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A Project proposal

For the web based asset management system for assosa






A Project proposal for

Web based Asset Management System for

Assosa University

A Project Proposal Submitted to the Department of Computer Science of Assosa

University in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Computer Science

Prepared by:
Amanuel Tesfa Guta
Endalk Tage Dano
Gashaw Emiru Agegnaw
Wondwosen Gashaw Adane
Main Advisor (MSc) Fekadu Eshetu. 13/01/23 G.C

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

This is certified that the project entitled on <web based asset management system for
Assosa university> developed and submitted by

1. Amanuel Tesfa Guta

2. Endalk Tage Dano
3. Gashaw Emiru Agegnaw
4. Wondwosen Gashaw Adane

A Project Proposal Submitted to the Department of Computer Science of Assosa

University in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Computer Science

Advisors’ Name Signature date

1. _____________________________ __________ _________

2. ______________________________________ _____________ ___________

Examining Board Signature Date
1. ______________________________________ ____________ ___________

2. ______________________________________ ____________ ___________

_____________________________________ ____________ ___________

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

Table of Contents
2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM..............................................................................................2
3. ALTERNATIVE AND PROPOSED SOLUTION.........................................................................3
3.1 ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS.................................................................................................3
3.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION...................................................................................3
4. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT..............................................................................................4
4.1 GEN ERAL OBJECTIVE.........................................................................................................4
4.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................................4
5. PROJECT SUMMARY..................................................................................................................5
5.1 MOTIVATION..........................................................................................................................5
5.2 PROJECT DELIVERABLES....................................................................................................5
5.3 METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................................5
5.4 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT......................................................................................................7
6. EXPECTED BENEFITS AND BENEFICIARIES.......................................................................8
7. PROJECT SCHEDULE AND PRELIMINARY BUDGET.........................................................9
7.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE............................................................................................................9
7.2 PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET......................................................................................9
8. STAFFING REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................11
9. RISK ASSESSMENT....................................................................................................................12
10. FEASIBILITY STUDY...............................................................................................................13
10.1 ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY(CBA)......................................................................................13
10.2 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY................................................................................................13
10.3 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY................................................................................................13
10.4 POLITICAL FEASIBILITY..................................................................................................14
11. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................14

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa


Table 1 Development Tools...................................................................................................................7

Table 2 Expected Benefit and Beneficiary............................................................................................8
Table 3 Project Schedule.......................................................................................................................9
Table 4 Project Budget..........................................................................................................................9
Table 5 Core Project Team Roster.......................................................................................................11
Table 6 Subject Matter Experts...........................................................................................................12
Table 7 Risk Analysis..........................................................................................................................12

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

1. Introduction

Project Name: Web Based Asset Management System for Assosa University
Project Start Date:6th January 2023 E.C Project End Date: ___________

Background of the organization

According to [1] Assosa University (ASU) is one of the third generations Public Universities
in Ethiopia, which was established in May2011 by the Council of Ministers decree number
215/2011.The corner stone was laid on May 4, 2009. The University is established with the
objective to produce qualified and dedicated man power that the country needs.

Background of the study

Subject of our project is web based asset management system for Assosa university. The
system to be developed by our team is digitalized asset registration and utilization controlling
system to ensure fast and efficient record management in the institute; which will have
considerably positive impacts on finance, time and human resource management aspects of
the organization itself as well as all of the stake holders involved in the service area. The
system to be developed is intended to solve the potential problems faced in the area of
quality, wastage of budget and decision making in this educational institute.

The system to be developed is web-based information management system to provide

secured, well documented and less time-consuming service to the users of the institution. The
reason derives us into this project is our observation of the misusage and wastage of
materials that are purchased with a lot of financial expenditure. Our motive is ensuring
efficient utilization of resources in the organization. By allowing the development of this
project, the organization will considerably minimize various costs, complains from
stakeholders and even attract various supporting individuals and organizations by
maintaining image of the organization to the outside world. And this indirectly increases the

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

revenue of the organization with which it may even be able to cover its expenses self-
sufficiently. Link between the organization and our system is that we believe in Assosa
university’s requires of asset management system.

