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UTME 1991 7. The social reforms witnessed by Arabia

1. ‘By Him who dominates my soul I swear during the life time of the Prophet (S.A.W)
that you are the Prophet of this nation … included the
you will be abused and you will be A. abolition of slave ownership
persecuted. If I should ever live to see that B. improvement in slave/master relations
day, I shall surely help the cause of All h’. C. modification of the practice of
Who made the statement above? infanticide.
A. Muhammaed Husayn Haikai D. universal recognition of the Arabs as
B. Waraqah b. Nawfal the superior race.
C. ‘Abdul Muttalib 8. The treaty of al-Hudaybiyyah was expected
D. Abb s b. Mirdas to last
2. The ninth year of hijrah is known as the A. ten years B. three years
year of C. ten months D. six months
A. Deputation B. Elephant 9. The Khulaf al-R shid n reigned between
C. Peace D Aqabah A. A.D. 632 and 661
3. After the Prophet (S.A.W) had migrated to B. A.D. 622 and 632
al-mad n ̅ ah, the first two major wars he C. A.D. 610 and 661
fought against the Makkans were D. A.D. 632 and 750.
A. Badr and Hudabiyyah 10. The conversion of ‘Umar b. al-Khatt b was
B. Uhud and Khaybar a turning point in the history of Islam
C. Khandaq and Mu’tah because
D. Badr and Uhud. A. it encouraged the actualization of the
4. The Prophet’s uncle who lost his life in the Prophet’s mission
battle of Badr was B. the entire Quraysh were immediately
A. Hamzah B. Abb s converted to Islam
C. Ab T lib D. Ab Jahl C. he publicly announced his migration to
5. The Quyaysh boycotted Ban H shim al-Madinah and was not challenged
because they D. the boycott of Ban H shim was
A. had all accepted Islam terminated
B. refused to accept Islam 11. The battle of Siffin led to the emergence of
C. planned to migrate to Yathrib with the the
Prophet (S.A.W) A. Khaw rij B. Ahl al-Sunnah
D. protected the Prophet (S.A.W) and C. Mun fiq n D. Umayyads
refused to surrender him. 12. During the reign of Caliph ‘Ali, the seat of
6. The success of the business venture which administration moved from al-Mad n ̅ ah to
Muhammed (S.A.W) carried out for A. Basra B. Damasus
Khad j̅ ah was due mainly to C. Mecca D. K fah.
A. Khad j̅ ah’s love for him 13. The first Qur’ nic verse revealed,
B. the fact that he was a prophet instructed the Prophet (S.A.W) to
C. his dedication and honesty A. engage in preaching and warning
D. the skill and hardwork of his assistants. B. seek knowledge through reading

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C. keep vigil the night long D. triumphant entry into Makkah.

D. read the minds of people. 21. In the verse Y ayyuhal - ladh n̅ a man
14. The S rah that tells us the story of how l taqrabus-sal ta wa antum suk r (Q.
the Ka’abah was delivered from 4.43) All h is asking the Muslims not to
destruction is attempt to
A. al-F tihah B. al-‘Alaq A. sleep when it is prayer time
C. al-F l̅ D. ‘Abasa B. pray when they are in prayer
15. In S rat an-N s, protection was sought C. eat when they are in prayer
from the evils of D. pray when at war.
A. men and women
B. husband and wife 22. The verse (Q. 95.8)
C. men and jinn
D. male and female. means ‘Is
16. Reference to a special night is made in Allah not’
S A. a good judge?
A. ad.-Duh B. al-Tin B. our judge?
C. al-Falaq D. al-Qadr. C. the best of judges?
17. The verse Wa la sawfa yu’t k̅ a rabbuka D. the Head of all Judges?
fatard is immediately preceded by 23. The official compilation of Hadith was
A. a lam yajidka yat m̅ an fa ‘ w initiated by
B. wa rafa n laka dhikruka A. Ab Bakr al-Siddiq
C. Walal- khiratu khayrun laka minal l B. ‘Umar b. al-khatt b
D. thumma latus alunna yawma idhin C. ‘Umar b. Abd al-Aziz
‘anin-na im. D. H r n ar-Rash ̅
18. A Makkan S rah with the man objective 24. The difference between isn d and matn is
of reassuring the prophet (S.A.W.) at a that
time of distress is A. matn is the chain of reporters, while
A. at-Tak thur B. ad-Duh isn is their quality
C. al-K fir n D. al-m n. B. isn is the chain of reporters, while
matn is their text
C. isn is more important than matn
19. The verse (Q. 17.23) D. isn refers to the reliability of the
warns against reporters, while matn refers to their
A. insulting parents weaknesses
B. underfeeding parents
C. beating parents 25. The Had t̅ h
D. deserting parents. ………………………. Teaches that a Muslim
20. S ratul-Kawthar concerns the Prophet’s A. must obey the commands of the
A. birthday Prophet (S.A.W)
B. marriage to Khadijah B. must confine himself to the
C. loss of his son established teachings of Islam

