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Henry VII was secure on the throne by 1487 – Will Savage

Throughout the course of Henry VII’s reign, there were many events and situations that led to
him finally secure the throne in 1487. Of course there were many attempts to remove Henry
from power as his connection to the throne was weak and in some areas illegitimate, but
throughout the first few years of his reign, he captured the attention of most of England as he
started to gain security on the throne.

One of the ways that Henry had been deemed to be most secure is that he h ad within days of
becoming king, surrounded himself with a tight-knit groups of loyal supporters. These men
were chosen for their ability and not on how much money they, or their families made. This
close group of loyal supporters helped Henry as they enabled him to make his most vital
decisions, as well as sus out those pretenders throughout the years Henry is king. By having
his closest friends in power, he was also able to talk to them in his ,Ian language as he spoke
very little England.

However, on thinking about how bad his English was, it really is no surprise that this was a
reason against having him on the throne. Throughout the years, Henry didn’t connect much
with the people of his country, as his English was limited in many places, and that left him
unable to speak to the British population, which led to people wanting a new ruler who could
actually communicate to their country.

On the other hand, Henry did have the support of three massive army’s. No one wanted to
throw him out of power, as the combined force and power of the army’s of France, Burgundy
and Britain. This deterred many people from trying to overthrow him, and he was seen as a
ruler that upheld both justice and order.

He also managed to marry and be in a line which United both the houses of York and
Lancaster. This made his claim to the throne stronger as he was married into a line that was
strongly connected with the throne, as well a being born into an illegitimate but still royal

However, if anyone with a weak line could take the throne, that.eft Henry vulnerable and
concerned for his own safety and security. Anyone could come and challenge his authority
and connection to the throne, and if they were able to overthrow and prove their connection
was longer, they would be able to take over as they had a stronger connection.

In conclusion, it can be said that Henry 7 was secure, but there were many moments
throughout his rise to power when it could all have gone massively wrong. Therefore, even
though we was secure in the end, he was most lily not fully secure throughout the main years
of his reign.

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