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Bilkent Calculus II Exams

Spring 2023 Midterm Version

Spring 2023 Midterm . . . . . . . . . 1 Spring 2007 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 73

Spring 2022 Midterm . . . . . . . . . 2 Spring 2007 Midterm II . . . . . . . 74
Spring 2007 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Spring 2022 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Spring 2006 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 76
Spring 2021 Midterm . . . . . . . . . 4
Spring 2006 Midterm II . . . . . . . 77
Spring 2021 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Spring 2006 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Spring 2020 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 6
Spring 2005 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 79
Spring 2020 Midterm II . . . . . . . 7
Spring 2005 Midterm II . . . . . . . 80
Spring 2020 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Spring 2005 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Spring 2019 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 9
Spring 2004 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 83
Spring 2019 Midterm II . . . . . . . 10
Spring 2004 Midterm II . . . . . . . 83
Spring 2019 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Spring 2004 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Spring 2018 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 15
Spring 2003 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 85
Spring 2018 Midterm II . . . . . . . 17
Spring 2003 Midterm II . . . . . . . 85
Spring 2018 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Spring 2003 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Spring 2017 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 20
Spring 2002 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 86
Spring 2017 Midterm II . . . . . . . 21 Spring 2002 Midterm II . . . . . . . 87
Spring 2017 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Spring 2002 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Spring 2016 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 26 Spring 2001 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 88
Spring 2016 Midterm II . . . . . . . 28 Spring 2001 Midterm II . . . . . . . 89
Spring 2016 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Spring 2001 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Spring 2015 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 31 Spring 2000 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 91
Spring 2015 Midterm II . . . . . . . 33 Spring 2000 Midterm II . . . . . . . 92
Spring 2015 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Spring 2000 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Spring 2014 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 38 Spring 1999 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 93
Spring 2014 Midterm II . . . . . . . 41 Spring 1999 Midterm II . . . . . . . 94
Spring 2014 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Spring 1999 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Spring 2013 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 46 Spring 1998 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 95
Spring 2013 Midterm II . . . . . . . 49 Spring 1998 Midterm II . . . . . . . 96
Spring 2013 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Spring 1998 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Spring 2012 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 52 Spring 1997 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 98
Spring 2012 Midterm II . . . . . . . 55 Spring 1997 Midterm II . . . . . . . 98
Spring 2012 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Spring 1997 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Spring 2011 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 59 Spring 1996 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 100
Spring 2011 Midterm II . . . . . . . 60 Spring 1996 Midterm II . . . . . . . 101
Spring 2011 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Spring 1996 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Spring 2010 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 64 Spring 1995 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 102
Spring 2010 Midterm II . . . . . . . 65 Spring 1995 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Spring 2010 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Spring 1994 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 103
Spring 2009 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 68 Spring 1994 Midterm II . . . . . . . 104
Spring 2009 Midterm II . . . . . . . 69 Spring 1994 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Spring 2009 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Spring 1993 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 106
Spring 2008 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 71 Spring 1993 Midterm II . . . . . . . 107
Spring 2008 Midterm II . . . . . . . 72 Spring 1993 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Spring 2008 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Spring 1992 Midterm II . . . . . . . 109
2 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Spring 1992 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Spring 1990 Midterm II . . . . . . . 112

Spring 1991 Midterm I . . . . . . . . 111
Spring 1989 Midterm II . . . . . . . 113
Spring 1991 Midterm II . . . . . . . 111
Spring 1991 Final . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Spring 1988 Midterm II . . . . . . . 114
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 1

Spring 2023 Midterm

n o∞
1a . Determine whether the sequence e converges or diverges.


1b . Determine whether the series e1/n converges or diverges.


1c . Determine whether the series (e1/n − 1) converges or diverges.

2 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges.


(n − 2)n (n + 1)n


(3n)! n!

3 . Determine the interval of convergence of the power series:


5n + (−3)n

4 . Find an equation for the plane passing through the point P0 (3, 2, 1) and containing the line
of intersection of the planes P1 : x + y + z = 3 and P2 : x + 2y + 3z = 6 .

5 . The position vector of a point P as a function of time t is given by

r(t) = OP (t) = at i + t2 j + (t3 + t) k (−∞ < t < ∞)

where a is a constant.
a . Compute the velocity vector v(t) = r(t) .
b . Suppose that the velocity vector v is parallel to the plane

P : 3x + y + 4z = 1

at time t = −2. Find all other times t when the velocity vector v is parallel to this plane.

c . Suppose that there is a time t when the velocity vector v is parallel to the line
x−1 y−2 z+1
L : = = .
5 −1 2
Find all values of the constant a that makes this possible.
2 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Spring 2022 Midterm

8 2n − (−1)n
1 . Let a1 = 1 and an = 1 + for n ≥ 2 , and let bn = for n ≥ 1 .
1 + an−1 3
a . Fill in the following boxes.

a2 = a3 = a4 = a5 =

b . Fill in the following boxes.

b2 = b3 = b4 = b5 =

c . Guess an explicit formula for an .

an = for n ≥ 1

d . Prove that your guess in Part c is correct.

e . Find lim an .

2 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges.

1 1
a. √ −√
n n+1

1 1
b. (−1) n−1
√ −√
n n+1

3 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges.

X∞  2
1 1
a. √ −√
n n+1

1 1
b. √ −√
n n+1

4a . Find all x satisfying the equation x − x3 − x4 + x6 + x7 − x9 − x10 + · · · = − .

4b . Show that <1.
n2 + 4
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 3

5 . Find the interval of convergence of the power series .
(n + 2n )(n + 2−n )
[ In this problem you may use the fact that lim nk 2−n = 0 for all constants k. ]

Spring 2022 Final

1 .Let f (x, y) = 2 cos(x + y) − 3 + e−(x +y ) .

2 2

a . Evaluate the limit lim .
(x,y)→(0,0) f (x, y)

b . (0, 0) is a critical point of f . [ You do not need to verify this. ] Determine whether f has a local
maximum, a local minimum, a saddle point, or something else at (0, 0).

2 . Let f (x, y, z) = x3 − xy 2 z + and P0 (1, −1, 2) .
a . Compute ∇f (P0 ).
b . Is there a unit vector u such that the rate of change of f at P0 in the direction of u is 0?
If Yes, find one; if No, explain why it does not exist.
c . Is there a unit vector u such that the rate of change of f at P0 in the direction of u is 5?
If Yes, find one; if No, explain why it does not exist.
d . Is there a unit vector u such that the rate of change of f at P0 in the direction of u is
−7? If Yes, find one; if No, explain why it does not exist.

3 . Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function f (x, y) = 2xy − x − 2y 2
on the square D = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 3 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 3}.

4 . Evaluate the following integrals.

a. x2 cos(πxy) dA where D = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ y ≤ x and 0 ≤ x ≤ 1}
ˆ 2 ˆ √
b. arctan(y/x) dy dx
0 x

5 . Let E = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 2z and z ≤ 1} .

a . Fill in the boxes so that the following equality holds for all continuous functions f where
(r, θ, z) are the cylindrical coordinates.

˚ ˆ ˆ ˆ
f (x, y, z) dV = f (r cos θ, r sin θ, z) dz dr dθ
4 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

b . Fill in the boxes so that the following equality holds for all continuous functions f where
(ρ, ϕ, θ) are the spherical coordinates.
f (x, y, z) dV

ˆ ˆ ˆ
= f (ρ sin ϕ cos θ, ρ sin ϕ sin θ, ρ cos ϕ) dρ dϕ dθ

ˆ ˆ ˆ
+ f (ρ sin ϕ cos θ, ρ sin ϕ sin θ, ρ cos ϕ) dρ dϕ dθ


Spring 2021 Midterm


1 . Determine the interval of convergence of the power series .
2n (ln n)2

2 . Determine the exact sum of each of the following series:


n 2n


n(n + 2) 2n

In this question you might want to use the fact that:


ln(1 + x) = xn for −1 < x ≤ 1
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 5

3 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges:


a. n2 + n − n


√ n
b. n2 + n − n

4 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges:


a. √
n6 + 2021

(4n)! (n!)2

5 . Consider a sequence {an }∞

n=1 satisfying the conditions

a1 = A and an+1 = for n ≥ 1
a2n + 4

where A is a real number.

a . Suppose that the sequence {an } converges, and let L = lim an . Show that, depending on
A, there are at most three possible values for L.

b . Let A be your Bilkent student number. Determine whether the sequence {an } converges
or diverges.

Spring 2021 Final

1 . You see the following question in an old Calculus book:

Find ∇f (P0 ) if f (x, y, z) is a differentiable function such that:

À f ( t2 + 1 , 5t , t3 − t ) = t − t2 for all t, and

Á At the point P0 (5, 10, 6), f increases the fastest in the direction of
the vector A = 83i + j − 2k.

The first component of A, which is only partly legible, seems to be either 3 or 8.

Show that one of these possibilities can be eliminated if the question is correct.

2 . Find all points P (a, b, c) on the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 such that the tangent plane to the
paraboloid at the point P contains the line:
6 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

L : x = 3t + 1 , y = t − 1 , z = 14t − 3 ; (−∞ < t < ∞)

3 . Each of the following functions has a critical point at (0, 0). Determine for each of them
whether this critical point is a local minimum, a local maximum, a saddle point, or something
a . f (x, y) = (x2 − y 2 )2021
b . f (x, y) = (x2 + y 2 )2020 − 2021(x2 + y 2 )2022
[You do not have to verify the fact that (0, 0) is a critical point!]

ˆ 5 ˆ 4y 2
4a . Change the order of integration in the iterated integral f (x, y) dx dy.
2 16
4b . Express the double integral f (x, y) dA as an iterated integral in polar coordinates
where D = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 2x and x + √ ≥ 1 }.
In this question you might want to use: x = r cos θ , y = r sin θ , dx dy = r dr dθ

5 . Evaluate the triple integral

(x2 − y 2 )2
2 2 2 3
B (x + y + z )

where B = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 1 }.
In this question you might want to use: x = r cos θ , y = r sin θ , z = ρ cos ϕ , r = ρ sin ϕ

Spring 2020 Midterm I

1a . Find parametric equations of the line of intersection L of the planes:

M : x + 3y + 5z = −1 and N : 3x + 2y + z = 4

1b . Suppose that r(t) = OP (t) is a parametric curve such that the point P (t) lies on the plane
with equation
P(t) : et x + e2t y + e3t z = 1

for each t. Show that if r(t) = 0 , then the point P (0) belongs to the line L in Part 1a .
dt t=0

2a . Make each of the following sentences into a true statement by choosing one of the possible
completions. Indicate your choice by putting a 7 in the corresponding box. No explanation
is required.

x(x2 − y 2 )
À lim  exists  does not exist
(x,y)→(0,0) (y − x2 )2 + (y + x2 )2
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 7

y(x2 − y 2 )
Á lim  exists  does not exist
(x,y)→(0,0) (y − x2 )2 + (y + x2 )2

xy(x2 − y 2 )
 lim  exists  does not exist
(x,y)→(0,0) (y − x2 )2 + (y + x2 )2

2b . Now prove two of your statements in Part 2a. Write the number of the statement you are
proving inside the circle.
• I will prove the statement nhere.

• I will prove the statement nhere.

3 . The combustion equation

uxx + uyy = −eu
arises in the study of self-propagating exothermic oxidative chemical reactions in thermochem-
Find all possible values of the triple (a, b, c) of constants for which the function

u(x, y) = a ln(bx2 + by 2 + c)

satisfies the combustion equation for all (x, y) with x2 + y 2 < 1 as well as the condition
u(x, y) = 0 for all (x, y) with x2 + y 2 = 1.

4a .Find all pairs (u, v) of real numbers satisfying both of the equations uv = 6 and u2 −v 2 = 5 .

4b . Find if f (x, y) is a differentiable function satisfying
∂x (x,y)=(6,5)
f (uv, u2 − v 2 ) = u3 + v 3
for all u > 0 and v > 0.

Spring 2020 Midterm II

1 . Write your Bilkent student ID number here 


You are given the following information about a differentiable function f (x, y, z) :
Ê At P0 , f increases in the direction of the vector A = i + 2j + 2k at a rate of .  A+G

Ë At P0 , f decreases in the direction of the vector B = 2i + 3j + 6k at a rate of .  B+H

Using only this information and knowing nothing else about the function f , find a nonzero
vector C such that the directional derivative of f at P0 in the direction of C is 0.
8 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

2 . Let E = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 2z and z ≥ 1} .

Express the volume V of the region E in terms of iterated integrals
a . in cylindrical coordinates with the order of integration dz dr dθ,
b . in spherical coordinates with the order of integration dρ dϕ dθ, and
c . in spherical coordinates with the order of integration dϕ dρ dθ.

3 . [Moodle/WebAssign question]

4 . [Moodle/WebAssign question]

Spring 2020 Final

1 . A sequence {an }∞
n=0 satisfies the following:

a0 =  Write the last four digits of your Bilkent ID number here!

pn + 1 pn
an+1 = if an = where pn and qn are positive integers with no common
qn + 1 qn
divisor greater than 1, for n ≥ 0.
a . Find the limit lim an .

b . Find the limit lim (an )n .


2a . Find the first four nonzero terms of the Maclaurin series of

using the Maclaurin series:

x2 x4 x6 1
cos x = 1 − + − + · · · for all x and = 1 − x + x2 − x3 + · · · for |x| < 1
2! 4! 6! x+1

2b . For each value of the constant p, determine whether the series

X∞    !
1 1
n cos −cos
n+1 n

converges or diverges.

3 . [Moodle/WebAssign question]

4 . [Moodle/WebAssign question]
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 9

Spring 2019 Midterm I

1a . In this part, just fill in the boxes. No explanation is required. No partial points will be
Ê Give an example of a plane that contains the x-axis, but does not contain the y- and
z-axes by writing its equation in the box below. [ The box should contain nothing except the equation! ]

Ë Give an example of a line that does not intersect the xy-plane, but intersects each of the
yz- and xz-planes at exactly one point by writing its parametric equations in the box below.
[ The box should contain nothing except the parametric equations! ]

1b . The positions of two points P1 and P2 in the space as a function of time t are given by:
−−→ −−→
r1 = OP1 = (4t − 1) i + t2 j + t k and r2 = OP2 = 3t i + t j + t3 k

Find all times t when there is a plane P such that

• The plane P passes through the points P1 and P2 at time t, and
• The velocity vectors v1 and v2 of the points P1 and P2 at time t are parallel to the plane

2 . The Bateman-Burgers equation

∂u ∂ 2u ∂u
= + u
∂t ∂x2 ∂x
arises in the study of nonlinear acoustics and gas dynamics in fluid mechanics, and in the study
of traffic flow in civil engineering.
Find all possible values of the pair of constants (a, b) for which the function
u(x, t) =
ax2 + bt + 1

satisfies the Bateman-Burgers equation for all (x, t) with ax2 + bt + 1 ̸= 0 .

10 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

3a . You are given the following information about a differentiable function f (x, y) :
À The tangent line to the level curve f (x, y) = f (1, −1) at the point (1, −1)
has the equation 5x − 8y = 13 .

Á f (t − 2t + 1, t − 4/t − 3) = 1 .
3 2 2
dt t=2

Choose one of the following:

 The given data is not consistent.
 The given data is consistent, but not sufficient to determine ∇f (1, −1).
 The given data is consistent, and sufficient to determine ∇f (1, −1).
Now prove your claim.
xy 5
3b . Evaluate the limit lim .
(x,y)→(0,0) (x2 + y 4 )(x4 + y 2 )

4 . Consider the function f (x, y) = x2 y(x2 + y 2 − 1) .

a . Find all critical points of f . [ Do not classify them! ]

b . Choose one of the critical points of f that lies on the y-axis by filling in the box:

(x, y) = (0, )

Determine whether this point is a local maximum, local minimum, or a saddle point without
using the 2nd Derivative Test.

Spring 2019 Midterm II

ˆ ˆ
1/2 (1−2x)/3 
1a . Evaluate the iterated integral sin πx/(1 − 3y) dy dx .
0 0
1b . Evaluate the double integral dA where D = {(x, y) : xy ≥ 1 and x > 0} .
D (x2 + y 2 )2

2 . Let V be the volume of the solid bounded by the cylinder x2 + y 2 = 1 on the sides, the plane
z = y at the top, and the xy-plane at the bottom.
a . Only three of Ê-Í will be graded. Mark the ones you want to be graded by putting a 7
in the corresponding  s.
Ê  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in Cartesian coordinates by filling in the

ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = dz dy dx
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 11

Ë  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in Cartesian coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = dx dy dz

Ì  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in cylindrical coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = r dz dr dθ

Í  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in spherical coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = ρ2 sin ϕ dρ dϕ dθ

b . Compute V .

3 . In each of the following, indicate all possible completions of the sentence that will make it
into a true statement by putting a 7 in the corresponding  s.
12 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
1 1 1 1 1
a. = 1, , , , · · ·, , · · · is
n n=1 2 3 4 n
 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence
 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these
1 1 1 1 1
b. n−1
= 1 + + + + · · · + n−1 + · · · is
2 2 4 8 2

 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence

 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these

c. 1 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + · · · + 1 + · · · is

 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence

 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these
d. (−1)n−1 n=1= 1, −1, 1, −1, · · ·, (−1)n−1 , · · · is
 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence
 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these

e. (−1)n−1 = 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 + · · · + (−1)n−1 + · · · is

 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence

 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these

f. {1}∞
n=1= {1, 1, 1, 1, · · ·, 1, · · · } is

 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence

 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these
1 1 1 1 1
g. = 1 + + + + · · · + + · · · is
n 2 3 4 n

 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence

 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these
1 1 1 1 1
h. = 1, , , , · · ·, n−1 , · · · is
2n−1 n=1 2 4 8 2
 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence
 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these

i. Mark only “none of these" in this part.

 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence
 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 13

4 . A sequence {an }∞
n=1 satisfies
an−1 + an−2
a1 = 1 , a2 = A , and an = · an−1 for n ≥ 3 ,
an−1 − an−2
where A is a real number such that A ̸= 1, A ̸= 0, A ̸= −1.

a . In the following, fill in the s with real numbers that will make the sentence into
a true statement.

