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P1: Seed


It may seem that i have nuts in my head saying that but the line “heshookish-tsawalk” actually has a
meaning which is “EVERYTHING IS ONE.”
Now, you may wonder, “Why this all of a sudden?.” Well, let me expound.
Our NPO is called, YOU GROW. An organization that advocates for the environment through upcycling
garbage and selling the products for profit. But today, we’ll share something different but something I bet, is
relatable. I AM __ and I am your speaker for our group today.
We are just like trees but before we bear luscious leaves, fresh fruits, and become the best tree we can
ever be, like a seed, we must be planted in the right environment, grow in the right conditions, and be
treated with love and care.
Now, as we try to absorb everything that our environment offers us, we continuously expand to our limits
and eventually, will crack open; revealing a new form of life – a root emerging from the seed
P2: Germination
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Along with growth, roots begin to develop. Roots are essential for a tree's survival. They provide the tree
with nutrients to survive, just as my mother gave me nutrients and instilled in me skills I use today. I start to
sprout from the ground and develop roots beneath, slowly developing and growing, learning new things
each day, indicating that I'm becoming a toddler.
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Also, trees need room for their roots to grow. If they don’t have enough room for their roots, they won’t grow
to the full potential. The same could be said for you and me, we need space and room for ourselves to
grow. It’s important that there is a place where we can find solace and recharge.
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The life of a tree is in its roots. Without a good system for drawing nourishment from the soil, a tree will
eventually wither and die. We can see the continuing damage in the leaves and branches even though the
broken root system remains hidden beneath the ground. But we know something is wrong. Healthy roots
yield healthy trees. Corrupt roots produce corrupt trees.
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Don't be fooled. Some of us may appear to be strong trees or to be extremely accomplished, but when you
dig deeper, you can find that our roots are very weak, minimal, or virtually nonexistent. What transpires if a
person's roots are weak or absent? It is comparable to a tree that lacks the food it needs to survive. Without
strong roots, we eventually find ourselves starving for love, which affects almost every part of our life. Why?
All things require a root. To be secure in life, you must be loved and nurtured.
P3: Seedling
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After the germination phase. After, we, humans develop ourselves and slowly prepare our foundation for
this unbounding and limitless world.
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We are slowly going out. Sprouting. Those little leaves we see. It symbolizes our thoughts and wants for
this world.Although we are resilient as humans, in order to thrive we need a certain environment.
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We wanted more. Just like these seedlings, we will eventually move out. We wanted to be in a soil where
we can survive. A world where we wanted to fit in.
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Humans are like seedlings. We venture out from our comfort zone. We wanted to see that light. The world's
light of reality. That we are not bound to stay in that dark hole. We have a purpose, we have to find that
purpose. We need to GROW.
P4: Young Plant
Slide 1: Green young coconut
Green coconut are young and not completely ripened. They contain mostly with water and little meat. They
needs to be nursed and irrigated with drip pipes until they are old enough to be irrigated with brackish
water. As they mature, their water becomes sweeter.
Slide 2: Teenager/young
Just like young coconut trees, teenagers are traversing into a critical time of life, the world of adulthood.
This can be the most challenging and crucial. Therefore, they need to be nurtured and cared to become
independent individuals learning to grow and develop skills and confidence that allows them to navigate life
successfully and responsible so as to have a self-sufficient and productive life.
Slide 3: Water
This incorporates the two that human and trees are generally alike, they rely mostly on water to survive.
Moreover, human and trees are related as people inhale oxygen and take out carbon dioxide, while trees
take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
Slide 4: Sky
Significantly, trees symbolize the pride and humility of human being. Just like the branch of a coconut tree
strengthen and grow upwards to the sky, human too grow stronger striving for greater knowledge, wisdom,
challenges and experiences as we move our journey through life.
P5: Adult Plant
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As we continue to consider the symbolism of the tree in parallel to the journey of a person, an adult tree
has reached a state of maturity, having grown to its full size and developed a strong root system to support
its growth and stability. Similarly, an adult person has completed their physical and cognitive development
and has gained experience and knowledge that helps them navigate the world around them.
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Just like an adult tree which can continue to produce fruit, leaves, and flowers, an adult person can
continue to learn and acquire new skills, deepen their relationships, and pursue personal and professional
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However, plant world is not always pretty. Sometimes they have to endure harsh conditions that will affect
their system. Such as storms, and droughts. Comparably, we humans also experience hardships of
adulthood. And indeed, it sometimes costs our physical or mental health
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Trees are known for their growth, strength, and resilience. As we navigate the complexities of adulthood, it
is nice to strive to embody these qualities, and to make a positive impact in our own lives and in the world
around us.
Growth is a constant process for trees. They are either in a state of development or deterioration. The
same could be said for us. If we're not growing and becoming better versions of ourselves, we are decaying
and losing our edge. We must continually acquire new knowledge in order to be in a condition of positive
Life's challenges are not a justification for giving up. It is a means of making ourselves more resilient. Our
lives are like a tree that survives and flourishes as time goes on. Even if there are many difficulties, it will be
the best motivation to keep going. We will stand tall like a tree and become tougher individuals to
accomplish our life goals.
To conclude, a plant's life cycle is comparable to a human's life cycle in the sense that both creatures
experience a phase of growth and blossom, a period of maturity, and a period of declining health and
You don't go through life. You GROW through life.

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