Participants of The Study

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Participants of the Study

The researcher traverse on the leadership skills and styles applied by the business

owners or managers with the support of its employees. The study focuses on the small and

medium enterprise business owners or managers in Dapitan and Dipolog City, Zamboanga

del Norte with more than ten (10) but not above two hundred (200) employees whose total

assets is more than three million pesos (Php 3,000,000) but less than or equal to one

hundred million pesos (Php 100,000,000).

There are two groups of respondents in the study comprising of leaders and its

employees of SMEs under retail and merchandising industry. Simple random sampling will

be utilized by the researchers in choosing the respondents in Dapitan and Dipolog City. The

participation of the respondents of the research were voluntary and thus given the choice

whether to participate in the survey or not.

Table 1.1 Distribution of Leader Respondents

Location Number of respondents

Total 4

Table 1.2 Distribution of Employees Respondents

Location Number of respondents

 Leader 1 10
 Leader 2 10
 Leader 1 10
 Leader 2 10
Total 40
Table 1.1 shows the distribution of respondents in Dapitan and Dipolog City,

Zamboanga del Norte. As presented in the table there are two (2) leader respondents from

Dapitan City while two (2) leader respondents coming from Dipolog City with a total of

four leader respondents. Table 1.2 presents two different leaders each in Dapitan and

Dipolog City comprising ten employees each on leaders. The total of employee respondents

is forty.

This factor is an insightful mechanism of the researchers to make sure that the data

to be collected are reliable and relevant to the end result of the study.

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