Document Description

This document is a proposal for development of web based asset management system for
Assosa university. This document presents the background of the organization, description of
the system to be developed, Reasons motivated us to do this project and relationship of
Assosa university with asset management system. The next is Description of how the existing
system works, types of functionality provided by the existing system and the problems faced
in the existing system. Alternative and proposed solutions, objectives, beneficiary, budget,
project summary, staff requirement, feasibility study and finally conclusion is also included.

2. Statement of the Problem

Existing System Description

According to our observation ion in the department of asset management of Assosa

university, the currently existing system for managing asset registration is manual. The
activity of asset management is started by registering the purchased on a standard template
called model 19. After registration is completed, any one with the authority of withdrawing
an asset request withdrawal using another standard format called model 22. And after the
request gets approved the requested asset is given to the requesting body. The provides
activities such as:

 Registration of assets in terms of type and quantity

 Submission of asset
 Withdrawal of assets on request
 Arrangement of assets

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

Problems of Existing System

Based on the data we have gathered, from the problem domain, Problems of the existing
system include disappearance of documents and inability to register asset details fully and
correctly. Furthermore, the current system is risky interms of security and time consuming.

3. Alternative Solutions and Proposed Solution

3.1 Alternative Solutions

A. Web Based system: -This is a system in which data is accessed using any device with
web browser software. This system is served over a network and managed at the
central level. We recommend this alternative because according to [2] this option is
less hardware dependent, easily updatable and platform independence among others.
B. Desktop Application: - An application that runs on stand-alone desktop or laptop

computer. Such applications are developed to run on a specific operating system such
as Windows, Mac or Linux and updates to the desktop applications should be
installed by the end-users. The updates may be published through the Internet but the
installation is usually a manual process done by the end-user. This system can provide
more consistent user experience since it is not internet dependent.
C. Mobile App: - A software application that runs in a Smartphone, tablet or other

portable device. Mobile applications are used to provide to users’ similar services as
those accessed on PCs. Apps are generally small, individual software units with
limited function. This type of applications can provide a personalized experience. We
discard this option for it is also platform dependent as desk top applications.

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

3.2 Proposed System Description

Web based application: - Is a data management mechanism in which any device can access
the system as long as it is connected to the internet and have web browser application. This
system lets any user with privileged account to access the system through any web browser
application installed on their devices.

We recommend these solutions for many reasons including: -

 Minimization of hardware, software and high-level expert’s requirement.

 Minimizing platform dependency.
 Minimize cost as compared with desktop application
 It also has high availability in comparison with mobile application

4. Objective of the Project

4.1 General Objective

The general objective of this project is developing web based asset management system for
Assosa university.

4.2 Specific Objectives

The major activities to be performed to deliver a system that fulfill the above general
objective include: -

 Planning
 Gathering system requirement.
 Requirement Analysis.
 Designing the system.
 Implementing the solution designed.
 Testing every components of the system.

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

 Deployment of the system.

 Maintenance of system failures.

5. Project Summary

5.1 Motivation
The reasons that motivated us to do this project is our interest to contribute in the success of
this sector i.e. education, complains we hear at various occasions about the inappropriate
utilization and wastage of resources and financial inefficiency in the organization as a result.

5.2 Project Deliverables

In the process of developing this project we will provide, Proposal document for
development of the system, end user training, user manual for both end users and developers,
digital asset registry database, software requirement specification(SRS) document and SDD
(software design document).

5.3 Methodology
5.3.1 Data Gathering Methods

In this project we will combine two methods of data collection which are interview and
observation as primary source of information. The reason behind our idea of combining
these two methods is to have as clear information as possible. Interview helps as to
understand the actors and functionalities involved in the service area well. And Observation
on the other hand, can tell us how the existing system is working . Options like questioner are
discarded to minimize the stationary cost involved in the process. As a secondary source of
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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

information, we will also use some documents of the organization to figure out structure of
existing system which refers to us document analysis. Loss of important records regarding
the purchase of assets and inability of having a way of tracking usability of organizational
resources motivated us to this project.