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C. can contribute in developing and

increasing the teaching of Islam
D. should always command what is good.
26. The expression “Man k na yu ‘minu bill hi
wal yawmil ‘ khir fal yaqual khayran aw li
yasmut” means a believer should
A. desire for his neighbour what he
wishes for himself
B. never be angry
C. make good utterances or keep silent 31. The main function of Angel Azr il is
D. honour his parents. A. carrying messages to the Prophets
27. ‘Verily All h has prescribed the best B. causing rain to fall
behavior with regard to everything …’ C. keeping the gate of Hell
The above quotation from Had th 17 of D. taking the lives of people.
an-Nawawi’s collection emphasizes the 32. Prophet ‘ s̅ spoke in the cradle and
ethics of A. cleared the conscience of the people
A. Eating and drinking B. exonerated his mother
B. slaughtering animals C. performed other miracles
C. behaving in public D. silenced the people.
D. matrimonial relations. 33. The five most important prophets in Islam
28. Which of the following does NOT belong to were
the group? A. Yahy , Zakariyy , D w d, Sulayman,
A. Muslim b. al-Hajj j Adam
B. Abdullah b. ‘Umar B. Muhammad, N h, Ibr h m ̅ ,M ,
C. ‘Abdullah b. Mas ‘ ̅
D. ‘Umar b. al-Khatt b C. Muhammad, N h, Dhul-kifl, Idr s̅ ,
29. The Prophet described as r hull h in the H
Qur’ . D. Ibr h m ̅ ,M , ̅ , ̅dam, Ayy b.
A. M s B. s̅ a 34. Which of the following Prophets,
C. Ibr h ̅ D. Ism il according to the Qur’an, lived for not less
than nine hundred and fifty years?
30. A. ̅ B. ℎ
C. Ibr h m ̅ D. .
35. Which of the following Prophets was an
The above extract from Had t̅ h No. 1 of an- ancestor of both Arabs and Jews?
Nawawi is followed by A. ̅ B.
C. D. ℎ̅
36. Iddah, the waiting period after a divorce, is
A. forty days B. three months
C. five months D. three years

