Summer Training Report

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Summer Training Report


Digital Marketing




By Name: Shourya Kumar

Bachelors of Business Administration
Roll No. :2019UBA9012



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I hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the Summer Training Report entitled
“Digital Marketing” at Entrepreneur Support is an authentic record of my own original work
carried out by me under the supervision of Mr. Luv Panday.
The Summer Training Report was undertaken as a part of the curriculum of Netaji Subhas
University of Technology, NEW DELHI for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of BBA from Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi.
I further certify that:
I. The work contained in the report is original and has been done by me under the
supervision of my supervisor.
II. The work has not been submitted to any other Institution for any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this university or the any other University of India or
III. We have followed the guidelines provided by the university in writing the report.
IV. Whenever we have used materials (text, data, theoretical analysis/equations,
codes/program, figures, tables, pictures, text, etc.) from other sources, we have given
due credit to them in the report and have also given their details in the references.

Shourya Kumar

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With due regards, I wish to express my sincere thanks to Entrepreneur Support Pvt. Ltd. for
imparting me very valuable professional Summer Training.
I feel privileged to express my sincere gratitude to my guide Mr. Luv Panday for his most
generous and valuable guidance. I am thankful to him as he has been a constant source of advice,
motivation and inspiration. I am also thankful to him for giving suggestions and encouragement
throughout the project.
I am also thankful to my family and friends for constantly motivating me to complete the
Internship and providing me an environment, which enhanced my knowledge.
Shourya Kumar

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1. Certificate
2. Declaration
3. Acknowledgement
4. Table of Content
5. List of Abbreviations
6. List of Figures
7. Executive Summary
8. Industry Over view
9. Company Overview
9.1. About
9.2. History
9.3. Mission/ Vision
9.4. Products/ Services
10. Introduction to topic
10.1. Terms& Tools Used
10.2. Literature review
10.2.1. What does а Digital Marketing
Internship involve?
10.2.2. Duties & Resроnsibilities of а Digital Marketing
10.2.3. Skills required in Digital Marketing.
10.2.4. Benefits of а Digital Marketing Internship.
11. Data Analysis and Interpretations
11.1. Daily Tasks
12. Findings and Suggestions
13. Challenges Faced
14. Conclusion

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This section includes the list of abbreviations used in the document.

1. Pvt. Private
2. Ltd. Limited
3. PPC Pay Per Click
4. SEO Search engine optimization
5. DIY Do it yourself
6. Ad Advertisement
7. Mgmt. Management
8. FB Facebook
9. YT YouTube
10. E. S Entrepreneur Support

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This section includes the list of figures used in the document.

1. Poster for Litfur Sanitization Services 18

2. Poster for Litfur Sanitization Services 18

3. Video Advertisement for I.T. College of mgmt. 19

and technology.
4. Liked the FB page of I.T College of mgmt. and 19
5. FB pages and groups. 20
6. FB pages and groups. 20
7. FB page and group 20

8. Posting video on FB 21

9. Performing YT marketing 22
10. Performing YT marketing 22
11. Performing YT marketing 22
12. Performing YT marketing 22
13. Video making on Litfur Sanitization Services. 23

14. Performing YT marketing 23

15. Posting Litfur Sanitization Services on social 24

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16. Posting Litfur Sanitization Services on social 24

17. Posting Litfur Sanitization Services on social 24


18. E-books on I.T. college of mgmt. and 25


19. E-books on I.T. college of mgmt. and 25


20. E-books on I.T. college of mgmt. and 25


21. E-books on I.T. college of mgmt. and 25


22. Greeting message. 26

23. Extracted mail ids. 26

24. Mailed eBooks to coaching institutes. 27

25. Make connection with I.T college of mgmt. and 28

E.S solution.
26. Make connection with I.T college of mgmt. and 28
E.S solution.
27. Blog posted on LinkedIn 29
28. Blog on challenges faced by start-ups. 30

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29. Blog on challenges faced by start-ups. 30

30. Posted blog on LinkedIn 31

31. Posted blog on LinkedIn 31
32. eBooks on Litfur Sanitization services 31

33. eBooks on Litfur Sanitization services 31

34. eBooks on Litfur Sanitization services 32

35. eBooks on Litfur Sanitization services 32

36. Poster on “Earn and Learn campaign” 32

37. Mail ids related to healthcare industry. 33

38. Mail sent through Mailchimp. 33

39. Excel sheet of Mailchimp replies. 34

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This internship report focusses on the work experience I have gathered as an Intern in this
30 days Internship programme. This internship was of 4 weeks starting from 5th June, 2020 to 4th
July, 2020.
In this report, I have mentioned my tasks on applying various Digital Marketing communication
techniques to publicise and help in marketing of some start-ups by using my marketing skills.
During this tenure, I have incorporated my experience into digital marketing. The internship
report is based on the tasks provided to me personally along with the challenges and suggestions.