5.3.2 Development Methodology

In this project we will use object-oriented development method for analysis, design,
implementation and testing. We choose this method over the traditional method which results
isolation of data and operation. In isolated data and methods, it is hard to track errors.
Whereas object orient method is flexible, efficient for this project development due to its
various features such as modulation of isolated data in to reusable software elements called

5.3.3 Development Approach

There are some methods we use in software development processes. One of the approaches
used is waterfall method in which once the first phase is completed there is no way to turn
back which may result difficulties in correction of mistakes. The other approach is spiral
method in which iterative approach is combined with one of the other approaches and contain
risk analysis features. The other one is v-model in which going to the next phase is possible
only if the previous phase is completed. In this project we will use iterative development
approach. In this method the process of development is in cyclic manner (iterations)
repeating every step after every cycle of SDLC (software development life cycle) process.
Main reason why we choose this approach is to insure availability of rooms for possible
changes in the whole process. This feature is unavailable in methods like waterfall, V-model.
And methods like spiral model are excluded to avoid complexity.

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

5.3.4 Testing Metrics

First every components of the software will be tested by developers (white box testing)
every line of code will be tested to make sure that each of them are performing the desired
task. The system will again be tested at user level (black box testing) to analyze user’s
reaction to our system.

5.3.5 Development Tools

Table 1 Development Tools

Tools Client side Server side

Hard disk 2 TB 2.4TB
RAM 16 GB 64GB
Processor 4.0 GHZ 10.4 GHZ/s
Operating system windows 10 or latest version windows 10 or latest version
Application software Mozilla Firefox, Google Mozilla Firefox, Google
chrome, Microsoft edge , E- chrome and Microsoft edge,
draw max 10.5.0 or later, apache server.
subline text 3 or later.

5.4 Scope of the Project

The scope of our project is limited to few services of the organization and the functionalities
it provides.

In Scope: - Some of the services Provided by this system Are registering newly purchased
asset, creating and management of account for employees with various privileges, allowing
employees approve the withdrawal of organizational properties, generating and sending
report to concerned parties, application for withdrawal of items, among others.

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

Out Scope: - Maintenance for failures occurring after the delivery of the system will be
handled by a new agreement signed between the university and us.

6 Expected Benefits and Beneficiaries

Table 2 Expected Benefit and Beneficiary

How the Project Benefits:

Project Benefits The institute Employees Government Researchers

1. Cost Minimization Minimizing Minimizing foreign

cost for currency required
stationary for stationary
material materials and
minimize misuse of

2. Source of information Providing Facilitate well Serves as

information informed policy secondary
useful for development source of
future planning information

3. Fast service Facilitate Saves their time Helps it in ensuring

allocation of good governance
the necessary
resource at the
right time

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

4. Ensuring document Enables it to Increase sense of

security keep track of accountability
its property

7. Project Schedule and Preliminary Budget

7.1 Project Schedule

Table 3 Project Schedule

28th December 2015-____________

Activities January February March April

O.O Requirement Gathering

O.O Requirement analysis

O.O System Design

O.O Implementation

O.O Testing


7.2 Preliminary Project Budget

Table 4 Project Budget

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

Description Quantity Per unit Total cost
Electricity 5,000 birr

Telephone 2 2,500 5,000 birr

Water supply 3,000 birr

Total infrastructure cost 13,000 birr

Description Quantity Per unit Total cost
Apache server 4 100 birr 400 birr
Edraw max 10.5.0 4 250 birr 1000 birr
Designing applications 3 300 birr 900 birr

Antivirus applications 5 150 birr 750 birr

Microsoft office 2016 10 100 1,000 birr

Window 10 professional 5 50 250 birr

File server 3 200,000 birr 600,000 birr

UPS 2 10,000 birr 20,000 birr

Generators 1 40,000 birr 40,000birr
Security cameras 4 10,000 birr 40,000 birr
Total software, hardware and operating system cost 704,300 birr

Description Quantity Per unit Total cost

Payment for legal adviser 10,000 birr

Total consulting cost 10,000 birr


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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

Description Quantity Per unit Total cost

End user training 15,000 birr

IT staff training 10,000 bir

Total training cost 25,000 birr

Description Quantity Per unit Total cost
Drivers 5 10,000 50,000 birr
Total temporary staff cost 50,000 birr
Description Quantity Per unit Total cost
Mailing 5,000 birr

