



This Homeowner's Guide has been prepared to serve as practical guide for residents/lot owners.
The information contained must be followed by all residents and lot owners. From time to time,
these rules may be supplemente'd and updated by RS Property Management Corp. ln any event,
the Village Management will notify you of any changes.

General Cleanliness and Sanitation

1.1. Burning or incineratlon of any trash, garbage, garden cuttings or other rubbish on any
lot is prohibited.
1,.2. Garbage containers should be properly covered and kept odor-free.
1.3. Wet garbage should be placed inside a plastic bags which should be securely tied before
being placed inside the garbage container.
1,.4. Garbage containers should be kept inside the lot and rnust be brought out only during
garbage pick-up day set every Thursday of the week.
1.5. proper segregation & garbage disposal should be strictly observed.
1.6. Owners/occupants must avoid littering within the village. They shall keep and maintain
their premises and common areas in a clean and sanitary condition, free from all
obnoxious or unpleasant odors.
t.j. Clotheslines, piles of wood, construction materials and/or equipment must be
concealed from public view.
1.8. Cutting of trees is prohibited unless there is prior permission from the Administration
1.9. Dumping of trash, litter, discarded materials of any kind (including but not limited to
broken furniture; packaging materials and debris, tools and equipment) on vacant lots
are strictly prohibited.
1.10. Residents, owners and tenants should, at all times, conserving, and ensure the
conservation of all resources, natural and otherwise, of the country and the village.
Streets/Ve h icles/Drivers

2.1,. Vehicles of residents should have the approved stickers permanently located on the
windshield for entrance purposes.

2.2. The maximum speed limit of 30 kph for cars and L0 kph for motorcyles must be

observed at all times.

2.3. Only 1o-wheeler trucks, whether loaded or unloaded, may enter the village.

2.4. Overloaded vehicles are not allowed inside the village. Violators of this provision will not
be allowed to enter the village or if already inside, shall be prevented by the security
from driving such an overloaded vehicle. For the purposed of identifying overloaded
vehicles, the following shall be considered:

2.4.1. Motorcycles with more than two (2) persons on board

2.4 2.Any tl;" motor vehicle with passengers beyond the prescribed sitting

2.4.3. Trucks loaded with construction materials more than its capacity as
specified in the registration paper and indicated /printed on the side of
the vehicle.

2.5. Anyone riding a motorcycle should wear safety gears such as crash helmets, etc.

2.G. Unnecessary/excessive car horn blowing is not allowed within the village especially at

2.7. ln no case shall smoke-belching vehicles be allowed within the village, Public utility
vehicles, especially tricycles, will not be allowed entry into the premises. Taxis/Grab,
however, may be allowed to enter the village upon leaving their driver's license at the
guard house which will be returned to them before they are allowed to leave the village'

2.8. For visitors who have surrendered their lDs at the gate, the numbered vehicles card
(given by the guard) must be prominently displayed at the dashboard, seen through the
windshield of their vehicles.

Z.g. While at the premises of the village, drivers of homeowners and lessees are prohibited
from gambling, drinking liquor or loitering, indulging in horse play or other rowdy
behavior, staying and/or sleeping inside parked vehicles or any similar activity. Drivers
shall stay in their employee's house only. Drivers shall abide by the rules and regulations
of the village.
2.\0, intoxicated persons are not allowed to operate anytype of motorized vehicle inside the

2.L1-. Student drivers are not allowed to practice driving skills within the village premises.

2.12. Whether parked or in transit, the volume of car stereos should be limited so as not to
disturb the peace and quiet of the residents.

2.t3. Any violation of the traffic rules and regulations shall subject the owner/occupant
concerned to sanctions/fines that may be promulgated and enforced by RSPMC.


3.1. No Street or Park may be used for overnight or long-term parking and/or washing or
maintenance of any vehicle; provide, however, that, subject to security measures and
traffic regulations adopted by the Administration, temporary parking of vehicles may be
allowed on designated areas or roads. Penalties against erring Owners shall be imposed
by the RSPMC for cars/vehicles left outside designated parking areas or garages. Owners
of cars/vehicles left outside the parking areas or residential garages shall be penalized
accordingly by RSPMC.

3.2. Double-parking in any part of the village thoroughfares shall not be allowed.

3.3. Parking on the streets should not coverthe sidewalk even partial. Sidewalks are provide
for pedestrians and are not designed to carry heavy loads'

3.4. Driveways should be free from parked vehicles or any other form of obstruction at all

3.5. Parking should be parallelwith the streets, otherwise shall be considered obstruction to
the flow of traffic.

3.6. No parking is allowed up to seven meters away from a street corner or in a blind curve
of the village thoroughfares as well as in anyslope preceding a long stretch of the road.

3.7. No parking is allowed anytime on vacant lots. A security shall approach the vehicle and
cite the driver.

3.8. The Administration shall not be held liable for any loss of or damage to cars or other
vehicles in the common parking areas. The Administration, however, will conduct an
investigation into such incidents and submit an appropriate report to the homeowner
or lessee involved.

Village Car Stickers

4.1.. Stickers may be issued to Owners who are members in good standing subject to the
payment of corresponding fee, for the purpose of regulating the use and access to all
roads within the village.

4.2 Only vehicles with Orchard Stickers and RFID will be given immediate access to the

4.3. Only authorized representative of the village admin office shall be responsible in affixing
the stickers/RF|D on the windshield of vehicles.

4.4. Car stickers shall be renewable yearly.

4.5. RSPMC shall be free from any liability for any untoward incidents or damages that may
occur arising from or during the use of motor vehicles and or the use of village
stickers/RF|D within the village. The issuance of this stickers shows not carry any
acceptance of liability on the part of RSPMC.

Domestic Helpers

5.1. Domestic Helpers are required to have two identification cards:

a. Village ld - this will allow entry into the village and will serve as employment
b. Domestic Pass - this will allow exit from the village for their day-off or other
external obligations. The pass will indicate that the Domestic Helper's Employer
has granted him/her permission to leave the village. The Domestic Pass is issued
by the Administration office to the Employer. The Employer must only give the
pass to their domestic help when he/she allows the domestic help to leave the
Village. The domestic will then surrender the card to the main gave. The pass shall
be returned to his/her Employer by the assigned security guard upon return of the
domestic help.

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