SOP For Chemical Managerment System

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Bismillah Textiles Limited DOC.

# BTL-CSR-02-032
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[Procedure No: BTL- CSR-02-032]

Name & Designation Signature Date


Reviewed By ALEEM ZIKRIA 02-06-2022


Approved By AHTESHAM UR RASHEED 02-06-2022



 ISO 9001:2015
 ISO 14001:2015
 Oeko-Tex 100
 STeP by Oeko-Tex
 GOTS/GRS Standards
 ISO 45001:2018
 Customer Code of Conduct
 Higg Index Assessment
 Inditex Requirement
 ZDHC guideline
Revision Status

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Prepared &
Date Issue # Page # Revision Description Approved By
Reviewed By
ZDHC Requirement and Procurement Manager
01-11-22 02 3&4 Imran Shahzad
Policy Processing

01-06-2022 3RD Nil Only Review Director

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1. Purpose:
The purpose of this policy is to ensure proper procurement, handling, storage, labeling,
classification, movement, usage and preservation of dyes and chemicals in all stores and in
production of BTL, through a prescribed procedure with the approval of authorized
personnel. This document also provides us guidelines how to interpret chemical containers
and to minimize incompatible chemical reactions, spillage, breaking and waste due to
This process provides a clear understanding of the chemicals storage and usage in a facility
and to promote responsible usage and pollution prevention.

2. Applicability:
This policy is applicable organization-wide for Dyes & Chemical Store.

3. Responsibility:
3.1 Manager Procurement
3.2 Manager Lab
3.3 Chemical Store Manager
3.4 Dyeing Manager
3.5 Bleaching Manager
3.6 Printing Manager
3.7 Finishing Manager
3.8 HSE Officer
3.9 Spillage Control Team
3.10 Social Performance Team

4. Policy
Bismillah Textiles Limited is committed to ensure the procurement of certified chemicals &
dyes to provide green & non-hazardous product to its customer by considering the world
class certifications like GOTS, Oeko-tex Class 1, Inditex GTW, MRLS, ZDHC etc. Applying the
prescribed procedure for safe handling, storage, labeling, movement, usage, spillage,
disposal and preservation of dyes and chemicals in all stores and in production.

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Controlling measure for risk free procurement

Procurment of


MSDS/ TDS Availabale

Good To use Do not Procure

Chemical Certified with

leading certification

if not then no
If Yes then procure

“Policy states the organizational commitment for procurement, handling, storage, labeling,
classification, movement, usage, preservation of dyes & chemicals. To reduce the risk,
liability, cost to workers and staff by eliminating the purchase of unnecessary hazardous
products. Careful consideration of the legal, safety, MRSL and brand MRSL and RSL
requirements prior to the purchase of chemicals which help the organization to reduce
hazardous chemical purchasing ,storage, handling and usage”.

5. Procedure:
5.1 Procurement:
5.1.1 Creating a Comprehensive Chemical List
Inventory all chemicals in the facility to identify the name of the chemical, hazard class,
container size, locations of containers and dates on which solutions were prepared or

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expire, if applicable. Identify chemicals of concern for customers. Comprehensive chemical

lists will help assess chemical hazards, personal protective equipment (PPE), inventory
controls and environmental risks and improve an organization’s management of chemical
usage and disposal. The Chemical Inventory will be used in upcoming sections to build
further information and enable better chemical management.
5.1.2 Monitoring Regulations and Permits
Establish, document and implement a process for identifying and monitoring regulations
applicable to chemical management permits. The process tor identifying, monitoring and
regulation of applicable chemical management system
5.1.3 Verification of Compliance
Develop document and implement a process for reviewing regulations and verifying
compliance during implementation. Compliance verification could be part of the selection
process. Documents and records will be maintained that indicate how verification was
conducted and what the compliance results.
5.1.4 Chemical Purchasing Policy Considerations
Before ordering chemicals, staff and other personnel should:
a. Make sure the chemical is on the facility system’s list of approved chemicals and
check against any MRSL/RSL, ZDHC level in effect in the facility.
b. Train personnel so that they are capable of assessing chemical hazards.
c. Train personnel to be sufficiently knowledgeable in recognizing requests from
others for nonessential chemicals.
d. Develop a current inventory of existing chemicals.

For each chemical used, ensure the followings:

a) Can the supplier provide a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in the local language
containing the relevant sections on proper handling, hazards, transport and safe
b) Can proper storage be provided for the chemical?
c) Are the facilities appropriate for the use of this chemical?
d) Will the chemical or its end products require disposal as hazardous waste?
e) Is appropriate PPE available for safe use of the chemical or its end product?
f) Have persons who will handle and use the chemical been trained in handling
these chemicals? Are they aware of the hazards?

