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IGAB Organic chemistry £0 wit A carbohydrate consists of : (a) carbon and oxygen 5 (b) carbon, hydrogen and oxygen i (©) carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen (@) carbon and hydrogen 2. Which of the following is a monosaccharide? a) Sucrose 1 (b) Galactose (©) Mahtose 7 (d) Lactose . Which of the following has maximum laevorotation? [CET (ISK) 2009] 1 (@) Sucrose (©) D-glucose (@) Defructose C The sweetest of all sugars is: (a) glucose 1D (b) lactose (©) sucrose D (d) fructose 5. Sucrose on hydrolysis gives: [EE (Odisha) 2006] (2). glucose only D (b) glucose and galactose (©) glucose and fructose (d)_ glucose and lactose 6. The commonest disaccharide has the molecular formula: a (2) Cols. b) CoH: O.0 a _ © CiH20y D (a) C2028, o The disaccharide present in milk is (a) sucrose (b) lactose o (©) maltose © (@) none of these a . Which of the following monosaccharides is a pentose? (a) Glucose b) Fructose a (c) Arabinose O (d) Galactose Oo 9. Which of the following gives positive Fehling’s solution test? [CET (Karnataka) 2016] (a) Glucose 1D &) Sucrose o (c) Fats © @) Proteins o 10. Starch is a polymer of: (a) fructose O (b) glucose Qa (c) both (a) and (b) 1 (d) none of these a 11. Enzymes are: (a) carbohydrates (b) lipids Oo (©) proteins 1 (d) none of these oO 12. On hydrolysis, proteins give: (a) nucleotides 1D (b) nucleosides a (c) amides 1B (A) amino acids o {3 Which of the following have coiled helical structure? (a) Proveins tO ae e Carbohydrates ‘tami IS. fae a optical rotation with time of freshly prepared \ ons of sugar, is known as: i rotation [ (b) inversion o ‘motion © (d) mutarotation specific VE QUES competitions 2 TIONS hiab d Year Programme scose when heated with CH; OH in presence 15. Glu a § methyl glucosides are formed. This Wf gas, and f it contains: (a) analdehydic group C) (b) —CHOH group a {@) ang structure Cl (A) five hydroxy! groups Which of the following carbohy€rates is used in slvering of mirrors? (a) Sucrose 1D (b) Cellulose (c) Fructose Oo (d) Glucose Starch undergoes hydrolysis in presence of mineral acids 1, (a) J (b) fructose (c) maltose (d) sucrose Helical structure of proteins is stabilized by. (a) ionic bond O(b) covalent bond (c). van der Waals’ forces “1(d) hydrogen bonds Glucose and fructose can be distinguished by (CE © (b) Lucas test O (4d) all of these 1 lucose (a) Benedict reager (c) Ninhydrin test Digestion is (a) hydrolysis proces (b) catalytic process (6) both hydrolysis and catalytic process (d) none of the above 1. Vitamin Cis (@) ascorbic acid 1 (b) lactic avid (©) cite acid © (a) paracetamol . lodine deficiency in diet is known to cause: (a) beri-beri O ©) tickets (6) night-blindness © (@) goitre When glucose is reacted with bromine water, the product is (a) gluconic acid (6) tartronic acid 24, Glucose and fructose are: (a) optical isomers (b) functional group isomers (© chainisomes (@) position isomers [JEE (WB) D () saccharic acid 2 @) meso oxalic acid A (b) 5 26. Which of the following is « Ooi (a) Glucose 0) Mone (6) Sucrose O@ such 27, The reagent which may be used to a cane-sugar and glucose solution jg: (a) Molisch’s reagent © (b) todine. (c) Bucyer's reagent” Od) Fy qs of glucose suggest that its pes roxy aldchyde , jynydroxy ketone 3 Biche! Pe sing sugat » educine sugar » Mjucing and oxidising sugar jc acid is oot ymin (b) anenzyme (4) an amino acid protein nical name of vitamin A is (b) axerophtho! (retinol) (d) nicotinamide 4) thiamine ¢) ascorbic acid J. Glcose reacts with excess of phenylhydrazine and forms: v) sorbitol : i) glucose phenylhydrazone c (c) glucosazone ves both ninhydrin test and Molisch’s test. It i Acompound (@) carbohydrate [ F (b) a carboxylic acid o (¢) a protein J (d) an amino acid Mt