Economic Development and Natural Disasters A Satellite Data Analysis

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Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

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Economic development and natural disasters: A satellite data analysis

Jeroen Klomp
Wageningen University, Development Economics Group, P.O. Box 8130, 6700 EW Wageningen, The Netherlands


Article history: In this study we examine the impact of large-scale natural disasters on economic development. A major
Received 4 March 2015 obstacle in exploring this relationship is the poor data quality on GDP per capita in low-income countries,
Received in revised form 26 October 2015 while at the same time more than 90% of all disasters that happen worldwide occur in these particular
Accepted 2 November 2015
countries. To overcome this problem, we use data based on satellite images of the night-time light
Available online xxx
intensity in a specific country or region which is shown to be highly correlated with income per capita.
After testing for the sensitivity of the results, our main findings suggest that natural disasters reduce the
JEL classification:
amount of lights visible from outer space significantly in the short run. To be more precise, we
demonstrate that climatic and hydrological disasters cause a large drop in the luminosity in developing
O47 and emerging market countries, while geophysical and meteorological disasters decrease light intensity
more in industrialized countries. It turns out that using reported real GDP per capita figures
Keywords: underestimates the true impact. Besides, a large part of the economic consequences of the natural events
Economic growth is explained by their regional impact. However, in the long run most of the disaster effect has
Natural disasters disappeared. Finally, the impact of a disaster depends partly on the size and scope of the natural
Satellite data catastrophe, the geographical location, the degree of financial development of a country and the quality
of the political institutions present.
ã 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction measurement errors in economic data, the majority of African

countries should be considered to have the same income level.
One of the main challenges the world faces today is how to cope Only, it is exactly these particular countries with poor statistical
and limit the economic impact of large-scale natural disasters as systems that are the most exposed to large-scale natural disasters.
their frequency and severity rose dramatically since the 1970s. According to figures reported by EM-DAT, about 50% of the least
Though, an important obstacle in this challenge is how to measure developed nations face a high risk of natural disasters. At least a
or estimate the economic costs related to these catastrophes. The quarter of them have been hit by between two to eight major
last decade, numerous studies have looked into this debate from a disasters per year in the last two decades (EM-DAT, 2013).
macroeconomic perspective by exploring how disasters affect real Besides, using officially reported GDP figures creates a selection
GDP per capita (i.e., Skidmore and Toya, 2002; Raddatz, 2009; Noy, bias in the country sample used as the availability and reliability of
2009; Loayza et al., 2012; Fomby et al., 2011; Felbermayr and the data is positively related to the level of income. It is therefore
Gröschl, 2014). Nevertheless, the general picture that emerges in possible that the empirical estimates reported in the existing
this literature remains rather unclear. A great difficulty with the studies so far partly suffer from a sample selection bias since most
existing studies is that the majority of natural disasters happen in studies include only up to 100 countries in their estimations,
developing countries where macroeconomic research is hampered creating an over-representation of industrialized countries
due to unreliable economic data. Many countries of tropical Africa (see Noy, 2009; Loayza et al., 2012; Skidmore and Toya, 2002).
and Asia, particularly those war-torn and disaster prone countries, A related problem is the underestimation of the size of the
have no reliable or only rudimentary economic statistics. For shadow economy in many developing countries that causes a
instance, all sub-Saharan Africa countries included in the Penn downward pressure on the official GDP figures (Loayza, 1996). The
World Tables (PWT) receive the lowest data quality ratings. Even shadow economy is not only associated with illegal transactions
worse, Jerven (2010, 2013) claims that due to the presence of large related to the black market, but also to many legal value-adding
activities such as subsistence farming. This latter activity is in turn
again extremely vulnerable for droughts and floods (Sivakumar
et al., 2005; Loayza et al., 2012; Fomby et al., 2011). Additionally, in
E-mail address: (J. Klomp).
0959-3780/ ã 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
68 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

developing countries many goods and services are traded on figures underestimates the true impact. Besides, a large part of the
informal markets. These activities do not enter the calculations of economic consequences of the natural events is explained by their
the officially reported GDP figures. According to estimates regional impact. However, in the long run most of the disaster
provided by Schneider and Enste (2000) the shadow economy is effect has disappeared. Finally, the impact of a disaster depends
above 40% of GDP in many developing countries, while it is only a partly on the size and scope of the natural catastrophe, the
small part of the total economy in most industrialized countries. geographical location, the degree of financial development of a
The poor data quality together with the underestimation of the country and the quality of the political institutions present.
informal sector hinders the attempts to understand the true The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the next
relationship between economic development and the exposure to section, we discuss our theoretical foundation underlying our
natural disasters in these countries. In response to overcome the hypothesis. In section three, we describe our data and methodolo-
problems of measuring GDP per capita, there is a long tradition in gy used. In section four, we present our estimation results on the
the economics literature of considering various proxies that cover relationship between large-scale natural disasters and economic
periods or countries for which GDP data are not available at all or development. Finally, we end in section five with our conclusion
not available in a timely fashion. Recently, a number of studies and discussion.
demonstrated that light intensity and economic activity are
closely related (see also Chen and Nordhaus, 2011; Ghosh et al., 2. Theoretical considerations
2010, Kulkarni et al., 2011; Croft, 1978; Elvidge et al., 1997; Sutton
and Costanza, 2002; Ebener et al., 2005; Doll et al., 2006; Sutton Numerous studies have tried to estimate the direct impact of
et al., 2007; Hodler and Raschky, 2014; Michalopoulos and natural disasters on economic development (i.e., Skidmore and
Papaioannou, 2013a,b). The basic idea behind using light intensity Toya, 2002; Raddatz, 2009; Noy, 2009; Loayza et al., 2012; Fomby
as a proxy for GDP per capita is that when income rises, so does et al., 2011; Felbermayr and Gröschl, 2014). In total, there are about
light usage per person as nearly all consumption and investment 30 comparable studies on this issue, providing more than 600
activities in the evening require lights. In addition, there is also a estimates (Klomp and Valckx, 2014). Nonetheless, the general
strong association between luminosity and public-goods provi- picture that emerges in this empirical literature is rather
sion, especially across low-income countries (Min, 2008). Thus, inconclusive. Only about 40% of the estimates reported is
like GDP per capita, night-time light is presumably to reflect some significant at the 10% level. To be precise, about a quarter of the
private consumption and investment, some production and some estimates point out that disasters reduce real GDP per capita, while
government expenditures. Henderson et al. (2012) conclude, in 15% of the cases a significant positive effect is found. These
based on a broad set of countries, that the elasticity of the growth mixed findings should not necessarily come as a complete surprise,
of lights emanating into space with respect to income growth is as theory already suggested that different types of disasters can
close to one. Consequently, satellite images on light intensity can have diverse, even opposite, effects on growth. In more detail,
be used as a suitable proxy for economic activity, especially for more traditional neo-classical growth models, like the Solow
countries or regions with the poorest statistical systems. For model, predict that the reduction of the capital-labor ratio drives
instance, Bertinelli and Strobl (2013) use luminosity data to reveal countries temporarily away from their long run growth path, while
the link between regional economic development and hurricanes the endogenous growth models provide less clear-cut predictions.
in the Caribbean. They claim that the light intensity is reduced by For example, models based on Schumpeters’ creative destruction
more than three-percent in the year of the strike, which is about theory may even predict higher growth rates as a result of natural
twice as large as by using officially reported real GDP per capita disasters since these shocks can work as an accelerator for
figures. In addition, a number of older event studies already point upgrading the destroyed capital stock (Klomp and Valckx, 2014;
out that light intensity data is a good measure to explore the Loayza et al., 2012; Cavallo et al., 2013).
short-run physical damage created by floods (Wiesnet et al., 1974; Thus, as emphasized by Cavallo et al. (2013), the question of
Imhoff et al., 1987; Tanaka et al., 2000), forest fires (Tanaka et al., whether natural disasters affect economic growth is ultimately an
1983; Robinson, 1991), volcano eruptions (Rothery et al., 1988; empirical one. Klomp and Valckx (2014) try to explain the
Holasek and Rose, 1991; Chorowicz et al., 1997) or earthquakes differences across the empirical results reported using a quantita-
and landslides (Massonnet et al., 1993; Saraf, 2000; Kimura and tive literature review. Their meta-analysis provides two clear
Yamaguchi, 2000; Kohiyama et al., 2004; Yonezawa and Takeuchi, conclusions. First, after controlling for a large number of differ-
2001). ences among studies and estimates, related to disaster character-
Our contribution to the empirical literature is to explore how istics, sample composition and estimation method, only a weak
large-scale natural disasters affect economic development mea- significant negative short run effect remains. Second, a large part of
sured by night-time light intensity. For this purpose, we use a the statistical significance in studies that find a significant effect
dynamic panel model including more than 1000 large-scale can be attributed to a so-called publication bias where significant
natural disasters in about 140 countries between 1992 and results are more easily published.
2008. Our data on the night-time light intensity in a particular The fact remains that the majority of the reported estimates is
country-year is taking from NOAA. In addition, we construct found to be insignificant. One possible explanation for these
several measures on the frequency and intensity of natural disappointing empirical results so far might be that previous
disasters using information provided by EM-DAT. The endogeneity empirical results suffer from data quality problems in developing
problems related to the economic consequences of natural countries, where about 90% of the natural disasters occur, making
disasters are addressed by estimating a system-GMM model. the results potentially spurious due to false positives or negatives.
After extensive testing for the sensitivity of the results, our As already mentioned in the introduction, data on GDP per capita
main findings suggest that natural disasters reduce the amount of in developing countries is often measured with large errors or do
lights visible from outer space significantly in the short run. To be not even exist at all. To overcome these problems, a number of
more precise, we demonstrate that climatic and hydrological studies have demonstrated that there is a strong within-country
disasters cause a large drop in the luminosity in developing and correlation between light intensity at night and GDP levels (see
emerging market countries, while geophysical and meteorological also Chen and Nordhaus, 2011; Kulkarni et al., 2011; Croft, 1978;
disasters decrease light intensity the most in industrialized Elvidge et al., 1997; Sutton and Costanza, 2002; Ebener et al., 2005;
countries. It turns out that using reported real GDP per capita Doll et al., 2006; Ghosh et al., 2010; Sutton et al., 2007). Most of
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 69

these studies emphasize that, although there are some hurdles to As the predictions are not directly clear with respect to the
take before using satellite image data, luminosity can be quite macroeconomic impacts of large-scale natural disasters, we try to
useful for an economic analysis in war and disaster prone countries illustrate this theoretical relationship using a simple scenario
with no recent national census. For instance, recently Henderson analysis based on the scenarios outlined by Chhibber and Laajaj
et al. (2012) estimated the growth rate of real GDP per capita with a (2008). These authors present four possible scenarios for the
combination of light per area and national account statistics at evolution of the long run real GDP per capita after the occurrence
national and regional level. They claim that this approximation of a disaster (see Fig. 1). Using the same four scenarios we can test
contains little added value for countries with high-quality income which of them is supported by our empirical evidence later on and
data, but even more so for countries with low-quality income whether the results in previous studies are affected by the
information. measurement errors in GDP per capita data. In all scenarios

Fig. 1. Natural disasters and economic development.