Information supporting the following assertions:

g) Use of the substance is necessary
h) The trial/pilot project using the substance is a way to demonstrate an important
property, process or concept.
i) No satisfactory substitute for the substance is readily available

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j) Adequate safeguards are in place to ensure proper use of the substance

k) Workers are instructed in the proper handling of the substance.

5.1.5 Identify Chemical suppliers

Identify and document suppliers for each of the chemicals listed in the Chemical
Inventory. For urgent technical support or other emergencies, identify each supplier and
document their relevant contact information such as point-of-contact name, phone
number, E-mail and address.

5.1.6 Supplier Approval/Removal Process

Establish, document and implement a process for identifying and using preferred
suppliers and removing suppliers from the preferred list when appropriate. An
organization should communicate expectations to their dye and chemical suppliers to
confirm that formulations supplied to the facility are compliant with facility RSL/MRSL,
ZDHC Level. At a minimum, preferred suppliers should be those that provide an SDS in
the local language that contains all the relevant information according to the Globally
Harmonized System of Classification and labeling of Chemicals (GHS) standards (and
adhere to the appropriate portions of CMS Element 2.5.2 RSL and MRSL Process (CMS

5.2 Chemical Risk Assessment

5.2.1 Hazard and Risk Assessment
5.3 Planning

5.2.1 This segment of the procedure addresses the TNA (training need assessment) for the
usage of chemicals especially hazardous in nature. Compliance department is
responsible for supporting the chemical custodian regarding usage and environmental
5.2.2 Knowledge about chemical properties that make the chemical hazardous, some
chemicals are relatively safe when used alone but can become very dangerous when
mixed with other substances either in a planned experiment or unintentionally.
5.2.3 Induce the methods for recycling / reuse of the chemicals or selection of proper
equipment and proper guided methodology of use so as to improve the efficiency in
material usage and minimize the generation of “SURPLUS WASTE” where applicable to
prevent environment from pollution in addition.

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5.1.1 Share inventories of hazardous chemicals within the working and storage areas of
our organization, so as to minimize the level of hazardous chemicals, and to prevent
from shelf life expiry.
Preparation of shelving in chemical storage area with following considerations
 Select the material that wouldn’t react with stored chemicals
 Height should not exceed over man’s eye especially for hazardous chemicals
 These must be designed to control / prevent chemical containers from falling
during an earthquake

5.1.2 5.1.5 Safety showers / Eye wash station shall be installed where any person may be
exposed to corrosive or injurious chemicals and be situated so as they are
immediately available in emergency.

5.1.3 Chemical Storage Requirements

 Provide fresh ventilation
 Clearly label the storage area and each container, especially hazardous chemical
 Store incompatible chemicals separately to prevent accidental mixing (spill during
earthquake etc.) e.g. (Acid & Bases), (Flammable & oxidizers)
 Store acid and bases below eye level at low shelf
 Provide compatible secondary containment / dike place to hold spills
 Provide adequate storage space & appropriate containers
 Don’t use any chemical container for storage of food and or drinks
 Observe safety-based shelf life limits especially for oxidizers
 Store flammable chemicals away at prohibited area, and prevent them from sparking
 Identify and track hazardous chemicals
 Conduct periodic reviews / inspection of hazardous chemical area, to examine
condition of the containers
 Sign of corrosion
 Cracking
 Changing shape or color
 Fading or deteriorating labels, labels falling off, or missing labels
 Missing, deteriorating, or broken caps
 Keep the storage area clean and orderly as operation allows
 Don’t eat, drink, smoke or apply cosmetic in storage area

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5.1.4 Chemical Spill / Accidental Release Control

 Wear protective equipment like goggles, gloves, gumboot and or mask where
 Immediately mark the place as no go zone / area
 Remove all nearby ignition sources immediately
 Sweep-up powder form chemicals and avoid formation of dust / aerosol
 Absorb the small quantity of liquid with suitable absorbent as mentioned in MSDS.
Collect this wet absorbent with the help of shovel and put it into closed container
for onward delivery to effluent treatment plant (ETP). Use pump for collection of
large quantity of liquid spill where applicable.
 Don’t let the waste go into sewerage system

5.1.5 First Aid / Emergency Response

 In the event of a hazardous chemical exposure to eyes, proceed to nearest eye-
wash and flush eyes at least 15 minutes with eye lids open
 Exposure to skin: Proceed to nearest shower or wash basin and flush skin for at
least 10 minutes
 If inhaled: Avoid inhalation of chemicals, in emergency immediately move to fresh
air, if difficulty occur in breathing, use artificial respirator
 If swallowed: Drink plenty of water / milk, about vomiting consult MSDS, whether
to induce vomit or not. In case of unconsciousness don’t give anything orally. Seek
immediate medical help from doctor / certified practitioner

5.1.6 Fire Fighting

 Use full fire-fighting clothes
 Use self-contained breathing apparatus
 One seeing the nature of fire select extinguish media as stated in MSDS
 Dry powder can be used for all sort of fires, Carbon Dioxide gas can be used for
electric short circuits
 Pour heavy stream of water on surrounding chemical containers to bring their
temperature under control
 Through extinguish media at the bottom of the flam
 Avoid formation of aerosols by spraying water fog.

