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 Neutral pH is defined as pH 7 (water, salt)

 If you add enough alkaline to acidic solution (or vice versa), eventually you will get pH 7
solution -> process is called neutralization (hence why pH 7 is called “neutral solution”
 “Universal Indicator” pH colors is NOT “Universal”
o There are also Litmus “red” and “blue” paper and phenolphthalein indicator colors

Physical Vs Chemical Changes

 Physical changes DOES NOT create a new substance. IT IS reversible:

o Example: Ice can melt creating liquid water. It is still water. You can convert it back
to ice by freezing it
 Chemical changes DOES create a new substance. IT IS NOT reversible*:
o Example: Hydrochloric Acid + Sodium Hydroxide -> Sodium Chloride + Water
 Sodium Chloride: Another name for table salt
o *Only on it’s own. Can reverse it but must use other chemicals and is REALLY hard.
 IMPORTANT NOTE: Be descriptive when comparing chemical reaction rates.
o Example: Reaction A is more reactive than reaction B because it has MORE bubbles,
Balancing Chemical Reactions 101
1. Count the atoms first. A new element will ALWAYS START with a capital letter. Subscript
means number of atoms
a. E.g. C is carbon. CO2 is Carbon and 2 Oxygen Atoms. Co is Cobalt, NOT Carbon and
1 oxygen atom
b. Both sides of equation MUST HAVE same number of all element atoms.
Note: From the example below in the study sheet. You’re not sure where to put the
number 2. Hint is:

1. The number will ALWAYS be at the start of the chemical product.

2. You NEVER have to fill the number as a subscript (that would be TOO advanced)

E.g. In this, you will NEVER write it as CuO2 and since you have to ALWAYS write
number at start, it should be 2CuO instead of Cu2O

 In the example above: What if its double reaction with 2 products? How do we know if
the question is C3H8 + O2 -> H2O + CO2
o See how the left has 8 Hydrogen (H) atoms, but the right only have 2 hydrogen
atoms? This means that the 4 must be in front of H2O.
 Turns into: C3H8 + O2 -> 4H2O + CO2
o Similarly, left has 3 carbon atoms, hence to balance, 3 should be in front of CO 2.
 Turns into: C3H8 + O2 -> 4H2O + 3CO2
o But now, the right side has 10 Oxygen (O) molecules while the left only has 2.
Therefore, we MUST balance back the left side to also have 10 Oxygen also.
Thus O2 turns into 5O2.
 Final Answer: C3H8 + 5O2 -> 4H2O + 3CO2
o Also if component is written as Na(OH), you can ignore the parenthesis and
count as separate O and H or count it as OH but both sides MUST have equal O
and H.
Remembering Acids and Oxidation Reactions

 Oxidation Reactions:
o React with metal, name will always end with “oxide”
o E.g. Potassium + Oxygen => Potassium Oxide, Copper + Oxygen => Copper
o IMPORTANT: Combusting ARE oxidation reactions.
 If test mentions something like “metal combustion”; add in the “oxide as
 Example: What is the product of combusting potassium?
 Answer: Potassium Oxide
 Notice how the answer is the same as:
“Potassium + Oxygen -> Potassium Oxide”
 Metals + Acids
o Produces salt + hydrogen
 Note: Salt is a generic term. Both “Zinc Chloride” and “Sodium
Chloride” are classified as “salts”
 Metal Carbonate + Acids
o Produces salt + water + carbon dioxide
o You can distinguish easily whether if it’s metal carbonate or metal that is reacting
with acid by asking “Is there carbon as a product”
 If the product INCLUDES CARBON dioxide: then the starting metal is a
CARBONate form
 If there is no Carbon dioxide -> Just metals.
 Figuring out Products of Reactions
o Look for key words “acid’ AND “oxide”. If there is -> Reaction has water AND
o Look for the word: “Carbonate”
 If there is -> There’s water AND carbon.
 If there isn’t -> Reaction has NO water
o Finally: If there is NO water in reaction, the reaction MUST have hydrogen.

 Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid

o Here:
 We ONLY see “acid” but no “oxide”
 We DO NOT see “carbonate”
 Thus, thus reaction only produces metal + hydrogen
o Answer: Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen (Metal+Acid)

 Nitric Acid + Strontium Hydroxide

o Here:
 We see BOTH “acid” and “-oxide”
 We DO NOT see “carbonate”
 Thus reaction produces: Water + Salt
o Answer: Strontium Nitrate + Water (Neutralization Reaction)

 Potassium Carbonate + Citric Acid

o Here:
 We see “Carbonate”
 Thus reaction must also produce carbon + water
o Answer: Potassium Citrate + Carbon + Water (Metal Carbonate + Acid)

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