Source: Chhibber and Laajaj (2008)
70 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

outlined there is a drop in GDP per capita immediately following a commodity prices. In turn, it is unlikely that a drought creates a
disaster due to the massive destruction of the capital stock. The greater production potential unless it results in major investments
main differences among the scenarios take place in the interme- in irrigation or other drought-reducing technologies (Chhibber and
diate to long run. The table below Fig. 1 describes the various Laajaj, 2008).
scenarios. In short, scenarios A and B assume that there is only a
temporary impact of natural disasters as in the long run the capital 3. Data and methodology
ratio is returning to it's initial balanced growth path. Conversely,
scenario C argues that there is a long run negative impact of natural 3.1. Data
disasters on GDP per capita caused mainly by financial constraints
faced by affected households and the private sector, while scenario As our aim is to estimate the impact of natural disasters on
D assumes a positive impact of natural catastrophes through large- economic development, we have to quantify them both. The data on
scale recovery investments which embed newer technologies. natural disasters and theirimpact are documented in the “Emergency
As Klomp and Valckx (2014) already noted, the impact of Events Database” (EM-DAT, 2013) with data collected by the Centre
disasters might also differ considerably among the different types for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). The EM-DAT
of catastrophes and the country it strikes. For instance an database has worldwide coverage, and contains more than 8000
earthquake or hurricane in an industrialized country is more natural disasters between 1990 and 2010. A natural disaster is
likely to be associated with scenario B or D due to the considerable recognized when a natural situation or event which overwhelms
reconstruction efforts that may trigger an expansion. Conversely, local capacity, necessitating a request for external assistance. For a
scenario A corresponds more to a drought in a low-income country disaster to be entered into the EM-DAT database at least one of the
because the loss caused by this disaster is usually restricted to the following criteria must be fulfilled: (1) 10 or more people reported
annual agricultural production. Only when the drought leads to killed; (2) 100 people reported affected; (3) declaration of a state of
forced liquidation of livestock at depressed prices, this will harm emergency; or (4) call for international assistance.
the economic perspectives in the long run and we end up in However, many of the disasters recorded in the EM-DAT dataset
scenario C. Especially since climatic disasters may create spillover seemed to have caused few casualties or damages (see also
effects to other economic sectors i.e., through higher primary Gassebner et al., 2010). For example, only 10% of the disasters

Fig. 2. Number of large-scale natural disasters.

This figure reports the number of large-scale natural disasters between 1990 and 2010. On average there are about 52 large-scale natural disasters annually.
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 71

involve deaths of more than a hundred people. A similarly small people and cause a minimum damage to capital and wealth. Thus,
proportion of disasters involve injuries to more than a hundred disasters that occur in the middle of the desert are not considered
people. Given this distribution of the disaster data, it is conceivable as disasters under our measure.
that many of the disasters included in EM-DAT will not have any One concern regarding studies exploring the economic impact
impact on economic development. For a disaster to have an of natural disasters is the potential endogeneity of the disaster
empirically impact, it should be of a magnitude that can directly criteria with respect to economic development. First, consequen-
cause damage to the national production capacity, public ces of disaster events, in terms of the number of people affected or
infrastructure or affect a substantial number of people. physical damage, depend to some extent on the socio-economic
For this reason, in accordance with Gassebner et al., (2010), we situation (Kellenberg & Mobarak, 2008; Neumayer et al., 2014).
adopt a decision rule which filters the disasters included in EM- For instance, the total damage may be positively related to the
DAT and only includes them in the estimation if they satisfy the level of income, while the number of people affected could be
rule. We decided to confine our empirical analysis to disasters negatively affected by the level of income. Second, GDP figures
which meet any of the following criteria which represent an may be affected by disasters in the preceding years. Third, as
adaptation of Munich Re’s great natural catastrophe category: (i) already motivated above, many countries have no reliable or only
number of killed is no less than a thousand; (ii) the number of rudimentary economic and population statistics which may affect
injured is no less than a thousand; (iii) number of affected is no less the true intensity of a natural disaster. It may therefore be
than a hundred thousand; or (iv) the amount of damages is no less questionable to assume the exogeneity of the intensity of
than $1 billion. In order to make estimates of damage comparable disasters with respect to economic development. Even after
over time, we have converted dollar values into constant dollars recognizing these drawbacks most studies still use the damage to
using the US GDP deflator. The adoption of this decision rule GDP or the share of population affected as their main disaster
reduces the number of natural disasters for our analysis to about indicator. In contrast, the use of the number of natural disasters
1100 disasters between 1990 and 2010. per squared kilometre partly reduces, but not completely solves,
We distinguish between four different groups of natural the potential influence of endogeneity on our results as land area
disasters: (1) hydrological disasters including floods and wet is less subject to measurement errors compared to GDP and
mass movements; (2) meteorological disasters including hurri- population figures and is more exogenous. Later on, we try to
canes and tornados; (3) geophysical disasters including earth- reduce this endogeneity problem some further by using system-
quakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions; and (4) climatic disasters GMM as our estimation approach and by experimenting with
including extreme temperatures, droughts and wildfires. Fig. 2 different disaster thresholds.
shows the distribution of disasters between 1990 and 2010. The As our dependent variable, we use an indicator on economic
graph illustrates that hydrological disasters are the most common development based on the night-time light intensity in a country-
natural disaster (41%), while less than 10% of the major natural year. In general, there are three important advantages of using
disasters is classified as a geophysical disaster. On average, there light intensity as indicator of economic development. First, the
are about 50 major natural disasters annually. light intensity data is available globally at national and regional
To determine the impact of a natural disaster on the economic levels even for countries with poor statistical systems. For
development of country i, we construct for each country-year the instance, for some countries, such as Myanmar, that do not appear
following disaster count variable, suggested by Noy (2009) and in the PWT, we have new data on economic activity. Second, data
Klomp (2014), that takes the timing of a disaster in the course of a based on satellite data considers also the economic activity in the
year into account. This allows disasters occurring early in the year informal sector or shadow economy. One of the main criticisms of
to have a different impact than those that happen near the end of GDP as a measure of economic development is that it does not
the year. take into account the informal transactions in the economy.
However, in developing countries a large part of the production
8P P takes place in the shadow economy. When people are engaged in
< ðð12  Mkt Þ=12Þ þ ðMnt1 =12Þ
ðpostÞdisaster year informal economic activities, the income earned improves their
Disasterit ¼ ri
: standard of living by for instance having access to electricity and
0 otherwise
hence lights. In turn, the distribution of lights then can be used as
an proxy of economic development. Thus, with the official
Since we consider the contemporaneous impact of a disaster measures accounting for the recorded formal activities, we
within one year, our annual disaster measure is calculated as the assume that the surplus of economic activity measured from the
weighted sum of the disasters k that happened in the current year t spatial patterns of night-time lights can be attributed to the
and the disasters n that occurred in the previous year t  1. We informal economy (Ghosh et al., 2009, 2010; Tanaka and Keola,
weighted this sum by the month the respective disaster happened 2015; Harati and Hardy, 2013; Brock et al., 2014). Finally, light
M. That is, we assign the value (12  M)/12 to a disaster year and M/ intensity data is less influenced by real exchange rate movements,
12 to the post-disaster year. In all other years its value is set to zero. while real GDP figures are usually converted in constant US
Using a count variable, a country that is hit more than once by a dollars.
major disaster in the same year will suffer a sharper reduction in The satellite data on night-time light reflections stems from
economic development than a country which suffers only a single NOAA. NOAA-NGDC processes raw satellite data from the United
incident. States Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program’s
We normalize the number of disaster events by the land area in Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS). The DMSP-OLS’s
1000 km2, represented by ri. Obviously, larger countries have a satellites collect data at every location on a daily basis between
higher probability of experiencing a natural event. In particular 7 pm and 9 pm local time. The existing literature identifies a
small island states are extremely vulnerable because of the higher number of obstacles of using lights visible from space to measure
frequency of natural disasters that have a disproportionately large income. In general, these hurdles fall into three main categories
impact on their economy (Skidmore and Toya, 2002; Gassebner (Chen and Nordhaus, 2011; Henderson et al., 2012). First, the
et al., 2010). The concern that two episodes may have completely relationship between economic activity and the true amount of
different impact because of their intensity and location is partially light emanating from the Earth’s surface is not constant across time
controlled by imposing that disasters affect a minimum number of and space since light visible from space is a by-product of
72 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

consumption and production activities and it is hardly produced in reported GDP figures does not take into account the shadow
a fixed ratio to output. For instance, some productive activities economy. Combining Eqs. (2) and (3) and taking logarithms, we
produce a lot of light (manufacturing), while others produce can express observed lights as follows
relative little (agriculture). Countries or regions may differ in the
fraction of their economic activity that takes place after dark. lnlightOit ¼ mlnGDPOit þ lt þ mei þ eit ð4Þ
Likewise, patterns of settlement may affect how much light is Eq. (4) shows that the observed light intensity depends on the
visible from space for a given level of income (Zhang and Seto, observed GDP, the time-varying scaling factor, country specific
2013). Second, true light is imperfectly measured by the satellites effects and a measurement error. Additionally, the country fixed
as humidity, sunlight, moonlight, and cloud cover contamination effects control also for two other effects. First, a latitude effect since
all distort the reflection and differ across the globe. Third, sensor observable night-time light may be strongly influenced by the data
scale for recording lights in practice varies across satellites and as cleaning process. For instance, light intensity in countries located
satellites age over time. Besides, the satellites have no on-board partly in the northern Arctic zone might be affected by auroral
calibration for the visible band. Each sensor has different detection activity and midnight sun in summer months (Tanaka and Keola,
limits and saturation radiances and degrades at a different rate 2015). Second, country fixed effects control for cross-country
through time (Elvidge et al., 2009). differences in the use of night lights versus day time activities.
To overcome these problems and obtain primarily man-made The aim of this first analysis is to estimate the magnitude of the
night-time light, NOAA includes only readings from the dark half of time-varying scaling factor needed to compute true light from
the lunar cycle in seasons when the sun sets early and drops observed light. Specifically, we approximate the scaling factor by a
readings affected by northern or southern lights, forest fires, series of year-dummies. We then normalize country-year light
lightning and cloud cover. Additionally, we have to remove gas- intensity according to the base value, implying that true and
flares as these do not representative of human settlement. observed light data are set equally in the reference year. Table 1
Following Elvidge et al. (2009), the removal of gas-flares is done reports the estimation results of Eq. (4) using the OLS-FE estimator.
using a set of ESRI shapefiles from NOAA-NGDC which contain the Column (1) presents a set of individual year effects, except for the
geographical location of gas flares for each particular country. The benchmark year. These coefficients can be interpreted as discount
remaining observations are used to obtain annual composite
images of time-stable lights by overlaying all images captured
during a calendar year. This overcomes problems related to Table 1
temporary shocks in light intensity. The original night-time light Intercalibration of light intensity data.
data is available from 1992 to 2010 in about 215 countries on a scale
(1) (2)
from 0 to 63, with larger values implying higher light intensity.
As the de facto sensor settings vary over time across satellites Coefficient Light factor
and with the age of a satellite making the comparison of the raw GDP 0.807**
digital numbers over years rather problematic. For instance, an (0.175)
1992 Reference
improvement in sensor readings of a new satellite may overesti-
1993 0.145** 0.754
mate the intensity of night-time light since that composite has a (0.023)
different reference point. On the other hand, sensor degradation of 1994 0.112* 0.779
a satellite would underestimate the true night-time light. The (0.020)
former should lead to an upward bias in predicted economic 1995 0.283** 0.657
activity whereas the latter suggests a downward bias (Tanaka and 1996 0.237* 0.688
Keola, 2015). Thus we need to standardize the values across (0.126)
composites to overcome the limited comparability of the satellite 1997 0.207** 0.709
data and allow for a cross-year analysis. For this purpose, we use (0.031)
1998 0.294** 0.650
the approach based on Henderson et al. (2012), Wu et al. (2013)
and Chen and Nordhaus (2011). In short, this approach uses an 1999 0.222** 0.698
empirical specification were the year fixed effects effectively (0.025)
control for any changes in sensor settings over time. There are a 2000 0.356** 0.610
number of advantages using this approach compared to other (0.021)
2001 0.265* 0.669
methods. First, this method does not rely on any arbitrary chosen (0.139)
reference satellite composite. Second, it is the most readily 2002 0.267** 0.667
interpretable and intuitive approach (Wu et al., 2013). In more (0.038)
detail, our approach starts with the assumption that the observed 2003 0.024 0.851
light intensity lightO for country i at year t is related to the true light
2004 0.105** 0.968
lightT with the scaling factor of the satellite sensor lt and a (0.029)
measurement error et. In addition, we presume that true lights are 2005 0.185** 1.048
related to true GDP through a conversion factor mi (0.036)
2006 0.201** 1.066
lightOit ¼ ðlightTit Þlt þet ð2Þ 2007 0.130** 0.992
2008 0.138** 1.000
lightTit ¼ ðGDPTit Þmi ¼ ððGDPOit Þei Þmi ð3Þ Country fixed effects YES
O F-test year-dummies (p-value) 0.001
As already indicated above observed GDP (GDP ) is an
imperfect measure of the true GDP (GDPT) due to a country- Notes: We report robust standard errors clustered by country; light factor is
calculated by computing 1/exp(li) for the estimated coefficients of the year-
specific measurement error ei as there are serious concerns with dummies and normalizing the values by the values of the year 2008. **/* Indicating
the reliability of the GDP data of many countries. Besides, the significance levels of respectively 5 and 10%. Bootstrapped standard errors are
shown between brackets.
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 73

