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Rental service
Residential rental services includes independant

homes, rooms, Pg rooms and independant

portion for rent.


For Students/Employees/

Small families

Project by : Manik Sharma


Discover Dream Dry Run

Define Design


This service?
Now a days, there’s huge demand of rental homes. People

from different places search for different landloads. So the

purpose of choosing this service is to look at the challanges

faced while using the existing service and fulfill the needs.

Research Goals

Why people Creteria followed Problems and

1. 2. 3.
lives on rent while opting the challenges faced



is rental
Refers to a properity occupied by someone other

than owner, for which the tenants pays a perodic

mutually agreed rent to the owner.


Single familty Luxury properity Vacation homes Town homes Small multifamily Apartment buildings

detached home buildings

Tax on the rental

properities Rental Agreement
A written contract between the owner of a property and the tenant
The rental income in India is taxed under the head

'Income from House Property'.

Need to pay tax if the gross annual value of the

properity is above 2.5 lakh

People Living in
why do people
rent in India
prefer renting than

Indians living buying?

on rent

working professions
& student

30 % Low maintenance costs High mobility Fx

i ed rent amount

claimed by time of India ( research was carried out

across tier 1 and tier 2 cities ) A menity access Fl exibility to

downsi ze

Fa c tors I mpa c ting the

rental pricing of the house

1. Sz
i e o f the p p
ro erity
L ayo ut
Am enities

4 . 5 .
I nternal fix u
t re L ocation o f the

&f acilities p p ro erity

Current trends in
R esidential rental the market

mar k et in India Tier l Tier ll

International Monetary Funds Flat/apartment, independent house and PG
accommodation are more popular

transferable job | looking for job opportunities.

High-end rental appartment

segment Popular choice

The terrace flats


Luxury apartments

Penthouses and condominiums
India s residential rental market was worth

more than D 2 US
billion of which0 , 68% or
USD 13.5 billion is in urban areas

AP g u ayin G est or PG
A m cco odation

Relations of the users


Website Requirement


Properity Details

Governing bodies/

Experts in tenants laws

Payments Rent / / Conditions

L andlords/
Ag ree m ent

R ental home

Stakeholder Mapping


Real estate agents rokers Tenant

Community member Landlord

Maintenance & repair service
I nterest

Expert in tenants law Government departmen

Property managers Lenders & investors

Low Power High

Competitive Analysis

offering long termend to end

Offeres managed coliving space

managed living spaces ( fully
To be the first choice for
managed and hassle free - consumers and partners in their Broker free platform that
Exclusively designed for students journey of discovering, renting, offers furniture, wall paint,
Targeting millennials and
and working professionals buying, selling and financing a movers and packers service
young professionals, looking

Food subscriptions, clean rooms, for fully managed rooms on

O ffers home loans, Buy and
standardized services, cost
long term rentals, at
Providing hassle free experience, sell properities

affordable price s
Trustworthy experience. O ffers relationships managers

Providing essential amenities

Revenue generation

Inventory based revenue Inventory based revenue Revenue model is subscription Provides subscription

model model based where landlords, agents, plans (F reedom,relax,

developers, land owners buys to moneyback

They earns from the rent payed display on the site. The (
by the customers. '
company s data collectors Advertisements from furniture

physically verify the property, start ups -  ( it claims 25

. million

clicks pictures before putting user visits per month

them up on the portal. )

0 ffering services such as

connecting tenants with

movers and packers and

drafting rental agreements

Primary Research
On the basis of following pointers interviews were conducted for tanents

Purpose of Process of finding

living on rent the home

On the basis of following pointers interviews were conducted for landloads

Contacting the Decision

owner ma k
Keeping the Deciding the

properity for rent rental charges

Finding the Turnover

Demand / Problems
agreement faced

Interview I nsights

Reason - long distance between home & workspace

Contacting the landloads through Websites o r

Google maps
Factors impacting the decision making - Price and locality
Payment - Mostly by cash

Locating the place - Google search | Websites likes Housing,

Nobrokers, 99 acres | Google map

Why users prefer to visit the place before selecting - Online

Tenants | |
platforms are misguiding Prefers to negotiate the price

Needs to look the place physically and see the locality Scams

Location challenges, Limited details, misguiding

(fake profiles), unable to find the rooms under requirement,

cannot move from one place to another freely.

Re q uirements: O riginal data, detail of the place and nearby

locality, scam free experience

Interview I nsi ghts

K - |
eeping the properity for rent hanging the board on the house

Asking the knowns for contacting them on finding the tenants

putting the Properities on an online platforms.