If A = , then a3 = and a4 = .

b . In each of the following, fill in the with a real number that will make the
corresponding sentence into a true statement.

 Ê If A = , then lim an = ∞ .

 Ë If A = , then lim an = 0 .

 Ì If A = , then lim an ̸= 0 and lim |an | ̸= ∞ .

n→∞ n→∞

c . Now choose exactly one of the statements you made in Part b by putting a 7 in the
corresponding  , and prove it fully and carefully by using correct mathematical reasoning and

Spring 2019 Final

x y
1 . Consider the function f (x, y, z) = − and the point P0 (3, 1, 1) .
y z
a . Compute ∇f (P0 ) .
b . Is there a unit vector u such that Du f (P0 ) = 5? If Yes, find one. If No, prove that it
does not exist.
c . Is there a unit vector u such that Du f (P0 ) = 3? If Yes, find one. If No, prove that it
does not exist.
d . Let S be the set of all points P (x, y, z) where f increases fastest in the direction of the
vector A = 2i + j + 2k. Show that S is a subset of the union L1 ∪ L2 of two lines L1 and L2 ,
and find parametric equations of these lines.

2 . Evaluate the following integrals.

a. x dA where D = {(x, y) : 1 ≤ x + y ≤ 2 , x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0}
b. p dV where E = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 4 and z ≥ 1}
E x2 + y2 + z2
14 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

3. In each of the following, if the given statement is true for all sequences {an }∞
n=1 , then mark
the  to the left of True with a 8 ; otherwise, mark the  to the left of False with a 8
and give a counterexample. No explanation is required.

a. If {an }∞
n=1 is increasing, then lim an = ∞ .


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1


b. If lim an = 0 , then an converges.


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1

∞ X

c. If an converges conditionally, then (−1)n an diverges.
n=1 n=1


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1

∞ X

d. If a2n converges, then a3n converges.
n=1 n=1


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1

∞ X

e. If a2n diverges, then a3n diverges.
n=1 n=1


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1

4 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges.

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 15

a. n2 arctan(n + 1) − arctan(n)


b. n arctan(n + 1) − arctan(n)


c. arctan(n + 1) − arctan(n)

5 . Suppose that the function f (x) defined on the interval (−R, R) by a power series
f (x) = c0 + c1 x + c2 x2 + · · · + cn xn + · · ·
which has radius of convergence R > 0 satisfies f (0) = 1 and f ′ (x) = f (x/2) for all x in
(−R, R).
a . Express the coefficients of the following series in terms of c0 , c1 , c2 , . . . , cn , . . . by filling in
the boxes. No explanation is required.

f ′ (x) = + x+ x2 + · · · + xn + · · ·

f (x/2) = + x+ x2 + · · · + xn + · · ·

b . Give a recurrence relation for {cn }∞

n=0 by filling in the boxes. No explanation is required.

c0 = and cn+1 = · cn for n ≥ 0

c . Find R.
d . Determine whether f (−2) is positive or negative.

Spring 2018 Midterm I

1 . Write your Bilkent student ID number here:


Now fill in the boxes below with the corresponding digits from above.

P: x+ y+ z=1

L: x= t+ , y= t+ , z =t; −∞ < t < ∞


Now find an equation for the plane perpendicular to the plane P and containing the line L.
16 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

2a . Make the sentences Ê and Ë into true statements by choosing one of the possible
completions for each of them. Indicate your choice by marking the  in front of it with a 3 .
No explanation is required.
x sin y − y sin x
Ê The limit lim  exists  does not exist
(x,y)→(0,0) x2 + y 2

x sin y − y sin x
Ë The limit lim  exists  does not exist
(x,y)→(0,0) x4 + y 4

2b . Choose one of the statements  Ê and  Ë you made in part (2a), and prove it.
Indicate your choice by marking the  in front of it with a 3 .

3 . The delayed heat equation

ut (x, t + 1) = uxx (x, t)

where u(x, t) is the temperature as a function of the position x and the time t, arises in the
problems of heat conduction in media which react to spatial variations in temperature with
a time delay. For example, the temperature of meat as it is cooked can be modeled with the
delayed heat equation.

Find all possible values of the pair of positive constants (a, b) for which the function

u(x, t) = sin(ax − bt)

satisfies the delayed heat equation for all (x, t).

4 . Suppose that a differentiable function f (x, y, z) satisfies the following conditions:

Ê (3, 1, 3) = 1.

Ë The parametric curve

C1 : r1 = (3 + 2t) i + (1 − t2 ) j + (3 − 5t + t2 ) k (−∞ < t < ∞)

is contained in the level surface S of f (x, y, z) passing through the point (3, 1, 3).

Ì The parametric curve

C2 : r2 = (2 + t2 ) i + (2t3 − 1) j + (2t + 1) k (−∞ < t < ∞)

is also contained in the level surface S of f (x, y, z) passing through the point (3, 1, 3).
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 17

Find (3, 1, 3).

5 . Find and classify the critical points of the function f (x, y) = x2 y + y 2 − cxy where c is a

Spring 2018 Midterm II

1 . 1 . Evaluate the following integrals where D = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 1, x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0}.

¨ π 
a. cos (x2 + y 2 ) dA
D 2
b. y 3 (x − x3 ) cos(πy 4 ) dA

2 . Consider the iterated integral:

ˆ 2 ˆ 1− 21 z ˆ 3−2x− 32 z
I= f (x, y, z) dy dx dz
0 0 0

a . The iterated integral I corresponds to a triple integral

f (x, y, z) dV

where E is a region in space. Draw a picture of the region E, and clearly label the surfaces
bounding it with their equations and clearly label the important points with their coordinates.

b . Express the iterated integral I in terms of iterated integrals with the order of integration
dz dy dx.

3 . Consider the triple integral

I= dV
E (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )2

where E = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 ≥ 1}.

a . Express I in terms of iterated integrals in cylindrical coordinates.

b . Express I in terms of iterated integrals in spherical coordinates.

c . Evaluate I.
18 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

4 . Evaluate the integral ¨

(x2 + y 2 )3 dA

where D is the region bounded by the hyperbolas x2 −y 2 = 1, x2 −y 2 = 4, xy = 1, and xy = −1

in the right half plane.

Spring 2018 Final

1 . Three students are working on a problem involving a differentiable function f (x, y, z) at a

point P0 .
Student A says: An equation for the tangent plane to the level surface of f passing
through P0 is 2x + 3y − 6z = 11.

Student B says: The largest possible rate of change of f at P0 in any direction is 25.

Student C says: The directional derivative of f at P0 in the direction of the vector

A = 2i + 2j + k is 5.
Student D, who has been listening in, but does not know anything about the function f , decides
that at least one of the Students A, B, C must have made a mistake in their calculations.
Explain Student D’s reasoning.

2 . The surface area SA of the graph of a function f (x, y) on a region D is defined by the
formula: ¨ q
SA = 1 + (fx )2 + (fy )2 dA

a . Show that this formula gives thep

surface area of the upper half of the unit sphere correctly
by considering the function f (x, y) = 1 − x2 − y 2 on the unit disk D = {(x, y) : x2 +y 2 ≤ 1} .
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 19

b .Assume that g is a differentiable function on the interval [a, b] with 0 < a < b and
the function f (x, y) = g(r) on the ring D = {(x, y) : a2 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ b2 } where r = x2 + y 2 .
Express the surface area SA of the graph of f on D as a definite integral with respect to r
whose integrand involves only r and g ′ (r).

3 . A sequence {an }∞
n=1 satisfies the recursion relation

an = max{an−1 , an−2 } − min{an−1 , an−2 }
for n ≥ 3.
a . In this part suppose that a1 = 1 and a2 = 1/9.
Ê Fill in the following boxes with the correct values. No explanation is required.

a3 = a4 = a2018 =

Ë Does the sequence {an }∞

n=1 converge or diverge? Carefully prove your claim.

b . In this part suppose that a1 = 1 and a2 = 2/3.

Ê Fill in the following boxes with the correct values. No explanation is required.

a3 = a4 = a2018 =

Ë Does the sequence {an }∞

n=1 converge or diverge? Carefully prove your claim.

4 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent.


ln n
a. (−1)n


2n−ln n


2n/ ln n

X n
1 1
5 . Consider the power series f (x) = + xn .
2 n

a . Find the radius of convergence R of the power series.

b . Determine whether f (R) converges absolutely, converges conditionally, or diverges.
c . Determine whether f (−R) converges absolutely, converges conditionally, or diverges.
20 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

d . Choose a suitable positive integer M and show that f (1) < M .

You will earn max{22 − 3M, 0} points from this part for a completely correct solution.

Spring 2017 Midterm I

1 . Evaluate the following limits.

xy 5
a. lim
(x,y)→(0,0) x4 + y 6

xy 5
b. lim
(x,y)→(0,0) x4 + x5 y + y 6

xy 5
c. lim
(x,y)→(0,0) x4 + x3 y + y 6

2 . The Tricomi equation

yuxx + uyy = 0
arises in the study of transonic flow in fluid mechanics and in the study of isometric embeddings
of 2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds into 3-dimensional Euclidian space in differential
Find all possible values of the pair of constants (a, b) for which the function u(x, y) = (ax2 +y 3 )b
satisfies the Tricomi equation for all (x, y) with ax2 + y 3 > 0 .

3 . Consider the surfaces S1 : xyz = 10 and S2 : z = x2 + y 2 , and the point P0 (1, 2, 5) .

a . Find an equation of the tangent plane to S1 at P0 .
b . Find parametric equations of the tangent line to the curve of intersection of S1 and S2
at P0 .

4 . Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function f (x, y) = x3 − y 2 + x2 y
on the closed triangular region T shown in the figure below.

−2 1 x

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 21

Spring 2017 Midterm II

1 . In each of the following, a double integral f (x, y) dA is expressed as an iterated integral
in polar coordinates. In each part, draw a picture of the region D, and clearly label the curves
bounding it with their equations both in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
ˆ π/4 ˆ sec θ
a. f (r cos θ, r sin θ) r dr dθ
0 0
ˆ π/4 ˆ csc θ
b. f (r cos θ, r sin θ) r dr dθ
0 0
ˆ π/4 ˆ 2 sin θ
c. f (r cos θ, r sin θ) r dr dθ
0 0
ˆ π/3 ˆ 2
d. f (r cos θ, r sin θ) r dr dθ
0 0
ˆ 1 ˆ π
e. f (r cos θ, r sin θ) r dθ dr
0 arccos r

ˆ ∞ ˆ √
1/ y
2a . Evaluate the iterated integral e−1/x dx dy .
0 0
2b . Evaluate the double integral (x2 + y 2 ) dA where R is the region between the unit circle
and the regular hexagon with center at the origin shown in the figure .


22 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

3 . Let D be the region in space bounded by the parabolic cylinder x = y 2 , the plane x+y+z = 2,
the yz-plane, and the xy-plane.
• Choose two of the following rectangular boxes by putting a 7 in the  in front of them,
and then
• choose one of the orders of integration in each of the selected boxes by putting a 7 in the
 in front of them.

 dx dy dz  dy dx dz  dz dx dy
 dx dz dy  dy dz dx  dz dy dx

Express the volume V of the region D in terms of iterated integrals in each of your selected
orders of integration (a) and (b).
c . Find the volume V .

4a . In Ê-Ë, if there exists a sequence {an }∞ th

n=1 satisfying the given conditions, write its n term
in the box; and if no such sequence exists, write Does Not Exist in the box. No explanation is
Ê lim = 1 and lim an does not exist.
n→∞ an n→∞

an =

Ë lim = −1 and lim an exists.
n→∞ an n→∞

an =
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 23

4b . Let c be a real number, and consider the sequence {an }∞

n=1 with a1 = c and satisfying the
recursion relation an+1 = an + a2n for all n ≥ 1.
À Show that if the sequence converges, then lim an = 0.

Á Fill in the boxes so that the sentence below becomes a true statement.

If c =  , then the sequence .

Write here a real number Write here either
which is not an integer converges or diverges
 Prove the statement in Á.

Spring 2017 Final

1 . Consider the function

f (x, y, z) = x3 y 2 z + ax2 y + bxz 2 ,
where a and b are constants, the point P0 (1, −1, 2) , and the vector A = 2i + 3j + 6k .
a . Compute ∇f (P0 ) .
b . Find all possible values of (a, b) for which f increases the fastest in the direction of A at
P0 .
c . Let a = 3 and b = 1. Find the directional derivative of f in the direction of A at P0 .

2a . Evaluate the double integral ¨

cos(πx2 /y) dA

where R is the region bounded by the parabolas y = 3x2 , y = 3x2 /2, x = y 2 , x = 2y 2 in the
24 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

2b . A solid D in space satisfies the following conditions:

• The intersection of D with the xy-plane is the region bounded by the cardioid with the
equation r = 1 + cos θ in polar coordinates.

• The intersection of D with each half-plane θ = c in spherical coordinates, where c is a

constant, is a disk with a diameter lying in the xy-plane.

Express the volume V of the solid D as an iterated integral in spherical coordinates by filling
in the rectangles below. No explanation is required.

ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = dρ dϕ dθ

3 . In each of the following, if the given statement is true for all sequences {an }∞
n=1 , then mark
the  to the left of True with a 8 ; otherwise, mark the  to the left of False 8 and give
a counterexample. No explanation is required.
a . If an < an+1 for all n ≥ 1, then lim an = ∞ .


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1


b . If lim an = 0 , then an converges.


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 25

c . If an converges, then {an }∞
n=1 converges.


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1

1 X∞
d . If 0 < n < an for all n ≥ 1, then an diverges.
2 n=1


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1

1 X∞
e . If 0 < an < for all n ≥ 1, then an converges.
n n=1


 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1

4 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent.

∞ π 
a. cos

X  π 
b. 1 − cos




5 . Consider the power series f (x) = .
n3 − n

a . Find the interval of convergence I of the power series and determine whether it converges
absolutely or conditionally at each point of I.

b . Find the exact value of f (−1).

26 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Spring 2016 Midterm I

1 . Consider the sequence {an }∞
n=1 satisfying the conditions a1 = A and an+1 = 3an − for
n ≥ 1 where A is a real number such that an ̸= 0 for all n ≥ 1.
a . Assume that the sequence converges and let L = lim an . Show that, depending on A,
there are at most two possible values for L.
b . Give an example of A for which the sequence converges. Explain your reasoning.
c . Give an example of A for which the sequence diverges and |an | < 1 for all n ≥ 1. Explain
your reasoning.
d . Show that the sequence is increasing if A = 1.
e . Determine whether the sequence converges or diverges if A = 1.
2a . In each of Ê-Í, indicate all possible completions of the sentence that will make it into a
true statement by 3 ing the corresponding  s. No explanation is required.
1 1 1 1 1
Ê = 1 + + + + · · · + + · · · is
n 2 3 4 n

 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence

 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these

1 1 1 1 1
Ë = 1, , , ,··· , ,··· is
n n=1 2 3 4 n
 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence
 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these

1 1 1 1 1
Ì = 1 , , , , · · · , n−1 , · · · is
2n−1 n=1 2 4 8 2
 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence
 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these

1 1 1 1 1
Í n−1
= 1 + + + + · · · + n−1 + · · · is
2 2 4 8 2

 a convergent sequence  a divergent sequence

 a convergent series  a divergent series  none of these
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 27

2b . In each of Î-Ï, if there exists a sequence {an }∞n=1 satisfying the given conditions, write
its general term inside the box; and if no such sequence exists, write Does Not Exist inside the
box. No explanation is required.
Î The sequence {an }∞ ∞
n=1 diverges and the sequence {(−1) an }n=1 converges.

an =

∞ X

Ï The series an converges and the series (−1)n an diverges.
n=1 n=1

an =

3 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges.


(ln n)2016
X n
b. −n 1/n



c. 20161/n − 1


4 . Consider the power series f (x) = .
(n2 − 1) · n!

a . Find the radius of convergence R of the power series.

1 7
b . Show that f (1) < e− .
2 6
c . Show that f (−1) < .
28 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Spring 2016 Midterm II

1 . Consider the plane P : 3x − y + 2z = 7 .

a . Give an example of a nonzero vector n normal to the plane P. No explanation is required.

n= i+ j+ k

b . Give an example of a point P0 in the plane P. No explanation is required.

P0 , ,

c . Give an example of a nonzero vector v parallel to the plane P. No explanation is required.

v= i+ j+ k

d . Write inside the box parametric equations of one of the lines lying in the plane P. No
explanation is required.


e . Find an equation of the plane that passes through the point (1, 1, 1) and contains the line
L in Part d. Show all your work.

2 . Suppose that f (x, y, z) is a differentiable function with the gradient

∇f = (3x2 − y 2 z)i − 2xyzj + (2z − xy 2 )k

and consider the point P0 (1, −1, 2).

b . Find a unit vector u for which the directional derivative Du f (P0 ) has its largest possible
c . Find a unit vector u for which Du f (P0 ) = 0 .
d . Find a unit vector u for which Du f (P0 ) = 5 .
e . Give an example of a function f whose gradient is the one given in this question. No
explanation is required.
f (x, y, z) =
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 29

3 . Each of the following functions has a critical point at (0, 0) . [You do not need to verify this.]
Determine whether this critical point is a local maximum, a local minimum, a saddle point or
something else.

a . f (x, y) = (1 − x2 )(1 − y 2 )

b . f (x, y) = x2 − y 4

c . f (x, y) = x2 − xy + y 4

4 . Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the restriction of the function

f (x, y, z) = xy + xz

to the unit sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 .

Spring 2016 Final

1 . Determine the smallest of the real numbers A, B, C, D, E where :


(−1)n X∞
1 X

A= B= C=
2n n=1
n2n n=1

n X

D= E=
3n n=0
3n (2n + 1)

2 . The Dym equation

ut = u3 uxxx

is a nonlinear evolution equation which arises in the study of the motion of the interface between
a viscous and a nonviscous fluid with surface tension.
Find all nonzero constants a, b, c such that the function

u(x, t) = (ax + bt)c

satisfies the Dym equation for all (x, t) with ax + bt > 0.