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5.2 Flammable Liquid / Chemicals Storage

 Factory personnel should know the properties of individual flammable liquid /
chemicals with which they work. The more familiar one becomes with a flammable
liquid / chemical, the more likely he/she is to handle the flammable liquid /
chemical in a prudent manner. Safety data sheets (SDSs) are available from the
manufacturer on safety practices for particular flammable liquid / chemicals. The
following are several practices which should always be implemented when
handling flammable liquid / chemical:
 Flammable chemicals should be stored in an appropriate area within the factory
and away from any potentially incompatible materials.
 Purchases of the flammable liquids / chemicals should be kept to a minimum.
 All sources of ignition (e.g., Bunsen Burners, Hot Plates and Electrical equipment’s)
should be eliminated from areas in which flammable or combustible liquid /
chemicals are used
 Use the chemicals fume hood to capture vapors when an appreciable quantities of
flammable substances are being used.
 Keep containers of flammable chemicals closed at all times when not in use.
 Keep away from heat, sparks and sources of ignition.
 Keep containers closed, except when in use.
 Maintain adequate ventilation.
 Use Labeled and proper safety cans and cabinets.
 Minimize quantity of flammable liquids / chemicals in work area.

5.3 Controls
5.3.1 Material and Process Design Control
 Select the safest counter chemicals for a given job, e.g. try to use noncombustible
or combustible chemicals instead of flammable chemicals.
 Store smallest useful quantity, avoid storage in bulk if readily available
 Eliminate or minimize the amount of hazardous waste generated

5.3.2 Engineering and Facility Related Control

 Availability of proper equipment for usage, (Hand pump, showers, vessels,
apparatus practical and safe for a given job)
 Exhausts fans for proper ventilation
 Path-way, transfer lines / piping where suitable

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5.3.3 Administrative Control

 Each store is to maintain an inventory of chemicals stored in store.
 Designated storage please for each chemical.
 Chemical stored by hazardous class not an alphabet.
 To prevent leakage, odors or reactions with air, tightly seal all containers of highly
toxic, volatile, malodourous, carcinogenic and reactive chemicals. Make sure that
caps and other closures are tight on all hazardous chemicals.
 Keep the quantity of accumulated chemicals in store at minimum to reduce the risk
of exposure, fire and waste disposal problems.
 Smaller packages size provides the following benefits
 Reduce storage hazardous
 Reduce storage space
 Reduce losses due to expiry of chemicals
 Minimize of cost of disposal of leftover
 Safe work practices / training sessions / Label readings
 Maintenance and proper placement of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
 Segregation of incompatible chemicals
 Provision of First-aid boxes and proper training
 Firefighting training

5.3.4 Storage symbols and color coding

Chemical symbols and color codes should be displayed on each chemical to indicate
the type and grouping according to the compatibility matrix. Designed color codes for
chemicals are given below:
Red hazardous
Green Non-Hazardous
Yellow Flammable
Blue Non-flammable

5.3.5 Chemical Storage Locating

Optimally, incompatible chemicals such as acids and alkalis should be stored
completely separate from one another to prevent mixing in the event of an accidental
spill or release of the materials. If space is limited, you can store incompatible

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chemicals in the same storage cabinet if you segregate the chemicals according to
their hazard class and you store them in tubs, trays, or buckets while in the cabinet.

5.4 Access control for chemical store

Facility has developed following procedure to control of unauthorized access in
chemical store.
 Chemical area is restricted for unauthorized person
 No unauthorized person is allowed to enter in chemical store
 Chemical store relevant staff is nominated for access in chemical area
 Authorized person’s nomination board with name and pictures has been fixed in
the entrance of chemical store
 No access instructions have been fixed in chemical store
 Only relevant staff is allowed in chemical store area.