factors. The results of a F-test indicate that the time fixed effects are 2005; Ghosh et al., 2010). Other studies are more nuanced and
jointly significant at the 5% level demonstrating that scaling factors claim that night-time lights implicitly reflect activities in all
of satellite sensors significantly differ across years. Applying these economic sectors including agriculture (Doll et al., 2006). For
discount factors, we normalize in column (2) the computed values example, Henderson et al. (2012) find that exogenous agricultural
by the base year value. To explore the sensitivity of our results on productivity shocks have substantial effects on local economic
the relationship between natural disasters and economic devel- activities in Sub-Saharan Africa since night-time light intensity
opment to the intercalibration method applied, we present in the represents besides production also consumption. That means that
robustness section the results when using the intercalibration both agricultural and non-agricultural production are reflected in
method suggested by Elvidge et al. (2009) instead. night-time light intensity though to some extent indirectly.
The pairwise correlation between real GDP per capita reported Besides, agricultural output is often used as an intermediate input
in the PWT and adjusted light intensity (both taken in logarithms), in the industrial sector. Using a broad sample of about 169
as shown in Fig. 3, is rather high, about 0.8. Not surprisingly, the countries, Wu et al. (2013) estimated that agriculture, on average,
correlation is weaker for developing countries (about 0.4) due to is responsible for a quarter of total light consumption.To explore if
the large measurement error in their official GDP per capita data our light intensity data reflects all economic activities taking place
caused for instance by neglecting the shadow economy. In contrast, within a country, we perform two nonparametric tests. We start by
in industrialized countries, the correlation is much larger, above comparing the pairwise correlation between the contribution of
0.9. This close relationship supports the view that night-time light the different economic sectors present to economic development
data contains only limited added value for countries with high- represented by both the officially reported GDP figures and our
quality statistics, while for developing countries light data is an light intensity data. We measure the size of each sector by their
useful alternative for economic development data (Chen and employment shares. The results in columns (1) and (3) of Table 2
Nordhaus, 2011; Zhang and Seto, 2013). Alternatively, the weak show that the general correlation pattern does not differ much
correlation between night-time lights and real GDP in developing between using real GDP per capita and light intensity. To be more
countries might also partly be explained by saturation problems. specific, while the industrial and service sector have a positive
For instance, Zhang and Seto (2013) indicate that data on night- correlation with economic development, agriculture has a negative
time lights are more accurate in developed countries and are less relation. Additionally, we calculate in columns (2) and (4) of Table 2
accurate in developing countries. Their results suggest that we the percentage of the variance explained of economic development
need to be careful when interpreting studies based on night-time by the respective employment shares. The findings demonstrate
lights in developing countries. To correct for this the use of that the variation explained by the economic sectors does not
radiance night-time lights might be considered. Yet, that data is differ much between the two development measures for
only available after 2006 leaving us with a rather small dataset and industrialized countries, while it significantly differs in developing
unable to explore the long run impact of natural disasters. There is countries, especially for the agricultural and service sector.
an annual national trend growth of about 2.9% in the light intensity Surprisingly, the agricultural employment share is even better
between 1992 and 2008. able to explain variation in light intensity than the variation in real
One concern that remains is whether night-time light intensity GDP per capita. This strengthens our view that official GDP
reflects all economic activities present within a country. For statistics in low-income countries may be plagued by measure-
instance, some studies argue that light intensity primarily reflects ment errors which partly can be attributed to unreliable statistics
non-agricultural or urban economic development (Ebener et al., and the underestimation of the informal markets.
Real GDP per capita (taken in logarithms)

Fig. 3. GDP per capita and light intensity.

This figure illustrates the pairwise correlation between light intensity and real GDP per capita (both taken in logarithms). The pairwise correlation coefficient is about 0.8 and
statistical significant at the 1% significance level.
74 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

Table 2
Sector contribution and economic development.

GDP per capita Light intensity

Correlation % of the variation explained Correlation % of the variation explained

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Agriculture Total 0.57** 32.49 0.61** 37.21
Low-income 0.55** 30.25 0.69** 47.61
High-income 0.37** 13.69 0.33** 10.89

Industry Total 0.25** 6.25 0.47** 22.09

Low-income 0.43** 18.49 0.47** 22.09
High-income 0.26** 6.76 0.29** 8.41

Service Total 0.59** 34.81 0.49** 24.01

Low-income 0.32** 10.24 0.44** 19.36
High-income 0.46** 21.16 0.48** 23.04

In columns (1) and (3) we report the pairwise correlation between the sector shares in employment and economic development. **/* Indicating significance levels of
respectively 5 and 10%. Columns (2) and (4) give the percentage of the variation in economic development explained by the respective sectors. We classified a country as a
high-income country when the reported GDP per capita is larger than 5000 US Dollars (in constant US dollars from 2005).

As the datasets on disasters and light intensity are both (2013) using an aggregated level may induce an underestimation
available on the national and regional level, we have to decide on of the true economic impact of a natural catastrophe as part of the
the appropriate observation level. When using a regional analysis, effect may be averaged out within a country. That is, the impact
we are confronted with two serious obstacles. First, there exist found using country averages should be interpreted as a lower
spillover effects of disasters from one region to another. These bound of the actual impact. Therefore as a robustness analysis, we
spillovers could be direct, for instance, a flood started in one region re-estimate our main models using regional data for a limited set of
running through to other regions or indirect as government countries.
spending may go up in one region by providing disaster relief and As a first preliminary statistical test on the impact of large-scale
go down in another region in order to meet a national fiscal natural disasters on economic development, we compare the
constraint. Second, many control variables used in our econometric growth rate of the light intensity before and after the occurrence of
specification later on, are only available at the national level. When a large-scale natural disaster. The growth rate is 3.1 before a natural
we fail to incorporate control variables, we end up with an omitted disaster has happened and 2.6 afterwards. According to a Chi-
variable bias. Conversely, when we include only countries for squared test, this difference is significant at the 5% level. This result
which we have regional data on the covariates available, we are is confirmed in Fig. 4 where we report the pairwise correlation
confronted with a sample selection bias. Due to these serious between light intensity and the number of natural disasters in a
concerns, we confine ourselves to a cross-national analysis in the particular country-year. The results show that there exists a
main analysis. Though, as emphasized by Bertinelli and Strobl negative relationship that is significant at the 10% confidence level.
Growth rate of night-time light density

Fig. 4. Large-scale natural disasters and light growth.

This figure plots the pairwise correlation between the change in light intensity and the number of large-scale natural disasters in a particular country-year. The pairwise
correlation coefficients is about 0.2 and statistical significant at the 10% significance level.
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 75