Oil 35,000 birr

Document printing 10,000 birr

Total other project cost 50,000 birr

Total project estimated cost less contingency 852,300 birr
Contingency (25%) 213,075 birr
Total project estimated cost including contingency 1,065,375 birr

8. Staffing Requirements

Core Project Team Roster

Role Quant Required skill Name/position of Name/
ity first choice Position
Of second choice
Requirement 1 Good language skill specially in Endalk Tage Gashaw Emiru
elicitation local languages

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

System 1 Certificate in System Analysis Wondwosen Gashaw

System design 1 Skill in designing apps. Like Amanuel Tesfa Endalk Tage
Coding 1 Knowledge mark-up languages like Gashaw Emiru Amanuel Tesfa
Testing 1 Experience in testing Endalk Tage

Implementatio 1 Cisco Cirtified Network Amanuel Tesfa

n Administrator certificate
Operation and 2 Cisco Cirtified Network Wondwosen Gashaw Gashaw Emiru
maintenance Administrator certificate
Table 5 Core Project Team Roster

Supporting Subject Matter Experts

Table 6 Subject Matter Experts

Role Qua Knowledge Name/position Name/ Time

ntit area/experience of first choice position allocated
y of to project
Project 1 MSc in Mr. Fekadu Eshetu 1 day
adviser computer science
and engineering
Primary 1 External relation and Mr. Shimelis Haile 3 hrs.
informant partnership expert

Asset management team Mr. Mulualem


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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

9. Risk Assessment

Table 7 Risk Analysis

Potential Problems Preventive Action Contingency Plan

Inability to get licensed software Using vendor provided software Using vendor provided software
Electricity problems(failure) Stand by generators/ups Contacting electric utility service
for immediate repair
Fluctuating requirements from users. Limiting requirements based on Since we are using iterative
scope development, we will include the
new requirement as long as it is
in scope
Luck of transportation facilities for We will arrange trucks as well as Hiring transport rent service
equipment and team members mini busses for transportation companies

10. Feasibility Study

10.1 Economic Feasibility

If this web based asset management system project gets approval, it will have huge impact in
minimizing the money and time invested by this organization for facility purchase. This
system will reduce the budget incurred by the organization for stationary. it will also
minimize the human recourse wasted in manual record handling process. Furthermore, it also
reduces space requirement for record storage. The software and hardware required can be
purchased without violating affecting the budget policy of the organization.

10.2 Technical Feasibility

Although most of the software and hardware requirement of this web based asset
management system project needs to be purchased, resources like electric utility service,
office for development team, physical security (guards), space for building server room can

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa

be arranged by the organization. Depending on the level and complexity of problems in this
system, maintenance can be performed by IT professionals in the organization. But in rare
cases of programming related problems we provide a discounted repairing service. This
system is web based which makes it hardware and operating system platform independent.

10.3 Operational Feasibility

To ensure the efficient utilization of this web based asset management system, we provide
various levels of manuals and training for every users of the system. The system will be
accessible to every authorized professional including IT staff with various levels of
permissions. Most of the functionalities (not all) of this system will be accessed through local
networks to avoid data theft. This can be accessed by any web browser using any type of
machine such as tablets, smart phones, laptops and desktop computers. It can also run on any
operating system like windows and Mac or even on android devices.

10.4 Political Feasibility

The development of this project is intended to serve the organization as well as the country
with respect to the law of this land. We would like to assure all concerned individuals or
groups that this project will not violet any government policies. In contrast, this project will
lay a base for regional as well as federal government plans to ensure efficient utilization of
organizational resource.

11. Conclusion

Since we are developing web based application, it is highly efficient for both government or
the institute as well as for the employees in saving their time and cost. In general, the system
enables the organization to use its resource without considerable loss or damage. Finally,
with the help of this system we believe, we can change the working environment of this

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A Project proposal
For the web based asset management system for assosa


[1] Assosa university profile templet, [published 2014 E.C].

[2] parkersoftware.” web vs dektop” Available: http://www.parkersoftwa /blog/web-vs-desktop-apps-a-weight-up/#:~:text=one%20argument%20for%20deskto
p%20application,quality%20that%20your%20machine%20allows.[Accessed January.

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For the web based asset management system for assosa

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