Science 9 DLP Q4W3D1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Palo, Leyte

Matag-ob National High School

Matag-ob, Leyte



Section & Date
Learning relate impulse and momentum to collision of objects (e.g., vehicular collision); (S9FE- Level 9
Competency IVb36)
infer that the total momentum before and after collision is equal; (S9FE-IVb37) Quarter 4
Learning Knowledge: Define momentum operationally Week 3
Objectives Skills: Solve problems involving momentum No.
Attitudes: Show diligence and accuracy in solving problems
Day 1
Topic Momentum
Resources Grade 9 Learners Materials, board /plank( at least 1m long),books

Element of
Suggested Activities
the Plan
Awareness Picture Analysis:

Question: If the two vehicles suddenly lose their breaks and crash against the brick wall
which do you think would be more damaging?
Activity  The teacher will discuss the procedure of Activity 6 -Investigating Momentum
 Students will fallow the procedure and repeat the steps with varying position using a
light toy car and a heavy toy car.
 Students will record the data and present it to the class

Analysis How will you compare the stopping distance of both cars?
The stopping distance for the heavy toy truck is longer than the stopping distance for the
small toy car.

What do you think happens to the velocity of the two cars as their point of release increase?
The big toy truck had a greater stopping distance. The stopping distance increases as the
point of release increases.

Abstraction What is Momentum?

Momentum is defined as inertia in motion. Momentum can be defined as "mass in
motion." All objects have mass; so if an object is moving, then it has momentum - it
has its mass in motion.

What affects momentum

An object's momentum is also known as inertia in motion. For objects moving at the same velocity, a
more massive objects has greater inertia in motion therefore a greater momentum. Momentum
depends on two factors- mass and velocity.
Operationally , momentum is defined as the product of mass and the velocity of an object. In
equation, p=mv
Where p= is the momentum
m= is the mass
V=is the velocity

Application From the concepts that you have learned, answer the check up questions.
1. Which has more momentum, a huge truck that is not moving or a small toy cart that is
2. A moving car has momentum. If it moves twice as fast, its momentum would be ____ as
3. Two cars, one twice as heavy as the other, moves down a hill at the same time. The
heavier car would have a ______ momentum.
Assessment Calculate the momentum of the given objects.

1. A basketball ball having 2kg mass and 6m/s velocity moves to the east
2. A car having 15m/s velocity and 1500kg mass moves to the north
3. A child having mass 25kg and velocity 2m/s moves to the west

Assignment Bring the following materials for the next activity.

a.raw eggs ( 1 for each pair of students)
b.Clear plastic bag where an egg can be inserted
c.Piece of cloth/ large handkerchief

Subject Level 9 Quarter 4 Week No. 3 Day 1

Science 9 Q 4 _D 1

Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher III COP Head, Science Dept.

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