However, these nonparametric tests are only suggestive, as economic progress is the accumulation of (human and physical)
unobserved country heterogeneity, as well as other confounding capital (Sala-i-Martin and Barro, 1995; Mankiw et al., 1992).
variables are not taken into account. Likewise, according to the endogenous growth theory, accumula-
tion of physical capital and knowledge may increase the amount of
3.2. Empirical model innovative ideas in the economy which enhances technological
progress (Barro, 1996b; Romer, 1990). To take this notion into
In this section we present the model used to estimate the account, we include the gross fixed capital formation rate and the
relationship between large-scale natural disasters and economic secondary school enrolment rate into our econometric specifica-
development. We use a dynamic model based on an unbalanced tion as proxies for respectively investments in physical and human
panel including more than 140 countries between 1992 and 2008 capital. Also an improvement of a country's international trade
(Table A1 in the appendix lists the countries covered in this study). competitiveness may boost economic development as the
The model is given as follows economic situation of many developing and emerging market
countries relies on primary commodity prices. To control for that,
lnlightit ¼ ai þ ht þ mlnlightit1 þ b xkit1q we add the terms-of-trade, current account balance and changes in
the real exchange rate to our model specification.
þ g q disasteritq þ eit ð5Þ
q¼0 Next, we include a number of measures to capture to which
extent economic liberalization has progressed. Economic reforms
where lightit is our economic development indicator based on the in the financial and trade sector are typically taken to spur
predicted light intensity in country i at time t (taken in logarithms) economic growth. To account for this, we first consider financial
from Eq. (4). We include the lagged dependent variable to control development by including private credit per capita (Levine, 2005).
for auto-regressive tendencies; xk is a vector of (lagged) control A low level of credit supplied to the private sector may induce that
variables containing k elements, while disaster is our constructed the population is facing credit constraints because savings and
disaster variable outlined above, measuring the exposure of a loans are not efficiently matched. Second, trade openness is
country to large-scale natural events. We enter this variable with captured by exports plus imports per capita. More open economies
q-lags to explore the difference between the short and long run are usually better able to absorb negative shocks through their
impact. The parameter ai is a country-specific intercept to control trade balance and have earlier access to new technologies. In
for time-invariant characteristics such as geographical factors. By addition, we add total government spending per capita as an
using country-specific intercepts, we place the emphasis of our indicator of the influence of the government on the market process
analysis on the identification of the within country variation over and their attempt to stabilize the economy using fiscal policy.
time. This approach reduces the influence of any potential From the earlier economic growth literature it is known that
selection bias that might arise, for example, if poorer countries economic growth is higher in countries with stronger political
were over-represented in the disaster data due to the likelihood institutions, especially those related to democratic accountability,
that disasters would affect a greater proportion of the population property rights and political stability (Barro, 1996a; Burnside and
in these countries (McDermott et al., 2014). Moreover, the time- Dollar, 2000). To represent the political environment in a particular
fixed effects control for the technological progress that makes, for country, we include two political measures. First, the level of
instance, the physical damage estimates more accurate in later democracy measured by the Polity IV score taken from Marshall
years. The final term eit is the error term.An alternative way of and Jaggers (2012). Second, political instability proxied by a
writing the previous equation is dummy that takes the value one in a year when there is a regime
change recorded in the Polity IV dataset. Finally, we include a
Dlnlightit ¼ ai þ ht þ ðm  1Þlnlightit1 þ bk xkit1q
number of socio-economic variables that influence economic
þ g q disasteritq þ eit ð6Þ progress through the living conditions in place: population growth,
q¼0 population density, urbanization rate and life expectancy. Table A2
in the appendix provides a detailed description of all data used as
In this model, the dependent variable is the growth rate of light
well as their sources.
intensity. Using this specification we are able to estimate the
parameter g q by a difference-in-difference methodology, where
4. Estimation results
countries struck by a large-scale natural disaster are the “treated”,
and those that are not are the “controls”. Our hypothesis is that the
4.1. Short run impact of disasters
light intensity is affected by the consequences of large-scale
natural disasters (Sg q 6¼ 0). Though, the direction of the effect is
Let us now first turn to the short run macroeconomic impact of
not a priori directly clear since the impact can either be negative
large-scale natural disasters, so when q = 0 in Eq. (6). In Table 3 we
when the capital-labour ratio is reduced in the aftermath (Sg q < 0)
start by estimating the econometric specification of the augment-
or positive when the destruction of capital leads to enhanced
ed Solow model suggested by Mankiw et al. (1992) and Islam
investments in more advanced technologies (Sg q > 0). In about 22%
(1995) including lagged light intensity, population growth, the
of the country-years at least one large-scale natural disaster is
investment rate in physical capital and the secondary school
enrolment rate as control variables. In view of the unequal
The vector of control variables xk includes variables suggested in
distribution of the natural disasters across countries, we cluster the
earlier studies on explaining income disparities across countries
standard errors on country level. For instance, about 50% of the
(see also Mankiw et al., 1992; Burnside and Dollar, 2000; Barro,
disasters occur in only 10% of the countries. Moreover, to reduce
1992; Levine and Renelt, 1992; Sala-i-Martin and Barro, 1995).
this sample selection problem further and because our light
These variables are required to capture the role of structural
intensity measure is based on the predicted values from an
policies and institutions, and help to avoid an omitted variable bias.
empirical estimation, we use the bootstrap procedure with
First, we control for the macroeconomic stability of a country
1000 replicators to obtain robust standard errors. Not surprisingly,
measured by the inflation rate. Bad macroeconomic policies and
the results in column (1) indicate that larger investments in
management will result in lower growth rates. Furthermore,
physical capital increase night-time light intensity. Besides, we
according to the augmented Solow model one of the key drivers of
find support for the so-called convergence hypothesis, suggesting
76 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

Table 3
Short run economic impact of large-scale natural disasters on economic development.

Dependent variable: D in light

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

All large-scale natural disasters 1.312** 1.615** 1.303** 2.047**
(0.470) (0.484) (0.414) (0.512)
Meteorological disasters 0.652* -0.497* 0.703* 1.151**
(0.375) (0.278) (0.405) (0.498)
Hydrological disasters 2.386* -3.109* 2.398* 2.981**
(1.430) (1.820) (1.361) (1.120)
Climatic disasters 1.408 -1.040 1.306 1.452
(0.890) (1.200) (0.909) (0.942)
Geophysical disasters 3.871** 4.145** 3.898** 5.998**
(1.152) (1.828) (1.291) (1.458)
Lagged lights 0.119** 0.120** 0.213** 0.226** 0.142** 0.147** 0.212** 0.293**
(0.032) (0.032) (0.038) (0.038) (0.020) (0.021) (0.051) (0.067)
Gross fixed Investment per capita 0.027** 0.029** 0.017* 0.018* 0.023** 0.022** 0.035** 0.030**
(0.009) (0.009) (0.009) (0.010) (0.008) (0.008) (0.009) (0.007)
Secondary school enrolment rate 0.017 0.015 0.015 0.019
(0.022) (0.022) (0.032) (0.031)
Population growth 0.004 0.005 0.002 0.002
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
Government spending per capita 0.015 0.013
(0.021) (0.021)
Trade per capita 0.029** 0.029** 0.026** 0.027** 0.032** 0.031**
(0.011) (0.011) (0.012) (0.013) (0.011) (0.013)
Current account balance per capita 0.017 0.014
(0.012) (0.012)
Terms of trade 0.032* 0.033**
(0.016) (0.016)
Exchange rate changes 0.029 0.0307
(0.021) (0.020)
Inflation rate 0.102** -0.103** 0.021* 0.022* 0.017* 0.017**
(0.042) (0.041) (0.012) (0.012) (0.010) (0.004)
Credit per capita 0.010 -0.009
(0.070) (0.011)
Urbanization rate 0.001 0.001
(0.001) (0.001)
Population density 0.034 0.036
(0.054) (0.538)
Life expectancy 0.0805 -0.065
(0.066) (0.669)
Democracy 0.001 0.001
(0.001) (0.001)
Political instability 0.013 0.013
(0.013) (0.013)

Country fixed effects YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
Time fixed effects YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
Countries 131 131 113 113 147 147 142 142
Observations 1696 1696 1108 1108 1755 1755 1698 1698
Estimation technique OLS-FE OLS-FE OLS-FE OLS-FE OLS-FE OLS-FE System-GMM System-GMM
Sargan test (p-value) – – – – – – 0.412 0.397
Arellano-Bond AR(1) (p-value) – – – – – – 0.000 0.000
Arellano-Bond AR(2) (p-value) – – – – – – 0.771 0.781
F-test (p-value) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 – –
R-squared 0.017 0.017 0.023 0.023 0.024 0.024 – –

**/* Indicating significance levels of respectively 5 and 10%. Bootstrapped standard errors are shown between brackets.

that countries that start out with a lower level of economic a quarter of the yearly change in light intensity is explained by their
development have higher growth rates to catch up in later years. exposure to natural disasters.
Employing our broad natural disaster variable, we find that However, our large-scale disaster measure embeds different
there is a significant negative impact of large-scale natural types of disasters that can arguably have different or even opposite
catastrophes on economic development at the 5% statistically consequences for economic progress, as already illustrated
significance level. To assess the economic significance of this above (Jaramillo, 2009). Broadly speaking, disasters differ in at
outcome, we need to interpret this result. Using the average least seven respects as indicated in the table below Fig. 2.
country size of about 600,000 km2, one additional large-scale Therefore, in column (2) we split our complete set of large-scale
natural disaster reduces light intensity by about 0.2% in the same- disasters into four more homogenous groups: hydrological,
year. In more detail, when a disaster strikes it explains about 10% of meteorological, geophysical and climatic disasters. As some
the average annual change in light intensity. This latter figure natural disasters such as storms and floods often occur in tandem,
increases substantially when we focus only on the top 10% of the simultaneous inclusion allows isolation of the effects of each
most disaster prone countries. In these particular countries, about disaster (Loayza et al., 2012; Klomp, 2014). The results indicate that
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 77

the general negative impact of natural disasters found in column However, the results on the disaster variables still confirm our
(1) on the same-year growth rate of light intensity is mainly previous findings.
attributed by the effect of geophysical and hydro-meteorological In the regressions so far, we assumed that the number of large-
disasters. scale natural disasters striking a country are exogenous. However,
One can argue that up so far our results may be driven by an the criteria on which we base the definition of a large-scale
omitted variable bias as we consider only the four control variables natural disaster are more endogenous. First, as already mentioned
suggested by the augmented Solow specification. Though, as above, the total damage caused by a natural event may be positive
outlined in the previous section, there are many more variables related to the level of income, while the number of people
suggested in the existing literature which all may affect economic affected could be negatively affected by the level of income.
progress. To account for this, we estimate in columns (3) and (4) of Secondly, in countries characterized by rapid population growth
Table 3 a model including the remaining covariates. Surprisingly, it and an increasing population density, there is more demand for
turns out that, other than the lagged level of light intensity and fertile land which is usually the most at risk for a natural disaster.
investments in physical capital, only the inflation rate, terms of This is especially true for low-income countries were large parts
trade changes and trade openness affect economic development. In of the poor population are priced out of safer areas and therefore
addition, we find no impact of the urbanization rate on light live in more disaster-prone areas. Both these factors make it more
intensity. This makes the concerns about the censorship of our likely that a particular disaster satisfies the criteria set for a large-
development measure towards non-agricultural production slight- scale natural event.
ly less. Nevertheless, the results on the natural disaster variables When we fail to explicitly control for these factors, our results
point in the same direction as before. We find a significant adverse might be spurious. Addressing the potential endogeneity problem
short run impact of natural catastrophes on light intensity which is formally, we use the system-GMM estimator developed by
again mainly driven by the impact of geophysical and hydro- Arellano and Bond (1991). In this approach, the lagged differences
meteorological disasters. of the explanatory variables and of the dependent variable may be
However, one important consequence of using all suggested valid instruments for the equation specified in levels. To be precise,
control variables in one econometric specification is that it reduces the estimation then combines the set of moment conditions
our dataset dramatically due to data availability. To be more available for the first-differenced equations with the additional
precise, we are left with only 113 countries, which increases the moment conditions implied for the levels equation (Blundell and
potential of a sample selection bias due to the exclusion of many Bond, 1998; Durlauf et al., 2005; Bond et al., 2001). As long as the
developing countries, while the majority of the damage caused by model is over-identified, validity of the assumptions underlying
natural disasters occurs in these countries (Freeman et al., 2003). both the difference and the system estimators can be tested
To overcome this problem, we estimate in columns (5) and (6) of through Sargan tests of orthogonality between the instruments
Table 3 our model by applying the general-to-specific method. This and the residuals and through tests of second- or higher order
method does not rely on economic theory, but is a widely used residual autocorrelation.
method in applied econometrics to decide on the model Turning to the results in columns (7) and (8) of Table 3. The
specification (see Hendry, 1993). We first estimate a model Sargan test provides no evidence of misspecification, while the
including all control variables. Next, we drop the least significant serial correlation tests point to first- but no second-order
variable and estimate the model again. We repeat this procedure autocorrelation of the residuals, which is in accordance with the
until only variables that are significant at a 10% level remain. As a assumptions underlying the selection of instruments. The results
result, the number of countries included increases again by about on the disaster measures are nearly identical as using the OLS-FE
30% compared to the specification reported in columns (3) and (4). estimator and reveal the same disaster pattern. Thus, the results in

Table 4
Long run economic impact of large-scale natural disasters on economic development.