Contacting the tenants through 1B
. roker s

2 . They themselves contact the owner

Average gap - 1-2 months on an average depending on the month of

the year

Charges - basis of locality and demand in the area.

Rental agreement | without rental agreement - adhar card or by job


Difficulty in putting their property on app hence, brokers are heired that
put the availability of the home on various apps.

Problems: Rules regulations are not being followed, damaged goods,

delay in rents, disturbing, dealing with people of different natures

Re q uirements: less turnover, high pricing, good bonds with the tenants,

lesser damage.

User Persona S c enario : Looking for independent rental rooms near his c ollege

About Frustration

Name – Arsh Mehta Lac k of information about the plac

Age- 19 years Contacting the bro k ers on an online

Profession- Student platform

City- Nangal, Punjab Searching the place in an un known


G etting misguided Problems in

contacting the owner

Arsh is a 19 years old student. He currently passed out his 12th and got
admission in government college at Chandigarh. The place was around

105km f rom his home town. So he decided to live in a rental room, near
to his college. He started searching the rooms on an online platform.

Wants & needs Motivation

Searching the safe place Studying
E asy access to Mar k et place and bus - Low maintenance cost

sto High mobility

Room under expense and

“Life is one time offer use it well” requirements Contacting the owners

User Persona S c enario : Sear ch ing for tenants for the upper portion of his home

About Frustration

N –Vinod Singla

ame Rules and regulations not being

Age- 52 years
Profession- Shopkeeper
Property damage
City-Mohali Dif ficulty in putting the portion
on rent in an online platforms

U nnecessary calls f rom tenants

Vinod is a shop k eeper who lives with his family. The upper portion of his

house had k
2bh empty portion as the previously living tenants were
rented out. He discussed with his family and decided to put the portion

for rent on an online platforms.

Wants & needs Motivation

Extra source of income Ex tra source of income

Portion to be Charged on rent Clean and usable

as soon as possible portion

Finding the tenants
“Your most unhappy customers Putting his property on rent ( on

are your greatest source of online platforms

uick deals

Customer J ourney Tenants

Stages Awareness R esear h c Action Expl ore Purchase Delivery

Arsh got admission He searched & Decided to find He found that Place was While living in

in a college far away started locating

visit the place for rooms were selected & he the room he

from his home. He places near his more details. different than was told to visit faced difficulties

c vities college found shown in the again after the and was

decided to live on
some rooms under image. documentations confused either
rent near the

college .
his re uirement. to live or leave.

Word of Google search, websites, Travelling, word Documents, Furniture,

Tou ch point
mouth, google Rental Websites,

maps, gmail

whatsapp, Phone

call, gmail, text

of mouth payment,

word of mouth

word of mouth

U ser f eelin g

Long distance of Locating the place Searching the Time consuming, Time consuming, No proper

Pain Points college

in different nearby localities, more effords, had more effords customer support,

websites, lack of finding less rooms to adjust lack of

locality under acoordingly, maintenance,

information, time re uirement Scams money over value


difficult interface

Customer J ourney Landlord

Stages Awareness Consideration Action Delivery

The upper portion of He asked his knowns to He feels to hire the After getting the tenants

Singla s house is f ree, so inform him if they found brokers as he is unable to f rom bro kers he gave his

c vities
he decided to put the any good tenants nearly use the website portion on rent by
A ti portion on rent and get a and got suggestions of explaining the rules and

good tenants as soon as contacting the brokers regulations and gave

possible and puting the properity bro k age to the bro k er

on websites

Tou ch point
Word of mouth, phone,
playstore, apps
word of mouth
Phone call,

word of mouth,


User feeling

Pain Points Long gap of finding the Time consuming, trusting Clumpy interface, unable Cooperation with the

issues on an online to understand, time behaviour of tenant s

platforms, lac k of consuming, need Brokage giving

awareness negotiable s k ills

Problems Identified
Problems faced by Tenants Problems faced by Landlord

Cannot post portion Difficulty in posting

Lac k of original data Cannot freely move
of the properity the properity
from one place to


Unnecessary calls

f rom tenants

Limited details Scams with payment

Cleaning problems Poor customer


Solut on i
Strong verification process Background check/ Verified Simplification in adding Providing the service of

profiles details second hand vehicles

Adding timings for Power to block / continue
consultation talking

Escrow is a legal arrangement in which a third party temporarily holds money or property until a particular condition has been met

Service Blueprint (T enants )

Physical Search bar Filters List of Properity

details |L ike
Finalizing Rental

properities the properity
Evidence button and payment

Stages Searching F lt
i ers F inding the Selecting the Sign in/up F inali ing z
the properities properity
Line of Interaction properities

