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A. Define Autobiography
B. Delineate Different Types Of Autobiography
C. Determine The Steps In Writing Autobiography


A. TOPIC: Autobiography
B. SKILL FOCUS: Literary And Writing Skill
C. REFERENCES: Study.Com, Langhuage In Literature Philippine Literature, Pp. 341-
D. MATERIALS: Video Presentation, Powerpiont Presentation
E. V.I.: Self Awareness


a. Greetings
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Review of the Last Topic

a. Video Presentation
Autobiography is a type of Literary Non-Fiction, similar to Fiction in that its purpose is to
entertain or express feelings and opinions. The difference is that the Character, Setting and Plot
are real and not imaginary.
An autobiography is a story of a person’s life as told by that person.
Four types of autobiography in shorter forms:
Journals, daily written record of personal experiences and observations.
Diaries, daily written record of personal thoughts and feelings.
Letters, written messages addressed to a specific person or organization.
Memoirs, written about specific events and people, relating the author’s personal experience.

b. PowerPoint Presentation
How do you write an autobiography?
PREWRITING- think about the following:
Important facts in your life like date and place of birth, your parents, place where you grew up,
got formal schooling, and so on;
People and events that influenced your life;
Your feelings towards these people and events; and
Lessons you may have learned from these people and events.
DRAFTING- Write down your autobiography. Provide details so your readers can picture the
events that you describe.
SAHRING AND REVISING- work with a partner for comments. Then revise.
PROOFREADING- review errors in grammar, spelling, usage capitalization and punctuation.
PREPARING THE FINAL COPY- Write your draft one last time. Read it once more for errors
you may have missed.
SHARING- read your work to others and ask them for feedback.

The students will be sorted into four groups the questions regarding with the biography of Dr.
Jose Rizal.
“What inspirations or realizations did you get while reading the biography?”
Share it with your group mates then have a representative to present it with the class.

A biography of Dr. Jose Rizal

Dr Jose Protacio Rizal was born in the town of Calamba, Laguna on 19th June 1861. The second
son and the seventh among the eleven children of Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso. With
his mother as his first teacher, he began his early education at home and continued in Binan,
Laguna. He entered a Jesuit-run Ateneo Municipal de Manila in 1872 and obtained a bachelor's
degree with highest honors in 1876. He studied medicine at the University of Santo Tomas but
had to stop because he felt that the Filipino students were being discriminated against by their
Dominican tutors. He went to Madrid at Universidad Central de Madrid and in 1885 at the age
of 24, he finished his course in Philosophy and Letters with a grade of "Excellent". He took
graduate studies in Paris, France & Heidelberg, Germany. He also studied painting, sculpture, he
learned to read and write in at least 10 languages.
Rizal was a prolific writer and was anti-violence. He'd rather fight using his pen than his might.
Rizal's two books "Noli Me Tangere" (Touch Me Not) which he wrote while he was in Berlin,
Germany in 1887 and "El Filibusterismo" (The Rebel) in Ghent, Belgium in 1891 exposed the
cruelties of the Spanish friars in the Philippines, the defects of the Spanish administration and the
vices of the clergy, these books told about the oppression of the Spanish colonial rule. These two
books made Rizal a marked man to the Spanish friars.
 In 1892 when Rizal returned to the Philippines, he formed La Liga Filipina , a nonviolent
reform society of patriotic citizens and a forum for Filipinos to express their hopes for
reform, to promote progress through commerce, industry, agriculture, and freedom from the
oppressive Spanish colonial administration.
 On July 6, 1892, he was imprisoned in Fort Santiago, on the charge of instigating unrest
against Spain, he was exiled to Dapitan, in northwestern Mindanao. He remained in exile for
four years, but while he was in political exile in Dapitan, he practiced medicine, established a
school for boys, and promoted community development projects, he applied his knowledge
in engineering by constructing a system of waterworks in order to furnish clean water to the
townspeople. In Dapitan. He also met, fell in love and lived with Josephine Bracken.
 In 1896, the Katipunan, a nationalist secret society launched a revolt against the Spaniards.
Although Jose Rizal had no connection with the organization, his enemies were able to link
him with the revolt. To avoid being involved in the move to start a revolution, he asked
Governor Ramon Blanco to send him to Cuba but instead, he was brought back to Manila
and jailed for the second time in Fort Santiago.
On December 26, 1896, after a trial, Rizal was sentenced to die, he was convicted of rebellion,
sedition, and forming an illegal association. On the eve of his execution, while confined in Fort
Santiago, Rizal wrote a poem "Mi Ultimo Adios" ("My Last Farewell") and hid it inside the gas
burner and gave the gas burner to his sister Trinidad and his wife Josephine.
He was executed on December 30, 1896 at the age of 35 by a firing squad at Bagumbayan, now
known as Luneta Park in Manila.
Jose Rizal was a man of many accomplishments—a linguist, a novelist, a poet, a scientist, a
doctor, a painter, an educator, a reformer, and a visionary. He left his people his greatest patriotic
poem, "Mi Ultimo Adios" to serve as an inspiration for the next generations.
1. What’s the difference between autobiography and biography?
2. Do you find the life of Dr. Jose Rizal relatable?
3. In what ways can you make your life more interesting?

1. Give the six steps in writing autobiography.
2. A type of Literary Non-Fiction, similar to fiction in that its purpose is to entertain or
express feelings and opinions.
3. Daily written record of personal experiences and observations
4. Written about specific events and people, relating the author’s personal experiences.
5. Daily written record of personal thoughts and feelings.

Answer Key:
1. Prewriting 6. Sharing
2. Drafting 7. Autobiography
3. Sharing and revising 8. Journals
4. proofreading 9. Memoirs
5. Preparing the final copy 10. Diaries

In a long bond paper, compose your autobiography.

Autobiography rubric

4 3 2 1
The introduction is The introduction states The introduction states There is no clear
inviting. States the main the main topic and the main topic, but does introduction of the main
topic and previews the previews the structure of not adequately preview topic or structure of the
structure of the paper. the paper, but is not the structure of the paper paper.
particularly inviting to nor is particularly
the reader. inviting top the reader.
Details are placed in Details are placed in Some details are not in Many details are not in a
logical order and the logical order but, but the logical or expected logical or expected
way they are presented presentation style order, and this distracts order. There is a little
effectively keeps the sometimes makes the the reader. sense that the writing is
reader. writing less interesting. organized.
Each paragraph contains Each paragraph contains Topic sentence is The topic sentence is not
a topic sentence, a topic sentence, with somewhat clear but there clear. There is a
supporting sentences, some supporting is a need for more seemingly random
and closing sentence that sentences and closing supporting information. collection of
clearly makes a sentence. information.
transition to the next
Writer uses vivid words Writer uses vivid words Writer uses words that Writer uses limited
and phrases that linger and phrases that linger communicate clearly, vocabulary that does not
or draw pictures in the or draw pictures in the but the writing lacks communicate strong or
reader’s mind, and the reader’s mind, but variety, punch or flair. capture the reader’s
choice and the occasionally the words interest. Jargon or
placement of the word are used inaccurately or clichés may be presented
seem accurate, seem seem overdone. and detract meaning.
natural and not forced.
No misspellings. No Some spelling and/or Some spelling and/or Many misspellings and
grammatical errors. The some grammatical some grammatical errors grammatical errors
paper is type written, errors. The paper is type and/or paper does not and/or paper does not
double-spaced, 12-point written, double-spaced, exactly follow technical follow technical
font, single page. 12-point font, single requirements. requirements.

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