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Roboter GmbH RE-S22

Technical Note 7

Unregistration of OCXs

OCXs must be unregistered before the directory c:\programme\krc can be deleted.

OCXs can be compared to libraries that can be used by several applications at the same time. The name of the
directory in which the OCX is stored is filed in the registry of Windows 95. The entry of information in the
registry is called "registration".
Software that is managed in the registry may not be physically deleted until it has been removed from the
registry (unregistration).

An external keyboard must be connected. A mouse is helpful.
In the directory "Internat\R1...\tools\Ocxreg" on the CD is the program Ocxreg 32.exe (cf. (1)). The directory
Ocxreg must be copied onto the hard disk and Ocxreg 32.exe started from there.

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Roboter GmbH RE-S22

The current working directory (here: "C:\util\ocxreg") is shown in the bottom line.
Now select the KRC directory (usually C:\Programme\KRC) using the lefthand window (Drive / Directory),
then change to the Lib directory.

1. Choose the "Select All Files" button, then "Un-Register".

2. Now enter "tp*.dll" under File Mask, choose the "Select All Files" button and then "Un-Register".
3. Quit the program Ocxreg32 by choosing "Exit".

Make a backup of PowerOn, Mada, Init and Template.

The directory c:\programme\krc can now be deleted using the Explorer.

(1) For VKR C1, V 1.2.0 or higher and KR C1, V 2.2.0 or higher, the program is located in the directory: \

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