3 . Suppose that g(x, y) = f (x2 − y 2 , 2xy) where f (x, y) is a differentiable function. Find an
equation of the tangent plane to the graph of z = f (x, y) at the point (3, −4, 7) if an equation
of the tangent plane to the graph of z = g(x, y) at the point (−2, 1, 7) is z = 5x − 6y + 23 .
30 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
4 . Consider the double integral y
¨ 2
I= 2 2 2
R (x + y ) √
where R is the region in the first quadrant lying outside the
circle x2 + y 2 = 2 , and bounded by the line x = 2 on the R
right and the line y = 2 at the top.
a . Express I in terms of iterated double integrals in
Cartesian coordinates. √
2 x

b . Express I in terms of iterated double integrals in polar coordinates.

c . Evaluate I.

5 . Let V be the volume of the solid cone whose base is the unit disk in the xy-plane and whose
tip is at the point (0, 0, 2) in the xyz-space.



−1 1 y

a . Only two of Ê-Ì will be graded. Mark the ones you want to be graded by putting a 3
in the corresponding  s.

Ê  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in Cartesian coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = dz dy dx

Ë  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in cylindrical coordinates by filling in the

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 31

ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = r dz dr dθ

Ì  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in spherical coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = ρ2 sin ϕ dρ dϕ dθ

b . Compute V using its expression in terms of iterated integrals in one of the coordinate
systems in Part a.

Spring 2015 Midterm I

1. 1
1/2 1/3

We have a 1/n×1/n square for each positive integer n. For each of (a-c), indicate by 4ing the
 to the left of Yes or No whether it is possible or not to place these squares in the xy-plane
in such a way that they completely cover the given set. If Yes, describe how this can be done
(you might also want to draw a picture) and then fully justify your claim. If No, explain why
this cannot be done.
a . The entire xy-plane :  Yes  No
b . The line defined by the equation y = x :  Yes  No
c . The region between the graph of y = e−x and the x-axis for x ≥ 0 :  Yes  No

2 . In each of the following, if the reasoning in the given sentence is correct, then 4 the
corresponding  ; otherwise, leave it blank. No explanation is required. For each of the parts
(a-e), to get full points you must check exactly the squares corresponding to the correct reasonings. Note that
in each sentence all the statements to the right of “because" are true. You must decide whether they lead to
the statement to the left of “because", possibly using a test you have seen in this course.

1 1
a.  converges because lim = 0 .
n n→∞ n

1 1 1
 converges because 0 < < for all n ≥ 1 .
n n + 1 n
32 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
1 1 1 1
 diverges because 1 + + + · · · + > ln(n + 1) for all n ≥ 1 .
n 2 3 n
1 1 1 1 n
 diverges because 1 + + + ··· + n > 1 + for all n ≥ 2 .
n 2 3 2 2


b.  (−1)n converges because −1 ≤ (−1)n ≤ 1 for all n ≥ 0 .

 (−1)n diverges because the sequence 1, −1, 1, −1, 1, . . . diverges.


 (−1)n diverges because the sequence 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, . . . diverges.


 (−1)n diverges because −1 ≤ (−1)n ≤ 1 for all n ≥ 0 .



1 1
c.  converges because lim = 0.
n1+1/n n→∞ n1+1/n
 converges because 0 < (1/(n + 1)1+1/(n+1) )/(1/n1+1/n ) < 1 for all n ≥ 1 .

1 1 1 X1 ∞

 converges because 0 < 1+1/n < for all n ≥ 2 and diverges.

n1+1/n n n n=1
1  X∞
 diverges because lim (1/n1+1/n )/(1/n) = 1 and diverges.
n1+1/n n→∞
X n2  n2 1/n
1 1
d.  1− converges because lim 1− = e−1 < 1 .
n n→∞ n
X∞  n2  n2
1 1
 1− converges because lim 1 − = 0.
n n→∞ n
X ∞  n2  n2 X∞
1 1 1 1
 1 − converges because 0 < 1 − < for all n ≥ 2 and
n n 2n n=0
X∞  n2  n2 X∞
1 1 1 1
 1− diverges because n < 1 − for all n ≥ 6 and converges.
n 3 n n=0

X∞  1/n
1 1 1
e.  n
converges because lim n
= < 1.
2 n→∞ 2 2
X 1

n+1 n
 converges because lim (1/2 )/(1/2 ) = < 1.
2n n→∞ 2
X 1

3 7 15 31
converges because the sequence 1, , , , , . . . converges.
2 2 4 8 16
1 1
diverges because n
̸= 0 for infinitely many n ≥ 0 .
2 2
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 33

3 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges. Explain your reasoning in
full by clearly stating the name and the conditions of the test you are using, and explicitly checking the validity
of these conditions for the given series.


a. 5n − 3n


b. sin5 π/ 3 n


c. cos5 π/ 3 n


4 . Consider f (x) = .
5n (n2 + 1)

a . Find the radius of convergence R of the power series.

4 3
b . Show that < f (3) < .
3 2
3 4
c . Show that < f (−3) < .
4 5

Spring 2015 Midterm II

1 . In each of the following if the series converges, then write the exact value of its sum in a
form as simplified as possible in the box; otherwise, write Div. No explanation is required.


a. =


b. (−1)n =
2n + 1


π 2n
c. (−1)n =
(2n + 1)!
34 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022


d. (−1)n =

e. nn

2 . In the xyz-space where a flyscreen lies along the plane with the equation

2x + y − 2z = 1 ,

the trajectory of a bee as a function of time t is given by

r = t i + t2 j + t3 k

for −∞ < t < ∞.

a . Find the velocity v of the bee as a function of time.

b . Give an example of a nonzero vector n perpendicular to the screen.
c . Find all times t when the bee is flying parallel to the screen.
d . Find all times t when the bee is flying perpendicular to the screen.
e . There are holes in the screen through which the bee passes. Find the coordinates of all
of these holes.

3a . Evaluate the following limits. [ Show all your work. ]

x3 y 2
Ê lim
(x,y)→(0,0) x6 + y 6

x3 y 2
Ë lim  Your choice: Fill in the with “+" or “−", then evaluate!
(x,y)→(0,0) x6 x2 y 2 + y 6

3b . Evaluate the following statements. [ Just check and fill, no further explanation is required. ]

Ì If f (x, y) approaches 0 as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along any line through (0, 0), then lim f (x, y) = 0 .

 True and can be proven using the

 False because does not hold for f (x, y) =

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 35

Í If, for (x, y) ̸= (0, 0), the line y = x and every circle tangent to it at (0, 0) are level curves of f (x, y)
belonging to different values, then lim f (x, y) does not exist.

 True and can be proven using the

 False because does not hold for f (x, y) =

4 . In Genetics, Fisher’s Equation,

∂p ∂ 2p
= p (1 − p) + 2
∂t ∂x
describes the spread of an advantageous allele in a population with uniform density along a
1-dimensional habitat, like a shoreline, as a result of both reproduction and dispersion of the
offspring. Here p(x, t) is the frequency of the allele as a function of the position x and the time
Find all possible values of the pair of constants (a, b) for which the function

p(x, t) =
(1 + eax+bt )2

satisfies the Fisher’s Equation.

Spring 2015 Final

1 . Consider the following conditions for a differentiable function f (x, y) :

Ê f (2, 1) = 8

Ë An equation for the tangent line to the level curve f (x, y) = 8 in the xy-plane at the
point (2, 1) is 3x − 5y = 1

Let P be the tangent plane to the graph of z = f (x, y) at the point (2, 1, 8) .
In each of the parts (a-e) below a Ìrd condition is given.

• If there is no function satisfying the conditions Ê-Ì , then 3 the  next to None.

• If there are functions satisfying the conditions Ê-Ì , but they do not all have the same
tangent plane P, then 3 the  next to Many.
36 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

• If there are functions satisfying the conditions Ê-Ì and all of these functions have the
same tangent plane P, then 3 the  next to Unique and write an equation of P inside
the box.

a . Ì f (3, 2) = 11

 None  Many  Unique P:

b . Ì fx (2, 1) = −1

 None  Many  Unique P:

c. Ì f (t2 + 1, t3 ) = 6
dt t=1

 None  Many  Unique P:

d . Ì The line with parametric equations x = 4t + 2 , y = 2t + 1 , z = t + 8 , (−∞ < t < ∞) ,

lies in P

 None  Many  Unique P:

e . Ì The line with parametric equations x = −t+2 , y = 2t+1 , z = t+8 , (−∞ < t < ∞) ,
is perpendicular to P

 None  Many  Unique P:

2 . In the figure below some of the level curves and the corresponding values of a function f are

(The figure is on the next page.)

a . Indicate the signs of the following derivatives at (0, 0) by 3 ing the corresponding  .
No explanation is required.
Ê fx (0, 0) is  positive  negative
Ë fy (0, 0) is  positive  negative
Ì fxx (0, 0) is  positive  negative
Í fyy (0, 0) is  positive  negative
Î fxy (0, 0) is  positive  negative
b . Draw the gradient vector ∇f (0, 0) at the origin as best you can on the figure. No
explanation is required.
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 37

3 . Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function f (x, y) = 2(x2 + y 2 − 1)2 +
x2 − y 2 on the unit disk D = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 1} .

4 . Evaluate the following integrals.

a. (1 + x − y) dA where R = {(x, y) : |x − y| ≤ 2/3 and 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1}

ˆ ˆ √
1 1−x2 
b. sin π(x2 + y 2 ) dy dx
−1 0

5 . Let V be the volume of the ball B = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 2z} .

a . Only two of Ê-Ì will be graded. Mark the ones you want to be graded by putting a 3
in the corresponding  s.
38 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Ê  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in Cartesian coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = dz dy dx

Ë  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in cylindrical coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = r dr dz dθ

Ì  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in spherical coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = ρ2 sin ϕ dρ dϕ dθ

b . Compute V using its expression in terms of iterated integrals in one of the coordinate
systems in part (a).

Spring 2014 Midterm I

1a . In each of Ê-Ñ , indicate the kind of geometric object defined in the xyz-space by the given
set of equations by marking the corresponding  with a 3 . No explanation is required.

Ê x + 3z = 7y + 5
 A point  A line  A plane  Something else

Ë x = 3t − 2 , y = 4 , z = −5t + 1 ; −∞ < t < ∞

 A point  A line  A plane  Something else

Ì x − 4 = (y − 3)/5 = (z − 11)/8
 A point  A line  A plane  Something else

Í 2x + y − 3z = 0 , −x + 6y + z = 8
 A point  A line  A plane  Something else
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 39

Î y = 13

 A point  A line  A plane  Something else

Ï x = t3 + 2 , y = 4t3 + 5 , z = t3 − 1 ; −∞ < t < ∞

 A point  A line  A plane  Something else

Ð x = 1, z = 3

 A point  A line  A plane  Something else

Ñ x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 0

 A point  A line  A plane  Something else

1b . Write inside the box an equation for the plane that passes through the point (3, 2, 1) and
contains the line of intersection of the planes with equations x + y + z = 3 and x + 2y + 3z = 6.
No explanation is required.

1c . The equation of the tangent plane to the graph of the function z = f (x, y) at the point
with (x, y) = (3, 5) is 4z − 7x + y = 2. Write inside the box an equation of the tangent line
to the level curve of the function f in the xy-plane that passes through the point (3, 5). No
explanation is required.

2 . Mark two  s in each of the sentences in parts (a) and (b) with 3 s to make them true
statements. Then prove your claim by using the method you chose.

x3 y 2 − x2 y 3
a. The limit lim  is 0  does not exist , and this can be shown by using
(x,y)→(0,0) x4 + y 6
 the Sertöz Theorem  the 2-Path Test  the Squeeze Theorem .

x4 y 2
b. The limit lim  is 0  does not exist , and this can be shown by
(x,y)→(0,0) x4 + y 6 − x2 y 2
using  the Sertöz Theorem  the 2-Path Test  the Squeeze Theorem .
40 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Sertöz Theorem:
Let a and b be nonnegative integers, let c and d be positive even integers,
and let
xa y b
f (x, y) = .
xc + y d
a b
• If + > 1 , then lim f (x, y) = 0 .
c d (x,y)→(0,0)

a b
• If + ≤ 1 , then lim f (x, y) does not exist.
c d (x,y)→(0,0)

3a . Find the largest possible value of the directional derivative Du f (2, −1, 1) for the function:
f (x, y, z) = yzexy+2z

3b . A fly walks with a speed of 1 cm/s in any direction on this page which is identified with
the xy-plane. If the fly walks from the origin in the direction of the vector A = i − 7j , the
temperature it measures increases at a rate of 3◦ C/s. If the fly walks from the origin in the
direction of the vector B = i+j , the temperature it measures decreases at a rate of 2◦ C/s. Find
how fast the temperature it measures changes if the fly walks from the origin in the positive

4a . Find and classify the critical points of f (x, y) = 2x2 + y 2 + 2x2 y .

4b . Next week in Section 14 of Math 102 the following quiz will be given:

Q. Find the absolute minimum value of f (x, y) = 2x2 + y 2 + 2x2 y

on the square S = {(x, y) : |x| + |y| ≤ 4} .

(The figure is on the next page.)

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 41

A friend of yours in Section 14 tells you their solution to this quiz:

“f has three critical points in the interior of S where its values are 0, 1 and 1,
respectively. Moreover f (4, 0) = f (−4, 0) = 32 and f (0, 4) = f (0, −4) = 16. So the
absolute minimum value of f on S must be 0."

You respond by saying that:

“Your answer cannot be correct, because ."

Fill in the box with less than 13 characters to make your response mathematically valid.

Spring 2014 Midterm II

ˆ ∞ ˆ ∞
1a . Evaluate the iterated integral √
dy dx .
0 x (y 2 + 1)2
1b . Evaluate the double integral dA where R is the region shown in the figure.
R (x2 + y 2 )2

(The figure is on the next page.)

42 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

2 . The region R bounded by the curve z 2 = y 2 − y 4 in the right half of the yz-plane is rotated
about the z-axis to obtain a solid D in the xyz-space. Let V be the volume of the solid D.

a . Only two of Ê-Ì will be graded. Mark the ones you want to be graded by putting a 3
in the corresponding  s.

Ê  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in Cartesian coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = dz dy dx

Ë  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in cylindrical coordinates by filling in the

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 43

ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = r dz dr dθ

Ì  Express V in terms of iterated integrals in spherical coordinates by filling in the


ˆ ˆ ˆ
V = ρ2 sin ϕ dρ dϕ dθ

b . Compute V .

3a . Fill in the rectangles to make each of the following sentences a true statement.

is a convergent sequence.

is a convergent series.

is a divergent sequence.

is a divergent series.

3b . Consider the question:

Q. Find the sum of the series ln .
n + 1

Your friend from Section 14 shows you their solution:

n 2 3 4
ln = ln + ln +ln + ...
n + 1 3 4 5
= (ln 2 −  ln
3) + ( 3 −H 4) + (H
lnH ln
4 −
lnH 5) + . . .
= ln 2
44 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Express your opinion of your friend’s solution by 3 ing the corresponding  .

 The solution is correct.
 The solution is incorrect, but the answer is correct.
 Both the solution and the answer are incorrect.
If you 3 ed the first  , you are done with Question 3b. If you 3 ed the second or third  ,
write the correct solution below.

4 . In each of the parts (a-d), mark the appropriate  s with 3 s and then give a brief
explanation consisting of complete and meaningful mathematical sentences.
a . The series n
is  convergent  divergent .
n=1 Xn
A positive integer n such that 2014 ≤ ≤ 2015  exists  does not exists ,
because:  Explain!

b . The series 5n is  convergent
 divergent .
n=1 Xn
A positive integer n such that 2014 ≤ 5i ≤ 2015  exists  does not exist ,
because:  Explain!
X n
c . The series is  convergent  divergent .
Xn  i
A positive integer n such that 2014 ≤ ≤ 2015  exists  does not exist ,
because:  Explain!
d . The series is  convergent
 divergent .
n=1 Xn
A positive integer n such that 2014 ≤ ≤ 2015  exists  does not exist ,
because:  Explain!

Spring 2014 Final

1 . Suppose that f (x, y) is a differentiable function that satisfies f (1, 2) = 7, fx (1, 2) = −3,
fy (1, 2) = 11, and  
x y
f 2 , = f (x, y)
x + y 2 x2 + y 2
for all (x, y) ̸= (0, 0).
a . Find an equation of the tangent plane to the graph of z = f (x, y) at the point with
(x, y) = (1, 2).
b . Find parametric equations of the normal line to the surface z = f (x, y) at the point
(x, y, z) = (1, 2, 7).
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 45

c . Find an equation of the tangent line to the level curve f (x, y) = 7 at the point (x, y) =
(1, 2).

d . Compute fx (1/5, 2/5).

u v
2 . Consider the transformation T : x = ,y= .
u+v+1 u+v+1
∂(x, y)
a . Compute the Jacobian of T .
∂(u, v)
∂(x, y)

b . Show that there is a constant C such that the inequality ∂(u, v) du dv ≤ C holds
for all regions G contained in the first quadrant of the uv-plane.

3 . In each of the following, if there exists a sequence {an } with nonzero terms satisfying the
given conditions, write its general term inside the box; and if no such sequence exists, write
Does Not Exist inside the box. No explanation is required. No partial credit will be given.

∞ X∞
a. an converges and converges.
n=1 n=1
a n

an =

∞ X∞
b. an converges and diverges.
n=1 n=1
a n

an =

∞ X∞
c. an diverges and diverges.
n=1 n=1
a n

an =

d . {an } converges and converges.

an =
46 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
e . {an } converges and diverges.

an =

f . {an } diverges and diverges.

an =

4 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges.


a. (ln 2)n

n 2


c. (−1)n−1 ln 2


(1 −
d. ln 2)


(1 −
e. ln 2)n


5 . Consider the power series .
n2 − 1

a . Determine the interval of convergence of the power series.

b . Find the exact sum of the power series at x = −1.