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

37. Performing Tayammum is justified when 41. One of the conditions of Sunni tal q is that
one it must be pronounced
A. does not like to touch water A. three times consecutively
B. is on a journey B. by the mother-in-law
C. is sick C. when the wife is free from
D. is in a hurry. menstruation
38. Sawn is the abstinence from eating, D. with the free consent of the wife.
drinking and sexual urge 42. The first taw f which a pilgrim makes
A. from dawn to dusk without intention when he arrives at Makkah is called taw f
of worship A. − ℎ B. −
B. from morning to evening in times of C. − D. −
distress 43. If instead of four ′ a devotee
C. with or without the intention of observes five ′ in salat az-Zuhr he
worship should perform
D. from dawn to dusk with the intention A. ′ ℎ B. ℎ
of worship. C. ℎ D. ℎ
39. In order to make , you are required 44. Having met all the conditions for the
to keep the ka’abah to your payment of Zak h, Mallam Ibr him has
A. left and go round it in an anticlockwise five hundred Naira. How much should he
direction pay as Zak h from this amount?
B. right and go round it in a clockwise A. N50.10k B. N16.50k
direction C. N15.50k D. N12.50k
C. left and go round it in a clockwise 45. A worshipper who remembers that he
direction missed an obligatory step of ablution after
D. right and move round it in an he had finished praying will have to repeat
anticlockwise direction A. only the ablution
B. only the obligatory step
40. The verse C. nothing after all
D. the ablution and the prayer.
46. The ′ ℎ period of a pregnant woman
terminates at the
A. time of delivery
that divorce may be pronounced twice and
B. end of the third month of delivery
then the woman must
C. end of the mourning period
A. go after the third time
D. end of the third menstruation.
B. be retained in honour or allowed to go
47. Of all the special prayers −
with kindness
ℎ is unique because it lacks
C. forfeit her wealth and go with
A. ̅ B. ̅
C. D.
D. be retained in honour unless she has
no children

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48. Apart from the cleanliness of the body and 24. Option B
clothes, the devotee who intends to pray 25. Option B
must also ensure the cleanliness of the 26. Option C
A. soul B. place 27. Option B
C. qiblah D. water 28. Option A
49. A father or guardian can give out his 29. Option B
daughter or ward in marriage under the 30. Option D
principle of Ijb r provided that the 31. Option D
A. girl has attained the age of maturity 32. Option B
B. mother is properly informed 33. Option B
C. girl is a minor 34. Option B
D. groom does not have any physical 35. Option D
disability. 36. Option B
50. Sad q is the exclusive property of the 37. Option C
A. husband B. wife 38. Option D
C. bride’s family D. husband and wife. 39. Option A
40. Option B
UTME 1991 Answers 41. Option C
1. Option B 42. Option B
2. Option A 43. Option A
3. Option D 44. Option D
4. Option D 45. Option D
5. Option D 46. Option A
6. Option C 47. Option C
7. Option B 48. Option B
8. Option A 49. Option C
9. Option A 50. Option B
10. Option A
11. Option A UTME 1992 IRK
12. Option D 1. ′ ℎ ′ ℎ ′
13. Option B This quotation is part of
14. Option C A. −
15. Option C B. −
16. Option D C. − ′
17. Option C D. ̅ −
18. Option B 2. ‘Surely, we created man of the best
19. Option A stature, then, we reduced him to the
20. Option C lowest of the low save those who believe
21. Option B and good works’.
22. Option C This quotation is from Surat
23. Option C A. al Asr B. al-Alaq

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

C. al-T ̅ D. al-Bayyinah 8.
3. The memorization, recording and
compilation of the Qur’an ensured its
A. divine nature B. divine authority ‘wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad’
C. authenticity D. eternity This verse of the Qur’ n (112:4) says that
4. Allah
A. is childless B. is unique
C. has no parents D. has no favourites.
9. ‘God was well pleased with the believers
when they pledges all allegiance unto thee
‘Inna m yur d ̅ u ash-shayt nu an y ‘a
beneath the tree’.
baynakumul ad wata wal-baghd fil
This verse was revealed in connection with
khamr wal-maysir (Q. 5:91)
The verse quoted above enumerates the
A. battle of Badr
evils of
B. battle of Tab k
A. wine and adultery
C. Treaty of Hudaybiyah
B. gambling an adultery
D. pledge of ‘Aqabah
C. adultery and divining arrows
10. From which chapter of the Qur’ is the
D. wine and gambling.
verse which declares ‘Certainly, we
5. One of the strong proofs of the authencity
created man in the best make’?
of the Qur’ n is that
A. 87 B. 95 C. 97 D. 99
A. the like of it has not been produced by
11. To maintain the quality of Taqw one has
an individual or a group of people
to be
B. the Arabic language in which it was
A. wealthy B. disciplined
revealed is still spoken
C. poor D. a leader
C. it was compiled soon after its
12. ℎℎ̅ − ℎ is regarded as the
most authentic collection of Had t̅ h
D. it has been translated into many
because its collector was
A. older than any other collector of
6. In Islam, intoxicants are
Had t̅ h
A. forbidden even in small quantity
B. alive during the time of the Prophet
B. allowed only in small quantity
C. tolerated only during celebrations
C. the most critical of the collectors
D. left to personal decision.
D. a founder of a school law.
7. The Qura’nic verse
13. Musnad is a collection of ℎ ̅ℎ
A. according to the names of their
(31:18) teaches against
B. into chapters dealing with specific
A. adultery B. infanticide
C. bribery D. arrogance
C. according to word-endings

