Question 2 B&J Case Study

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From what you’ve learned about communicating to stakeholders in this and past chapters,

evaluate the effectiveness of this CSR report. Would you have produced it differently?

CSR is the inclusion of public interest into corporate

decision- making. The honoring of a triple bottom line (the
three Ps) refers to people (social), planet (environmental) ,
and profit (economic), suggesting the three performance
areas that a company should serve and measure. (Janis
Teruggi, and Lawrence J, 2018)

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the B & J CSR report, we can determine how well the
company is covering all the three Ps (people, planet and profit) (Janis Teruggi, and Lawrence
J, 2018). In other words the actions taken by B&J to address the economic, social and
environmental impacts of its business operations and the concerns of its principal stakeholders.

B&J’s mission is focused on meeting human needs and eliminating injustices in the local,
national, and international communities by integrating these concerns in their day-to-day
business activities. B&J’s mission statement clearly highlights their commitment to CSR.

Their core values cover the basis of corporate social responsibility which is social, environmental
and economic aspects. On their website, where it says “our values” the company says “we seek
in all we do, at every level of our business, to advance human rights and dignity, support social
and economic justice for historically marginalized communities, and protect and restore the
Earth's natural systems” (Activism, n.d).

The company’s website allows us to learn more

about how they do their business by incorporating
social, economical and environmental values.
The website also contains more information about the Movements they support as a company
which includes; Racial justice, Fairtrade, Human Rights and Refugees, Democracy, Reimagine
Criminal Justice, Campaign Finance reform, LGBTQ + Rights, including NON-GMO (
genetically modified organisms) standards, and Climate justice (Issues We Care About, n.d).

In overall Ben & Jerry’s CSR report is effective because they are very transparent about their
CSR goals and initiatives and how accountable they are for its impact on the world as a
company. Ben & Jerry's mission seeks “to meet human needs and eliminate injustices in [their]
local, national, and international communities by integrating these concerns in [their] day-to-day
business activities”.
The company keeps us updated about their accomplishments by publishing social &
environmental assessment reports.

In their reports they stay transparent about the challenge it has been to incorporate CSR value in
theory day-to day operations. For example the company had decided to stop selling in palestine
territories because it was inconsistent with its values which was one challenging decision for the
company that caused them a lot of issues.
The company faced backlash regarding this decision in the form of a defamation and
intimidation campaign against Ben & Jerry and its employees. (Our 2021 Social
Environmental Assessment Report)

They also remain transparent when it comes to challenges concerning climate change.

The report contains data allowing the company to stay credible and prove that are committed in
establishing CSR

Racial equity data:


(Dan D'ambrosio, 2023)

Child labor is a main issue that the company is recently facing. When it comes to operating overseas the
company should reinforce its policy to make sure that overseas countries are obeying these policies and
that their activities correspond to Ben & Jerry values. More child labor monitoring through regular audits
and inspections is needed to do so.
The company could also avoid misleading information in the future. The company also had a
controversial packaging, which assumed that their products come from happy cows which was not true.
The company promotes high quality animal care and sustainable practices but when they were confronted
by this packaging issue, Ben & Jerry simply got rid of the happy cows packing instead of improving its
practices. (Shooster Jay, 2022)

What the company could have done instead of changing its packaging is to review its animal welfare
policies, provide animal welfare training, conduct assessment regularly, and work closely with suppliers
to ensure great conduct towards animals.

Lastly, the company should keep the public informed about the progress it is making and how it plans to
address concerns such as child labor and animal welfare. To prevent a scandal that might harm the firm's
image and call shareholders into question, the corporation should pay closer attention to whether its
mission statement and ideals line up with reality.


Janis Teruggi, and Lawrence J. Parnell. Introduction to Strategic Public Relations: Digital,
Global, and Socially Responsible Communication. SAGE Publications, 2018.

“Activism.” Https://Www.Benjerry.Com, [Accessed 2 May 2023].

“Issues We Care About.” Https://Www.Benjerry.Com, [Accessed 2 May 2023].

“Sear Reports: Ben & Jerry’s.” Https://Www.Benjerry.Com, [Accessed 2 May 2023].

“Our 2021 Social & Environmental Assessment Report.” Benjerry.Com, 2021,
[Accessed 2 May 2023]

Dan,D'ambrosio, “Balint demands answers from Ben & Jerry's regarding reports of child labor”
Burlington Free Press, 9 Mar
o%20facing, [Accessed 2 May 2023]

Shooster, Jay. “In Court, ‘Sustainable’ Brands Argue That Marketing Claims Are Meaningless.”
Sentient Media, Oct. 2022,
[Accessed 2 May 2023]

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