Spring 2013 Midterm I

1 . Consider the sequence defined by:

a1 =  Write the last digit of your Bilkent ID number in the box!

an+1 = 90 + an for n ≥ 1
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 47

In Parts a-c, mark the  in the appropriate box or fill in the to make these into true
statements and then prove them.

a . The sequence {an }∞

n=1 is bounded below by .

b . The sequence {an }∞

n=1 is bounded above by .

c . The sequence {an }∞

n=1 is  increasing  decreasing.

d . Show that the sequence {an }∞

n=1 converges.

e . Let L = lim an . Find L.


2 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent. Explain your
reasoning in full.
X∞  n2


b. (21/n − 1)


(ln n)ln n

3 . In each of the following,

• If the given statement is true for all sequences {an } , then mark the  to the left of
True with a 8 and fill in the blank with the name of a test;

• Otherwise, mark the  to the left of False and give a counterexample.


a . If an converges, then {an }∞
n=1 converges.

 True , as can be shown using .

 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1.


b . If {an }∞
n=1 converges, then an converges.

 True , as can be shown using .

48 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1.

∞ X

c . If an converges conditionally, then nan diverges.
n=1 n=1

 True , as can be shown using .

 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1.

∞ X

d . If an converges conditionally, then nan converges.
n=1 n=1

 True , as can be shown using .

 False , because it does not hold for an = for n ≥ 1.

4 . Consider the function f defined by the following power series:

nn n
f (x) = x

a . Write the first five nonzero terms of the power series with their coefficients in a form as
simplified as possible.
b . Find the radius of convergence of the power series.
15 nn 64
c . Show that f (1) ≤ . You may use the fact that ≤ for n ≥ 1.
4 (n!) 2 9 · 2n

5 . For each of the following series, in the

• Write the exact value of the sum in a form as simplified as possible if the series converges;

• Write Div if the series diverges.

No explanation is required. No partial credit will be given.

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 49


π 2n
a. (−1)n =
4n (2n)!


b. =
3n (2n + 1)


c. =


d. =
1 + 2 + ··· + n

Spring 2013 Midterm II

1 . Use power series to determine the value of the constant a for which the limit

cos x − eax

x→0 sin(x4 )

exists and evaluate the limit for this value of a. (Do not use L’Hôpital’s Rule! )

2 . Consider the following lines:

L1 : x = 2t − 1, y = −t + 2, z = 3t + 1

L2 : x = s + 5, y = 2s + 3, z = −s

a . Find a nonzero vector v perpendicular to both L1 and L2 .

b . Find a parametric equation of the line L that intersects both L1 and L2 perpendicularly.

3 . Consider the function

 xa y b

 x4 + y 6 if (x, y) ̸= (0, 0)
f (x, y) =

0 if (x, y) = (0, 0)
50 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

where a and b are nonnegative integers. In each of the following, mark the corresponding 
with a 8 and fill in the s where necessary
to form a true statement. No explanation is required.

a . f (x, y) is continuous at (0, 0)

 for a = and b = .

 for no values of a and b.

b . f (x, y) goes to 1 as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along the line y = x, and f (x, y) goes to
−1 as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along the line y = −x

 for a = and b = .

 for no values of a and b.

c . f (x, y) goes to 0 as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along any line through the origin, and the
limit lim f (x, y) does not exist

 for a = and b = .

 for no values of a and b.

d . f (x, y) goes to 0 as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along any line through the origin except
the y-axis, and f (x, y) goes to 1 as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along the y-axis

 for a = and b = .

 for no values of a and b.

e . fx (0, 0) and fy (0, 0) exist, and f (x, y) is not differentiable at (0, 0)

 for a = and b = .

 for no values of a and b.

4 . Let z = f (x, y) be a differentiable function such that

f (3, 3) = 1, fx (3, 3) = −2, fy (3, 3) = 11,

f (2, 5) = 1, fx (2, 5) = 7, fy (2, 5) = −3.

a . Find an equation of the tangent plane to the graph of z = f (x, y) at the point (2, 5, 1).
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 51

b . Suppose w is a differentiable function of u and v satisfying the equation

f (w, w) = f (uv, u2 + v 2 )
for all (u, v). Find at (u, v, w) = (1, 2, 3).

5 . Find the values of the constants c and k for which the function
u(x, y) =
1 + ex−cy
satisfies the equation
∂u ∂u ∂ 2u
u + =k 2
∂x ∂y ∂x
for all (x, y).

Spring 2013 Final

1 . Consider the functions f (x, y) = x2 y and g(x, y) = x3 + 5y 2 .

a . Compute ∇f and ∇g.
b . Find all unit vectors u along which the directional derivatives of f and g at the point
P0 (2, 1) are equal.
c . Find all points P (x, y) in the plane at which the directional derivatives of f and g in the
direction of v = i + j are zero.

2 . Find and classify the critical points of f (x, y) = xy 2 − x2 + 2x − 3y 2 .

3 . Three hemispheres with radiuses 1, x and y, where 1 ≥ x ≥ y ≥ 0, are stacked on top of

each other as shown in the figure. Find the largest possible value of the total height h.


4 . Evaluate the following integrals.

52 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
ˆ ∞ ˆ 2x
e−y dy dx
0 x
b. dA where D = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≥ 1 and 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1}
D (x2 + y 2 )2

5a . Express the given triple integral as an iterated integral by filling in the boxes, where D is
the region shown in the figure.

˚ ˆ ˆ ˆ
f (x, y, z) dV = f (x, y, z) dy dx dz

5b . Evaluate dV where D = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 1} .
D 1+ (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )3/2

Spring 2012 Midterm I

1a . Write in the box an equation for one of the planes that contain the line x = −2t + 3, y =
5t + 1, z = 4t − 1, −∞ < t < ∞. No explanation is required.

1b . Write in the box parametric equations for one of the lines that are contained in the plane
7x − y − 2z = 11. No explanation is required.
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 53

1c . Find an equation of the plane that passes through the point P (−3, 2, 1) and is perpendicular
to both of the planes with equations x + 3y − 8z = 2 and 2x − y + 6z = 1.

2a . Find the length of the parametric curve x = (1 + cos t) cos t, y = (1 + cos t) sin t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.
2b . Find parametric equations of the tangent line to the parametric curve r = t i + t2 j + t3 k,
−∞ < t < ∞, at the point with t = 2.

3 . The level curves of the following five functions are shown in the figures below. Match these
with their functions by filling in the boxes with the corresponding letters.
B . f (x, y) = (4x2 + y 2 )e−x
2 −y 2
A . f (x, y) = sin x + 2 sin y C . f (x, y) = x2 y 2

D . f (x, y) = xye−y
E . f (x, y) = 3x − 2y

(The figures are on the next page.)

54 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 55

x3 y 4
4 . Let f (x, y) = .
x4 + x3 y 2 + y 10
a . Show that the limit of f (x, y) as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along any line through the origin
is the same.
b . Show that lim f (x, y) does not exist.

5 . Let u = x + y + z, v = xy + yz + zx, w = xyz, and suppose that f (u, v, w) is a differentiable

function satisfying f (u, v, w) = x4 + y 4 + z 4 for all (x, y, z). Find fu (2, −1, −2).

Spring 2012 Midterm II

1a . In (i-iii), if there is a differentiable function f (x, y) whose derivatives at (0, 0) in the

directions of the vectors A, B, C are all positive, give an example of such a function; if there
is no such function, write Does not exist in the box. No explanation is required.
i . A = i + 2j , B = i − j , C = i

f (x, y) =

ii . A = i + 2j , B = i − j , C = −i − j

f (x, y) =

iii . A = 3i + j , B = i − j , C = −i − j

f (x, y) =

1b . A bug is standing on the ground at a point P . If it moves towards north from P ,

the temperature decreases at a rate √ of 4◦ C /m. If it moves towards southeast from P, the
temperature increases at a rate of 3 2 C /m. In which direction should the bug move to go to
cooler points as fast as possible? (Choose a coordinate system on the ground with the positive
x-axis pointing east and the positive y-axis pointing north, and express your answer as a unit

2 . Find the absolute maximum value of f (x, y) = x3 − xy − y 2 + 2y on the square R = {(x, y) :

0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1}.

3 . Find and classify the critical points of f (x, y) = x3 − 2x2 + xy 2 .

4 . Evaluate the following integrals.

56 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
a. | cos(x + y)| dA where R = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2 and 0 ≤ y ≤ π/2}.
ˆ 1 ˆ √y−y2
dx dy
0 0 (x2 + y2 − (x2 + y 2 )2 )1/2

5 . Let D be the region in the first octant bounded by the coordinate planes, the plane x+y = 4,
and the cylinder y 2 + 4z 2 = 16.

• Choose two
of the following rectangular boxes by putting a 7 in the small square in
front of them, and then
• choose one
of the orders of integration in each of the selected boxes by putting a 7 in
the small square in front of them.

 dx dy dz  dy dx dz  dz dx dy
 dx dz dy  dy dz dx  dz dy dx

Express the volume V of the region D as iterated integrals in both of your selected orders of
integration (a) and (b). (Do not evaluate the integrals! )

Spring 2012 Final

1a . Find all points on the surface z = x2 + y 2 where the tangent plane is parallel to the plane
x + 2y + 3z = 6.
1b . A bug is standing on the ground at a point P . If it moves towards north from P ,

the temperature decreases at a rate √ of 4◦ C /m. If it moves towards southeast from P, the
temperature increases at a rate of 3 2 C /m. In which direction should the bug move to go to
cooler points as fast as possible? (Choose a coordinate system on the ground with the positive
x-axis pointing east and the positive y-axis pointing north, and express your answer as a unit

2a . Suppose that T is a one-to-one transformation from the xy-plane to the uv-plane whose
Jacobian satisfies the condition
∂(u, v) 1
0< ≤ 2
∂(x, y) (x + y 2 + 1)2
for all (x, y). Show that if G is a region in the xy-plane then the area of its image T (G) in the
uv-plane is not more than π.
2b . Let f (x) = 1 − ex + e2x − e3x + · · · . Find the domain and the range of f .

3 . Let D be the region in space bounded on the top by the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 2 and on the
bottom by the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 . Fill in the boxes in parts (a-c) so that the right sides of
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 57

the equalities become iterated integrals expressing the volume V of D in the given coordinates
and orders of integration. No explanation is required.

ˆ ˆ ˆ
a. V = dz dy dx

ˆ ˆ ˆ
b. V = dz dr dθ

ˆ ˆ ˆ
c. V = dρ dϕ dθ

ˆ ˆ ˆ
+ dρ dϕ dθ

4 . In each of the following indicate whether the given series converges or diverges, and also
indicate the best way of determining this by choosing exactly one of the tests and filling in the
corresponding blank if any. (You must choose a test to get any points.)


a. √  converges  diverges
n2 + n

 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Integral Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 Ratio Test  nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test


b. 3n sin(π −n )  converges  diverges
58 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Integral Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 Ratio Test  nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test



c.  converges  diverges
 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Integral Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 Ratio Test  nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test


d. (−1)n ln n  converges  diverges
 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Integral Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 Ratio Test  nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test


e. √  converges  diverges
n(ln n) 2
 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Integral Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 Ratio Test  nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test


5 . Let f (x) = cn xn for all x in the interval of convergence of the power series where c0 = 1
n=0 −(n+1)
and cn+1 = cn 1 + for n ≥ 0.
a . Find c1 , c2 and c3 .

b . Find the radius of convergence of the power series cn xn .

c . Find f ′′ (0).
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 59

d . Express the sum of the series n2 cn in terms of A = f (1), B = f ′ (1) and C = f ′′ (1).

Spring 2011 Midterm I


1 . Consider the power series .

2n n

a . Write the first three nonzero terms of the power series.

b . Find the radius of convergence of the power series.
c . Find the exact value of the sum of the power series at x = −1 .

2a . Find the coefficient of x2011 in the Maclaurin series of f (x) = xe−x .


2b . Exactly one of the following statements is true. Choose the true statement and mark the
box in front of it with a 3 .
X∞ X∞
 If 2
an converges, then (−1)n+1 an converges.
n=1 n=1

∞ X

 If a2n converges, then (−1)n+1 a3n converges.
n=1 n=1

Now either
 Prove the true statement, or
 Give an example that shows the other statement is not true.
Indicate the task you choose with a 7 .

3a . Find the equation of the plane containing the line L1 : x = 2t + 3, y = 4t − 1, z = −t + 2 ,

−∞ < t < ∞ , and parallel to the line L2 : x = 2s + 3, y = s + 2, z = 2s − 2 , −∞ < s < ∞ .
3b . When a wheel of unit radius rolls along the x-axis the path traced by a point P on its
circumference is given by r = (t − sin t) i + (1 − cos t) j , −∞ < t < ∞ . Find the distance
traveled by P during one full turn of the wheel.

x3 y 2
4a . Show that lim = 0.
(x,y)→(0,0) x6 + y 2

x6 y 4
4b . Show that lim does not exist.
(x,y)→(0,0) (x6 + y 2 )3

5 . Find all possible values of the constants a and b such that the function
2 /y
f (x, y) = y a ebx
60 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

satisfies the equation

∂ 2f 2 ∂f ∂f
+ =
∂x x ∂x ∂y
for all (x, y) with x > 0 and y > 0 .

Spring 2011 Midterm II

1 . Let P0 (2, 2, 1) and suppose that f (x, y, z) and g(x, y, z) are differentiable functions satisfying
the following conditions:

i. f (P0 ) = 1 and g(P0 ) = 6.

ii. = −1.
∂x P0

iii. At P0 , f increases fastest in the direction of the vector A = 4i − j − 8k and its derivative
in this direction is 7.

iv. The tangent plane of the surface defined by the equation

f (x, y, z) + 2g(x, y, z) = 13

at the point P0 has the equation 5x + y − z = 11.

Find .
∂z P0

2 . Each of the following functions has a critical point at (0, 0). Indicate the type of this critical
point by marking the corresponding box with a 7 . No explanation is required. No partial
credit will be given.
a . f (x, y) = x3 y 3 has a
 local maximum
 local minimum
 saddle point
 none of the above
at (0, 0).
b . f (x, y) = 1 − x2 y 2 has a
 local maximum
 local minimum
 saddle point
 none of the above
at (0, 0).
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 61

c . f (x, y) = y 2 − yx2 has a

 local maximum
 local minimum
 saddle point
 none of the above
at (0, 0).
d . f (x, y) = x2 − x2 y + y 2 has a
 local maximum
 local minimum
 saddle point
 none of the above
at (0, 0).

3 . A flat circular plate has the shape of the region x2 + y 2 ≤ 1. The plate, including the
boundary where x2 + y 2 = 1, is heated so that the temperature at a point (x, y) is

T (x, y) = x2 + 2y 2 − x.

Find the temperatures at the hottest and coldest points on the plate.

4 . Evaluate the following integrals.

¨ p
a. x2 + y 2 dA where R is the region shown in the figure.
y √
y= 3x

x2 + y 2 = 4


ˆ 1 ˆ 1/x2
xy 2 e−y dy dx
0 1

5 . Let D be the region in space lying inside the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4, outside the cone
z 2 = 3(x2 + y 2 ), and above the xy-plane. Fill in the boxes in parts (a-c) so that the right
sides of the equalities become iterated integrals expressing the volume V of D in the given
coordinates and orders of integration. No explanation is required.
62 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

ˆ ˆ ˆ
a. V = dρ dϕ dθ

ˆ ˆ ˆ
b. V = dz dr dθ

ˆ ˆ ˆ
+ dz dr dθ

ˆ ˆ ˆ
c. V = dr dz dθ

Spring 2011 Final

1a . Write the first three nonzero terms of the Maclaurin series of where a is a constant.
1 + ax2
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 63

1b . Write the first three nonzero terms of the Maclaurin series of sin(bx) where b is a constant.
1c . Find the constants a, b, c, d if − sin(bx) = x3 + cx4 + dx5 + · · · on some open
1 + ax2
interval containing x = 0.

2 . Let u = x2 y 3 , v = sin(πx), and z = f (u, v) where f is a function with continuous second

order partial derivatives satisfying:

f (4, 0) = 10 fu (4, 0) = 5 fv (4, 0) = 7

fuu (4, 0) = −2 fuv (4, 0) = −1 fvv (4, 0) = 3

a . Find .
∂x (x,y)=(−2,1)

∂ 2 z
b . Find .
∂y∂x (x,y)=(−2,1)

3 . Evaluate e(y−x)/(y+x) dA where R is the region shown in the figure.

1 x

4a . Evaluate p where D is the unit ball x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 1.
D x + y + (z − 2)
2 2 2

4b . Evaluate the line integral (6xy + sin(x2 )) dx + (5x2 + sin(y 2 )) dy where C is the
boundary of the region R shown in the figure.

(The figure is on the next page.)

64 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

x2 + y 2 = 4

x2 + y 2 = 1

5 . Consider the parametrized surface S : r = u2 i + 2 uvj + v 2 k, −∞ < u < ∞ , 0 ≤ v < ∞ .
Find the area of the portion of the surface S that lies inside the unit ball x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 1.

Spring 2010 Midterm I

xy 2
1a . Show that lim =0.
(x,y)→(0,0) x6 + y 2

1b . Show that lim does not exist.
(x,y)→(0,0) x + y 2

x |y|a
1c . Consider lim where a is a constant.
(x,y)→(0,0) x6 + y 2

There is a real number A such that this limit is 0 if a > A, and this limit does not exist if
a < A. What is A?
Write your answer here  A =

No explanation is required and no partial points will be given in this part.

2 . Assume that f (x, y, z) is a differentiable function and at the point P0 (1, −1, 2), f increases
fastest in the direction of the vector A = 2i + j − 2k.
Exactly one of the following statements can be true about this function.

• Mark this statement with an 3 and find (∇f )P0 assuming the statement to be true.

• Mark the other statement with an 7 and explain why it cannot be true.

 The directional derivative of f at P0 in the direction of the vector B = 2i + 6j + 3k is 5.

