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Partial 4th

TOPIC: “Natural phenomena and recent historical processes”

Course: 1st. B.G.U

WEEK No. 1

Activity 1. Choose the words from the box and write them next to the corresponding

Avalanche tornado drought flood hail lightning fog earthquake clouds

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

________________________ ___________________________ ________________________

________________________ ___________________________ ________________________

Present Simple

Activity 2. Look at the picture. What do you think the two men are talking about.

Activity 3. Listen read and check your answers.


Alan: You know, Diana has a new job.

Brian: Wow! Where does she work?

Alan: At the new Italian restaurant.

Brian: Really? Does she enjoy it there?

Alan: She loves it. She meets people every day.

Bryan: Does she meet famous people, too?

Alan: Yes, she sometimes does, but, … umm… there is one problem.

Bryan: What?

Alan: She never comes home early. You see she finishes work late.

Bryan: Oh, that’s bad.

Alan: Yes, it is. She doesn’t cook any more.

Bryan: So, does she bring food home from the restaurant?

Alan: No, she doesn`t. She has dinner there and I make my own meals.

Activity 4. Read again and write T for True or F for False.

a. Diana enjoys her work at the restaurant. __________________

b. Dina always meets famous people at the restaurant. __________________
c. Diana never goes home late. __________________
d. Alan has dinner at the restaurant. __________________
e. Alan cooks his own meals. __________________

Activity 5. Complete the dialogue.

A: 1______________________your brother live with you?
B: No, __________________. 3 _______________________ in Boston. He has his own house.
A: 4. ________________________ cook his own meals, too?
B: Yes, 5 __________________________. 6. _____________________ like restaurants, you know.

Activity 6. Complete the dialogue with the Present Simple of the verbs in the box.

Finish not have make work

A: My father 1 ____________________ dinner at home.

B: Really ?

A: He 2_______________________ at a furniture store and he 3 _________________________ work late.

B: Does he sell furniture?

A: No he doesn’t. He 4 __________________________ furniture.

Answers: 1 doesn’t have 2 works 3 finishes 4 makes

WEEK No. 2

TOPIC: “Natural phenomena and recent historical processes”

Activity 1. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps. There is one extra word that you do
not need.

Tsunami tornado drought flood hail lightning fog earthquake eruption

blizzard cloudy thunder shade forecast breeze tidal waves

1. It didn't rain for a long time and the ______________________ruined the harvest.
2. We heard the loud sound of ________________________in the distance.
3. During the __________________all the houses were covered by water.
4. The_________________ was moving to the coast of the Mexico.
5. We couldn't see anything because of the___________________
6. It was very snowy last night, we had a real ______________________
7. A flash of light in the sky is called_____________________
8. A________________ took Dorothy's house to the land of Oz.
9. You have to stay away from the volcano during the _______________________
10. You should listen to the weather_______________________ before you go camping.
11. We felt the gentle _________________from the ocean on our faces.
12._____________________consists of small balls of ice that fall from the sky.
13. You cannot see stars in the ___________________sky at night.
14. It is fresher to stay in the_____________________ of the trees on a hot day.
15. The ground was shaking terribly during the__________________________


Activity 2. Read Tom’s busy day.

Tom’s busy day

Tom is a student at the university in London. He

studies history there. He is the first year student.

But Tom is a bad student . Every day he is very,

very "busy". His alarm clock rings at 7:00 o'clock.
But he usually turns over and goes to sleep
because he's tired. Sometimes, he throws the
alarm clock across the room. So he wakes up late,
at about 8:30 o'clock. And he runs to the
bathroom to wash and brush his teeth. He doesn't
have time to have a shower. He doesn't have time
to eat and he has to drink his tea in a hurry!

He takes his bag and runs to the bus stop to catch his bus. He gets to university only

at 9:30. Every morning Tom is late to the first lesson. Tom comes home at about 16:00
o'clock and he has dinner. After dinner, he sometimes watches TV, plays the guitar but
he usually goes out with friends Tom never does his homework. He comes late at 2 or 3
o'clock at night.... and he goes to bed because he is always very tired at this time.

