Feel Good Fortune Formula Ebook

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Welcome to the Chill Zone!

Hello! My name is Marta Costa, and I am an Automation & Funnel Junkie (and by the end of
this ebook, you will be too).

That’s because within these pages, you will discover…

• The 3 keys to setting yourself up for success, so that you never hit that big wave of over-
whelm and cruise from one level to the next with ease.
• How our ‘follow the guru’ or cookie cutter ‘systems’ are dooming your business to fail
(and how you can create a business that is designed around your strengths and dream
• The real secret to automated marketing, that lets you profit and chill while generating
leads and sales while you’re out enjoying your life and family!

There’s only 3 steps you need to know to do all of this. Follow these 3 steps very closely if:

• You’re not using automation or funnels and you want to start generating some lever-
aged streams of income
• You already have a proven system and want to help more people
• You’re an entrepreneur who wants to scale by starting group programs or products
• You dream of having a “Lifestyle” Freedom based business, however that looks for you :)
The Feel Good Fortune Formula
If you want to create leverage in your business, so that you can help more people and generate
more seamless sales, there are 3 steps you need to through first.

Set Your Destination

Step 1 In this phase, you have to decide what your goals are so that you can figure out how to
get there. Once that’s been determined, you’ll take stock of your business, as it is right
now and determine where the gaps are.

Chart Your Course

Step2 In this phase, you’re going to research where your clients are online and decide which
marketing strategies work best with your strengths. Once you have a strategy to
FOCUS on, you will figure out the simplest way to bring that to life and start generating

Step3 Auto-pilot
In this phase, you will systematize the process, so that you can delegate it to a team
member or EVERGREEN the whole thing so that you can scale the results with ease.
Set Your Destination
The trap that most entrepreneurs fall into is that they lose sight of where they want to go or why they
started a business in the first place. It’s easy to do. You start getting clients, and making money and
while that is the primary goal of a business, it’s not the only one. We become so focused on making
money that we say yes to clients who may not be a good fit, or to opportunities that take us off track and
create offers and content that we ‘think’ will be a big hit, but aren’t necessarily in our zone of genius.

For others, it’s Shiny Object Syndrome that takes you off your path. Look at this new software here, that
new platform there, this new trend that’s bound to work here and before you know it, months or years
have gone by and you’re in this choppy ocean with wave after wave hitting you and you’re doing all you
can just to keep your head above water.

How do you want to serve? Done For You Services Leveraged Services
1-on-1 Services Masterminds
Private Coaching Certifications
VIP Days Group Programs
Membership Sites
Virtual Intensives
Live Intensives
Passive Products
Who do you want to serve?

How do you want to grow your list?

Guest Blogging

Podcast interviews

Social Media Advertising





What does your ideal work week look like? Do you take Friday’s off?

Do you block out days of the week for specific focuses? YES NO

Ex: Mondays - Marketing

Tuesdays - Client Calls
Wednesday - Creating Content
Thursday - Client Calls
Fridays - Sales Calls
What are the specific times of day when you can zero in and be in the
zone at peak performance?

There are no wrong answers here. There is no ‘one-way’. Don’t get tripped up by what you’ve seen others

The truth is, you never see the whole picture. You only get to see the ‘front’ end, what they allow you to see.
No one can be completely transparent all of the time. There is always stuff running in the background.
There are always adjustments being made and the thing that got someone results 3 months ago, may not
work today.

You can try and recreate someone else’s process, you can use it as a template, but at the end of the day, if
you haven’t done your OWN work and added your special sauce, it’s not going to work.

You have to make your own way. It’s the ONLY way.

So, if you were to start over from scratch...what would you do differently?
The key here is to create the business of YOUR dreams.
Chart Your Course
Now that you know your destination, it’s time to chart your course. When you look at a map of the world,
there are myriad ways to get from Point A to Point B. The same is true in your business.

Look back on your notes from the questions above.

What needs to change in your existing business to get to your Point B?

• Do you need more knowledge? (a course, a coach, a mentor, specialized training, etc)
• Do you need different software or platform solutions? (Email autoresponder, Shopping Cart, new web
host, membership platform, etc)
• Do you need to re-arrange your client schedule?
• Do you need to bring in different/specialized team members? (client concierge, tech team, coach,
graphic designer, copywriter, biz manager, FB Ads manager, video editor, legal advisor, etc)
• Do you need to create a product or program?
• Do you need to take an existing one-on-one program and put it into a course format?
You may have to prioritize and start slow as you plan these changes. But find a way! For example, you
may not have the budget for private coaching, but maybe you can start with a VIP day with someone who
can guide you with your next steps, or work with a team that offers strategy as well as implementation.

Or if you’re looking to add a team member, decide what type of team member would make the most
immediate impact in your business and hire them in the largest increment you can and add more as your
income builds. For example, if you spend a lot of your time fielding basic customer service type questions
and scheduling, hire an administrative VA for a few hours a month. The key is to use whatever time your
new hire frees up on income-generating activities! Get that ROI baby!

If leverage is what you’re after, what assets do you already have in place that can be re-purposed?

What marketing collateral do you need to create to make this happen? (ie. opt in page, sales page,
webinar slides, graphics, Facebook Ads, Challenge content, etc)

What’s the simplest iteration of this that you can implement quickly?
For example, using ClickFunnels or LeadPages to set up a quick optin page or sales page, that you can get
out there and start getting results from rather than having someone design a beautiful, branded, graphic
intensive version. That can come later.

Implement these changes as quickly as you can and watch your business take off!
Once you’ve completed the stages above, you should have a really great grasp of …

• Who your ideal client is

• Where your zone of genius is
• What offers you want to make and how they convert

Your final step is to systemize and scale the process. The best way to do this is by documenting every step
of your process and templatizing everything you do so that you can hand them off to someone else.

If you already have team members, have them do the same so that they too can grow and ascend in your
business and hand things over to others.

This doesn’t have to be a monumental chore. As you do things, add in a little extra time to document it as
you go. You’ll be done in no time!

I suggest you document everything in writing, as well as in video, whenever possible. This way, someone
else can follow along and learn it without you having to ‘train’ someone every time there is a team change.

As you’re documenting things, you may notice some redundancies and inefficiencies. For example, you
may be able to reduce a few hours of admin time by using an automated scheduler instead of emailing back
and forth a dozen times to schedule a call.
Or, you may be able to completely automate that new client intake process (through your shopping cart/
autoresponder) that normally takes days (and multiple reminder emails) to complete.

And you may be wondering...why am I talking about team members if everything is supposed to be on

Think of the auto-pilot on a ship. A real human still needs to be there to monitor and maintain things. The
same is true in your business.

Sometimes the weather gets rocky, and the circumstances change or systems break down. Someone
needs to step in and get things back on track. Someone needs to do routine maintenance and track
usage and mileage, etc while you’re sipping champagne on the Lido deck. The same is true for your

Sometimes, that person is you (with champagne in hand). But as you grow and scale, it’s more likely a
team member :)
Imagine having 5 and 6-figure MONTHS while working as much or as little as you want. Imagine having
systems, strategies and processes in place that allow you to take EXCELLENT care of clients, your
family, and yourself. Imagine having a business you love. That support you and fulfills you.

Then I invite you to a complimentary FEEL GOOD FORTUNE FORMULA SESSION where Online Profit &
Chill Founder Marta Costa will help you map out your FEEL GOOD FORTUNE FORMULA.

Book My Feel Good

Fortune Formula Session

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