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A. Emails formales (personas desconocidas)

● Dear Sir or Madam,
● To whom it may concern,
● To the attention of ____,
● Yours faithfully,

B. Emails formales (personas conocidas)

● Dear Mr President,
● Dear Mr Smith,
● Dear Ms Johnson,
● Yours sincerely,
● Respectfully yours,

C. Emails semiformales
● Dear John Smith,
● Dear Sarah,
● Dear friend,
● Regards,
● Best regards,

● I would be grateful if you could...
● We are interested in obtaining/receiving...
● Could you recommend ___?
● What is your current list price for ___?
● Would you be so kind as to ___?
● We would appreciate it if you could send us more information about...
● I must ask you whether...
● We would be grateful if...
● We are interested in... and would like to know...
● We carefully considered your proposal and...
● We are sorry to inform you that...


a. That’s all I have to say about...
b. So, in this section, we’ve looked at…
c. Well, I think I’ve said enough about...


a. Let’s summarise briefly what we’ve looked at...
b. If I can just sum up the main points...
c. So, to remind you of what I’ve covered in this talk…

a. Thank you very much for coming. I hope you have found this presentation

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to______________________

I would like to _____________________, if it is possible.

As you can see , I completed a degree in nursing, so I am qualified to teach children about
it. Besides, I suffer from diabetes, so I am quite familiar with this illness and how to deal
with it.

Furthermore, I have some experience organising entertaining events for children, as I

worked at a regular camp for children last summer. For this reason, I am capable of
organising and playing fun games with children.

Finally, I must say that I can speak 3 languages, since I have spent some time abroad, in
England and Germany. Therefore, apart from Spanish, I am fluent in English and German.

Can I ask about the duration of the camp? What is the daily timetable?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


To whom it may concern

Good morning, I am Cristina and last month I bought a kit of spoons for my new home. I
had been waiting for it for a long time and I am writing with regard to it unchanged. I
made a mistake when I made the order and I would be grateful if you could change to
another kit which is smaller. However I could say that you have a really good shop that is
beautiful and modern, and I must say that the problem comes from me and not from your
Finally I would like to ask for forgiveness and thank you for being considerate with the
problem that I have.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,



1. Cutting edge: el último grito o la última moda

2. In for a penny in for a pound: de perdidos al río (la versión estadounidense es In for
a dime in for a dollar).
3. It 's raining cats and dogs: está diluviando (literalmente, “llueven gatos y perros”).
4. It rings a bell: me suena.
5. It turns out that... : resulta que...
6. I’ve enough on my plate: tengo muchas cosas de las que ocuparme y no puedo
7. Kiss and make up: borrón y cuenta nueva.
8. Long story short...: en resumen…
9. Make up your mind: decídete.
10. Make yourself at home: como si estuvieras en tu casa (expresión de cortesía para
cuando se reciben visitas).
11. Mind the gap: cuidado con el hueco (esta puedes oírla con frecuencia en el metro
de Londres, para avisar a los viajeros de que no introduzcan el pie entre coche y
12. Never mind: no importa, no te preocupes.
13. No bother: no te preocupes / no es molestia.
14. Not my cup of tea: no es lo mío.
15. Off the top of my head: si no recuerdo mal / así, sin pensarlo mucho...
16. Out of the blue: de repente.
17. Piece of cake!: pan comido.
18. Start from scratch: empezar de cero.
19. The straw that breaks the camel 's back: la gota que colma el vaso.
20. To see eye to eye (with somebody): tener el mismo punto de vista, ver el mundo de
la misma manera.