All large-scale Meteorological Hydrological Climatic Geophysical

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Lagged impact
t=0 -1.143** 0.450* -2.732* -1.965** -4.482*
(0.454) (0.257)* (1.545) (0.946) (3.421)
t=1 0.142 0.388 1.130 0.624 0.365*
(0.570) (0.202) (0.816) (0.448) (0.211)
t=2 0.509 1.440** 1.371 -2.637 4.648**
(0.587) (0.653) (1.303) (1.818) (1.796)
t=3 0.92 0.4139 0.807 -2.561 3.741
(0.614) (1.005) (1.122) (2.143) (8.397)
t=4 0.233 1.138 1.677 -0.153 2.550
(0.756) (0.963) (1.267) (1.358) (10.010)
t=5 0.463 0.155 0.265 1.114 1.665
(0.616) (1.232) (0.808) (1.338) (9.222)

T = 10 0.103 0.164 0.303 0.147 3.457**

(0.129) (0.162) (0.200) (0.206) (0.852)

Cross-sectional impact
Large-scale natural disasters 0.047 0.341 0.185 0.073 1.851*
(0.214) (0.217) (0.451) (0.098) (1.001)

**/* Indicating significance levels of respectively 5 and 10%. Bootstrapped standard errors are shown between brackets. Estimated using the OLS-FE estimator and including
the control variables from column (5) of Table 3.
78 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

Table 3 illustrate that the model specification chosen or estimation all these catastrophes together may average out the effect in the
technique used hardly affects our conclusions. long run. Therefore, in columns (2)–(5), we separate the various
disasters and explore the long run impact of each individual type of
4.2. Long run impact of disasters disaster. The results in a disaster year are rather similar to the
findings reported in Table 3, except that when we consider a lagged
The results presented so far indicate that natural disasters impact, climatic disasters appear also to have a short run negative
reduce economic progress in the short run. Though, the various impact. This strengthens our idea that the light intensity measure
scenarios outlined in Section 2 try to explain the macroeconomic is also able to capture production and consumption of the
consequences of a natural disaster in the long run as there is an agricultural sector as this sector is the most vulnerable to droughts
initial drop in GDP per capita in the short run in all scenarios. To (Loayza et al., 2012; Fomby et al., 2011).
examine this long run impact of disasters in more detail, we In addition, we find for meteorological and geophysical
estimate our main model including our disaster variable up to ten disasters a significant negative impact on economic growth in
lags using an impulse response function (see also Melecky and the year following the disaster that is likely to be caused by
Raddatz, 2014; Noy and Nualsri, 2011; Raddatz, 2009; Von Peter their widespread damage. Nonetheless, after two years, the
et al., 2012). The results in Table 4 report the impact on the first five economy is starting to recover again as suggested by the
lags and the accumulated impact after ten years. The findings in positive impact of these kinds of disasters on the change in
column (1) indicate that the impact of our broad measure of light intensity. Moreover, if we look at the complete impact
natural disasters has disappeared after one year. However, this after ten years, we find even a significant positive impact of
result may be attributed by adding the various kinds of disasters geophysical disasters of about 0.06 percentage-points on the
together. As already mentioned above, the disasters considered are annual economic growth rate during this period. This positive
rather diverse and likely to have different or even opposite effects effect is assumedly due to the large-scale replacement invest-
on the economic perspectives in the long run. While some natural ments that trigger technological progress (Hallegatte et al.,
catastrophes may have a negative impact in the long run, other 2007). In contrast, for meteorological disasters we do not find
may have no effect or even enhance economic growth. Combining such significant long run impact.

Table 5
Disaster scale thresholds.

All disasters Large-scale disasters Small-scale disasters Extreme disasters Other disasters

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

All large-scale disasters
t=0 0.318 0.949** 0.182 1.904** 0.218
(0.47) (0.37) (0.25) (0.71) (0.31)
T=5 0.097 0.449** 0.059 0.781** 0.087
(0.69) (0.23) (0.42) (0.27) (0.43)
T = 10 0.020 0.086 0.012 0.198 0.013
(0.13) (0.12) (0.07) (0.13) (0.09)

Meteorological disaster
t=0 0.102 0.379** 0.060 1.111** 0.087
(0.29) (0.19) (0.16) (0.31) (0.17)
T=5 0.042 0.266* 0.024 0.422 0.030
(1.29) (0.16) (0.77) (0.28) (0.87)
T = 10 0.046 0.144 0.024 0.174 0.037
(0.17) (0.11) (0.10) (0.22) (0.14)

Hydrological disaster
t=0 -0.554 2.360* 0.305 6.753** 0.411
(1.68) (1.35) (0.97) (2.25) (1.26)
T=5 0.077 1.131 0.039 1.846 0.045
(0.95) (0.72) (0.60) (1.14) (0.86)
T = 10 0.071 0.269 0.049 0.566 0.067
(0.24) (0.18) (0.16) (0.41) (0.17)

Climatic disaster
t=0 0.251 1.818** 0.137 4.830** 0.190
(0.98) (0.80) (0.64) (1.45) (0.85)
T=5 0.319 0.870* 0.173 0.983 0.237
(1.35) (0.48) (0.72) (0.94) (0.79)
T = 10 0.021 0.121 0.011 0.212 0.013
(0.23) (0.18) (0.14) (0.24) (0.18)

Geophysical disaster
t=0 0.950 6.011** 0.544 8.994* 0.646
(3.71) (2.45) (2.15) (4.60) (3.16)
T=5 1.303 1.379* 0.892 1.678** 1.006
(9.29) (0.80) (4.85) (0.69) (7.01)
T = 10 0.725 2.065** 0.414 2.449** 0.577
(0.88) (0.63) (0.59) (1.07) (0.87)

This table presents the results of using different disaster thresholds. We report the impact in the disaster year and the accumulated impact after five and ten year. **/*
Indicating significance levels of respectively 5 and 10%. Bootstrapped standard errors are shown between brackets. Estimated using OLS-FE including the control variables
from column (5) of Table 3.
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 79

Furthermore, climatic and hydrological disasters have only a the true economic impact of a natural catastrophe as part of the
significant temporary adverse impact. Within two years the impact effect may be averaged out within a country. To explore whether
has disappeared and the accumulated impact after ten year is zero. our results are sensitive to the observation level used we re-
The results so far point out that for some disasters there exist a estimated the models from Table 4 using regional data. Due to
‘within country effect’ of large-scale natural disasters. Nonetheless, technical concerns we cannot include the complete sample, but we
natural disasters may not only explain income disparities within a have a limited sample of countries, thereby including more than
country over time, but also between countries (Skidmore and Toya, 450 regional districts. To capture the regional impact, we estimate
2002). As a further robustness analysis on the long run impact of the following model (Table A1 in the appendix lists the countries
natural disasters, we estimate our model using a cross-sectional included in this regional analysis).
specification where we use the average growth rate of the light
intensity in country i between 1992 and 2008 as our dependent Dlnlightjit ¼ aji þ ht þ ðm  1Þlnlightjit1 þ bk zkjit1q
variable. So our model is given by X
n X
þ g q disasternat
itq þ ’q disasterreg
þ ejit ð8Þ
lnlighti2008  lnlighti1992
¼ di þ mlnlighti1992 q¼0 q¼0
þ b x ki19751992 þ g disaster^ı 19931998 þ ei
k where lightjit represents the light intensity in region j of country
i at time t, while zk is a vector of reginal control variables. This
vector includes the average number of years of schooling, asset
In this specification, we take the control variables as an average index, access to clean water and electricity and employment in
over the period 1975–1992 to reduce simultaneity with our the non-agricultural sector. As the available data on the control
disaster variable. Moreover, we include continent specific inter- variables is limited, it is possible that there is still an omitted
cepts di to account for geographical factors. The results in the variable bias present. We try to reduce this bias some further by
bottom part of Table 4 confirm our earlier findings on the impulse including country-region fixed effects aji. Moreover, to take into
response functions. We find that there exists only a statistical account the spillover effects of disasters between regions, we
significant long run impact of geophysical disasters at common split up our disaster variable into two parts. First, disasternat are
confidence levels that is in the upward direction. the total number of disasters emerging within a country at time
t (excluding the disasters occurring in region j), while disasterreg
4.3. Disaster scale effects are the total number of natural events striking region j at time t.
Thus, the first variable captures the spillover effects of disasters
One can argue that our results so far are driven by an from other regions, while the second variable measures the
endogenous selection bias as we have included only a selected direct impact of a disaster within a particular region.
number of large-scale disasters based on their damage created. To We can draw a number of clear conclusions from the results
explore if our results are affected by this endogenous selection, we presented in Table 6. First, the largest part of the complete
re-estimated the models from Table 4 using alternative disaster impact of disasters is caused by a direct effect. To be more
thresholds. First, we create a disaster measure including all precise, 75% of the economic impact of large-scale natural
disasters reported in the EM-DAT dataset disregarding their size. disasters takes place on the regional level. Second, we again
The results in column (1) of Table 5 show that our previous results find the similar disaster pattern as before. Thus, disregarding if
may partially be driven by the used decision rule, as we are not able the consequences are measured on a national or regional level,
to find any significant effect for any of the natural disasters hydro-meteorological and geophysical disasters reduce eco-
measures including also small-scale disasters. One explanation is nomic development. Finally, geophysical and hydrological
that more than 90% of the disasters affect less than 100 persons. disasters cause significantly more spillover effects as the
Therefore, as a second test, in columns (2) and (3) we re-estimate national disaster variable for these events is significantly
the main model including our large-scale natural disaster indicator higher. Combining the national and regional effect together,
together with a small-scale natural disaster measure composed in we find a higher total impact of disasters compared to the main
a similar way to Eq. (1). The EM-DAT dataset recognizes about results reported in Table 4. Though, this latter outcome may be
9000 small-scale natural disasters in our period of analysis. The created by a sample selection bias as our regional dataset
distribution of the small-scale disasters is quite similar to the mainly consists out of low- and middle-income countries,
distribution of the large-scale events. Still, the most common leaving out high income countries. Besides, for a large number
disasters are hydrological disasters (46%), while geophysical of disasters we arbitrary assign them to be a complete national
disasters occur the least frequent (8%). The results clearly indicate event. We should therefore be careful in interpreting the size
that small-scale disasters have no impact on economic develop- effect of the two disasters variables and only look at the
ment. This latter result is strengthened when we focus on only the direction of the effect.
one-percent largest natural disasters based on their damage
created or number of people affected. We find that these extreme
disasters have a larger impact than our standard large-scale 4.5. Economic mechanisms
disasters measures. Therefore, our results point out that there is
actually a threshold effect in the impact of natural disasters on The effect found so far shows that, on average, hydro-
economic development. This confirms the findings by Hallegatte meteorological and geophysical large-scale natural disasters affect
and Dumas (2009) and Azariadis and Drazen (1990) arguing that economic development in a significant way, at least in the short
only more severe disasters are likely to put countries on lower run. Still, several country characteristics may lead to cross-country
growth paths. differences in this pattern (Felbermayr and Gröschl, 2014). To
explore whether the disaster impact is conditional on the country
4.4. Regional analysis specific context related to the economic and political situation, we
estimate the following equation.
As emphasized by Bertinelli and Strobl (2013) using develop-
ment data on the national level may induce an underestimation of
80 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