 The directional derivative of f at P0 in the direction of the vector B = 3i + 2j + 6k is 5.

3 . Find the points on the surface xy + yz + zx − x − z 2 = 0 where the tangent plane is parallel
to the xy-plane.
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 65

4 . Find all possible values of the constants C and k such that the function f (x, y) = C(x2 +y 2 )k
satisfies the equation fxx + fyy = f 3 for all (x, y) ̸= (0, 0).

5 . Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function f (x, y) = 2x3 +2xy 2 −x−y 2
on the unit disk D = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 1}.

Spring 2010 Midterm II

ˆ π ˆ 1
1 . Evaluate the integral y 4 sin(xy 2 ) dy dx .
0 x/π

2 . Let D be the region in space bounded by the plane y + z = 1 on the top, the parabolic
cylinder y = x2 on the sides, and the xy-plane at the bottom.
• Choose two of the following rectangular boxes by putting a 7 in the small square in
front of them, and then
• choose oneof the orders of integration in each of the selected boxes by putting a 7 in
the small square in front of them.

 dx dy dz  dy dx dz  dz dx dy
 dx dz dy  dy dz dx  dz dy dx

Express the volume V of the region D as iterated integrals in both of your selected orders of
integration (a) and (b). (Do not evaluate the integrals! )

ˆ √
3 ˆ √
3−x2 ˆ √12−x2 −y2
V = √ √
dz dy dx
− 3 − 3−x2 x2 +y 2
expresses the volume V of a region D in space as an iterated integral in Cartesian coordinates.
Fill in the boxes in (a) and (b) so that the right sides of the equalities become iterated
integrals expressing the volume of D in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, respectively. No
explanation is necessary in this question. (Do not evaluate the integrals! )

ˆ ˆ ˆ
a. V = dz dr dθ

ˆ ˆ ˆ
b. V = dρ dϕ dθ
66 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

ˆ ˆ ˆ
+ dρ dϕ dθ

4 . Find the value of the line integral

(3x2 y 2 + y) dx + 2x3 y dy

where C is the cardioid r = 1 + cos θ parameterized counterclockwise.

5 . Let D be the closed ball x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 16.

a . Show that for any vector field F that has continuous partial derivatives and satisfies the
condition |F| ≤ 5 on D, ˚
∇ · F dV ≤ 320π.

b . Give an example of a vector field F that has continuous partial derivatives and satisfies
the condition |F| ≤ 5 on D such that
∇ · F dV = 320π,

and verify that the equality holds.

Spring 2010 Final

1 . Let T be a transformation from the uv-plane to the xy-plane given by x = f (u, v) and
y = g(u, v) where f and g are functions with continuous partial derivatives. Assume that T
satisfies the condition that
(Area of T (G)) = (u2 + v 2 ) du dv

for every closed subset of the uv-plane on which T is one-to-one.

a . Let G = {(u, v) : 1 ≤ u2 + v 2 ≤ 4 , u ≥ 0 and v ≥ 0}. Find the area of the image of G
under T assuming that T is one-to-one on G.
b . If f (u, v) = uv, find a g(u, v) that satisfies the conditions of the question. (You do not
have to explain how you found g(u, v), but you must verify that the conditions are satisfied.)

2 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent.


(ln 2)n
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 67

(ln n)3


30n (2n)!(3n)!

3 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent.

n+1 π
a. (−1) cos


b. √
n + n sin n


5n − 2n
7n − 6n


4 . Consider the power series .
9n2 − 1

a . Find the radius of convergence of the power series.

b . Determine whether the power series converges or diverges at the right endpoint of its
interval of convergence. If it converges, determine the type of convergence.
c . Determine whether the power series converges or diverges at the left endpoint of its
interval of convergence. If it converges, determine the type of convergence.

5 . In parts (a-b) of this question, if the series converges, write the exact sum of the series
inside the box; and if the series diverges, write Diverges inside the box. No explanation is
required. No partial points will be given.


a. =
4n (2n + 1)


b. =
n2 − 1

In parts (c-d) of this question, if there exists a sequence {an } satisfying the given conditions,
write its general term inside the box; and if no such sequence exists, write Does Not Exist
inside the box. No explanation is required. No partial points will be given.

c . 1 ≤ an < an+1 for all n ≥ 1 and lim an ̸= ∞ .

68 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

an =


d . lim nan = 0 and an diverges.

an =

Spring 2009 Midterm I

1 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent.


a. (−1)n+1


1 + (ln n)2


c. cos(1/n)

2 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent.


n!(n + 1)!
(2n + 1)!


2 /(n+1)


c. (e1/n − 1)


3 . Consider the power series .
(n2 + 1)(2n + 1)

a . Find the radius of convergence of the power series.

b . Determine whether the power series is absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent or
divergent at the right endpoint of its interval of convergence.
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 69

c . Determine whether the power series is absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent or

divergent at the left endpoint of its interval of convergence.

4 . Find the coefficient of the first nonzero term in the Maclaurin series generated by
f (x) = sin x − .
1 + x2 /6


5a . Determine whether the sum of the series is positive or negative.
n!(n + 1)!


5b . Find the sum of the series .
2n (n2 − 1)

Spring 2009 Midterm II

x4 y 4
1a . Show that lim = 0.
(x,y)→(0,0) x2 + y 4

x4 y 4
1b . Show that lim does not exist.
(x,y)→(0,0) (x2 + y 4 )3

2 . A differentiable function f (x, y, z) increases fastest at the point P0 (2, 5, −1) in the direction
of i + 2j − 3k and at a rate of 7.

a . Find .
∂z P0
b . Find the equation of the tangent plane to the level surface of f passing through the point
P0 .

3a . Show that if f (z) is a differentiable function and u(x, y) = f (x2 − y 2 ), then yux + xuy = 0
for all (x, y).
3b . Show that the parametric curve r(t) = et cos t i + et sin t j , −∞ < t < ∞, cuts every circle
with center at the origin at the same angle, and find this angle.

4 . Find and classify the critical points of f (x, y) = x3 − 6x + x2 y 2 .

5 . Evaluate the following integrals

ˆ π1/6 ˆ π1/3
a. x3 sin(y 3 ) dy dx
0 x2
b. x2 sin(x2 + y 2 ) dA where R = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ π}.
70 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Spring 2009 Final

1 . In each of the following indicate whether the given series converges or diverges, and also
indicate the best way of determining this by marking the corresponding boxes and filling in the
corresponding blanks.

a.  converges  diverges
 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Ratio Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test


b. √  converges  diverges
n5 − 1
 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Ratio Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test


n 2
c. √
 converges  diverges
 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Ratio Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test


d. (−1)n  converges  diverges
ln n
 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Ratio Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test

e n − 2n
e.  converges  diverges
π n − 3n
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 71
 nth Term Test  Direct Comparison Test with
 Ratio Test  Limit Comparison Test with

 nth Root Test  Alternating Series Test

2 . Find the closest and farthest points on the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4 to the point P (3, 1, −1) .

3a . Evaluate the integral 2 + y 2 + z 2 )3
dV where D = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 ≥ 1} .
D (x
ˆ π ˆ 1 ˆ √4−r2
3b . Express the iterated integral in cylindrical coordinates dz dr dθ in terms of
0 0 0
iterated integrals in spherical coordinates. Do not evaluate.

4a . Find a function
¨ f (x, y) such that, for any region G in the first quadrant of the xy-plane, the
double integral f (x, y) dx dy gives the area of T (G) where T is the transformation u = x2 /y,
v = x/y 2 .
4b . Evaluate F · dr where F = 3x2 y 2 z i + 2(x3 z + z 2 )y j + (x3 + 2z)y 2 k and
C : r = (t3 − 2t) i + (t4 − 4t2 − 1) j + cos(πt) k , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 .

5 . Let C be the unit circle in the xy-plane, and S be the boundary of the square
K = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1}. If a is a constant such that

(y 3 + xy 2 + xy) dx + (3xy 2 + x2 y + ax) dy = 1 ,

evaluate ‰
(y 3 + xy 2 + xy) dx + (3xy 2 + x2 y + ax) dy .

Spring 2008 Midterm I

(n!)2 (3n)n
1 . a . Evaluate lim .
n→∞ nn (2n)!

sin n 1
b . Does the series + converge or diverge? Justify!
n2 n(ln n)2

2 . a . Find the Taylor series generated by f (x) = (1 + x2 )1/3 at x = 0.

ˆ 1/2
b . Use the series in part (a) to estimate (1 + x2 )1/3 with error less than 0.01.
72 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

(x + 2)n
3 . Find the radius and the interval of convergence of the series (−1)n p .
n=1 n(n + 1)

4 . a . Find parametrization for the line in which the planes 5x − 2y = 11 and 4y − 5z = −17
b . Write ⃗u = j + k as the sum of a vector parallel to ⃗v = i + j and a vector orthogonal to ⃗v .

5 . a . Let ⃗r1 (t) = cos t i + sin t j + t k and ⃗r2 (t) = sin s i + cos s k be two curves. Find the
intersection points of ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 . Moreover, find the angle between the tangent vectors at each
intersection point.
b . Find the point of intersection of the lines x = 2t + 1, y = 3t + 2, z = 4t + 3 and x = s + 2,
y = 2s + 4, z = −4s − 1. Then find the plane determined by these lines.

Spring 2008 Midterm II

1 . Let D be the solid bounded by the surfaces x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 9 and x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1, and

lying above the surface z 2 = 3(x2 + y 2 ) with z ≥ 0. Write down three integrals in rectangular,
cylindrical, and spherical coordinates that give the volume of the solid. Do not evaluate these

ˆ 9 ˆ 3
2 . a . Evaluate √
sin(x3 ) dx dy .
0 y

ˆ 2 ˆ √1−(x−1)2
b . Evaluate dy dx .
0 0 x2 + y 2

3 . Find the shortest distance from the origin to the surface xyz 2 = 2. (Explain why it is the
shortest and not the longest.)

4 . a . Let f (x, y) = x2 y − 2xy + y 2 − 15y . Find and classify the critical points of f .
b . Find the direction of most rapid increase for f at the point (1, 1) and the rate of change
of f in this direction.

5 . a . Let z = f (x, y) be a differentiable function of two independent variables x and y such that
f (2, 1) = 3, fx (2, 1) = 2, fy (2, 1) = −1. Define another function z = g(x, y) of two independent
variables x and y as follows:  
2 y xy
g(x, y) = f 2 , e
x + y2 x
Find the equation of the tangent plane to the surface z = g(x, y) at the point (x, y) = (1, 0).
b . Using the tangent plane in part (a) approximate g(1.1, −0.2).
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 73

Spring 2008 Final

1 . Find the radius and the interval of convergence of the series

(−2)n (n + 1)
2 + 1) ln n
(x − 5)n .

Explain your reasoning and be sure to check the endpoints.

2 . Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function f (x, y) = yx2 − y 2 + 4 on
the unit disk D = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 1}.

3 . a . Find the work done by the vector field

F(x, y, z) = (2xz + 2)i + (2y + z)j + (x2 + y)k

over the curve r(t) = (sin t + 2 cos t − 2)i + et −πt j + (t/π − 5)k for t in [0, π]. (Hint: First try

to answer the question “Is F a conservative field?")

b . Integrate f (x, y, z) = x2 + y + 3z over the line segment joining (0, 1, 2) to (−1, −1, −2).

4 . Let C be a curve that encloses a region R such that the area of the region R is 10π and the
interior of the region contains the unit disk D = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 1}. Compute the integral
x − 2y 2x + y
2 2
dx + + 3x dy .
C x +y x2 + y 2

(Hint: You might want to use Green’s Theorem to compute this integral, but note the problems
about the point (x, y) = (0, 0). So you have to use Green’s Theorem carefully.)

5 . a . Evaluate F·dr where C is the intersection of z = x2 + y 2 + 1 and z = 2y + 1 oriented
clockwise as viewed from above and F =< sin(x2 ), y 3 , z ln z − x > .
b . Let Q be the solid bounded by the paraboloid z = 4 − x2 − y 2 and the xy-plane. Find
the outward flux of the vector field F =< x3 , y 3 , z > over the boundary of Q.

Spring 2007 Midterm I

1 . Determine if each of the following series is convergent or divergent.


n · ln n · (ln(ln n))3


(ln n)n
74 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
∞ ˆ
c. (−1) dx
n=1 n x

2 . Determine if each of the following series is convergent or divergent.

∞ n
n+1 n
a. (−1)


10n n!(3n)!


c. π n sin2 (2−n )


3 . Consider the series √ √ .
(n − 1) n + 1 + (n + 1) n − 1

a . Show that this series is convergent.

b . Find the sum of this series by interpreting it as a telescoping series.

x X n(n + 1)

4a . Find all solutions of the equation = .
4 n=1


4b . Show that if 1 > an > 0 for all n ≥ 1 and the series an converges, then the series

1 − an


(n − 1)(n + 1)
5a . Find the sum of the series exactly.
ˆ 1
5b . Determine whether the improper integral converges or diverges.
0 x − sin x

Spring 2007 Midterm II

1 . Find and classify the critical points of f (x, y) = x2 y 2 − 2x2 + x3 − 4y 2 .

2 . Find the equations of (a) the tangent plane and (b) the normal line to the surface x2 +
3y 2 − 4z 2 = 5 at the point P (3, 2, −2).

3 . Find the points on the surface xyz = 1 closest to the origin.

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 75

4a . The derivative of a differentiable function

√ f (x, y) at a point P in the direction of i + j is
2, and in the direction of 3i − 4j is −3/ 2. Find the derivative of f at P in the direction of
7i − j.
4b . Let h(t) be a differentiable function of t and let g(x, y) = 3h(x2 − y 2 ) − h(2xy). Find h′ (3)
if (∇g)(2,1) = 6i + 5j.

5 . Evaluate the following integrals.

ˆ π2 ˆ π  2 
5 xy
a. √
x sin dx dy
0 y π3
b. sin(x + y) dA where R = {(x, y) : x + y ≤ π/2, x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0}

Spring 2007 Final

1 . Compute the inward flux of the vector field F = xi + yj + k across the closed surface S
composed of the portion of the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 lying below the plane z = 4, and the
portion of the plane z = 4 lying inside the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 .

2a . Suppose f (x, y) is a function with continuous second order partial derivatives on the entire
2 2
plane, and fxx + fyy = ex +y for all (x, y). Evaluate the line integral

∇f · n ds

where C is the circle x2 + y 2 = 1 parametrized counterclockwise, and n is the outward unit

normal field on C.
2b . Evaluate the integral (x − y)2 cos(x + y) dA, where R is the square with vertices
(π/2, 0), (0, π/2), (−π/2, 0) and (0, −π/2), using the change of variables u = x+y and v = x−y.

3 . Evaluate the integral ˚

D (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )2
p D is the region lying outside the cylinder x2 + y 2 = 1 and inside the half-cone z =
x2 + y 2 .

ˆ 1
4a . Estimate the value of the integral x sin(x3 ) dx with an error of magnitude less than
10−3 using series.
4b . Evaluate the limit
ex − e−x − 2x
x→0 x − sin x
using series.
76 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

5a . Find the exact sum of the series .
(2n + 1)52n+1

5b . Suppose that g(t) is a differentiable function of t, and h(x, y) = y g(y/x). Find hy (3, 2) if
h(3, 2) = 7 and hx (3, 2) = 4.

Spring 2006 Midterm I

1 . Determine whether each of the following is convergent or divergent.

ˆ 1
0 e −e
x −x
ˆ ∞
1 e − e−x


1 + 2 + ··· + n

d. ln 1 +




2n n
4 n + n2

5n (n!)2


h. (−1)n+1 arctan n

1 · 3 · 5 · · · · · (2n − 1)
2 . Let un = for n ≥ 1.
2 · 4 · 6 · · · · · (2n)
a . Show that ≤ un for all n ≥ 1.
b . Show that un < √ for all n ≥ 1.
c . Show that un > un+1 for all n ≥ 1.

d . Show that the series un diverges.


e . Show that the series (−1)n+1 un converges.
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 77

f . Choose the correct statement: (No explanation is required for this part.)


 The series (−1)n+1 un converges absolutely.

 The series (−1)n+1 un converges conditionally.

Spring 2006 Midterm II

1 . For each of the following, write the exact sum of the series in the box if it converges and
write diverges if it diverges. No further explanation is required. No partial credit will be


a. (−1)n =


4n π 2n
b. (−1) n =
9 (2n)!


c. =
2n (n+ 1)


d. =
3n (2n + 1)


2 . Consider the power series (−1)n .
n2 + 2 n

a . Find the radius of convergence of the series.

b . Determine whether the series converges absolutely, converges conditionally or diverges at
the left endpoint of its interval of convergence.
c . Determine whether the series converges absolutely, converges conditionally or diverges at
the right endpoint of its interval of convergence.

3 . Assume that f (x, y, z) is a differentiable function and P (2, 1, −1) is a point such that

• (∇f )P is parallel to the xz-plane,

• The derivative of f at P in the direction of A = 2i − 3j + 6k is 2,

• The derivative of f at P in the direction of B = 2i + 2j + k is −7.

78 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

a . Find (∇f )P .
b . In which direction does f increase fastest at P ? What is the rate change of in this

4 . Suppose that f (x, y) is a twice-differentiable function satisfying f (1, 2) = 3, fx (1, 2) =

5, fy (1, 2) = −4, fxx (1, 2) = 7, fxy (1, 2) = fyx (1, 2) = −1 and fyy (1, 2) = −2.

d 2

a . Find f (t , 2t ) .
dt t=1

b . Assume that g(t) is a twice-differentiable function such that g(1) = 2 and f (t, g(t)) = 3
for all t. Find g ′′ (1).

5 . Find the absolute maximum and the absolute minimum values of f (x, y) = 4x3 + 9y 2 − 18xy
on the square R = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 2}.

Spring 2006 Final

1 . For each of the following, write the exact sum of the series in the box if it converges and
write diverges if it diverges. No further explanation is required. No partial credit will be

a. n

b. n
2 n

c. n
2 n!


d. (−1)n(n+1)/2 =
4n n!