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Digital marketing industry report covers the regional market overview, growth rate, digital
marketing market size, end-use industries, and identifies regions with a well-developed market
for digital marketing. The report also identifies the opportunities and challenges that impact the
digital marketing services and provides Porter's Five Force Analysis for these regions.
Further, it shares the procurement best practices with sourcing strategy, pricing analysis and
service capabilities in the digital marketing industry.
Digital marketing agencies provide a broader set of services, such as strategic planning,
campaign management, email creatives, on-site web experience, A/B testing, analysis of results,
and optimization recommendations across all channels, including mobile, social media, and
websites. Some of the agencies provide proprietary technology, however, mostly rely on
automation providers that have in-depth expertise in that specific area.

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9.1. ABOUT
Company Name: Entrepreneur Support Solution Pvt. Ltd.

Entrepreneur Support was founded in 2019.


ENTREPRENEUR SUPPORT runs 30-day internship programme taking forward the ideology of START
UP. Teaching them various skills. They invite all the digital marketers, graduates and undergraduates
for the certified internship session.


 Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn)
 Tele-Marketing
 Affiliate Marketing
 Lead Generation

The base of sales:
 Pampleting.
 Canopies.
 Real Market Assessment.
 Marketing Research.
 Sales through Distributors.

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Digital marketing refers to any marketing methods conducted through electronic devices which
utilize some form of a computer. This includes online marketing efforts conducted on the
internet. In the process of conducting digital marketing, a business might leverage websites,
search engines, blogs, social media, video, email and similar channels to reach customers.
Unlike traditional marketing—which is static and often referred to as “one-way”
communication—digital marketing is an ever-changing, dynamic process. Stated otherwise,
customers cannot interact with business through a billboard or print ad, whereas digital
marketing provides an avenue for two-way communication between a business and its actual or
prospective customers.
These days, screen time is at an all-time high for many people. Digital marketing takes
advantage of this reality, promoting business products and services across the internet. In this
way, businesses ensure that their marketing efforts are more likely to reach customers, by
targeting them where they spend most of their time.


 Website Marketing: A website is the centrepiece of all digital marketing activities. Alone, it is
a very powerful channel, but it’s also the medium needed to execute a variety of online
marketing campaigns. A website should represent a brand, product, and service in a clear and
memorable way. It should be fast, mobile-friendly, and easy to use.

 PPC Advertising: PPC advertising enables marketers to reach Internet users on a number of
digital platforms through paid ads. Marketers can set up PPC campaigns on Google, Bing,
LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, or Meta (formerly Facebook) and show their ads to people
searching for terms related to the products or services.

 Content Marketing: The goal of content marketing is to reach potential customers through
the use of content. Content is usually published on a website and then promoted through
social media, email marketing, SEO, or even PPC campaigns. The tools of content marketing
include blogs, eBooks, online courses, infographics, podcasts, and webinars.

 Email Marketing: Email marketing is still one of the most effective digital marketing
channels. Many people confuse email marketing with spam email messages, but that’s not
what email marketing is all about. Email marketing is the medium to get in touch with your
potential customers or the people interested in your brand.

 Social Media Marketing: The primary goal of a social media marketing campaign is brand
awareness and establishing social trust. As you go deeper into social media marketing, you can
use it to get leads or even as a direct sales channel.

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10.1 Terms and Tools Used
 Canva: Canva is a graphic design platform used to create graphics for social media,
presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content. The app contains templates
that users can use. The platform is free to use and offers paid subscriptions like Canva
Pro and Canva for Enterprise for additional features.

 Animaker: Animaker is a DIY video animation software. It allows users to create

animated videos using pre-built characters and templates.

 Mailchimp: Mailchimp is an American marketing automation platform and email

marketing service, used by businesses to manage their mailing lists and create
email marketing campaigns and automations to send to customers.

