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This poetic journey has been a very fun and exciting experience.

It was my greatest pleasure that

I was able to go on this journey while learning much about poetry. My love for poetry and literature has
ever more increased and I am much delighted that I was able to read many wonderful poems written by
gifted poets. I have gained a deep appreciation for poetry as I went along the different units that
discussed the many different forms, structures and significance of poetry. I learned so much and I think
from now on I will continue my goal of writing at least thirty poems before this year ends. It was so
much fun gaining knowledge about poetry and putting this knowledge to practice by writing different
kinds of poems. I never thought I would be able to write a poem in the Visayan language, but here I have
written one and even translated it to English (though for me it was a very fun yet difficult task).

Poetry allows me to realize that within this mind of mine there are thoughts that I need to
express. Ideas that I need to write down and cherish, that it may remain with me for the rest of my days.
I have written songs and poems in the past but I think through this learning experience my future works
will have so much more depth and meaning because I have learned the proper way of composing poems
and the its variety of forms. I love that I have learned poetry in this semester, I hope this knowledge that
I have learned would become a great help for me in the future.

Thus, I am grateful for all the activities and assessments as it nurtured my understanding for
poetry. Without this, I would not have appreciated poetry as much as I do now. From now on, I would
not limit my readings to classic books on literature but also include poems to further develop my
learning of poetry. Thank you for this wonderful poetic ride!

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