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

D. in alphabetical order. 21. What percentage of the estate of a late

14. Part of the 23rd Had t̅ h of al-Nawawi’s childless wife can ht e Muslim husband
collection refers to purification as a inherit?
A. half of faith A. 1 2 B. 1 3
B. shining of glory
C. 1 4 D. 1 6
C. proof for you
22. The money given out a woman at the time
D. weakest form of faith.
of contracting her marriage is known as
15. Which of the following statements
A. al-Mahar B. al-Zak h
completes the ̅ ℎ which says ‘He is
C. al-Jizyyah D. al-Ujrah
not a faithful Muslim who eats to his fill
23. The waiting period for a divorced woman
while …’
is termed
A. he is on a journey in the month of
A. ‘ ̅ B. waqt
C. S ‘ah D. ‘iddah
B. his neighbor is hungry beside him
24. when Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) led the
C. his family is sleeping hungry
Muslims in a triumphant entry into
D. his colleagues are waiting for him.
Makkah, all Makkans were assured of their
16. A ℎ with uninterrupted chain of
safety if they entered the sacred mosque,
authorities traced back to the Prophet
remained indoors in their homes or
Muhammad (S.A.W) himself is described
A. entered the house of Ab Sufy n
B. prostrated themselves before
A. B.
Muhammed (S.A.W)
C. ′
C. surrendered all their belongings
D. − ′
D. free all detained Muslims
17. Which of the following terms is most
25. The Prophet (S.A.W) ordered some of the
closely related to divorce?
Muslims to emigrate to Abyssinia
A. B. ′ ℎ
A. in order to be far away from Makkah
C. mahr D. .
B. because he wanted them to preach
18. ℎ (major expiation) is compulsory
Islam to the Negus
upon a husband who revokes
C. in order to go beyond the reach of
A. ′ B. ℎ
their persecutors
C. ̅ ′ D. ℎ ′
D. because Bil l, one of the converted
19. Part of the wisdom in instituting the ‘iddah
Muslims, was an Abyssinian.
in marriage is to
26. The monogamous life of Prophet
A. make the marriage stable
muhammed (S.A.W) lasted for
B. enable the wife to settle down
A. 5years B. 10years
C. give chance for reconciliation
C. 13years D. 25years
D. prevent the woman from marrying
27. The Truce of al-Hudaybiyyah included
20. The ℎ rate to be paid on money is
1 terms such as
A. 2 2 % B. 3 1 2 % A. payment of reparations to the
C. 4 1 2 % D. 51 2 %. Makkans by the Ummah

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B. prevention of Muslims from entering D. self-employed low-income earners.