2 . Find the points P0 on the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 such that the tangent plane to the
paraboloid at P0 passes through the points (1, 0, 0) and (0, 2, 0).

3 . Evaluate the following iterated integrals.

ˆ 8ˆ 2
dy dx
a. √ 4
0 3x y + 1
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 79
ˆ 2ˆ 0
b. √ dx dy
0 − 1−(y−1)2 y

4 . Express the triple integral ˚

D (x2 + + z 2 )5/2
where D = {(x, y, z) : x + y ≤ 1 and z ≥ 1} as an iterated integral in (a) cylindrical and (b)
2 2

spherical coordinates, and (c) evaluate it using any coordinate system you wish.

5a . Evaluate the line integral ‰

−y dx + x dy
C 1 + x2 + y 2
where C is the unit circle x2 + y 2 = 1.
5b . Find a function f (x, y) such that
‰ ¨
−y dx + x dy
2 2
= f (x, y) dA
C 1+x +y R

for every simple closed curve C in the plane and region R it encloses.

Spring 2005 Midterm I

1 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent. State clearly the
name and the conditions of the test you are using.

n X

a. √ b.
2n4 + 1 n=2
n ln n


n 2n X∞
c. d.
3n n=1
n 3n


(3n)! X

e. n
f. (−1)n+1 √
7 n!(2n)! n=1
n2 + 1

2 . Consider the power series


3 n xn
(−1)n .
n2 + 1

a . Find the radius of convergence of the power series.

b . Determine whether the power series is absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent or
divergent at the left endpoint of its interval of convergence.
c . Determine whether the power series is absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent or
divergent at the right endpoint of its interval of convergence.
80 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

3 . Find the sums of the following series exactly:


n2 X

a. b.
2n n=1
2n n(n + 1)

4 . In each of the following, if there exists a sequence {an } which satisfies the given condition,
then give an example of such a sequence; otherwise write Does Not Exist. No further
explanation is required.
an+1 X∞
a. 0 < < 1 for all n ≥ 1 and an is divergent.
an n=1


b . The sequence {an } is convergent and an is divergent.

∞ X

c. an is divergent and (an )2 is convergent.
n=1 n=1

1 X∞
d . < an for all n ≥ 1 and an is convergent.
n n=1

∞ X

e. an is convergent and (an )2 is divergent.
n=1 n=1

Spring 2005 Midterm II

1 . Let f (x, y, z) = x2 y − y 3 z + xz , P0 (1, 2, 3) and A = 2i − j − 2k .

a . Find the directional derivative of f at P0 in the direction of A .
b . Find the direction at P0 in which f increases the fastest.

1 4
2 . Find and classify the critical points of the function f (x, y) = y 2 − x2 y − y .

3 . Let x = s2 t , y = st2 and z = f (x, y) where f is a function with continuous second order
partial derivatives satisfying

f (4, 2) = 1 , fx (4, 2)= −3 , fy (4, 2) = 5 ,

fxx (4, 2) = −7 , fxy (4, 2)= 11 , fyy (4, 2) = −13 .

∂ 2 z
Find .
∂s2 (s,t)=(2,1)

ˆ 1 ˆ 1
4a . Evaluate the iterated integral √
ey dy dx .
0 x
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 81
4b . Evaluate the integral p dA where R = {(x, y) : 1 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ 4 and − x ≤
R x − y2

y ≤ x} .

5a . Find the volume of the region in the first octant bounded by the cylinders z = y 2 and
z = 1 − x2 , and the coordinate planes.
5b . Evaluate the integral 2 2
dV where D is the region inside the cylinder
D (x + y + pz 2 )2
x2 + y 2 = 1 and above the hemisphere z = 2 − x2 − y 2 .

Spring 2005 Final

1 . Determine whether each of the following series is absolutely convergent, conditionally

convergent or divergent.







n ln n



2a . Find (∇f )(1,2) where f (x, y) = xy 2 + x3 − y.

2b . Find the equation of the tangent plane to the surface z = xy 2 + x3 − y at (1, 2, 3).
2c . Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve xy 2 + x3 − y = 3 at (1, 2).

3 . Let V be the volume of the region bounded on the sides by the cylinder x2 + y 2 = 3, at the
top by the plane z = 1 and at the bottom by the plane z = 0. In each of the following, fill
in the boxes so that the right side of the equality becomes the iterated integral for V in the
corresponding coordinate system and the order of integration.

ˆ ˆ ˆ
a. V = dz dy dx
82 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

ˆ ˆ ˆ
b. V = dz dr dθ

ˆ ˆ ˆ
c. V = dρ dϕ dθ

ˆ ˆ ˆ
+ dρ dϕ dθ

∂(u, v)
4a . Let u = x2 − y 2 and v = 2xy . Compute the Jacobian .
∂(x, y)
4b . Evaluate the integral (x2 + y 2 ) dA where R = {(x, y) : −1 ≤ x2 − y 2 ≤ 1 , xy ≤ 1 , x ≥
0 and y ≥ 0} .

5 . S : The surface cut from the cone z = x + y , z ≥ 0 , by the cylinder

2 2 2

x2 + y 2 = 2x
n : The unit normal vector field on S pointing away from the positive z-axis
C : The curve of intersection of the cone z 2 = x2 + y 2 , z ≥ 0 , and the cylinder
x2 + y 2 = 2x , parametrized counterclockwise as seen from a point on
the positive z-axis
F = yz i − xz j
a . Find the area of S.
¨ ‰
b . Choose and evaluate one of the integrals ∇× F · n dσ and F · dr .

c . Use the result of part (b) to find the value of the other integral.

6 . Show that there is a constant c such that every region D in space enclosed by an oriented
surface S with outward unit normal vector field n satisfies the equality
r · n dσ = c V

where r = xi + yj + zk and V is the volume of D.

Spring 2004 Midterm I

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 83

1 . Find all values of the constant p for which the improper integral
ˆ ∞
0 xp x2 + 1

2 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent:

∞ π 
a. sin


3 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent:

n n
a. (−1) ln

b. √

4 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent:

3n (n!)2
(2n + 1)!

X∞  n 2

5a . Determine the interval of convergence of the power series √ and determine the type
of convergence at each point.
5b . How many terms of √ should be used to estimate its sum with an error less then

Spring 2004 Midterm II

1a . Find the Taylor series generated by f (x) = sin x centered at x = .
1b . Show that this series converges to f (x) for all x.

2 . Assume that
xez + y 2 z = sin x + 1
84 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

∂x ∂x
defines x as a differentiable function of y and z and find and at the point (x, y, z) =
∂y ∂z
(0, −1, 1).

3 . Find and classify the critical points of f (x, y) = x3 − 3xy + y 3 .

4 . Consider the function f (x, y, z) = x3 z + ln(x2 + y 2 ) + cz 2 where c is a constant.

a . Find the value of c if the tangent plane to the level surface f (x, y, z) = f (1, −1, 2) at the
point P0 (1, −1, 2) passes through the origin.
b . Let c = 1. Find the directional derivative of f at P0 (1, −1, 2) in the direction of A =
−5i + j + 7k.

∂ 2 w
5 . Find if x = t2 , y = ts, z = s2 , and w = f (x, y, z) is an infinitely differentiable
∂t∂s (t,s)=(2,1)
function satisfying:

fx (4, 2, 1) = 2 fy (4, 2, 1) = −3 fz (4, 2, 1) = 5

fxx (4, 2, 1) = −7 fxy (4, 2, 1) = 11 fxz (4, 2, 1) = −13
fyy (4, 2, 1) = 17 fyz (4, 2, 1) = −19 fzz (4, 2, 1) = 23

Spring 2004 Final

1 . Prove that ˆ 1
ln(1 + x) X (−1)n+1

dx =
0 x n=1
and determine how many terms should be used to estimate this sum with an error less than
10−2 .

2 . Find the absolute maximum and the absolute minimum values of the function f (x, y) =
(y − x2 )(y − 2x2 ) on the square R = {(x, y) : |x| ≤ 1 and |y| ≤ 1} .

3 . Find the absolute minimum value of the function f (x, y, z) = x2 + y 2 + z 2 on the surface
1 1 1
+ + = 1 for x, y, z > 0 .
x y z

4 . Evaluate the following integrals:

a. xe−y dA where R = {(x, y) : 1 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ 4 and x ≥ 0} .
ˆ π 3 /8 ˆ √
1/ 3 y
b. sin(x2 y) dx dy
0 2/π
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 85

5 . Let C be the unit circle. Find the value of the constant a such that

(x + ay) dx + (x2 + 3x + y) dy = 0 .

where C is oriented counterclockwise.

Spring 2003 Midterm I

1a . Find the equation of the line of intersection of the planes 4x+y+z = 0 and 2x+3y−2z = −5.
1b . Find the distance between the planes x − 2y + z = 3 and x − 2y + z = 4.

2 . Find the point of intersection of the plane passing through the points P1 (0, −2, −6),
P2 (−1, 1, 5) and P3 (2, 3, −6), and the line passing through the points P4 (2, −1, 0) and
P5 (3, −4, 3).

3 . Determine whether each of the following improper integrals is convergent or divergent.

ˆ ∞√ ˆ 1
x4 − 1 dx
a. dx b .
1 x3 0 ln x

4 . Evaluate the following integrals:

ˆ 1 ˆ
√ dt
a. x ln x dx b. √
0 t + 1 − t2

5 . Evaluate the improper integral

ˆ ∞
0 (ax2 + 1)(x + a)
where a is a positive constant.

Spring 2003 Midterm II

1 . Find and classify the critical points of the function f (x, y) = 3x2 y + y 3 − 108y.

2 . Find the directional derivative of f (x, y, z) = 3x2 yz +2yz 2 at P0 (1, 1, 1) in a direction normal
to the surface x2 − y + z 2 = 1.

3 . Find the absolute maximum value of f (x, y, z) = xy 3 z 5 on the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 using

the Lagrange multipliers method.

sin2 x sin2 y
4a . Determine if the limit lim exists.
(x,y)→(0,0) (x2 + y 2 )2
86 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

4b . Estimate the change in z = ln(x2 +y 2 ) corresponding to the change dx = 0.2 and dy = −0.1
from (x, y) = (3, 4).

5a . Find the values of the constant c for which w = e−2t sin cx cos y satisfies 5wt = wxx + wyy
for all (x, y, t).

5b . Find fxx at the point (x, y) = ( 3, 1) if z = f (x, y), x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, and zr =
1, zθ = −2, zrr = 0, zrθ = 0, zθθ = 0, zrrr = 3, zrrθ = −5, zrθθ = 7, zθθθ = −11 at this point.

Spring 2003 Final

1a . Find the points P0 (x0 , y0 , z0 ) on the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 9 such that the tangent plane to
the sphere at P0 passes through the points (4, 0, 1) and (0, 0, 9).
1b . Find the cosine of the acute angle between the tangent planes to the paraboloid 2z = x2 +y 2
at the points of intersection of the paraboloid and the line x = t, y = −t, z = t+2, −∞ < t < ∞.

2 . Find the values of the constant k for which the function f (r, θ) = rk cos(5θ) satisfies the
̸ (0, 0) where x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ.
equation fxx + fyy = 0 for all (x, y) =

3 . Evaluate the following integrals:

ˆ π3 ˆ 1/ √

a. cos(x2 y) dx dy
0 1/π
ˆ ∞ ˆ x
b. dy dx
0 0 (1 + x2 + y 2 )2

4 . Evaluate y −1 (ex + e−x )−2 dA where R = {(x, y) : ex ≤ y ≤ 4ex and e−x ≤ y ≤ 4e−x }.

5 . Find the values of the constants a and b for which the limit
x−3 sin(ax + x3 ) − 1
x→0 (1 + x2 ) ln(1 + bx2 ) − 2x2

is a nonzero real number and compute this number.

Spring 2002 Midterm I

1 . Determine if each of the following series is convergent or divergent.


πn 2
a. sin( ) sin( )
2 πn
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 87
2n n100

2 . Consider the series


n2 −9

a . Find sn .
b . Find the sum of the series.

3 . Find the radius of convergence R and the interval of convergence I of the power series

(x − 3)n
4n + n3

and determine the type of convergence at each point of I.

4 . Find the values of the following expressions:

e x − 1 − x2

a . lim
x→0 (1 + x4 )1/2 − 1


22n+3 (n + 2)

P∞ P∞
5 . a . Show that if n=1 an is convergent and an ≥ 0 for all n ≥ 1, then n=1 a2n is also
P∞ P∞
b . Give an example of a convergent series n=1 an for which n=1 a2n is divergent.

Spring 2002 Midterm II

1 . Let f (x, y) = cyexy + (x + 1)2 cos(πy) where c is a real constant and A = 3i − 4j . Find c if
the directional derivative of f at (0, 1) in the direction of A is 2.

2 . Find and classify the critical points of f (x, y) = x4 + y 4 + 4axy where a is a real constant.

3 . Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function f (x, y) = xy − x − y + 3
on the triangular region with vertices at (0, 0), (2, 0) and (0, 4) .

∂ 2 z
4 . Find if z = f (u, v) where u = x2 y and v = x/y , and f is a twice differentiable
∂x∂y (2,1)
function with fu (4, 2) = 4 , fv (4, 2) = −5 , fuu (4, 2) = −1 , fuv (4, 2) = fvu (4, 2) = 3 , and
fvv (4, 2) = 2 .
88 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

5 . Evaluate the following integrals:

ˆ 1 ˆ y1/3
a. sin(x2 ) dx dy
0 y
¨ p
1 √
b. dA where R = {(x, y) : x ≥ y 2 + 1 , x ≥ 3 y , y ≥ 0} .
R (x2 2
+y ) 2

Spring 2002 Final

1 . Consider

(−1)n+1 xn
f (x) =
4n n2

Determine the interval of convergence of the series and find the value of explicitly.
dx x=−1/2

2 . Let ˆ xyz
e−t dt
f (x, y, z) =

Compute the value of fxx + fyy + fzz at the point (2, 1/2, −1) .

3 . Find y −3 dA where R = {(x, y) : sin x ≤ y ≤ 2 sin x , cos x ≤ y ≤ 2 cos x , 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2} .

4 . Let D be the region lying inside the sphere x2 +y 2 +z 2 = 4, outside the sphere x2 +y 2 +z 2 = z ,
and above the xy-plane . Express the triple integral
(x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) dV

in spherical coordinates and evaluate it.

5 . Let C be the boundary of R = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 , 0 ≤ y ≤ 1} and F = (ax2 + y)i + xy 2 j

where a is a constant. Find the value of a for which the outward flux of F over C and the
counterclockwise circulation of F around C are equal.

Spring 2001 Midterm I

1 . Consider the series  2 

n + 2n + 1
ln .
n2 + 2n
a . Show that the series converges.
b . Find the sum of the series.
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 89

2 . Determine if each of the following series converges or diverges.


n! (2n)!


sin n
en − e−n

3 . Find the sum of each of the following series if it exists. If not, explain why.
π3 π5 π7 π 2n+1
a. π − + − + · · · + (−1)n + ···
3! 5! 7! (2n + 1)!
π3 π5 π7 π 2n+1
b. π − + − + · · · + (−1)n + ···
3 5 7 2n + 1

4 . Find the interval of convergence of the power series

n ln n

and for each point of this interval determine if the convergence is absolute or conditional.

5 . Consider the function defined by:


f (x) =
n! 2n(n−1)/2

a . Find the domain of f .

f (x) − ex
b . Evaluate the limit lim .
x→0 1 − cos x

c . Show that f (2) < e + .
d . Show that f (−2) < 0 .

Spring 2001 Midterm II

1 . Evaluate each of the following limits if it exists, and explain why if it does not.
a . lim √
(x,y)→(0,0) xy + 1 − 1
x2 y 2
b. lim
(x,y)→(0,0) x2 y 2 + (x − y)2

2 . Find and classify the critical points of

f (x, y) = x2 y + x2 + y 2 − xy − x .
90 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

3 . Consider the function f (x, yz) = xy 2 + exy − yz and the point P0 (0, 1, 2).
a . Find the direction in which f increases fastest at the point P0 .
b . Find a unit vector u which is parallel to the xy-plane and which satisfies .
ds u,P0

4 . Find the extreme values of f (x, y, z) = 8x − 4z subject to the constraint x2 + 10y 2 + z 2 = 5.

5 . Find the volume of the region that lies under the cone z = (x2 + y 2 )1/2 and above the disk
(x − 1)2 + y 2 ≤ 1.

6 . a . Change the order of integration in the following iterated integral:

ˆ 2 ˆ √
f (x, y) dy dx .
1 2−x

b . Express the double integral f (x, y) dA as an iterated integral in polar coordinates if
R = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ y ≤ x2 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1}.

Spring 2001 Final

1 . Determine if each of the following series is convergent or divergent.

a. sin

2 n2

2 /t
2 . Find nonzero real numbers a and b such that the function f (x, t) = ta ebx satisfies the
∂f ∂ 2f
equation = for all (x, t) with t > 0.
∂t ∂x2

3 . Let D = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 4 and z ≥ 1}. Express -do not evaluate- the volume of D
as an iterated integral in
a . cylindrical coordinates,
b . spherical coordinates.

4 . Let D = {(x, y, z) : 1 ≤ x ≤ 2 , 0 ≤ xy ≤ 2 , 0 ≤ z ≤ 1}. Evaluate the triple integral

(x2 y + 3xyz) dV by applying the transformation u = x, v = xy, w = 3z.
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 91

5 . Find the area of the piece of the cylinder x2 +z 2 = 1 which lies inside the cylinder x2 +y 2 = 1
and in the first octant.

6a . Use Stokes’s Theorem to evaluate the line integral y dx + z dy + x dz where C is the
intersection curve of the plane x + y + z = 0 with the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4 parametrized in
the counterclockwise direction as seen from the positive z-axis.
6b . Use the Divergence Theorem to find the outward flux of the vector field F = xzi + yzj +
(3z − z 2 )j across the boundary of the ball D = {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 4}.