The carbohydrate used as storage molecules in animals is, [PET (Kerala) 2014] (a) suerose 1B (b) matiose c Ci (d) glucose a a (©) elycogs (©) fructose linkages, [JEE (Odisha) 2012) (2) anomeric O (©) epimerie 5 (a) polymorphic 4%, Protein is an important constituent of our diet. It functions KS Polysaccharides have (a) glycosidic o sf inly as i 7 (0) asource of energy e (b) a construetion material im (©) shock absorber a (4) reserve food 47. The coagulation of protein is called: ‘ (a) dehydration © () decay a (6) deamination © @) denaturing a 38. Main structural unit of protein is 8 Main stecage 2 (b) eter linkage Oo 1) pentde linkage (d) all ofthese Oo 89, Gincose leaner be classified as: “(ay a hexose Cl (b) an oligosaccharide (a) carbohydrate (@) an aldose a wo, (arch one 18 # disaccharide? Osta O (0) Lactose o oud GB (@) Fructose Oo (ey Cellulose bout nds of Di 41. Point out the wrong statement al ee sh (a) They are nitrogenous organie 5 molecular masses 6 aminoacids 0 (b) On hydrolysis by enzymes. they give y id 42. 8B. 44, 45 46. 4. 48. 49. 50. si. 52. 53. G. R. Bathia Publications Pvt, Ltd., Meerut (U.P) (c) Many of them are enzymes oars 5 (d) They do not contain polypeptide linI a The vitamin that is most readily manufactured in our bodies (a) vitamin A CG (b) vitamin B (©) vitamin C O @ vitamin D . Bleeding gums is generally associated with a deficiency of, (@) thiamine G (b) ascorbic acid (©) folic acid O (4) vitamin E Vitamin A deficiency leads to a disease known as: (@) night-blindness (b) beri-beri a Ouse O@ TB a Which one of the following metal ions is essential inside the cell for the metabolism of glucose/synthesis of proteins ? G@) K* (@ Ca** The reagent used for the detection of proteins is: (a) HNO; (cone.) ] (b) Fehling’s solution (©) Tollens reagent ©) (4) Baeyer's reagent Starch is used to test even the small amount of (a) urea in blood (b) iodine in aqueous solution (©) protein in blood (4) glucose in aqueous solution Which one of the following contains cobalt? (a) Chlorophyll © (b) Haemoglobin (©) Vitamin € © @) Vitamin By The glycosidic linkage involved in linking the glucose units in amylose part of starch is (@) CC, Blinkage O (b) C,-Cyoclinkage (6) C\-Cscclinkage © (d) C\—Cyovlinkage The only amino acid which is non-chiral is: (a) lysine 1 (b) protine Qo (c) glycine D (@) histidine a The aqueous solution of a carbohydrate gave dark blue colour with fodine solution. The carbohydrate is: (a) starch O &) sucrose o Ounces O @) slucose a The organic compounds of high physiological importance which are essential in small amounts forthe well being ofall (a) Na (© Mg human beings are: (a) proteins 1 @®) vitamins a (c) mineral salts G @) enzymes os Which of the following hormones is produced under the conditions of stress which stimulate glycogenolysis in the liver of humanbeings ? (a) Thyroxin 3 (©) Adrenaline Hace es Loe sim Awe aye f © (b) Insulin ry 1D @) Estradiol i composition. a racemization (©) inversion iret 63. Which of the following is found ead ere cr (a) Vitamin © O (b) Vitaming D (@) cortisone (c) Vitamin A O @) Vitamin, of the following is not a sex hormone? 64, ocimaltose consists of: ICET (Karnatay [DCE (Enge.) 2000) @) one cD-plucopyranose wait. end nant au {a) Testosterone 1 (b) Estrone o slucopyranose unit with | 2-glycosidi (c) Estradiol OF (@) Cortisone o (b) to o-D-glicopyranose units. with 56. Which one of the following sets of monosaccharides form linkage ‘sucrose? (©) two B-D-glucopyranose units with (a) c-D-galactopyranose and a-D-ghucopyranose a linkage (6) o-D-glacopyranose and f-D-fructofuranose o (@) two c-D-glucopyranose units with (6) B-D-slacopyranose and «-D-fructofuranose O linkage (d) @-D-glucopyranose and f-D-fructopyranose OG 65. Biuret testis not given by $7. The hormone which