5.5 Storage by Compatibility Group

All Chemicals stored according to their compatibility groups. Do not store chemicals in
alphabetical order, as this might place incompatible chemicals next to each other
increasing the potential for accidental mixing of incompatible chemicals. Table given
below indicates a recommended arrangement of chemicals according to compatibility.
Store in charge will display identification sticker on each chemical to indicate the
group. These compatibility groups should be stored separately and in labelled. Within
any compatibility group, chemicals may arrange alphabetically to facilitate ease of
retrieval. The following are recommended compatibility groupings
5.4.1 Group A-Acid, Organic
Store large drums of acid in special acid area. Place acids in plastic trays for secondary
containment in case of breakage. Segregate inorganic and oxidizing acids from organic
compounds including organic acids (e.g., acetic acid) and other combustible materials.
Segregate nitric acid (>40%) from other inorganic acids. Store acids separate from
bases and other reducing agents. Inorganic salts, except those of heavy metals, may
be stored in this group. Glacial acetic acid should be stored with flammable and
combustible materials since it is combustible.
5.4.2 Group B-Bases Non-Flammable
Bases and non-flammable chemicals placed on shelves near the floor. The preferred
storage container for inorganic hydroxides is polyethylene instead of glass. Place
containers in trays for secondary containment in the event of leakage or breaks.

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5.4.3 Group C- Organic Chemicals

Segregate organic compounds from inorganic. Organic and inorganic with reactive
hazard or less may be stored together. Chemicals with a reactive hazard are to be
stored separately.
5.4.4 Group D- Flammable and Combustible Liquid
Flammable and combustible liquid storage in safety cans. Remember that flammable
and combustible materials away from sources of ignition such as heat, sparks, or open
flames, and segregated from oxidizers.
5.4.5 Group E- Inorganic Oxidizers and Salts
Store inorganic oxidizers in a cool, dry place away from combustible materials such as
zinc, alkaline metals, formic acid, and other reducing agents. Inorganic salts may also
be stored in this group. Store ammonium nitrate separately.
5.4.6 Group F-Organic Peroxides and Explosive
Peroxides contain a double-oxygen bond (R1-O-0-R2) in their molecular structure.
They are shock and heat sensitive and readily decompose in storage. Store shock and
heat-sensitive chemicals in a dedicated cabinet. Some non-peroxide chemicals can
readily form shock-sensitive, explosive peroxides when stored in the presence of
5.4.7 Group G- Reactive, Dyeing agents, Printing agents & Pigments
Water Reactive
Store water reactive in a cool dry place protected from water sources. Alkali metals
(lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium) should be stored under mineral
oil, or in waterproof enclosures such as glove boxes. A Class D fire extinguisher should
be available in case of fire.
Pyrophoric (Air Reactive)
Store pyrophoric in a cool, dry place, and provide for an air-tight seal. Store white or
yellow phosphorous under water in glass-stopper bottles inside a metal can for added
5.4.8 Group H-Cyanides and Sulfides
Cyanides and sulfides react with acids to release highly toxic gases. They must be
isolated from acids and other oxidizers.
5.4.9 Group I - Carcinogens, Highly Toxic Chemicals, and Reproductive Toxins
A specific location or "designated area" for carcinogens and highly toxic chemicals is
the preferred storage method. Stock quantities of reproductive toxins are to be stored
in designated storage areas. Use unbreakable, chemically resistant secondary

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5.4.10 “Suspect Agent” Highly Toxic Chemicals” or “Reproductive Toxins”

Suggested Storage Pattern

Sr Storage Compatibility Group Name Remarks

No. Group

Group A Inorganic Acids, Inorganic


Group B Inorganic Bases (Non-


Group C Organics

Group D Flammables, Combustibles

Group E Inorganic Oxidizers

Group F Organic Peroxides and


Group G Reactive, Dying Agents,

printing, agents, Pigments

Group H Cyanides, Sulfides

Group I Highly Toxics, Carcinogens,

Reproductive Toxins

5.5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

This control includes usage of appropriate PPEs such as gloves, coverall, aprons,
goggles, gum boots and respirators as per advice on MSDS

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5.6 Glossary
Store Keeper: A person who is administratively responsible for chemicals / items
in a given premise

Combustible: Ordinary solid (wood, paper, rags, plastic) and liquids or

gasses with a flash point greater that equal to 100F

Flammable: Liquid or gasses with a flash point <100F

Incompatible Chemicals: Chemicals that will create strong releases of energy or hazardous
reaction products if mixed an unanticipated or uncontrolled
manner e.g. water and acid.
Secondary containment:
A container used as a second barrier to protect against leaks of
chemicals stored in a primary container, like dike place, metal trays
Hazardous Chemicals :
All chemicals that harm human body in a way or two are called
hazardous, some chemicals that may be safe when used alone but
can become very harmful when mixed with other substances either
in a planned or unplanned environment.
Water Reactive Chemicals


Pyrophoric , light sensitive


Toxic compound

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Acid and bases


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