Spring 2000 Midterm I

1 . Find the sum of the series


2n + 1
n2 (n + 1)2

2 . Find the radius of convergence and the interval of convergence of the power series

√ .
n2 + 3

Also determine the type of convergence (absolute or conditional) for each x in the interval of

3 . Evaluate the following limit:

arctan y − sin y
y→0 y 3 cos y

4 . Determine if each of the following limits exist.

x4 − y 2
a. lim
(x,y)→(0,0) x4 + y 2

x3 − xy 2
b. lim
(x,y)→(0,0) x2 + y 2

5 . Find the values of the constant α such that the function

w = (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )α

satisfies the equation wxx + wyy + wzz = 0 for all (x, y) ̸= (0, 0) .

Spring 2000 Midterm II

92 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

1 . Find the directional derivative of the function f (x, y, z) = cos(xy) + eyz + ln(xz) at the point
P0 (1, 0, 1/2) in the direction of A = i + 2j + 2k .

2 . Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function

f (x, y) = 6xy − x3 − 3y 2

on the region R = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1} .

3 . Evaluate the following integrals:

ˆ 1ˆ 1
sin(πx2 )
a. dx dy
0 y 1/3 x2
b. 2 + y 2 )2
dA where R = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 1}.
R (1 + x

4 . Let D be the region bounded below by the xy–plane, on the sides by the sphere ρ = 2
and above by the cone ϕ = π/3. Express (Do not evaluate!) the volume of D in terms of
iterated integrals in:
a . spherical coordinates
b . cylindrical coordinates
c . Cartesian coordinates

5 . Evaluate the integral ¨

R 1 + x2 y 2
where R = {(x, y) : x/2 ≤ y ≤ 2x and xy ≥ 1}.

Spring 2000 Final

1 . Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent:


sin n
a. (−1)n

n2 2 n

2 . Find the absolute maximum value of the function f (x, y, z) = x − y + 2z on the ellipsoid
x2 + y 2 + 16z 2 = 16 .

3 . Let S be the part of the cone z 2 = 4x2 + 4y 2 which

¨lies above the xy−plane and inside the
2 2
cylinder x + y = 2x . Evaluate the surface integral (x2 + y 2 ) dσ .
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 93

4 . Let D be the region lying in the first octant between the cones z 2 = 3x2 +3y 2 and z 2 = x2 +y 2 ,
and inside the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4 . Let S be the boundary of D . Let n be the outward
pointing unit normal vector field on S .
a . Find the volume of D .
b . Evaluate the integral F · n dσ where

F = (x2 + sin y)i + (ez − 3xy)j + (xz + 7z)k .

¨ 36, z ≥ 0 . Let n be the unit normal vector field

5 . Let S be the surface 4x2 + 9y 2 + 36z 2 =
on S pointing away from the origin. Find (∇ × F) · n dσ where

F = yi + x j + (x2 + y 4 )3/2 sin(exyz )k .


Spring 1999 Midterm I

1 . Find the constants a and b such that the limit

tan−1 (x + ax3 + bx5 ) − x
x→0 x7
exists and is finite. Find the limit in this case. (Do not use L’Hôpital’s rule.)

2 . Evaluate the sum

n n(n + 1)

3 . Determine the values of the constant α for which the function

 4

 x + y4

 (x2 + y 2 )α if (x, y) ̸= (0, 0),
f (x, y) =

0 if (x, y) = (0, 0),
is continuous at (x, y) = (0, 0) .

4 . Assume that z = f (x, y) is a differentiable function of x and y, and x = g(r, s) and y = h(r, s)
are differentiable functions of r and s. Use the following table

f (2, 3) = 10 fx (2, 3) = 13 fy (2, 3) = 16

f (2, 4) = 11 fx (2, 4) = 14 fy (2, 4) = 17
f (3, 5) = 12 fx (3, 5) = 15 fy (3, 5) = 18

g(0, 1) = 2 gr (0, 1) = 6 gs (0, 1) = 0

g(1, 0) = 3 gr (1, 0) = 7 gs (1, 0) = 1

h(0, 1) = 4 hr (0, 1) = 8 hs (0, 1) = 0

h(1, 0) = 5 hr (1, 0) = 9 hs (1, 0) = 1
94 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

to compute
∂z ∂z
and .
∂r (r,s)=(0,1) ∂s (r,s)=(1,0)

5 . Find ∂x/∂w when (x, y, z, w) = (2, −2, 1, −1) if x and z are defined as functions of y and w
by the equations: (
x3 + y 2 z + xz 2 w − z 4 = 9
x2 z 2 − x5 w + w3 + y 3 = 27

Spring 1999 Midterm II

1 . Find and classify the critical points of the function:

f (x, y) = x3 y + x3 + 4y 2

2 . Find the absolute maximum and the absolute minimum values of the function

f (x, y) = x3 + y 3 + 6xy + 8

on the rectangular region R bounded by the lines y = x+2, y = x−2, x+y = 1 and x+y = −2 .

ˆ 1 ˆ x p
3 . Evaluate the integral 3
(2y − y 2 )2 dy dx .
0 0

4 . Find the volume of the region D whichplies between the spheres x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 9 and
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 2z , and inside the cone z = (x2 + y 2 )/3 .

1 √ 3 2
5 . Evaluate the integral e xy dA where R is the region in the first quadrant bounded
R x
1 1
by the curves y = 8x, y = 27x, y = √ and y = √ .
8 x x

Spring 1999 Final

1 . Find the radius of convergence of the power series



and find f (x) explicitly.

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 95

2 . Evaluate the integral ˚

D (x2 + + z 2 )5/2
where D = {(x, y, z) : x + y ≤ z and z ≥ 1}.
2 2 2

3 . Find the area of the portion of the cylinder x2 + y 2 = 2x that lies inside the sphere
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4 and in the first octant.

4 . Verify the Stokes’s Theorem for the vector field F = zi + xj + yk and the surface S =
{(x, y, z) : z = 1 − x2 − y 2 and z ≥ 0} with the unit normal vector field n satisfying n · k > 0.

5 . Let f (x, y, z) be a function with continuous second order partial derivatives and assume that
f (x, y, z) ̸= 0 for all (x, y, z). Assume also that |∇f |2 = 4f and ∇ · (f ∇f ) = 10f . Evaluate
∇f · n dσ

where S is the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 and n is the outward unit normal to S.

Spring 1998 Midterm I

1 . Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges:


n ln n ln(ln n)


2n − 1 ln n
n(n + 1)


sin((2n + 1)π/2)
d. √

2 . Find all values of x for which the following series is convergent and also determine the type
of convergence:
X ∞  n
1 x+3

n x

3 . Find the first three non-zero terms of the Maclaurin series of f (x) = sin(sin x).
96 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022
ˆ 1
4 . a . Find cos x3 dx approximately with an error of magnitude less than 5 × 10−4 .

b . Find the sum of the following series as a function of x for |x| < 1:
x2 x3 x4 x5
− + − + ···
2 3·2 4·3 5·4

5 . a . Find the intersection points of the curves r = 1 + cos θ and r = cos θ.

b . Find the area of the region which lies inside the curve r = 1 + cos θ and outside the curve
r = cos θ.

Spring 1998 Midterm II

1 . Find the equation of the line L which passes through the point P0 (1, 0, 2) and intersects the
x−1 y+1
line L1 : = , z = 1 orthogonally.
2 3

2a . Let ⃗r(t) be the position vector of a curve in space and let ⃗v (t) = be the corresponding
1 d(v(t)2 ) d⃗v
velocity vector. Prove that ⃗v (t) · ⃗a(t) = , where ⃗a(t) = is the acceleration vector
2 dt dt
of ⃗r(t) and v is the speed (= magnitude of ⃗v ).

2b . Let A ⃗ and B ⃗ be two fixed vectors making an angle of π radians with each other and
|A| = 2, |B| = 3. A particle moves on a space curve C in such a way that its position vector
⃗ ⃗
⃗r(t) and velocity vector ⃗v (t) are related by the equation ⃗v (t) = A ⃗ × ⃗r(t) for all t ∈ R. Moreover
assume that ⃗r(0) = B. ⃗ Show that the speed of the particle is constant and find its value.

2c . Prove that the curvature κ of the curve C in part (b) is constant and calculate its value.
|⃗v (t) × ⃗a(t)|
Hint: κ = .
|⃗v (t)|3

3a . Find the set of all points on the surface (y + z)2 + (z − x)2 = 16 where the normal line is
parallel to the yz-plane. Describe this set.
3b . Find the extremum points of the function f (x, y) = x3 + 3xy + y 3 .

4 . Let s(x) be an even differentiable function of x ∈ R and

 s(x) − s(y)

 , y ̸= ±x,
 x2 − y 2
f (x) = sin x

 , y = ±x and x ̸= 0,

 x
a , (x, y) = (0, 0) .

be a differentiable function of (x, y) ∈ R2 .

Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 97

a . Find s(x) and the constant a.

∂f (x, y)
b . Find at the origin.

5 . Find the points on the curve 5x2 + 6xy + 5y 2 = 9 which are nearest to and farthest from the

Spring 1998 Final

1a . Find the set of all real numbers x for which the following series is convergent:
n2 + 1


1b . Find the sum of the series as a function of x.
5n (n + 1)

2 . Evaluate the double integral ¨

dx dy
R y4
where R is the region in the plane bounded by the curves xy = 2, xy = 4, y 2 = x and y 2 = 3x.

3 . Let F = (2xy 2 z + xy 3 )i + (2x2 yz + x2 y 2 )j + (x2 y 2 + 3z 2 )k. Evaluate
ˆ (−1,−1,1)
F · dr .

4 . Let f (x, y) and g(x, y) have continuous first order partial derivatives. Let
∂f ∂f ∂g ∂g
F = g(x, y)i + f (x, y)j and G = − i+ − j.
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
It is known that for the points (x, y) on the circle x2 + y 2 = 1, we have f (x, y) = 1, g(x, y) = y.
Let R be the region in the plane defined by x2 + y 2 ≤ 1. Find
F · G dx dy .

5 . Verify the Divergence Theorem for the vector field F = (z 2 + 2)k and the surface S which
consists of the upper half of the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = a2 together with its base, the disk of
radius a centered at the origin in the xy-plane.
98 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Spring 1997 Midterm I


2 n xn
1 . Find all values of x for which converges and determine whether the
n(3x + 1)n
convergence is absolute or conditional.

2 . a . Use the Taylor series of tan−1 x at x = 0 to find the first four nonzero terms of the Taylor
series of tan−1 (ax + bx3 ) at x = 0 where a and b are nonzero constants.
b . Find a and b for which the limit
tan−1 (ax + bx3 ) − x
x→0 x5
is finite and find the value of this limit. (Do not use L’Hôpital’s Rule.)

3 . Let A and B be vectors in space. Show that if |a + xB| ≥ |A| for all real numbers x, then
A and B are orthogonal.

4 . Consider the limit

(x,y)→(0,0) x2 + y 4

where k is a positive constant.

a . Find all values of k for which the limit does not exist.
b . Find all values of k for which the limit exists. Show the existence of the limit by the ε-δ

5 . Find the linear approximation to f (x, y) = xy 2 + x3 y at (1, 2) and find an upper bound for
the magnitude of the error over the rectangle R = {(x, y) : |x − 1| ≤ 1/2, |y − 2| ≤ 1}.

Spring 1997 Midterm II

1 . Find and classify the critical points of the function

f (x, y) = x3 − 3xy + y 3 .

2 . a . Let h(x, y) = f (x + y) + g(x − y) where f and g are twice differentiable one-variable

functions. Show that
∂ 2h ∂ 2h
∂x2 ∂y 2
for all (x, y).
∂u x ∂ 2u ∂ 2u
b . Find u(x, y) if u(x, 0) = 0 and (x, 0) = for all x, and = 2 for all (x, y).
∂x 1 + x2 ∂x2 ∂y
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 99

3 . Evaluate the following integrals:


a. ln(x2 + y 2 ) dA where R = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 2 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 3x}.
ˆ ∞ ˆ ∞
e−x dx dy
0 y

ˆ 0 ˆ 2y+3
4 . Evaluate ex−2y dx dy.
−1 −y (x − 2y) 2

5 . Sketch the region which lies above the surface z = 2 x2 + y 2 and inside the surface
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4z, and express its volume as a triple integral in (a) Cartesian, (b) cylindrical,
(c) spherical coordinates. (Do not evaluate.)

Spring 1997 Final

1 . Find the first five nonzero terms of the Taylor series of f (x) = esin x centered at x = 0 .

2 . a . Find the absolute maximum of f (x, y, z) = ln x + ln y + 3 ln z on the portion of the

sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 5r2 where x > 0, y > 0 and z > 0 . (Here r is a positive constant.)
b . Use part (a) and show that
abc ≤ 27
for all positive real numbers a, b and c.

3 . Let a be a positive constant. Find the area of the portion of the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = a2
lying inside the cylinder x2 + y 2 = ay .

4 . Evaluate the line integral

‰   y 
y3 2
− ex dx + + ey dy
C x x
where C is the boundary of the region lying between the curves y = x2 , y = 2x2 , y = 1/x , y = 3/x ,
traced counterclockwise.

5 . a . If S is an oriented closed surface ¨

with unit normal field n and F is a vector field with
continuous derivatives, then show that (∇ × F) · n dσ = 0 .

b . Find a vector field whose curl is 2xi + 3yj + 5zk or show that there is no such vector
100 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

Spring 1996 Midterm I

1 . Consider the series


n(n + 1)(n + 2)

a . Find the nth partial sum sn explicitly.

b . Use part (a) to evaluate the sum of the series.

2 . Let − ln n for n ≥ 1.

a . Show that an > 0 for n ≥ 1.

b . Show that {an } is a decreasing sequence.
c . Show that the sequence {an } converges.


3 . Consider the power series f (x) = xn .

a . Find the radius of convergence of the series.

b . Show that (1 − 4x)f ′ (x) = 2f (x) for all x in the interval of convergence.
c . Use part (b) to express f (x) explicitly.

4 . Consider the identity

= 1 + t2 + t4 + · · · + t2n + r(t, n)
1 − t2
where n is a positive integer.
a . Find r(t, n).
b . Integrate the identity above to obtain tanh x= ak xk + R(x, n) for |x| < 1 and find
ak for 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n + 1.
c . Show that lim R(x, n) = 0 when |x| < 1.

5 . Determine whether each of the following series or convergent or divergent:


2ln n
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 101
X n
c. 1− 2


d. n2 e−n

Spring 1996 Midterm II

1 . Find the area of the region that lies inside the circle r = 1 and outside the cardioid
r = 1 − cos θ.

2 . Find the parametric equations for the line that is tangent to the curve of intersection of the
surfaces x3 + 3x2 y 2 + y 3 + 4xy − z 2 = 0 and x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 11 at the point (1, 1, 3).

3 . Find all maxima, minima and saddle points of the function f (x, y) = x3 + y 3 + 3x2 − 3y 2 − 8
in the entire plane.

4 . Find the absolute minimum and maximum values of the function f (x, y) = 4x − 8xy + 2y + 1
on the triangular region bounded by the lines x = 0, y = 0 and x + y = 1 in the first quadrant.

5 . Find the points on the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 25 where f (x, y, z) = x + 2y + 3z has its

maximum and minimum values.

Spring 1996 Final

1 . Consider the series


n(n + 1)

a . Find the radius of convergence of the series.

b . Evaluate the sum of the series at both end points of the interval of convergence.

2 . Evaluate the following integrals:

ˆ 1ˆ 1
a. x2 exy dx dy
0 y
b. dV where D is the intersection of the unit ball with the first octant.
D x2 + y2 + z2 + 1
√ 1
3 . Let R = {(x, y) : x ≤ y ≤ 2x, 1/x ≤ y ≤ 3/x}. Evaluate the integral dA by
R 1 + x2 y 2
using a change of variables which transforms R into a rectangle.
102 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

4 . Let D be the region bounded by the surfaces z = x2 + y 2 + 1 and z 2 = 4x2 + 4y 2 . Find the
volume of D.

5 . Let C be the curve which traces the graph of y 2 = (1 − x2 )(1 + x2 )(1 +‰ x4 )(1 + x6 ) once
x−y x+y
counterclockwise. Let F(x, y) = 2 2
i+ 2 j . Evaluate the integral F · dr.
x +y x + y2 C

6 . Suppose f (x, y) is a function on R = {(x, y) : (x, y) ̸= (0, 0)} which has continuous second
order partial derivatives and satisfies the equations
∂ 2f ∂ 2f ∂f
+ 2
= 0 and =0
∂x ∂y ∂r
throughout R, where x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ.
∂ 2f
a . Find .
b . Find f (0, 1) if f (1, 0) = 5.

Spring 1995 Midterm I


1 1
1a . Explain whether (sin − sin ) converges or diverges.
2n 2n + 1


1b . Find the interval of convergence of n tan(1/n)xn .

2a . Given A = i + j − 2k, B = −i − k, C = 2i + 4j − 2k, find the volume of the parallelepiped

determined by A, B and C.
2b . Find the area of the projection of the parallelogram determined by B and C into the
2c . Find the planes determined by B and C.

3a . Find the area of the region between the circles r = 1 and r = 2 cos θ.
3b . Plot the graph of r = eθ for 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, and calculate its length.

ˆ 0.1
sin x
4 . Evaluate dx within an error of magnitude less than 10−11 .
0 x

5 . Evaluate √
1 − x + x4 + ln(1 + x − x2 ) − cos( 3x)
lim √ .
x→0 x5/2 sin x
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 103

Spring 1995 Final

1 . Let F = y 2 /xi + 2y ln xj − 2/z 2 k .

a . Show that F is a conservative vector field.
b . Find the potential function.
ˆ (2,2,2)
c . Evaluate F · dr .

d . Under what circumstances is your answer to part (c) valid?

2a . Evaluate the surface integral (x + z) dσ where S is the first octant portion of the cylinder
z 2 + y 2 = 9 between the planes x = 0 and x = 1.
∞ X

2b . Suppose an is a convergent series of positive numbers. Does the series ln(1 + an )
n=1 n=1
converge? Explain your answer.
3 . Evaluate e(x−y)/(x+y) dx dy , where R is the region bounded by the lines x = 0, y = 0 and
x + y = 1.
Hint: Use the transformation u = x − y, v = x + y.