Dlnlightit ¼ ai þ ht þ ðm  1Þlnlightit1 þ bk xkit1q Earlier studies already argued that although natural disasters
n take a massive economic toll on virtually all countries, their impact
þ g 1q disasteritq tend to be higher when the degree of economic development is
q¼0 rather low (Freeman et al., 2003; Borensztein et al., 2009).
n X
n Conversely, one can also argue that, although wealthier countries
þ g 2q mechanismitq g 3q ðdisasteritq  mechanismitq Þ þ eit spend clearly more money on safety in terms of building codes,
q¼0 q¼0
engineering and other safety precautions, these countries have far
ð9Þ more physical capital at risk during a disaster (Skidmore and Toya,
where mechanism is a vector containing various conditioning 2002). According to EM-DAT (2013) up to 80% of the total damages
factors which are represented by a series of dummies. The other from natural disasters are concentrated in low-income countries.
variables have the same meaning as in Eq. (6). Since it is hard to To explore this issue in more detail, we create a dummy variable
interpret the economic significance based on these outcomes, the indicating whether a country is classified as a low- or high-income
conditional effect of the mediating factor on the effect of natural country by the World Bank (based on the real GDP per capita of
disasters is calculated by the derivation of Eq. (9) with respect to 5000 US dollars). The marginal effects in columns (1) and (2) of
disaster. Table 6 show that, on average, natural disasters have a larger
impact on economic progress in developing countries. However,
@Dlnlight the pattern differs among the two country groups. In the short run,
¼ g 1q þ g 3q mechanism ð10Þ
@disaster geophysical and meteorological disasters have a significant
The statistical significance of the interaction effects cannot be negative impact on economic development in industrialized
tested with a simple t-test on the coefficient of the interaction countries, while climatic and hydrological disasters have an
terms but must be based on the estimated cross-partial derivative. adverse impact in developing countries. This latter finding can
The standard error of interest is be explained by a combination of three features that are the most
present in developing countries: a higher physical exposure in
s^ @Dlnlight ¼ 2
varðg 1q Þ þ mechanism  varðg 3q Þ þ 2  mechanism  covðg 1q ; g 3q Þ many areas (e.g. proximity to temperature thresholds), a higher
economic vulnerability to climate events (e.g. heavier reliance on
agriculture) and a lower adaptive capacity (i.e., a lower ability to

Table 6
Regional impact of large-scale natural disasters on economic development.

All disasters Meteorological Hydrological Climatic Geophysical

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Regional impact disasterreg
t=0 1.053** 0.320* 3.222** 2.022** 5.100**
(0.528) (0.190) (1.525) (0.531) (1.594)
t=1 1.182** 0.398** 1.544* -0.326 0.519**
(0.426) (0.203) (0.918) (0.393) (0.149)
t=2 0.599 1.345** 1.201 2.846 2.280**
(0.417) (0.467) (1.695) (2.310) (1.065)
t=3 1.359 0.511 0.647 2.481 2.198*
(1.618) (0.762) (1.501) (1.582) (1.150)
t=4 0.190 0.947 1.846 0.158 7.853
(0.904) (1.402) (2.052) (0.994) (11.480)
t=5 0.631 0.118 0.332 1.469 6.986
(0.597) (1.771) (0.573) (1.053) (9.073)
T = 10 0.080 0.183* 0.182 0.161 2.717**
(0.140) (0.095) (0.269) (0.231) (0.450)

Spillovers through national impact disasternat

t=0 0.358** 0.106* 0.819** 0.255 1.710*
(0.158) (0.057) (0.339) (0.341) (1.013)
t=1 0.041 0.097 0.338* 0.163 0.132*
(0.124) (0.070) (0.191) (0.171) (0.079)
t=2 0.157 0.531 0.393 0.565 1.265**
(0.229) (1.229) (0.377) (0.562) (0.619)
t=3 0.206 0.127 0.250 0.892 1.337
(0.169) (0.212) (0.411) (0.638) (2.851)
t=4 0.086 0.259 0.619 0.049 3.705
(0.153) (0.303) (0.438) (0.446) (3.758)
t=5 0.133 0.034 0.062 0.326 2.396
(0.173) (0.358) (0.170) (0.475) (2.876)

T = 10 0.040 0.041 0.117 0.033 1.122**

(0.028) (0.036) (0.077) (0.082) (0.198)

Countries 53 53 53 53 53
Regions 438 438 438 438 438
Observations 3712 3712 3712 3712 3712

**/* Indicating significance levels of respectively 5 and 10%. Bootstrapped standard errors are shown between brackets. Estimated using the OLS-FE estimator and including
the control variables from column (5) of Table 3.
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 81

deal with climate stress). One can therefore argue that developing by households and the private sector in the aftermath. When credit
countries are more affected by the frequency effect of disasters and insurance markets are missing or incomplete, as in many rural
caused by hydrological disasters, while economic development in areas in developing countries, households may further be forced to
industrialized countries reacts more strongly on the scale effects of dispose their productive assets, thereby jeopardizing future
geological and meteorological disasters. growth prospects and trapping them into poverty. According to
These outcomes indicate that the differences in results between Von Peter et al. (2012) it is mainly the uninsured losses that drive
low- and high-income countries might be attributed to a number the subsequent long run macroeconomic costs. We create a
of economic particularities present in these country groups. For dummy to indicate whether a country is financially developed or
instance, low-income countries are often characterized by a lower financially constraint. We base this threshold on the median value
degree of financial development and are often ruled by less of credit per capita, which is around 600 US dollars. The results in
democratic governments. To reveal the economic mechanisms that columns (3) and (4) of Table 7 indicate that in more financially
may aggravate or reduce the economic impact of a disaster, we developed countries, the impact of natural disasters is less severe.
include a series of dummies in our vector of mechanisms that may Also, the duration of the negative impact of a natural catastrophe is
affect the impact of large-scale natural disasters on economic shorter in financially developed countries (i.e., Hallegatte et al.,
development. As these mechanisms might be correlated, we 2007).
include all conditional variables in one specification. Second, as already mentioned above, the openness of an
First, economic and financial development are rather closely economy may affect the growth potential of a country as it
related as economic progress may be spurred by more liberalized influences the ability to smooth shocks. When a disaster strikes
financial markets (Levine, 2005). Melecky and Raddatz (2014) and it is widely documented that the trade balance deteriorates due
McDermott et al. (2014) argue that the degree of financial to a surge in exports and increase of imports (Gassebner et al.,
development is an important factor in restraining the economic 2010; Oh and Reuveny, 2010; Felbermayr and Gröschl, 2014).
consequences of a disaster by lifting the financial constraint faced Yet, more open economies may also recover faster from a

Table 7
Economic mechanisms.

Low-income High-income Financially Financially Closed Open Autocracies Democracies Aid Non-aid
countries countries constraint developed economy economy dependent dependent

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
All large-scale disasters
t=0 1.075** 0.618 1.513** -0.880** 1.231** 0.631** 1.800** 0.901** 1.361** -1.172**
(0.22) (0.39) (0.34) (0.33) (0.39) (0.29) (0.54) (0.31) (0.49) (0.48)
T = 5 0.630** 0.169 -0.669** 0.223 0.693** 0.209 0.666* 0.018 0.167 0.197
(0.29) (0.14) (0.33) (0.26) (0.31) (0.15) (0.35) (0.15) (0.62) (0.59)
T = 10 0.280 0.017 0.284 0.235 0.297 0.144 0.293 0.048 0.106 0.100
(0.32) (0.06) (0.25) (0.19) (0.21) (0.19) (0.37) (0.07) (0.14) (0.11)

Meteorological disaster
t=0 0.414 1.012** 1.385** 0.416** 1.218** 0.405** 1.257 1.585** 0.426* 0.446*
(0.89) (0.29) (0.66) (0.20) (0.52) (0.17) (2.57) (0.47) (0.26) (0.26)
T = 5 0.393 0.205* 0.526** 0.275** -0.427 0.246** -0.887 0.272** 0.006 0.006
(0.39) (0.12) (0.26) (0.13) (0.27) (0.12) (0.68) (0.11) (0.68) (0.72)
T = 10 -0.537 0.047 0.303 0.179 0.359 0.157 0.717 0.018 0.168 0.163
(0.40) (0.08) (0.19) (0.13) (0.37) (0.19) (0.51) (0.11) (0.15) (0.17)

Hydrological disaster
t=0 3.056** 1.517 5.289** 1.169 5.883** 1.034 3.453** 1.211 2.486* 2.759*
(1.52) (2.16) (1.76) (2.66) (1.32) (2.16) (1.54) (1.83) (1.45) (1.56)
T = 5 1.751* 0.089 0.601 0.207 0.686 0.223 0.944** -0.176 0.043 0.043
(0.93) (0.19) (0.51) (0.38) (0.52) (0.31) (0.35) (0.18) (1.26) (1.23)
T = 10 0.704 0.011 0.622 0.369 0.746 -0.258 -0.722 0.078 0.282 0.330
(0.52) (0.07) (0.44) (0.29) (0.53) (0.25) (0.52) (0.08) (0.23) (0.29)

Climatic disaster
t=0 1.606** 0.599 3.272** 0.132 3.161** 0.090 0.998* 0.500 1.821* 1.906**
(0.70) (2.49) (0.99) (2.00) (0.92) (1.35) (0.52) (1.58) (0.94) (0.80)
T = 5 0.739* 0.855 1.034* 0.261 0.998 0.162 0.886* 0.920 1.126 1.317
(0.44) (3.49) (0.63) (0.45) (0.77) (0.38) (0.49) (0.64) (1.23) (1.20)
T = 10 0.238 1.125 0.100 0.692 0.114 0.693 0.262 0.012 -0.148 -0.154
(0.19) (1.21) (0.17) (0.41) (0.19) (0.35) (0.25) (0.21) (0.20) (0.23)

Geophysical disaster
t=0 -4.147 8.850** 5.156** 9.597** 5.433** 7.609** 2.402* 7.099** 6.242* 6.915**
(6.49) (3.92) (2.28) (3.90) (2.23) (3.54) (1.37) (3.64) (3.47) (3.39)
T = 5 5.923 2.885** 0.977 1.924** 1.172 1.745** 0.419 2.748** 3.872* 4.034**
(5.03) (0.62) (2.78) (0.97) (3.08) (0.64) (4.68) (1.25) (2.17) (1.70)
T = 10 0.156 3.859** 1.776 1.114* 2.915 2.009* 1.173 5.251** 2.049** 2.898**
(0.38) (1.57) (3.25) (0.46) (2.68) (1.08) (0.93) (1.69) (0.88) (0.86)

