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BORN 14.3.

1879 in Ulm in southwestern Germany

Birth – fat head – Mother thought that baby is deformed (as he grew the head slowly turned into a
normal size)

Albert Einstein was two years older than his only sibling, his sister, Maria. Known to family and
friends as Maja, she not only physically resembled him but as children, they were best friends.

When he was 5 years old, he fell ill one day, his father gave him a compass to cheer him up. Einstein was
amazed that the needle always pointed to the magnetic north no matter which way he turned the
compass. In his Autobiographical notes, he recalled: ´´I can still remember-or at least I believe I can
remember- that this experience made a deep and lasting impression upon me. Something deeply hidden
had to be behind things.´´ So began a lifelong fascination with physics. He later said that if he hadn´t
become a physicist he´d probably be a musician. He loved music, especially Mozart sonatas, and played
violin. Unlike many geniuses, Einstein wasn´t a child prodigy.

His family was Jewish but he attended a Catholic elementary school where he excelled as a student.
There was a rumor going around that he flunked math but to the contrary, Einstein said that he already
mastered differential and integral calculus before the age of 15.

For a while, his father Hermann ran a small electrochemical plant but he struggled to keep it going.
Eventually, he moved his family to Italy In hopes of finding new opportunities.

Young Albert stayed behind to finish high school. He hated school where success depended on
memorization and obeying authority. He was a rebel and apparently threw temper tantrums. One
exasperated teacher even said he would never amount anything. Einstein dropped out of at age 15. He
also renounced his German citizenship which got him out of mandatory military service. For a few years,
he belonged to no country, and loathed nationalism, preferring to be citizen of the world.

When he did eventually become a citizen again, it was Swiss. When he moved to Switzerland, he tried
to get admitted to the prestigious Swiss Federal Institute of technology. He did well in the math and
physics section of the entrance exam but is said to have done horribly in language, zoology, and botany.
It didn´t help that the exam was in French. So he didn´t get in and instead, continued his high school
studies. He was a good student, scoring the highest possible grade of 6 in many subjects, including math
and physics. With this he was automatically admitted to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
where he had originally flunked the entrance exam. He enrolled in a four-year teaching program in
math and physics.

As a child hardly ever spoke – he uttered the words in his mouth before speaking – his parents were
fearful that the boy is retarded, and even the family maid nicknamed him 'The dopey one' - By the age
of 9, Einstein began speaking clearly.
Einstein's teachers didn't consider him a good student and didn't recommend him to study further
because he didn't like the way of their teaching

When he was 16, Einstein wrote his first research paper in which he investigated Ether, the
hypothetical matter that fills the entire space(his first scientific paper)

As a kid, Einstein was definitely intelligent, but he was bad in a certain way, and he had very little
patience for rote learning (in that sense he was a troublemaker, always challenging Authority, always
asking questions. It takes someone willing to be different and willing to be an outcast to come along
with the theory that overthrows long-held notions because it also takes being right. If Einstein’s
parents were worried about their son’s ability to learn, they needn´t have been. Records in the Swiss
archives show Einstein had a grasp of college physics by the time he was 11, Some believe his
father Hermann working as an engineer inspired Einstein to think about how the world worked he
was about 15 when he began to have this recurring question and the question was what would the
universe look like if he could ride on a beam of light.

Was so smart that scientists studied his brain after he died to figure out why.

One day got Albert Einstein sick. He felt so bad that he couldn´t even move from bed. His family was sad
about this fact and one day his dad brought him a compass. Young Albert was so fascinated by it that it
had disrupted him from being gloomy. He had played with it the whole day. The most fascinating fact for
him, about the compass, was that in which direction did the compass turn it always pointed to the
north. This is the way how his interest in physics was born. One week later he felt all right and the next
day it was school. In the morning he brushed his teeth and ran on the school bus with his sister Maja.
When they arrived on the campus of the Catholic school they ran quickly to their classes. They had
math. As always Albert wasn´t really happy with how they learned and mostly he was against
memorizing. Most of his classmates didn´t really like him because he was kind of a rebel in the school
and often, as in the meantime, he had temper tantrums. And the teacher’s cup of patience overflowed.
He told him that he will never accomplish anything because of his behavior and dumbness. At the age of
fifteen, he dropped out and renounced his German citizenship. He was a citizen of the world. After that
he didn´t know what to do so he moved by train to the Swiss. When he got there he was a bit confused
but he realized that his family moved there a few years before so he visited them. They were happy to
see him again. When he finished school, it was hard for him to find a new school because he was bad at
school and the only subjects, he was good at were math and physics. He was thinking about two schools
the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the Swiss school of business and management. Business
school wasn´t anything interesting for him, he was more in physics but on the other hand, his other half
whom he met on a train while traveling to Swiss was going to that school. But after long thinking, he
joined the Swiss Federal Institute of technology because he was too interested in physics. It was hard for
him to leave his love but when she said she loves someone else she broke his heart. It made his decision
a bit easier but not much because he still loved her. At school, he was really good and he found new
friends. And as would Albert Einstein say ´´ How on the earth are you ever going to explain in terms of
chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? ´´

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