And tomorrow he has another "busy" day!

Activity 3. Read again and answer the questions.

1. Where does Tom study? ___________________________________________

2. What time does his alarm clock ring? ___________________________________________

3. Why can't he get up? ___________________________________________

4. Does he have time to have a shower? ___________________________________________

5. What does he eat for breakfast? ___________________________________________

6. What time does Tom get to university? ___________________________________________

7. What time does he have dinner? ___________________________________________

8. What does Tom usually do after the dinner? ___________________________________________

Activity 4. Complete the questions with: Where, When, What, Who, How, Why.

1. ______________studies history? (Tom)

2.____________does he go to the university? (by bus)

3. ____________does Tom study history? (in London)

4._______________ does Tom drink for breakfast? (a cup of tea)

5._____________ does he go to bed at night? (at 2 or 3 o'clock)

6.______________ does Tom never do his homework? (because he goes out with friends)


Activity 5. Remember, we use Wh-questions to ask for extra information about something
or somebody.

Activity 6. Read the answers. Write questions with what time, where, when , what and
who with using the word in bold as a clue.

WEEK No. 3

TOPIC: “Natural phenomena and recent historical processes”

Activity 1. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

Sea - bigger - land - high - denser - cold - sea breeze


a) During land breeze, the land becomes, ____________________very quickly

b) _______________takes place at day time.
c) During sea breeze, the temperature on the land becomes__________________________
d) The air particles on the becomes ____________________during land breeze
e) The gaps between the air particles on sea become____________________ during
f) Air moves from___________________ to __________________during sea breeze

Past Tense

Activity 2. Look at the woman in the picture. What do you know about her?

Activity 3. Read and compare information in the texts with your answers.

Barbra Streisand was born in 1942 in Brooklyn, New York. She

started her career as a singer and she first appeared on
Broadway in the 1960s. In 1968 she won an Academy Award for
the film Funny Girl. In the 1970s and 1980s she starred in
several popular

films and she was also a very successful singer. In 1983 she
made the film Yentl, and it was a "one woman show”. Barbra
produced, directed and starred in the film and she sang the
songs, too.

In the 1990s she produced and directed two more films. In September 2000 she gave a
farewell concert in New York. Was this her last show? Who knows?

Activity 4. Read again and complete the table with the missing information.


Born in (year):

Born in (place):


What she did in 1960s:

What she did in 1970s:

Activity 5. Read and complete the next task.

WEEK No. 4

Topic: “Society and technology”

Computer words

Activity 1. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.




1. Use the right button of your_____________ to copy and paste.

2. My 32GB_______________ is amazing. I can save thousands of documents and photos in it!

3.The__________________ he was using was very old, and so we couldn't hear what he was


4.Where are my______________? I want to listen to music while you're watching your

favourite TV programme.

5. I couldn't see anything since the_______________was blurry.

6. Save this document on your ______________ , so that you can see it every time you turn

on your computer.

7.We need to have a microphone and a ______________________ when we work online, so that

We can hear, speak and see our classmates.

8. Use the______________ to type your name.

9. I love my new______________ . I use it as an agenda and to draw anime. Its_________________

is enormous!

10. A__________________ is much better than a computer because you can carry it around


11. My _____________ connection is sometimes unstable and my classmates say I'm frozen.

12. I'll use my___________________ to make a copy of this document.

Past tense of be

Activity 2. Read and look the picture and answer the question.

kite/ football

Activity 3. Read the dialogue.

Albert: So, where were you yesterday?

Brenda: We were on a tour of the old city. 4

Albert: Oh, my wife was there last week. So, how was it?

Brenda: It was lovely. 5

Charlie: Yes, it was very interesting.

Albert: Was it expensive?

Brenda: No, not really. Well, the tickets for the castle were very

expensive of course. 10

Charlie: Oh, yes and it was full of tourists.

