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-In my point of view, I think it is important to take risks in our lives.

Taking risks is one

of the most crucial ways /to advance skills and gain experience. If life was the same, was
safe, was easy that nobody failed. Taking Risks creates new opportunities and great
adventures. For Example, College is a time to get out of your box and try something
new. You can join a new club, get an internship, or talk to new people. That is how we
open the door to new chances.

- Supporting idea 2: I disagree with you, Taking risks to rewire/riwai/ our beliefs,
rethink/rithink/ our goals to try again. If you win, you will be happy, and if you lose you
will be wise. /waiz/ .Thomas Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts to invent
lightbulbs. After failures, he recognized he gained// the experience necessary to make his
lightbulb a reality. => Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.

Supporting idea 3: That’s probably true, but accepting risks brings many opportunities to
improve the living standards of individuals. People who are getting familiar with other
types of competition //need to take risks to give a new direction in life and develop
creative and cognitive skills to define their abilities.

To put it simply, the question of whether it is important to take risks in our lives is a
complex one //that requires careful consideration of the potential benefits and drawbacks.
taking risks can lead to personal growth and new experiences, but it can also have
negative consequences. So we can build a life that is both fulfilling and secure.

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