Albeit → AUNQUE
Although → aunque
On the one hand…. on the other hand
In contrast to → en contraste con…
Still, yet → todavía
Because of → debido a
As a result
Such us (for example)
By any chance → por casualidad
Perhaps → quizá
I stand a chance → apuesto a que
If by any chance you could explain us how to do it, we will be so grateful

First of all…
In the fist place i would like to explain you …
In the second place
Finally, In conclusion
And eventually → y finalmente

In fact
From my point of view
I agree
I disagree
To be honest
It is true that
I my view

In other words
Above all
At least
In general

In addition -- adicionalmente
Furthermore → además
However -> no obstante
Nevertheless → no obstante
On the other hand → por otro lado
Therefore → por lo tanto
Consequently → consecuentemente

To whom it may concern


1. Primero debes saludar de manera respetuosa usando solo el apellido.

● Dear Sir or madam, Dear Sir/ Madam,: Estimado Señor o Señora

● To whom it may concern: A quien interese.

2. Puedes presentarte brevemente al comienzo del escrito con tu nombre, luego explicar
el motivo y referirte a una carta previa.

● My name is… / Mi nombre es…

● I am contacting you to… / Lo estoy contactando para…
● I am writing to… / Estoy escribiendo para…
● I am writing with regard to / in response to… / Estoy escribiendo con respecto a / en
respuesta a…
● With reference to… / Con referencia a…
● In reply to your (letter or email)… / En respuesta a su (carta o correo electrónico)…

3. Después escribe tu mensaje según la información que necesites dar o solicitar.

● Could you please…? / ¿Podría por favor…?

● I would like to… / Me gustaría…
● I would appreciate if you… / Apreciaría si usted…
● It would be grateful if you could… / Le agradecería que pudiera…
● Could you possibly…? / ¿Le sería posible…?
● Please let me know… / Por favor hágamelo saber…
● We are happy to let you know that… / Estamos felices de informarle que…
● We are willing to… / Estamos dispuestos a…
● I am glad to inform you that… / Me alegra informarle que…
● I regret to say/to inform you that… / Lamento decirle / informarle que…
● I am afraid… / Me temo que…
● I am not satisfied with… / No estoy satisfecho con…
4. Al final puedes referirte a un archivo adjunto.

● P.S. I am attaching my – I have attached my …for your consideration / PD Estoy

adjuntando mi – He adjuntado mi… para su consideración
● P.S. I am sending you …as an attachment / PD Le envío… como archivo adjunto
● P.S. please see the…attached / PD por favor vea el… adjunto
● P.S. please find attached the…you requested / PD Encuentre adjunto el… que usted

5. Para terminar este tipo de texto debes escribir la despedida.

● I look forward to hearing from you (shortly) / Quedo a la espera de su respuesta

● I would like to thank you in advance for… / Me gustaría agradecerle de antemano
● Yours faithfully, / Atentamente, (cuando no sabes el nombre del destinatario)
● Yours sincerely, / Atentamente, (cuando sabes el nombre del destinatario)
● Yours truly, / Atentamente,
● Yours cordially, / Cordialmente,
● Sincerely, / Sinceramente,
● Respectfully, / Respetuosamente,
● Best regards, / Atentamente, con afecto,
● Thank you, / Gracias,

6. Ahora vamos a ver algunos de los conectores más comunes que puedes usar en
cartas formales.

● Secuencia: Firstly (En primer lugar), secondly (en segundo lugar), finally
(finalmente), simultaneously (simultáneamente), subsequently (posteriormente),
lastly (por último).
● Adición: moreover (además), in addition (además), furthermore (además).
● Contraste: on the one hand/on the other hand (por una parte / por otra parte), by
contrast (en contraste), nevertheless (sin embargo), nonetheless (no obstante), on
the contrary (por el contrario), yet (sin embargo).
● Énfasis: as a matter of fact (de hecho), in reality (en realidad).
○ Ejemplo: that is to say (es decir), for instance (por ejemplo), in other words
(en otras palabras).
● Consecuencia: therefore (por lo tanto), thus (por consiguiente), hence (por tanto),
thereby (de este modo), accordingly (por lo tanto).
● Conclusión: in conclusion (en conclusión), in summary (en síntesis).

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