Brenda: The whole city was crowded.

Charlie: And the souvenirs... Oh, they were horrible.

Brenda: There was a nice souvenir store 15

but it was very expensive....

and the sales assistants weren't very polite to us.

Albert: So, was it a nice tour or not?

Brenda: No, it was awful! 20

Charlie: Yes, yes, really awful!

Activity 4. Read again and find who or what these words refer to.

a. it (line 4) ____________________________________________________________

b. it (line 11) __________________________________________________________

c. they (line13) ________________________________________________________

d. us (line 18) __________________________________________________________

Activity 5. Read and answer the questions.

WEEK No. 5


Topic: “Healthy food and Drones”

Activity No. 1

Activity No. 2

Doctors and nutritionists experts recommend: Choose and write below.

1. _______________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________
2. _______________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________


Topic: “Society and technology”

How to use technology?

Activity 1. Fill in the gaps with the technological vocabulary and with the correct verb.

Now, in this part you are going to talk about different hobbies showed in the pictures.

Activity 2. Answer the following question below.

Do you like these different hobbies?

Do you think:

…………….playing football is fun?

…………….playing an instrument is difficult? 

……………playing computer games is boring? 

……………reading is interesting?

 …………..painting/drawing is boring?

Activity 3. Which of these do you like best?

 Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?

Now I'd like each of you to talk on your own about something. Look the photograph and I'd
like you to write and talk about it at least 5 statements for each one.

Here is your photograph.
It shows someone at home
studying after school.

b. ______________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________

Here is your photograph.

It shows someone at
home playing video
games after school.
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________

Here is your photograph.

It shows someone at home doing
gardening after school.
b. ______________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________


Activity 4. Now I'd like each of you to talk on your own about something. I'm going to give
each of you some questions and I'd like you to talk about it.

1. What is your name? __________________________________________________

2. What is the Date today? __________________________________________________

3. Where are you from? __________________________________________________

4. Where do you live? __________________________________________________

5. Do you live in a house or in an apartment? __________________________________________________

6. What is your favorite color? __________________________________________________

7. How often do you travel? __________________________________________________

8. How often do you go to the church? __________________________________________________

9. What Do you think about your President? __________________________________________________

10. What is the name of your English teacher? _________________________________________________

Week 7.

Topic: “Problems detectives and future university studies”

Activity 1. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

Common Problems Students Face During University Life

Disease overwhelmed life university students Homesickness friends

number health preparation useful usually friends

Starting _______________________________ can be compared to starting a whole new chapter of

life. A good ________________________of students are not ____________________________prepared
for the possible challenges that university life has to offer, hence causing them to
get________________________. However, one can have the upper hand if adequate
________________________is made beforehand.
it is ______________________for you to know the most common problems like the ones that
have been elaborated on below. In university_______________________, the first year is often
extra hard due to how different things are in comparison to life at home.
Because it is the first time for most _______________________to be away from their homes,
Education Costs. Finding a New Set of _____________________________It’s quite hard to make
new _______________________. Accommodation problems. Choosing Your best Major. Health,
inadequate sleep, and heightened stress can lead to most of the
______________________________problems in university life. To avoid this, see to it that you eat
balanced meals, any signs of______________________, don`t hesitate to visit your university

Possessive “WHOSE”
Activity 2. Listen and repeat.

Activity 3. Look at the picture of the two people. What do you think their problem is?
Activity 4. Listen, read and check your answers.

Peter and Jane are from Boston. Today they are in New York for a birthday party.

Peter: This is a nice hotel room.

Jane: Yes, yes, but we're late for your

sister's birthday party. Get dressed! Your
new gray suit is in the suitcase.

Peter: OK,... Umm, honey, do you have a

green sweater and green

and green pants?

Jane: I have green pants but I don't have a

green sweater.

Peter: Is this ugly sweater for

Mary, then?

Jane: No! Mary's present isn't in the suitcase.