O nsta ge List of the


description /

& payment
interactions Visual
Line of Visibility

Backsta ge Displaying
the data (city

Listing results Presenting Registering Generating
needs according to the data of the details documents

interactions or locality) displaying re uirements properity of the user payments

suitable data

Line of Internal interaction

Gps for Process Payment

location registration process

pro ess

Service Bl u p e rint (Landlord)

Physical Post a Buy plans Verification Interaction

with team

& Payments

Stages Posting the Subscription Verifying Add ing properity F inali ing z
properity Plans the detials details

O nsta ge Adding

Types of

in process
Team member

visits the place

& Agreement

Backsta ge collecting

the data
getting the

details of

the provided
Adding details

of the

interactions selected details properity


Payment Verifying Registration

process documents

pro ess uploaded

Ro m es Business Model Canvas

Key Partners
Customer Segments
Homes, rooms, apartments, independant
College Student portions for ren

Working Professions Tiffin servicema

second hand vehicles providers

Value Proposition
Customer Friendl
Key Activities
Under Budge Promotion & advertisemen
Accessible for both landlord & creating community

Key Resources
No extra deposit

Ar experienc

Secure payment
Homes, rooms, apartments, independant portions for ren

Customer Relationships
Tiffin servicema

second hand vehicles providers

2 /
4 7 customer suppor

Providing easy accessiblity

Reven u S e trea m s

Cost Structure Subscription


Fixed costs : Salary of Employee Sponsors and partnership

Variable costs : Advertisement &


Mobile application


T skflow To be

List of Finalize the Properity Visit there Login /

properity properity discription sign up
O pen the
Search Filters
W ebsite
No result Collect email /
phone for Details sent
noti fications

Agreement &

Electricity Bill
O pen the Rent your Add personal

W ebsite properity details

Team will visit

Adhar card shortly

Brand L g o o

Home Room

Brand N m a e Brand Colors

Ro es

Home Invitatio Growt Freshnes

Intelligenc Health Cal
Energ Trust

Z p i - S yle gu e
e l n t id

p rototy p &U e ser

I f
nter ace Desi gn
L ink

Ro mes - Usability Testing Report

Ab u o t :-

Goals :-

Romes is the platform that provide rental accommodations to the • Finding interactions problems and confusions faced by the users

working professions as well as students in a family environment. It • Test the workings (of website) with Ideal users

tries to reduce the efforts of landlord while advertising the

property As well as improves the experience of tenants in finding

the safe and secure properties.

In the webapp of Romes there were 4 tasks :-

Methodolo gies :-

Renting aproperty

S Users
earching the property

Moderate usability testing was used to achieve the goals.

Searching the liked properties

were asked uestions after the compilations of each task .

Customer support/ Contact us

Participant Profile Ag e Gender Profession

Participant 01 23 yrs Male Student

Participant 02 20 yrs Female Student

Participant 03 20 yrs Male Student

Participant 04 21 yrs Male Student

Participant 05 28 yrs Male Working

Participant 06 32 yrs Male Business man

Participant 07 53 yrs Male Teacher

Participant 08 4 6 yrs Female Teacher

T ask Completion Rate | Feedback

Participant Task 01 Task 02 Task 03 Task 04
Participant 01 Y Y Y N

Participant 02 Y Y Y Y
Participant 03 Y Y Y Y
Participant 04 Y Y Y Y
Participant 05 Y N Y Y
Participant 06 N Y Y Y
Participant 07 Y N Y Y
Participant 08 Y Y Y Y

Participant Poor Av era ge Good E x cellent

How was the experience ?

Are yo u satis fi ed ?
Easy to understand tasks ?
Easy to p f mT
er or asks ?
How was the Visual design ?
How easy to locate the buttons ?
Eno ug h details ?

F indin g | Rec omm endations

Res u s

lt Problems

• Total8 Participant (Owner and tenants) used the app

Task 1( rent your property )

• Overall Concept – Some sort of Communication gap (verified

profiles/ adding details) was seen.

Confusion in adding data while asked for an electricity bill

• Almost all of them were able to perform all the tasks successfully
Communication gap Cannot understand

• Due to bugs in prototyping difficulty in performing the task was Insufficient information


• Task of searching the properties was appreciated. Task 2 (L iked properties )

( )

Finalizing the property user expect payment screen | Miscommunication

Cannot indicate the verified Profiles confusing


Reco mm endation s
Task 3 (Contact us)

Adding details

Changing the icon and adding user guide

Why phone number and email is needed if person is already logged in
Making the data clearer ( it is optional ) Miscommunication (B asically it was optional )

Task 4 ( Searching the property )

Like button not working | Problem in prototyping

Thank you !
F or your Att ention

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