4a . Find the extremal values of f (x, y, z) = x − 2y + 2z among the points (x, y, z) with
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 9.
4b . Find the area of the triangle with vertices located at the points (a, 0, 0), (0, b, 0) and
(0, 0, c).

2 2 2
5 . Let F = (xi + yj)/r where r = x + y . Calculate F · dr when

a . C is enclosing the origin.

b . C is not enclosing the origin.

Spring 1994 Midterm I

1 . Given the series ∞  

X n n+2

n + 1 n+3

a . Find a formula for the partial sums sn .

b . Find the sum of the series.
104 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

2 . Determine whether absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent or divergent. Explain.

(−1)n n
a. √
n2 + 1

n ln n ln(ln n)

3 . find the domain of convergence of the power series


(−1)n (x − 2)n
4n n

4 . a . [missing]
b . Approximate the value of the following integral with error less than 0.0001:
ˆ 0.3
cos x2 dx

Hint: Use alternating series estimate.

5 . Consider the curves r = −1 + cos θ and r = 3 cos θ.

a . Sketch the curves.
b . Find the intersection points of these curves in polar and Cartesian coordinates.
c . Find the length of the curve r = 3 cos θ between two intersection points. (Choose any
two you want.)

6 . a . Find the length of the curve x = 2et , y = e3t /3 + e−t , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.

b . Find the area of the region inside r = 1 + cos θ and outside r = 1.

Spring 1994 Midterm II

1 . Find the shortest distance between the lines L1 and L2 where

 

 x = 1 + 2t 
x = 2 + s
L1 : y = −1 + t and L2 : y = 1 − s .

 

z=t z = 2s

2a . Find lim arctan or show that it does not exist.
(x,y)→(0,0) x2 + y 2
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 105

2b . Suppose w = x3 − x2 y 5 + 3z + 2t and x + 5z + 3t = 10 find all possible values of .

3a . Find the angle between ∇u and ∇v at all points with x ̸= 0 and y ̸= 0 if

x = eu cos v and y = eu sin v .
√ √
3b . Show that the curve r = ti + tj − (t + 3)/4k is normal to the surface x2 + y 2 − z = 3
at their intersection point.

4 . A particle moves with position vector

4 3.2
t a×B, t≥0
r = tA + t2 B +
where A and B are two fixed unit vectors making an angle of radians with each other.
a . find the speed of the particle at time t.
b . How long does it take for the particle to move 12 units of arc length from the initial
position r(0)?
c . Find the curvature at time t > 0.

5 . Let f (x, y) = cos(y − ex ).

a . Find the linear approximation of f (x, y) at the point(0, 1) and estimate the error made
in this approximation if |x| ≤ 0.1 and |y − 1| ≤ 0.1.
b . Find the quadratic approximation of the same function at (0, 1).

6 . Find the absolute extreme values of f (x, y) = x4 + y 4 − 4xy in the region bounded by the
lines x = 2, y = −2 and y = x.

Spring 1994 Final

1 . The plane x + y + 2z = 0 intersects the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 along a curve C. Find

(x + 2z) dx + (x + y + z) dy + (x + y + z) dz

if C is traversed in a direction that is counterclockwise when viewed from high above the

(n!)3 n
2a . Find the radius of convergence of x .

2b . Find the sum of the infinite series

x3 x5 x2n+1
x+ + + ··· + + · · · for |x| < 1.
3 5 2n + 1
106 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

2c . Is the series convergent or divergent?
(ln n)ln n

3 . Consider ‰  
y3 xy 2
− 2 dx + dy .
C (x + y 2 )2 (x2 + y 2 )2

a . Evaluate the above line integral when C is the circle x2 + y 2 = a2 traversed in the
counterclockwise direction.
b . Let C be an arbitrary smooth simple closed curve in the plane that does not pass through
the origin. Show that above line integral has two possible values depending on whether the
origin lies inside or outside C.

4 . Find the volume of the parallelepiped bounded by the six planes x+y +2z = ±3, x−2y +z =
±2 and 4x + y + z = ±6.

5 . The plane x + y + z = 12 intersects the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 in an ellipse. Find the highest

and lowest points on this ellipse (the points with greatest and least z-coordinates).

6a . Let f be a function of x and y. Express (fx )2 + (fy )2 in polar coordinates (in terms of the
partial derivatives with respect to the polar variables).
6b . Show that if w = f (u, v) satisfies the Laplace equation fuu + fvv = 0, and if u = (x2 − y 2 )/2
and v = xy, then w satisfies the Laplace equation wuu + wvv = 0.

Spring 1993 Midterm I

1 . Each of the following series is the value of the Maclaurin series of a function at a point.
What function and what point? What is the sum of the series?
π2 π4 π 2n
a. 1 − + − · · · + (−1)n 2n + ···
9 · 2! 81 · 4! 3 (2n)!
2 4 8 2n
b. − + − · · · + (−1)n−1 n + · · ·
3 18 81 3 n

2 . Use series to find the values of a and b for which the limit
x − sin(ax + bx3 )
x→0 x5
exists and compute that limit.

3 . a . Find the interval of convergence of the series

1 1 · 4 · 7 · · · · · (3n − 2) 3n
y = 1 + x3 + · · · + x + ··· .
6 (3n)!
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 107

b . Show that the function defined by the series satisfies a differential equation of the form

d2 y
= xa y + b
and find the values of the constants a and b.

4 . Determine for each of the following series whether it converges or diverges. Give reasons for
your answers.

a. √
n3 + 2

b. n2 e−n sin n

5 . a . Using vectors in the plane, find the angle between the tangent to the curve y = f1 (x) at
x = x1 and the tangent to the curve y = f2 (x) at x = x2 .
b . Write B = −i + 3j + 4k as the sum of a vector parallel to A = 2i − 3j + k and a vector
orthogonal to it.

6 . a . Find the area of the region which lies inside the curve r = 2b sin θ and outside the curve
r = a where 2b > a.
b . Find the length of the piece of the curve r = 2b sin θ lying outside the curve r = a.

Spring 1993 Midterm II

1 . a . Find the equation of the line normal to the surface z = x2 + 3y 2 at the point (1, −1, 4).
Find the coordinates of all intersection points of this line with the surface.
b . Find the parametric equation for the tangent line to the curve of intersection of the
surfaces z = x2 + 3y 2 and z = 6 − x2 − y 2 at the point (1, −1, 4).

2 . a . Show that the curvature is given by κ = for a curve on the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = R2 .
b . Show that a curve in space with zero curvature at all points is a straight line.

3 . Let  2
 xy if (x, y) ̸= (0, 0) ,
f (x, y) = x4 + y 2

0 if (x, y) = (0, 0) .
a . Is f continuous at (0, 0)? Prove your statement.
1 1
b . Show that − ≤ f (x, y) ≤ for all (x, y).
2 2
108 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

4 . Use Lagrange multipliers to find the absolute maximum of f (x, y, z) = x3 + 12yz on the
sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 25.

5 . Let f (x, y) = x3 + y 2 − 2x.

a . Find and classify the critical points of f .

b . Find the absolute maximum and minimum of f on the line segment {(x, y) : x = t, y =
t + 1, −1 ≤ t ≤ 1}.

6 . Let u(x, y) and v(x, y) be two functions with continuous second partial derivatives which
∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v
satisfy the differential equations = and =− .
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂ 2v ∂ 2v
a . Show that + = 0 and + = 0.
∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂x2 ∂y 2
b . Show that all critical points of u are saddle points. You may assume that at a critical
point at least one of the second partial derivatives is not zero.

Spring 1993 Final


1 . a . Find the absolute minimum of the function defined by the series n2 xn on the interval
(−1, 0].

b . Find the radius of convergence of the series .

2 . Let r and θ be the polar coordinates in the plane. Suppose f (x, y) has continuous second
partial derivatives. Express fxx + fyy in terms of r and θ, and partial derivatives of f with
respect to r and θ.

3 . Let R be the region bounded by the curves xy = 1, xy = 4, y = 3x2 and y = x2 in the
first quadrant. Evaluate
x2 y
4 2
R x +y

by using a coordinate transformation which maps R onto a rectangular region in the new
coordinate plane.

4 . a . Let S be the boundary of the region bounded by the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 on the top
and by the cone z 2 = x2 + y 2 on the sides. Let n be the outward normal field of S. Evaluate
F · n dσ for F = x3 i + y 3 j + z 3 k.
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 109

b . Let C be the circle in the plane 2x + 2y + z = 2 with center (0, 0, 2) and radius 3 in the
counterclockwise direction as viewed from the origin. Evaluate

2y dx + 3x dy − x dz .

5 . a . Find the area of the surface cut from the bottom of the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 by the
plane z = 3/4.
ˆ aˆ b
b . Evaluate ef (x,y) dy dx where a and b are positive numbers and
0 0
b2 x 2 if b2 x2 ≥ a2 y 2 ,
f (x, y) =
a2 y 2 if b2 x2 < a2 y 2

6 . a . Assume that ∇ · F > 0 for all (x, y) where F = M (x, y)i + N (x, y)j is a vector field in
the plane whose components have continuous partial derivatives. Show that there is no smooth
simple closed curve in the plane whose tangent vector is parallel to F at all its points.

b . Evaluate F · dr where

−y x
curl F = i+ 2 j
4x2 + 9y 2 4x + 9y 2

and C is the unit circle parametrized in the counterclockwise direction.

Spring 1992 Midterm II

1 . Let F (x, y, z) = 2x3 + 3y 4 + 6 2

5z + 7 where x = cos t + sin t, y = tan t + t + 1, and
z = 1 − t + 2 ln(2 + t). Find .
dt t=0

2 . Find the distance between the following two lines:

 

 x = 3 + t 
x = 4 − s
L1 : y = 2 − 4t and L2 : y = 3 + s

 

z=t z = −2 + 3s

3 . Describe the points P (ρ, ϕ, θ) whose coordinates satisfy θ = 3π/2, ρ = 3 cos ϕ, and sketch.

4 . Find the distance from the point(2, 0, 3) to the plane which is tangent to the surface 4x2 −
y 2 + 4z 2 = 4 at the point (1, 2, 1).
110 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

5 . A function is defined as follows:

 x3 y

 x5 + 2y 3 if (x, y) ̸= (0, 0),
f (x, y) =

0 if (x, y) = (0, 0) .
Show that f is continuous at the origin.

6 . A space curve is given by the parametrization r(t) = (e2t , t, t2 ). Find the equation of the
osculating plane at the point corresponding to t = 1.

Spring 1992 Final

1 . Find the points on the paraboloid z = 4x2 + 9y 2 at which the normal line is parallel to the
line through P (−2, 4, 3) and Q(5, −1, 2).

2 . Do the following series converge or diverge? Give reasons.



(ln n)3


n ln n3

n2 + 1
d. ln

3 . Find the dimensions of the rectangular box of maximum volume that has three of its faces
in the coordinate planes, one vertex at the origin and another vertex in the first octant on the
plane 2x + 3y + 5z = 90.

4 . Find the minimum, maximum and the saddle points of the function f (x, y) = 2x4 + xy + y 2 .

5 . Find the volume of the region bounded by the plane z = 0, the cylinder x2 + y 2 = 4 and the
cylinder 2z = 4 − y 2 .

6 . Evaluate the integral ¨

dx dy
+ y 2 )5/2 (x2

over the region which is bounded by the lines y = 3x, y = x, y = 1 and y = 2.
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 111

Spring 1991 Midterm I

ˆ ∞
ln x
1 . Does the integral dx converge or diverge?
0 x2

2 . a . Find the first three non-vanishing terms in the Taylor series for the function f (x) =
sin−1 x.
b . Find the radius of convergence of the above series.

1 1
3 . Let sn = 1 + + · · · + . Show that lim (sn − ln n) exists.
2 n n→∞

4 . Find the volume of the tetrahedron with vertices at (2, 1, 1), (1, −1, 2), (0, 1, −1) and
(1, −2, 1).

5 . [missing]

6 . Find the distance between the point P (0, 1, 1) and the line x = 1 + 2t, y = −1 − t, z = 3t.

Spring 1991 Midterm II

1 . Prove that the radius of curvature of a curve parameterized by its arc length is given by
ρ = (ẍ2 + ÿ 2 + z̈ 2 )−1/2 where dot denotes derivative with respect to the arc length.

2 . We have 100 vectors in R100 defined as follows:

⃗v1 = (1, 0, 0, . . . , 0, 0, 1)
⃗v2 = (0, 1, 0, . . . , 0, 1, 0)
⃗v50 = (0, 0, . . . , 1, 1, . . . , 0, 0)
⃗v51 = (1, 0, 0, . . . , 0, 0, −1)
⃗v52 = (0, 1, 0, . . . , 0, −1, 0)
⃗v100 = (0, 0, . . . , 1, −1, . . . , 0, 0)

⃗ = a1⃗v1 + · · · + a100⃗v100 where ai s are real constants,

⃗ be the vector (1, 2, 3, . . . , 100). If A
Let A
find ai , 1 ≤ i ≤ 100.

3 . Find the equation of the locus of the center of the circle of curvature of the curve y = x2 .

⃗ = |⃗v |⃗u + |⃗u|⃗v bisects

4 . Let ⃗u and ⃗v be two distinct nonzero vectors. Show that the vector w
the angle between ⃗u and ⃗v .
112 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

5 . Find the curvature of the cycloid x = a(t − sin t), y = (1 − cos t), t ≥ 0, at the highest point
of the arc.

Spring 1991 Final

1 . a . Find the Taylor expansion of f (x) = cx , c > 0, around x = 0.

b . Test for convergence: .

2 . Find the curvature, the torsion and the normal vector for the space curve

R(t) = a cos ωti + a sin ωtj + btk

where a, b, ω are positive constants.

3 . Let f (x, y) = (y − x2 )(y − 2x2 ).

a . Show that (0, 0) is a critical point of f at which f has a saddle point.
b . Show that on any line through the origin f has a local minimum at (0, 0).

5 . Find the volume bounded by the surfaces z = x2 + y 2 and z = (x2 + y 2 + 1)/2.

6 . Evaluate ‰   y 
y3 2
− ex dx + + ey dy
C x x
where C is the boundary of the region bounded by the curves y = x2 , y = 2x2 , y = 1/x,
y = 3/x, traced counterclockwise.

Spring 1990 Midterm II

1 . Let Π be a plane in 5-dimensional space. Suppose that the vector ⃗v = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is

perpendicular to the plane Π and that the point P (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) is on Π. Find the distance of Π
to the origin.

2 . Find the unit tangent, a unit principal normal and a unit binormal vector along the curve

⃗r(t) = (3t − t3 )i + 3t2 j + (3t + t3 )k .

3 . Find the intersection of the xy-plane with the tangent line to the curve

⃗r(t) = (1 + t)i − t2 j + (1 + t3 )k
Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022 113

at t = 1.

4 . Find if w = f (x, y, z) and x = t, y = g(t), z = h(t, g(t)).

5 . Let R be the distance from a fixed point A(a, b, c) to any point P (x, y, z). Show that
∇R =
⃗ .

6 . Let f (x, y) = ϕ(x − cy) + ψ(x + cy) where c is a constant. Show that

c2 fxx = fyy .

Spring 1989 Midterm II

1 . Let c > 0 be a constant. Find the set of all x for which the following power series converges.
Check also the endpoints.
cn x2n

2 . By using the series find

6 sinh x − 6x − x3
lim .
x→0 x5

∂ 2z
3 . Let z = f (u, v) where f is of classC 2 , u = x2 + y, v = x − 2y 2 . Find in terms of the
partial derivatives of z with respect to u and v.

4 . Let p > 0 be a constant and f be of class C 1 . Assume that ∀t ∈ R and ∀(x, y) ∈ R2 we

f (tx, ty) = tp f (x, y) .
Show that
∂f ∂f
x +y = pf (x, y) .
∂x ∂y

5 . Find and classify all the critical points of

f (x, y) = 3x2 y − 9y 3 − x2 .

6 . Find the shortest distance from the origin to the surface xyz 2 = 2 by using the method of
Lagrange multipliers.
114 Bilkent Calculus II Exams 1988-2022

7 . Find the volume of the solid bounded by y = 4 − x2 , y = x2 − 4 and −y + 4z = 8.

8 . Let a > 0 be a constant. Show that

ˆ aˆ x ˆ a
f (y) dy dx = (a − y)f (y) dy .
0 0 0

Spring 1988 Midterm II

1 . Suppose 3 < an < 4 for all n and lim an = 4. Find the interval of convergence of the power
a 1 a 2 · · · an

Do not forget to check the end points.

2 . Let a > 0, b > 0 be constants. Find the open interval I of convergence of the power series
+ bn xn .
For x ∈ I, let f (x) be the sum of the series. Find a closed form for the function f (x).

3 . Let U and V be vector spaces over R with zero elements 0U and 0V , respectively. Let
T : U → V be a linear mapping, i.e. ∀u1 , u2 ∈ U, ∀c ∈ R, T (cu1 ) = cT (u1 ) and T (u1 + u2 ) =
T (u1 ) + T (u2 ). We define
ker(T ) = {u ∈ U : T (u) = 0V } .

a . Show that 0U ∈ ker(T ).

b . Show that ker(T ) is a subspace of U .

4 . Let L be a line and P1 a point in R3 . Show that the distance between P1 and L is
||⃗u × P0 P1 ||
d(P1 , L) =
||⃗v ||
where ⃗u is any vector parallel to L and P) is any point on L.

x−2 y
5 . Given the line L : = , z = 2 and the point P0 (1, 2 − 1) find the equation of the
1 −2
plane Π which contains the line L and the point P0 .

6 . Given the plane curve R(t) = et cos ti + et sin tj , show that the angle between R(t) and the
acceleration vector a(t) is constant. Find the angle.

7 . For the space curve

R(t) = 3 sin ti + 3 cos tj + 4tk
find T, κ, N, B.

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