Peter: I don't understand. Whose sweater is

this, then?

Jane: Oh no! Look! This isn't our suitcase. It's

Frank and Nancy Blackmore's.

Peter: What? Those people have my new gray

suit and we have these horrible old clothes!

Activity 5. Read again and answer the questions.

a. Whose sister is Mary? ______________________________________________________
b. What color is Peter's suit? ______________________________________________________
c. Whose birthday is it? ______________________________________________________
d. What color is the sweater? ______________________________________________________
e. Whose suitcase do Peter and Judith have? _____________________________________________________

Relative pronouns who, whose and which

Activity 5. Fll in the gaps using WHO, WHOSE or WHICH


TOPIC: “Ecuador is a full color country”


All about you
Activity 2. Read the text and talk about Elke.

Activity 2. Write and talk about Elke.


Activity 3. Read the text.

All About Me
My name's Bradley and I'm fourteen. I'm from
California, but I live in Palm Beach in Australia. It's
one hour from Sydney. I'm a student at Currumbin
High School in Palm Beach. I love science and music,
but I hate geography and math. My favorite subject
is P.E. I can run fast. I play basketball and I surf, but
I don't surf at school! I surf in the afternoons after
school and on weekends.
I like hip-hop and rock music. My dad doesn't like
my music, so I listen to it in my room. I love The
GazettE, a Japanese band. I speak some Japanese, but I don't understand the
words when they sing in Japanese! I watch movies, but I don't watch TV. I love
Jennifer Lawrence, the American actor. She's in my favorite movie, The Hunger
Games. I read science fiction books, but I don't read magazines. I wear T-shirts,
but I don't wear T-shirts with slogans. I hate them! They aren't cool. Chek

Activity 4. What do you know about his preferences? Check the sentences.
1. He surfs. _____________
2. He speaks Japanese. _____________
3. He eats fast food. _____________
4. He loves sports. _____________
5. He wears T-shirts with slogans. _____________
6. He listens to music. _____________

7. He likes movies. _____________
8. He reads magazines. _____________

Activity 5. Read again. Correct the information in blue.

1. Bradley is American. ____________________________________________________

2. He hates science and music. ____________________________________________________
3. He plays basketball after school. ____________________________________________________
4. He listen to music at school. ____________________________________________________
5. He reads romance books. ____________________________________________________
6. He loves T-shirts with slogans. ____________________________________________________

Activity 6. Answers the questions.

1. Where’s Baradley’s school? ______________________________________________
2. What’s his favorite school subject? ______________________________________________
3. What is the Gazette? ______________________________________________
4. What is Bradley favorite movie? _______________________________________________
5. Who is in the movie? _______________________________________________
6. What is Bradley’s opinion of T-shirts with slogans?_____________________________________

Activity 7. Complete the paragraph with the words in the table.

Best friend-brothers-family-father-favorite-free time-from-mother-single-sister-student-

study-want to be-years-yourself

All About Me!

Hello! My name is Soo Mi, and I am almost
(1)_____________ old. I am (2)_____________ the city of
Seoul in South Korea. I have a big family. I have
older (3)_____________ and one younger
My (5)_____________ is a businessman, so he’s quite
and my (6)_____________ stays at home to take care
of the
family. Of course, she’s also very busy! I’m busy,
too. I’m a
(7)_____________ at Seoul Women’s University. I
(8)_____________ English twenty hours a week because in the
future I (9)_____________ an international business person,
like my father. I’m (10)_____________, not married. My (11)_____________ is Ji Su. She
studies English with me, and in our (12)_____________ we like to go shopping in
traditional markets. We also like to go to Dongdaemun Market on weekends and
have coffee and talk with our friends. My (13)_____________ TV show? Well, I love
to watch Korean soap operas (which are also known as
‘daytime dramas’). Could you tell me a little about (14)_____________? What’s your
name? What country and what city are you from, and how many people are
there in your (15)_____________? I would really like to know!

Activity 8. Talk and write on your own.



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