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Poverty Research Proposal

Exclusively available on IvyPanda

Updated: Jul 31st, 2022

Table of Contents
. Introduction
. Poverty: Statement of the Problem
. Significance of the study
. Relevant Literature Review
. Methodology
. Conclusion
. References

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For a long time, poverty has been perceived to constitute lack or inadequacy of
basic needs, including food, clothing, and shelter. The levels by which different
societies achieve these three basic essentials vary, and this explains the
differences in poverty levels among different societies. Today, America is
described to have the highest level of poverty rate compared to other
industrialized countries (Garcia, 2011).

To justify this, the recent and most current statistics from the Census Bureau
shows that the level and rate of poverty in USA is increasing, with minority
ethnic groups being the most disadvantaged (Dye, 2010).

In the past, numerous poverty reduction policies have been formulated and
implemented, but their overall impact remains below expectations, as the main
beneficiaries are the middle class in expense of the poor (Dye, 2010). Therefore,
the situation calls for paradigm shift in policy formulation and implementation.

Poverty: Statement of the Problem

In the year 2010, poverty rate in USA stood at 15.1% up from 14.3% recorded in
the previous year-2009 (USA Census Bureau, 2011). At the same time, it was
noted that poverty rate for the last four years has been increasing at an
estimated rate of 2.6%.

On overall, in 2010, estimates indicated that about 46.2 million Americans are
poor and the rate of poverty increased was observed to affect almost all major
ethnic groups in America: Whites, African American, Asians, Hispanic (USA
Census Bureau, 2011).

Furthermore, the 2010 official statistics indicated the highest rate of poverty the
country had experienced and recorded since 1993. Therefore, in order to address
this issue of increasing poverty, there is need to conduct an action research that
investigates public policy initiatives in USA with regard to poverty, and
subsequently propose the most effective public policy that can be pursued

Significance of the study

Poverty remains an issue that ought to be addressed in the American society as a

way of achieving the American Dream. Social inclusion goals and objectives
postulate that, the well-being of humankind is the essence of stability, peace, and
societal development.

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Therefore, addressing poverty is one way of achieving social inclusion goals. At

the same time, there is need for an effective public policy that comprehensively
addresses the issues of poverty in the country. Therefore, this study possesses the
ability to create a sound body of knowledge that in turn can be used to create an
effective public policy framework.

Relevant Literature Review

Poverty level in USA is increasing at gradual rate, and the overall impact of this
to the society is huge (Garcia, 2011). Addressing poverty has assumed and
utilized unilateral public policy models that in turn have led to inadequacy in
tackling the issue of poverty.

For instance, many of the convectional poverty policies address education,

employment, social security, health, economic growth, and tax (Anonymous,
2006). This has been done in separateness and the result has been construction,
formulation, and implementation of skewed and weak poverty reduction models.

There is need to establish broad-based understanding of poverty and know that

it interplays with other factors and elements simultaneously, hence any attempt
to address poverty requires addressing the interplay of accompanying factors.

According to Corak (2005), in order to fight poverty, social and physical

infrastructure and services can be funded and maintained effectively if the target
groups are involved in designing, implementing, and monitoring them, as well as
in ensuring accountability of the government officials responsible for such


Primary and secondary research methods will be utilized, where primary data
will be generated through actual field research techniques, while secondary data
will be generated from works already done in the field. Furthermore, reliability
and validity of information will be enhanced through use of both quantitative
and qualitative techniques.

This will see the use of questionnaires, field interviews, poverty program surveys,
and in-depth discussion. The aim of this will be to ensure that the public policy to
be designed captures the aspect and essence of poverty and subsequent reduction
strategies in broad perspective.

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Poverty remains a social issue that requires clear strategies of addressing it.
Efforts in the past have bore fruits, but given recent trends of increasing cases of
poverty in the society, there is an urgent need to address poverty
comprehensively. It is from this fact that it is recommended that addressing
poverty in modern America require an action plan originating from an inclusive
and integrated social equity policy strategy.


Anonymous. (2006). How can we solve the problem of poverty. Web.

Corak, M (2005). Equality of Opportunity and Inequality across the

Generations: Challenges Ahead. Policy Options, 26(3), 78–83.

Dye, T.R. (2010). Understanding public policy (13th ed.). Longman: Pearson
Prentice Hall.

Garcia, G. (2011). Mexican American and Immigrant Poverty in the United

States. NY: Springer.

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