transports glucose from blood to tissue (a) proteins OD) is: (c) polypeptide © @) carbohydrates a) glucogen GB () insutin . Deficiency of vitamin E causes (©) thyroxin © (@) heparin (a) beri-beri 1 (b) scurvy 58. A protein is best described as a: (c) antifertility O (@) none of these (a) polyamide OC &) polyester 67. ‘The enzyme pepsin hydrolyses: (©) polypeptide © (@) polyurethane (@)_ proteins to amino acids 59. A disaccharide, which gives only glucose on hydrolysis, is: (b) fats to fatty acids (a) lactose G (b) fructose (€) glucose to ethyl alcohol (c) sucrose O (@d)' maltose (d) polysaccharides to monosaccharides |. Methyl-a-D(+)-glucoside and methyl-B-D(+)-glucoside are 68. ‘The presence or absence of hydroxy group on which cath called: atom of sugar differentiates RNA and DNA : [AIEEE 20 {a) geometrical isomers 0 (b) anomers a (a) Ist O (b) 2nd (€) enantiomers OD (@) epimers oO (©) 3rd O @) 4th 61. The correct structure of the dipeptide ely-ala is: 69. Vitamin B, is also known as: (SEE (WB) 2013] (@) riboflavin © ©) pyridoxine CHs 9 Ho (©) ascorbicacid Gl (a) none ofthese | 1] 70. The number of amino acids which form proteins in na (a) H,N—CH—C—NH—C—C—OH Qa about: | (@ 6 O (b) 10 H © 15 O@ 20 swan CH)SH ° 71. Glucose reacts with Tollens reagent vo FTEE (Odsha) 20 urea (b) H,N—CH—C—NH—CH,—C—OH (a) monocarboxylic acid (b) dicarboxylic acid (c) ketone i (d) keto acid 2 Lf CH i as 72, The numberof trpeptides formed by thes ies adaaleie ct acidsis: [DCE (Enge) (a) five O &) six (o) thee © (@) four 73, The pl value ofa solution in which polar a not mga under the infence of lee Fl) (4) isoetetricpoint C1 (b) ioclecrons (©) neutralisation point C2 (a) none of oe 74. Sucrose is not a reducing suger si 2012] : ie Karnatake)2 ‘are carried out in neutral or acid cer eva avalos i aioe {(@) itis chemically stable a {b) itis built up ofa fructose unit nino act Jd is called! o pbathlabooks corr D ©) protease G @) none which transports oxy ge: 1) haemoglobin D () insulin Sateen 8 @) albumin Pest ofthe following gives maximum energy in me poco ja) Proteins (¢) Carbohydrates Jpdrlysis of sucrose is ja) saponification fg) mversion aye: trypsin converts. fg amino acids into proteins Bh) glucose into glycogen of these nin the blood J (b) Fats © @) Vitamins led: © (b) hydration OD @) esterification proteins into amino aci jue is in the carbohydrates known as: its > proteins une B, OD (b) th Dl (d) riboflavin y in RNA and not © pyndoxine ® tocopherol Mics of the following base is found onl 2DKA viune (b) Guanine © Unacid J (@) Adenine wot in * ieend in DNA but not ch one of the following base foun. Bagg owing Dove CET (Gusarst) 20061 © Cyrosane 5 (b) Guanine © Alene © (a) Thymine arranged in proteil Metegucnce in which amino acids are arrane Ch (tb) secondary structure ‘ute c uarernary SUC ae Oe) acide wise #04 * a © (b) replication D © (4) sutanion Present in insulin are: Gt $1 Gia) 102 (8) onic bond (©) coordinate bond ow O(a) hydrogen’ "9. Which one of the following is an essential amine 2081 jeer (@) Isoleucine Cl (by Tyrosine (©) Cysteine G ) Serine A 90. At the isoelectric point, amino acids are present (®) H.NCHRCOOH CG (bh) HyNCHRCOO” (©) HANCHRCOOH Gl (d) HaNCHREOO 91. The most important energy carrier in the fiving eels (@) AMP © (by ADP (©) UDP Od) ATP 92. Emil Fischer was awarded Nobel Prize (a) sugar and protein synthesis for his work om (b) optical activity (©) ammonia discovery a) lipids Glucose and fructose can also be distinguished By a) Molisch’s test (b) acetylation (c) a concentrated solution of NaOH (a) phenylhydrazine i Which of the following does not show mutarotation O (by (+) Lactose O @) (+) Sucrose Glucose and mannose are 0 (b) anomers (©) epimers © @) disaccharides Diabetes is detected by testing urine of the patient with: (a) Di (b) Nessler’s reagent (c) Fenton's reagent © (d) Benedict's solution Refrigeration helps in food preservation by (a) killing the germs (b) sealing the food with a layer of ce © @ . Which of the followin; plant cells? (a) (-) Fructose (c) (+) Maltose (a). ketohexoses Tollen’s reagent greatly reducing the rates of biochemical reactions destroying enzyme action (a) Cellulose O (b) Starch g (4) Amylopectin 1 (©) Amylose (©) Glycogen 99. Oxidation of glucose is one of in a living cell. What is the erated in cells from one molecule Db) 12 Od) 28 Ot appre ppreciabl neste blood ich acts as but Dart Of the molecu utter The pl of blood doo sion ofan dey (8) contains serum ‘contains it0n as q {CEE (MP) 2009 o o a oo oooo oooo Boe o000 oo oo forms the constituent of cell wall of [PET (Kerala) 2012} IEC) presrangewem 63. Which of the following is found in cod-liver vit? (a) Vitamin © OD &) Vitamin E 8 @) Vitamin B, [CET (Karnatak: fone a-D-glucopyranose unit and opyranose unit with 1,2-elycosidic linkage -glucopyranose units with 1,2-g t two P-D-glucopyranose units with Iabeaa, linkage (@) two o-D-glucopyranose us linkage 65. Biuret testis notgivenby: (a) proteins Do) (©) polypeptide DB @) carbohydrates 66. Deficiency of vitamin E causes: i DB @) scurvy TE (@) none ofthese e) ard © 69, Vitamin (a) riboflavin o © pyridoxine ( ‘ 1B (d) none of these 30 acids which form proteins in nature ,doxine a ut , i gherol sie follo OO) sx D @) four ) Whenane ) enone LVI Neue (WO teypein Bd) Vin MB suet V86 I6 clic (by hy, Jd) esterificatio i Nemec (4) Ky SCKCOD te biog {8 097) 2900 (now go 0 4) Ate £ ied che Veize fom tie wot ga, (6) MUnanie tharvaty (8) Wy Nncxi88 wd Sst toh (3) tAohind'6 toss ye two monosaccharide uni JAMU (Engy ® NO effD-tlucose and C,ofP-D-glactone and C, of B-D-glucose (@) C of B-D-gal (e) Cj ofo-D-g! 112. A metal which can form a cor no acid residues in the polypep- o ‘statements is incorrect about jenatured by UV-rays and at high a uc sat) 2915) 1 (b) cystein a) proline 5 KET rei 200) G (b) H,NOH (d) NaHSO, [CET (Karnataka) 2015} Oo talysing thei : chemical reactions by lowering the ) adenosine (©) uridine = GAB Organic [CET (Karnataka) mn Ob) 3 owt 483, Adenosineisanexample of: veers ais| (a) purine base eB (b) pyrimidine base (©) nucleoside 1G (a) nucleotide H WP hvon 199. The enzyme wi h hydro! and glycerol is called: and an orthophosphoric acid ‘base and an orthophosphoric acid a heterocyeli¢ base and an orthophos- 1 (@) geometrical isomers statement about the following disaccharide is is furanose with o-f (B)is pyranose with f-elycosidc link Biomolecules D ©) Ribose o@ ‘Lysine is least soluble in water in the pH @ 3104 (©) 6to7 ‘olution. The compound is ive test with ninhydrin and yuasaudas 1091202 up Si 9U0 HOHKLAN Oly (p) — wimosdowiory (9) ID (q) () — wmrosdoydsoud (v) foo v st Sur%.01}0) a1p JO 240 LIMA spiae ourue-n so aauianbas (P) ‘suonsesoiur a1goydoupsy (9) auogyoeg eo11au (4) ppg opadadkjod arp jo uonesnayuoo pr*! 20) s1aj01 unoyoad v yo asmyonans Azopuor9s HL | Y TUNOTIO} AHO 4 3s0u3 4 2so190] $0 246 auasayyip sey opuseyo>% 1 uonnjas Buy gia UO! NOH wns vorouoy uupAyoursy lu Seoanyl jo aaneanap jxisoe-enad ( ne (280a) 25a! J© summons umey> uado sayeaipur Suit asoumns (P) yams (@) asoinyjo2 2) he: oy aup 30 HOLMAN “SEZ Tata oa 78 '$-0 ID ¥ 28990.) o {ooo (omtom) Ltd ‘ig mjuuota s SuOULOH juovodivoo [8 1190 oukeuy °€ sng ompmuntisd *1 wor imoyoq WOAtt #9909 Op J aca gumoys mesphgegsS 2B SaymUDP! 672013109 SULA jo 195 YOY n, Ss seers (p) dsoulgery ameseed 209m) (0) (quan ur m9} 10u sop Bun sna $407— Asepuccos oma pur j4Q— Aa oy 2iH Jo YOIy eta 130-— Krmprocen 2009 pu HO iL 1G sdnoss jyq— Around sn03 pu HOT ‘dnox apAuapie 03 HORIPPE e D nonosenw (P) 0 o vonestmaoe! 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