 Poster: Posters are a very useful vehicle for making announcements or appeals, notices,
product advertisements, or drawing attention to public interest issues. Posters should be
visually appealing and legible from a distance.

 Advertisement video: Video advertisements include interactive display advertisements

with video, but it is generally referred to advertisements that appear before, during
and/or after a video stream on the Internet.

 E-books: An e-book, also known as an e-book or e-book, is a digital book publication

consisting of text, images, or both, that can be read on the flat panel display of a
computer or other electronic device.

 Blog: A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide

Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are
typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears
first, at the top of the web page.

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Digital marketing offers marketers and business owners the advantage of having a wealth of
useful campaign data at their fingertips. With easy-to-use digital marketing analytics tools and
software, business owners and marketers can test different ad content to see what resonates best
with their target audience.


А digital marketing internship is а unique орроrtunity that аllоws interns tо leаrn essential skills
and gives them a real-world experience in the digital marketing field. As most of the internships
are typically unраid, you can expect tо work раrt-time, оften 12-14 hours а week. Tо qualify for
а digital marketing internship, you must meet сertаin eduсаtiоnаl quаlifiсаtiоns. Generаlly,
most of the companies state that yоu must be enrоlled in а Bасhelоr’s оr Mаster’s degree
рrоgrаm аt аn ассredited university.


Some of the main tasks that an intern in digital marketing can undertake are as follows:
 Community management i.e., designing social media campaign, creating social media
contents, answering to customer’s comments or questions (Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Instagram)
 Managing the company’s official website.
 Writing contents for the company’s blog or website.
 Creating contents for mail diffusion (newsletter) or online diffusion.
 Follow-up and improvement of SEO.
 Helping the marketing team to follow-up and improve the digital marketing strategy.


To intern as a digital marketer, you must possess some certain skills. Yоu ought tо hаve bаsiс
knоwledge оf sосiаl mediа рlаtfоrms, Аdоbe Рhоtоshор, аnd соntent mаnаgement systems
suсh аs WоrdРress.

Оther imроrtаnt skills thаt а digitаl mаrketing аgenсy lооks fоr when interviewing
саndidаtes fоr а digitаl mаrketing internshiр аre exсellent verbаl аnd written
соmmuniсаtiоn skills, оrgаnizаtiоn skills, аnd рriоritizаtiоn skills. Аs yоu will be wоrking
with оther teаm members оn сertаin tаsks аnd рrоjeсts, yоu will need tо hаve the аbility

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tо wоrk соllаbоrаtively асrоss vаriоus teаms аnd аll levels оf stаff. Other skills such as
designing skills, knowledge about SEO and SEM, conversion rates will be a helping hand for


There is a huge demand in the industry for skilled digital marketing professionals but the supply
is not quite there. This is where students can bridge this skill gap and carve a career in digital
Be it you’re a creative person, an analytical thinker, or both, there’s a place for everyone in
Digital Marketing.
It is one of the hottest career fields and is opted by many undergraduate and graduate students.
The digital marketing job opportunities for a fresher are very wide and it offers a lot of scope in
terms of professional growth as well.

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Day 1: Poster making on “Litfur Sanitization Services”

Figure 1, 2. Poster for Litfur Sanitization Services

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Day 2: Video advertisement on I.T. College of mgmt. and technology.

Figure 3. Video Advertisement for I.T. College of mgmt. and technology.

Day 3:
Task 1: Liked and shared the Facebook page of I.T. College of management and technology.

Figure 4. Liked the FB page of I.T College of mgmt. and technology.

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Task 2: Joined the Facebook pages and groups.

Figure 5,6. FB pages and groups.

Figure 7. FB page and group

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Day 4: Advertisement video posting.

Figure 8. Posting video on FB

Day 5: Video training for YouTube Marketing.

Day 6: Perform YouTube Marketing.

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Figure 9,10. Performing YT marketing

Figure 11,12. Performing YT marketing.

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Day 7:
Task 1: Video making on Litfur Sanitization Services

Figure 13. Video making on Litfur Sanitization Services.

Task 2: Perform YouTube marketing on any one YouTube video focusing on patients recovered
from corona virus

Figure 14. Performing YT marketing.

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Day 8: Posted Litfur Sanitization Services video on social media.

Figure 15,16. Posting Litfur Sanitization Services on social media.

Figure 17. Posting Litfur Sanitization Services on social media.

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Day 9: Made E-Books on I.T. college of Management and Technology.