This table presents the marginal effects of the various economic and political mechanisms identified that affect the impact of large-scale natural disasters on economic
development. We report the impact in the disaster year and the accumulated impact after five and ten year. **/* Indicating significance levels of respectively 5 and 10 percent.
Bootstrapped standard errors are shown between brackets. Estimated using OLS-FE including the control variables from column (5) of Table 3.
82 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

disaster shock as they have earlier access to new technologies. to the definition of Polity IV, countries with a score higher than six
In column (5) and (6) we report the marginal effects of are regarded as democratic. The marginal effects in columns (7)
countries with a relative open economy and countries with a and (8) of Table 7 confirm that the economic impact of natural
more closed economy using an economic openness dummy. We disasters is larger in countries with weaker institutions.
base the threshold value of this dummy upon the median of the Finally, as already mentioned above, some of the most urgent
sum of exports and imports, which is about 1.500 US dollars per needs can be alleviated by the inflow of foreign aid which may ease
capita. The results show that although disasters have a negative the economic impact of a natural disaster. To explore this notion in
impact on economic development in both samples, more open more detail, we create a dummy to divide our sample into aid
economies suffer less. dependent and non-aid dependent countries. We base this split on
Third, the magnitude of natural catastrophes might be less the average amount of aid received per capita, which is about
severe in countries with an efficient and accountable government. 700 US dollars annually. The results in columns (9) and (10) of
National governments may influence the impact of disasters by Table 7 indicate that there are actually no structural differences in
providing the necessary pre- and post-disaster policies. Demo- the impact of any of the natural disasters considered between aid
cratic governments have the incentive to invest in these disaster dependent and non-aid dependent countries. One rational
policies. When governments fail to provide these disaster explanation is that aid is often provided to alleviate humanitarian
measures, the affected voters may replace them in the next misery instead of promoting economic progress. This is especially
elections, as they may be hold accountable for the adverse human the case when aid is given immediately following a large-scale
and economic consequences (i.e., Cole et al., 2012; Healy and natural disaster.
Malhotra, 2009). Thus, we expect that natural disasters are likely to In Table 8 we perform a number of sample splits based on some
have a less severe impact in countries with better institutions geographical characteristics of a particular country as some natural
(Anbarci et al., 2005; Kahn, 2005). To accommodate this notion, we disasters happen only in certain locations or are clustered in
create a dummy to indicate if a certain country is an established particular regions around the globe. We can derive a number of
democracy or autocratic country based on the Polity IV. According conclusions from this table. First, we support the view that

Table 8
Geographical location.

Land locked countries Non-land locked countries Africa Asia Latin and Central America Frequently

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

All large-scale disasters
t=0 1.217** 1.177** 1.948** 1.459** 1.653** 1.414**
(0.435) (0.463) (0.468) (0.481) (0.473) (0.410)
T=5 0.203 0.202 0.263 0.273 0.217 0.185
(0.615) (0.554) (0.597) (0.546) (0.578) (0.610)
T = 10 0.112 0.098 0.141 0.132 0.111 0.102
(0.122) (0.138) (0.140) (0.131) (0.140) (0.116)

Meteorological disasters
t=0 0.301* 0.653** 0.418 0.621** 0.491** 0.492**
(0.163) (0.161) (0.265) (0.246) (0.248) (0.183)
T=5 0.104 -0.207 0.006 0.010 0.006 0.004
(0.623) (0.625) (0.698) (0.782) (0.681) (0.602)
T = 10 0.130 -0.213 0.180 0.294 0.170 0.136
(0.135) (0.209) (0.149) (0.375) (0.175) (0.132)

Hydrological disasters
t=0 2.763* 2.580** 2.910* 4.837** 2.474 4.868**
(1.514) (1.273) (1.518) (1.508) (1.564) (1.525)
T=5 0.046 0.040 0.045 0.072 0.045 2.150*
(1.087) (1.184) (1.176) (1.116) (1.009) (1.182)
T = 10 0.288 0.312 0.296 0.505 0.298 0.262
(0.210) (0.198) (0.216) (0.405) (0.194) (0.192)

Climatic disasters
t=0 2.140** 2.088 2.811** 1.984 1.884** 1.802**
(0.955) (1.949) (1.011) (1.334) (0.856) (0.633)
T=5 1.108 1.226 1.731 1.105 1.249 1.076
(1.337) (1.424) (1.397) (1.333) (1.235) (1.423)
T = 10 0.137 -0.134 0.212 0.154 0.143 0.125
(0.185) (0.214) (0.213) (0.205) (0.193) (0.198)

Geophysical disasters
t=0 6.091* 6.648** 5.932* 10.825** 7.913** 6.545**
(3.329) (3.380) (3.522) (3.540) (1.649) (3.284)
T=5 3.825** 3.324* 3.619 5.114** 3.985** 4.206*
(1.886) (1.845) (5.394) (1.408) (1.819) (2.936)
T = 10 3.221** 3.659** 3.540 4.248** 3.251** 3.302**
(0.825) (0.873) (4.772) (0.892) (0.917) (0.751)

The table shows the results in the disaster year and the accumulated impact after five and ten year. **/* Indicating significance levels of respectively 5 and 10 percent.
Bootstrapped standard errors are shown between brackets. Estimated including the control variables from column (5) of Table 3.
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 83

countries that are not located near to the ocean are less subject to growth rate of real GDP per capita. Applying both models to the
meteorological disasters (Sachs and Warner, 1997; Loayza et al., same sample of 98 countries, the results in Table 9 indicate that
2012). Second, we find that climatic disasters have the largest using the reported real GDP per capita figures from the PWT
impact on economic growth in Africa, while hydro-meteorological underestimates the true impact of natural catastrophes on
disasters have the most severe effect in Asia. This outcome can be economic development. That is, the absolute coefficients are
explained by a frequency effect as droughts are the most common systemically lower in the model using official GDP data which is
in Africa, while floods and cyclones occur more often in Asia. This presumably due to the larger measurement error in this data.
latter point is strengthened since we find a more severe impact of This underestimation becomes even more visible when we include
hydrological disasters in countries that are regularly hit by a large- only developing countries (detailed results are available upon
scale disaster compared to our main model presented in Table 3. request).
We classified a country as being regularly hit when they have been However, one can argue that the intensity of lights visible from
struck at least five times by a large-scale natural disaster during our outer space is not only affected by the use of lights, but also by the
period of analysis. infrastructure in place needed to produce and distribute lights. In
order to rule out that we are not estimating the impact of disasters
4.6. Sensitivity analysis on the availability of this infrastructure rather than on economic
development, we re-estimate the model reported in columns (5)
One question that still remains is to what extent our results are and (6) of Table 3 using the percentage of lit cells within a country.
affected by using light intensity data instead of the commonly used The percentage of lit cells is related to the availability of lights and
reported figures on real GDP per capita. To examine this issue more not necessarily with its intensity. The results in column (3) of
thoroughly, we compare the results obtained using the change in Table 9 demonstrate that we do not find any evidence that natural
light intensity as our dependent variable with the results of an disasters affect the percentage of lit cells within a country.
econometric specification that explains the differences in the Therefore our results demonstrate that disasters affect only the
intensity of light and not the presence of infrastructure needed to
produce and distribute lights.
Up so far we did not take into account the scope or intensity of a
disaster. As an additional robustness test, we normalize our
Table 9
Indicators of development—Light vs. GDP growth. disaster measure by the magnitude of the disaster relative to the
size of the economy. In accordance with Noy (2009) and Loayza
Light growth GDP per capital growth % lit cells et al. (2012), we use two different measures for the intensity of a
(1) (2) (3) disaster: (1) the number of people affected divided by last year's
All large-scale disasters total population (since the current year's population has been
t=0 -1.310** -0.388** -0.812 affected by the disaster itself) and (2) the amount of direct damage
(0.415) (0.170) (1.110) per affected. For each natural disaster we compute the following
T=5 -0.176 0.098 -0.110
(0.168) (0.394) (0.312)
T = 10 0.215 0.401 0.047
(0.253) (0.602) (0.225)  P P
ln½ ðGkit  ð12  Mkit Þ=12Þ þ Gnit1  ðMnit1 =12ÞðpostÞdisaster year
disasterGit ¼ lne otherwise
Meteorological disasters
t=0 -0.736** -0.430* -0.425
(0.359) (0.243) (0.571)
where G measures the magnitude of a disaster. Consequently, the
T=5 -0.140 -0.556 -0.154
(0.273) (0.641) (0.551) log is taken to avoid that the empirical results are driven by
T = 10 -0.222 -0.160 -0.022 extreme values. In order to retain as much observations as possible,
(0.164) (0.625) (0.155) we follow Loayza et al. (2012) by assigning country-years for which
no event occurred a low number e that is just below the lowest
Hydrological disasters
t=0 2.341** 0.851 1.541
disaster measure for which an event was reported since the log of
(1.042) (0.671) (1.222) zero is undefined. As the consequences of disaster events depend
T=5 0.568 0.556 -0.541 to some extent on endogenous factors like the socio-economic
(0.382) (0.640) (0.885) situation, we use the system-GMM approach outlined above
T = 10 0.641 0.171 -0.128
(Neumayer et al., 2014).The estimation results are in the first part
(0.425) (0.931) (0.225)
of Table 10. As the disaster measures are taken in logarithms, we
Climatic disasters can interpret the coefficients as elasticities. The results indicate
t=0 1.301 0.227 0.098 that besides the frequency of disasters also the intensity of a
(0.903) (0.303) (0.107) catastrophe matters for the impact. An increase of 1% in the share
T=5 0.665 0.232 0.045
(0.556) (0.231) (0.088)
of population affected reduces light intensity by 0.14%, while an
T = 10 0.150 0.431 0.005 increase of 1% in the share of physical damage per affected lowers
(0.159) (1.598) (0.052) the light intensity by 0.09% in the year of the disaster. The last
thirty years the number of affected people increased with about 5%
Geophysical disasters
annually, while the physical damage per affected increased by 8%
t=0 -3.499** 2.179** 1.998
(1.541) (0.851) (1.512) each year. When we interpret this finding, the light intensity is
T=5 4.297** 2.098 -0.551 about 0.7% lower in a disaster year than it would have been in the
(1.927) (5.602) (0.458) absence of natural disasters.
T = 10 2.965** 0.113 0.043 One can still argue that there are also measurement errors in
(1.401) (0.575) (0.154)
our light intensity measure. These errors come mainly from pre-
The table shows the results in the disaster year and the accumulated impact after processing and intercalibrating the raw data. This is then also one
five and ten year. **/* Indicating significance levels of respectively 5 and 10 percent.
of the reasons why Chen and Nordhaus (2011) argue that satellite
Bootstrapped standard errors are shown between brackets. Estimated using OLS-FE
including the control variables from column (5) of Table 3. based economic data has only benefits for countries where there is
84 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

Table 10
Alternative indicators.

