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In my work immersion journey, I experienced and discovered a lot of new things in such a way
that I learned how to stand on my own two feet and trust in myself. Honestly, at first I thought it
would be hard for me as only a grade 12 student who was given a task to work with professionals
and be a part of their team as well. But, while I was there, I realized something about myself and
the people I am always with. The moment that I learned from my mistakes, which led me to be
strong enough to fight back, and believed that I could do all things through Jesus Christ.

The first thing that I've learned is how to approach people in a nice way since I was deployed to
the Department Bank of the Philippines (DBP), Masbate Branch. For me, approaching people is
not easy because I'm too shy and don't have enough confidence, so that's why I feel pressured
until I no longer know what to do or say. However, I realized that all things can be learned; just
have patience and be a good listener and follower. Slow progress is still a progress. Secondly, the
thing that I've learned is how to have a good relationship with other people. Having respect,
positive attitude, good behavior, always looking forward, and being content with the only things
we have in life is the best way to be in a healthy relationship with other people. Always spread
goodness and be kind. Treat people the way we want to be treated. Thirdly, the things that I've
learned are about the importance of punctuality in the workplace, even in school. One of the
rules that been conduct for being a trainee is always should be punctual. At that time, as a
trainee, I really tried my best to not be late and to always be on time. I'm happy to say that I
finished my 10-day OJT at the bank without any late fees. I always go there before the flag
ceremony begins. And that is why, in this moment, I already believe this line: "Time is gold, so
we should never waste it because it will never be returned." Lastly, the things that I really
learned are being who we are. We all knew that sometimes we choose to pretend just not to look
pitiful in the eyes of people, especially with our friends. We pretend that we're okay even when
we're really not, but we still keep fighting. Pretending is not bad, but we need to express who we
are. We don't need to be afraid, and we also don't need to be somebody else; just be ourselves
and remember that the world is round; we are not always in the dark. The right time will come in
God's will.

As time goes by, all of these things that I have learned from my work immersion journey will be
always part of my life. I will treasure the memories I shared with the people I was with when I
was there, and I will forever be grateful that I had experienced this kind of journey. I prayed that
I could also get the job I wanted, just like the people I most admire—Miss Trixie Rey and Sir
Raymund Zurbito, employees in the Department Bank of the Philippines who loved to serve
people in need.

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