Figure 18,19. E-books on I.T. college of mgmt. and technology.

Figure 20,21. E-books on I.T. college of mgmt. and technology.

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Day 10: Made a new email-id on Gmail and learnt how to use Mail Chimp and prepared a
greeting message to be sent in future.

Figure 22. Greeting message.

Day 11: Extracted Mail ids through Websites.

Figure 23. Extracted mail ids.

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Day 12:
Mailed E-books to coaching institutes through Mailchimp.

Figure 24. Mailed eBooks to coaching institutes.

Day 13: Made a power point presentation on SEO.

Day 14: Continued with the Power point presentation of SEO.

Day 16:
Task 1: Added “Digital marketing intern in Entrepreneur Support Solution” in my linked profile.
Made connection with I.T. College of management and technology and with Entrepreneur
support solutions.

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Figure 25,26. Make connection with I.T college of mgmt. and E.S solution.
Task 2: Wrote education blog on Challenges faced by coaching institutes.
Day 17:
Task 1: Posted the blog on LinkedIn (Tagged I.T. College of management and technology)

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Figure 27. Blog posted on LinkedIn
Task 2: Wrote a blog on Challenges faced by start-ups in selling their product.

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Figure 28,29. Blog on challenges faced by start-ups.
Day 19: Completed the Power point presentation of SEO.
Day 20:
Task 1: Wrote a blog on Web Designing.
Task 2: Posted Blog on social media tagging E.S.

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Figure 30,31. Posted blog on LinkedIn
Day 21: Made e-books on Litfur Sanitization services.

Figure 32,33. eBooks on Litfur Sanitization services

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Figure 34,35. eBooks on Litfur Sanitization services.

Day 22: Made a poster on ‘Earn and Learn campaign’ in Entrepreneur Support and posted it
on LinkedIn.

Figure 36. Poster on “Earn and Learn campaign”

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Day 23:
Task 1: Made a new Gmail id.
Task 2: Extracted mail ids related to healthcare industry.

Figure 37. Mail ids related to healthcare industry.

Task 3: Sent mails through Mailchimp.

Figure 38. Mail sent through Mailchimp.

Day 24: Made a video on ‘Earn and Learn Campaign’ in Entrepreneur Support and posted on

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Day 25:
Task 1: Made an excel sheet of Mailchimp replies for Litfur Sanitization Services.

Figure 39. Excel sheet of Mailchimp replies.

Task 2: Performed YouTube marketing for Earn and learn campaign.

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I learned a lot of things from this internship like how to make posters on Canva and how to make
advertising videos using Animaker, how to send mails using Mail chimp and how to perform
social media marketing.
Some suggestions that I would like to give are that there must be a weekly meet with the interns
about the progress of the tasks assigned and webinars should be conducted at regular intervals.

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Getting a response from prospects: Sales representatives today agree that the most common
challenge they face is getting a response from prospects. Despite all the devices that we have in
hand, and all the communication technology available at our fingertips, people today are less
responsive than ever before. This may be due to a proliferation of channels or simply,
communication overload. Sales representatives need to distinguish their voices from the crowd
and become trusted consultants that their customers can rely on.

Staying Motivated: Sales representative motivation affects their productivity, your

company culture, and your bottom line. To effectively motivate your reps, you first need to
know what drives them. Salespeople aren’t all the same; every person requires different
incentives and motivational tactics. Work with each individual sales rep to determine what
will work best for them. Set tangible goals that your reps can work to accomplish. Without
goals, they won’t know what success looks like. Then, celebrate your team’s wins to boost

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Working with an organization like this was a great experience and I am glad that I
completed my summer training of under graduation with this organization. For
me, it was a great adventure working with such creative professionals. I believe this report
reveals some surprising insights. As per the analysis and results, it is evident that people
tend to get more attracted to digital marketing than conventional marketing as it provides a
platform to satisfy their information hunger. Also, the easy availability of mobile phones
has played a major role in boosting digital marketing. Facebook and Instagram are listed as
the most popular social media platforms.
Facebook has a huge user base and also provides various tools for marketing and promotion of
products and services at a low cost. SEO and email marketing are considered the most effective
and popular methods for marketing and are highly respected for the quality they deliver at such
low costs. On the other hand, PPC has lost its charm as online advertisements are of no interest
to consumers. Today’s consumers are confident about their knowledge and prefer to select a
product on their own without getting influenced by some marketers

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