Share of population affected Physical damage per affected Alternative intercalibration Outlier correction Composed


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

All large-scale disasters
t=0 0.143** 0.088** 1.160** 1.359** 1.278**
(0.008) (0.044) (0.556) (0.509) (0.531)
T=5 0.018 0.031* 0.472 0.508 0.553
(0.017) (0.018) (0.631) (0.600) (0.599)
T = 10 0.002 0.000 0.082 0.081 0.091
(0.033) (0.043) (0.143) (0.148) (0.147)

Sargan test (p-value) 0.347 0.412

Arellano-Bond AR(1) (p-value) 0.000 0.000
Arellano-Bond AR(2) (p-value) 0.712 0.693

Meteorological disasters
t=0 0.439** 0.288** 0.538** 0.515* 0.520*
(0.008) (0.043) (0.255) (0.290) (0.280)
T=5 0.037 0.089 0.138 0.148 0.156
(0.026) (0.119) (1.016) (1.058) (1.031)
T = 10 0.003 0.001 0.190 0.167 0.184
(0.033) (0.040) (0.157) (0.143) (0.159)

Hydrological disasters
t=0 0.141** 0.087 2.617* 3.354** 2.985**
(0.011) (0.079) (1.584) (1.471) (1.450)
T=5 0.014 0.030 0.260 0.247 0.265
(0.028) (0.026) (0.901) (0.988) (0.938)
T = 10 0.002 0.000 0.222 0.225 0.260
(0.033) (0.044) (0.223) (0.241) (0.220)

Climatic disasters
t=0 0.134** 0.071 1.857** 1.686* 1.785*
(0.013) (0.080) (0.897) (0.872) (0.935)
T=5 0.022 0.033 1.532 1.540 1.384
(0.016) (0.036) (1.307) (1.201) (1.202)
T = 10 0.002 0.000 0.121 -0.104 0.114
(0.045) (0.081) (0.254) (0.211) (0.234)

Geophysical disasters
t=0 0.303** 0.191** 7.459** 7.235** 6.752**
(0.004) (0.060) (3.275) (3.176) (3.207)
T=5 0.051 0.074** 7.427** 7.396** 8.154**
(0.112) (0.020) (3.768) (3.385) (3.457)
T = 10 0.004 0.001 4.653** 3.803** 4.303**
(0.029) (0.060) (0.813) (0.851) (0.774)

Sargan test (p-value) 0.467 0.317

Arellano-Bond AR(1) (p-value) 0.000 0.000
Arellano-Bond AR(2) (p-value) 0.498 0.518

The table shows the results in the disaster year and the accumulated impact after five and ten year. **/*Indicating significance levels of respectively 5 and 10 percent.
Bootstrapped standard errors are shown between brackets. Estimated including the control variables from column (5) of Table 3.

a poor statistical system present. To explore whether our results adjusted to match this composite by estimating a second order
are affected by these measurement errors in our light intensity regression model for each composite. This model is given by
data, we perform a number of sensitivity tests. First, we re-
estimate our main models using the intercalibration method from
light ¼ a þ b1 dn þ b2 dn2 þ e ð13Þ
Elvidge et al. (2009) as an alternative to the previous approach. To
overcome the limited comparability of the satellite data over time Table A3 in the appendix shows the resulting calibration
this approach calibrates each composite against one base coefficients. These coefficients were applied to each composite so
composite using an empirical model. One major drawback of this that a new predicted value (light) was calculated based on the
methodology is that it is only valid under the strict assumption that original value (dn). Any values over 63 were truncated so that the
the lighting intensity levels in a reference area have remained range of the values remained between 0 and 63. Using this new
relatively stable over time. In our case, F162007 was chosen as this light variable we re-estimate the main models from Table 4. The
reference composite because it contained the highest digital results presented in column (3) of Table 10 on the impact of large-
number values overall. The data from all other satellite years are scale natural disasters are allmost identical to the previous results.
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 85

Again we find that natural disasters cause a drop in economic countries, while geophysical and meteorological disasters de-
development in the short run. This effect is mainly attributed by crease light intensity in industrialized countries. These results can
the impact of hydro-meteorological and geophysical disasters As a first be explained by the intensity effect as geophysical and
second test we check whether extreme changes in light density meteorological disasters cause the majority of the reported
affect our results by removing the outlier observations in the estimated damage per affected worldwide. To be precise, based
change of light variable. An outlier is defined as: [D ln light] < Q on the estimates of EM-DAT (2013) the amount of damage caused
(25)-3IQR or [D ln light] > Q(75) + 3IQR, where Q is the quantile and by a single meteorological or geophysical event is on average
IQR the interquantile range given by 75th percentile–25th about 2.5 times larger than for a flood or major drought. This
percentile. This leaves us with more than 95% of the observations. intensity effect may have long lasting adverse impacts thereby
The results in column (4) of Table 10 demonstrate that our results reducing the economic perspective in the future. Second,
are stable and not affected by outliers in the change of light hydrological disasters affect economic growth through a frequen-
intensity. Finally, the measurement errors in official GDP statistics cy effect as more than 40% of the disasters included are
and the errors in light intensity data come from different sources. considered in this category. This reduces the time between two
Data obtained using satellite images are less subject to observation independent disasters, and hence, the opportunities to cope with
errors as all data are obtained in the same consistent way, but they the negative consequences of these shocks by households, firms
are more affected by processing and interpretation errors. In turn, and the government. This frequency effect might be aggravated in
official real GDP data is influenced by the reporting practices in a developing countries since recovery investments after a major
specific country. That is, for some countries the reported figures are disaster often take long to implement due to financial and
more reliable than for others. These errors not necessarily correlate capacity constraints present in these countries.
and both indicators can be seen as imperfect measures of When we try to match our results with the scenarios
development. In the next sensitivity test we combine the data outlined in Section 2, we find some empirical evidence for
on real GDP per capita and light intensity data by using the first- scenario A in the case of hydro-meteorological and climatic
principle component (PCA). PCA is a statistical data reduction disasters. Meaning, disasters cause a drop in economic
technique used to explain variability among observed random development immediately following a disaster. However, in
variables in terms of fewer unobserved random variables called the long run most of the disaster effect has disappeared as the
factors. The factor loadings are respectively 0.89 and 0.63 for light complete impact after ten years is zero. Thus, countries
intensity and real GDP per capita. In column (5) we use this experiencing these kind of disasters only temporarily deviate
measure as our dependent variable. The results on this composed from it's original long run balanced growth path. In turn, we
indicator show a similar pattern as before. In more detail, we find find support for scenario D for geophysical disasters. These
that hydro-meteorological and geophysical disasters reduce the disasters increase the economic growth rate by about 0.06 per-
lights visible from outer space in the short run, while in the long centage-points annually in the following ten years after a
run geophysical disasters may even enhance economic develop- disaster. This positive impact can be attributed to the
ment. large-scale recovery investments that trigger technological
progress and therefore a country reaches a higher growth path
5. Conclusion as before.
We find two mechanisms that restrain the impact of large-scale
From a macroeconomic theory point of view, it is not directly natural disasters, at least in the short run. First, government
clear whether, and if so in which direction, natural disasters accountability. When a government would like to make their
should affect economic development. One main concern with economy more resilient to large-scale natural catastrophes, they
the existing studies is that the majority of all natural disasters can, for instance, enforce strict building codes, increase the quality
happen in developing countries, where macroeconomic re- of the public infrastructure or invest more in early warning
search is hampered due to unreliable economic data. In systems. Second, financial development. Our results point out that
response to overcome the problems related to measuring countries that have more developed financial markets, suffer less
GDP per capita, there is a long tradition in the economics from the consequences of a disaster. That is, governments may
literature of considering various proxies that cover periods or facilitate the necessary policies that open up the financial markets
countries for which GDP data are not available at all or not and enhance a well-functioning private (re-)insurance or cata-
available in a timely fashion. Recently, a number of studies strophic bond market to ease the adverse economic consequences.
demonstrate that light intensity and economic activity are Alternatively, the government might set up a credible public
closely related. Our contribution to the empirical literature is to disaster fund in the pre-disaster period to absorb the negative
explore how large-scale natural disasters adversely affect shocks when they happen.
economic development measured by night-time light intensity. However, interpreting our results, one needs to be carefully as
We use a dynamic panel model including more than 1000 large- there are also some concerns by using night-time lights data in an
scale natural disasters between 1992 and 2008. economic analysis. As indicated by a number of studies. these
After testing for the sensitivity of the results, our main findings concerns are mostly related to the calibration of the night-time
suggest that natural disasters reduce the amount of lights visible light data and the saturation problem mainly in developing
from outer space significantly in the short run. To be more precise, countries. Consequently, the night-time light data may over- or
we demonstrate that climatic and hydrological disasters cause a underestimate the true intensity of the economic activities that
drop in the luminosity in developing and emerging market take place within a country.
86 J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88

Table A1
Countries included.

Afghanistan Dominican Republic# Latvia Rwanda#

Albania Ecuador Lesotho# Saudi Arabia
Algeria Egypt, Arab Rep.# Liberia# Senegal#
Argentina El Salvador Libya Serbia
Armenia# Estonia Lithuania Sierra Leone#
Australia Fiji Luxembourg Singapore
Austria Finland Malawi# Slovak Republic
Bahrain France Malaysia Slovenia
Bangladesh# Gabon# Maldives South Africa#
Barbados Gambia, The Mali# Spain
Belgium Germany Malta Sri Lanka
Belize Ghana# Mauritania Sudan
Benin# Greece Mauritius Swaziland#
Bolivia# Guatemala# Mexico Sweden
Botswana Guyana# Mongolia Switzerland
Brazil# Haiti# Morocco# Syrian Arab Republic
Brunei Darussalam Honduras# Mozambique# Tajikistan
Bulgaria Hungary Namibia# Tanzania#
Burundi# Iceland Nepal# Thailand
Cambodia# India# Netherlands Togo#
Cameroon# Indonesia# New Zealand Tonga
Canada Iran, Islamic Rep. Nicaragua# Trinidad and Tobago
Central African Republic# Iraq Niger# Tunisia
Chile Ireland Norway Turkey#
China Israel Pakistan# Uganda#
Colombia# Italy Panama Ukraine#
Congo, Dem. Rep.# Jamaica Papua New Guinea United Arab Emirates
Congo, Rep. # Japan Paraguay United Kingdom
Costa Rica Jordan# Peru# United States
Cote d’Ivoire# Kazakhstan# Philippines# Uruguay
Croatia Kenya# Poland Venezuela, RB
Cuba Korea, Rep. Portugal Vietnam#
Cyprus Kuwait Qatar Yemen, Rep.
Czech Republic Kyrgyz Republic Romania Zambia#
Denmark Lao PDR Russian Federation Zimbabwe#

# Denotes whether a country is included in the regional analysis of Section 4.3.

Table A2
Data sources used.

Variable Description Source

Gross fixed capital Gross fixed capital formation per capita, including land improvements, equipment purchases and the World Development
formation per capita construction of infrastructure, and commercial and industrial buildings. Indicators (2012)
Secondary school Secondary school attainment rate of the population above 15. By interpolating the data we obtained annual Barro and Lee (2013)
enrolment observations.
Population growth Growth rate of the total population. Penn World
Tables (2012)
Government spending per Central government spending divided by the population size. Penn World
capita Tables (2012)
Trade per capita Sum of import and export per capita. Penn World
Tables (2012)
Current account balance Export minus import per capita Penn World
per capita Tables (2012)
Terms-of-trade Export prices divided by import prices. World Development
Indicators (2012)
Exchange rate changes Annual change in the real exchange rate. Penn World
Tables (2012)
Inflation rate Annual change in the GDP deflator. World Development
Indicators (2012)
Credit per capita Loans and credit supplied to the private sector. Taken per capita. World Development
Indicators (2012)
Population density The number of people per square kilometre of land area. World Development
Indicators (2012)
Life expectancy Life expectancy at birth in years World Development
Indicators (2012)
Urbanization rate Share of the total population living in the urban areas. World Development
Indicators (2012)
Democracy Polity IV score. Marshall and Jaggers
Political instability A dummy that takes a value of 1 in a year when there is a regime change as recorded in the Polity IV dataset. A Marshall and Jaggers
regime change is defined as a three-unit change in the Polity IV score. (2012)
J. Klomp / Global Environmental Change 36 (2016) 67–88 87

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