Makkah until ten years later 35. The last sentence in the Talbiyah is
C. the observance by both parties of a A. ℎ
ten year period of peace. B. ℎ
D. the encouragement of the Makkans to C. −
join the Muslims in al-Mad nah −
28. Which of the following led away a section D. ℎ
of the Muslims army when preparations
were on for the battle of Uhud? 36. One of the conditions for performing the
A. Ab Lahb Hajj is the
B. Ab Jahl A. ability to read the Qur’an and write
C. ‘Abdullah b. Ubayy the Qur’ nic verses
D. ‘Abdullah b. Aww m. B. religiousness of the person
29. Which of the following battles resulted in C. ability to finance the journey
more people being converted to Islam? D. ability to travel by air.
A. Uhud B. Badr 37. A Muslim who joins the Im while he is
C. Hunayn D. Khandaq rising from the last ruk ’ of the last rak’ah
30. Muhammad ras ℎ in the kalimatu sh- has to
shah dah means that Muhammed A. repeat the rak’ah as if he did not join
(S.A.W.) is to Allah a in it
A. prophet B. messenger B. complete the remaining except the
C. servant D. slave last rak’ah
31. Defrauding by giving too little and asking C. continue the prayer and thereafter
for too much is condemned in S ℎ observe all the rak’
A. at-T ̅ B. at-Tatf f̅ D. end up the prayer with the Im .
C. al-m D. al-Tak thur 38. In which verse of the Qur’ are women
32. Standing on “Araf t is a major difference directed to dress modestly?
between Hajj and A. 5 : 3 B. 24 : 31
A. Qir B. Tamattu C. 55.10 D. 112 : 4.
C. Ifr d D. ‘Umrah. 39. Superstitious beliefs are not compatible
33. When you read loudly while praying Zuhr with Islamic principles because they are
in one of the rak’at, you are expected to A. related to culture and tradition
A. repeat your prayer B. usually contrary to the concept of
B. make a qabl ̅ ̅
C. make a ba d ̅ C. often found among non-Arabs
D. recite the qun . D. encouraged by other scripture
34. Those to benefit from the proceeds of religions
Zakah include 40. Prophet M s (A.S.) went to the sacred
A. old men and women valley where he
B. officers employed to administer it A. received divine directives
C. under-aged children B. destroyed the golden calf

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

C. reared sheep and goats C. several Arabic schools existed in West

D. killed the Egyptian. African shortly after the advent of
41. ℎ− ℎ ℎ ℎ is the first Islam
pillar of Islam, the second being D. all rulers of West Africa had embraced
A. pilgrimage to Makkah Islam.
B. payment of Zak ℎ 47. The first Islamic university established is
C. fasting in the month of Ramadan West Africa was in
D. observance of the five daily prayers. A. Aghades B. Sankore
42. What is ijm in Islamic law? C. Timbuktu D. Gao.
A. Consensus of opinion 48. The initial spread of Islam in West Africa
B. Analogical deduction can be described as generally
C. Differences of opinion A. rapid and systematic
D. Minority opinion. B. rapid and thorough
43. The sources of the Shar ̅ ‘ah include C. slow but peaceful
A. Qur’ , Had ̅ ℎ and common law D. peaceful and systematic.
B. Had ̅ ℎ, Qiy s and parliamentary 49. The jurist who made
proceedings compatible with the ℎ ′ ℎ was
C. Qiy , Ta’w ̅ and Falsafah A. ibn Sina B. ibn Khald n
D. Qur’ , Ijm and Qiy s. C. Ar-R zi D. al-Ghaz l .̅
44. Which of the following are secondary 50. The first caliph was
sources of the Shar ′̅ ℎ? A. ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar
A. Qur’ n and Had t̅ h B. ‘Umar b. Abdul Az ̅
B. Ijm ’ and Qiy s C. Walid b. Yaz d ̅
C. Qur’an and Qiy s D. Mu’awiya b. Abi Sufy n.
D. Qiy s and Had t̅ h.
45. Im m Ash-sh fi’I studied under two of his UTME 1992 ANSWERS
predecessors. These are 1. Option D
A. ℎ and 2. Option C
B. and ̅ ℎ 3. Option C
C. ̅ ℎ and ′ 4. Option D
D. ′ and . 5. Option A
46. The earliest written records of West 6. Option A
African history were written in Arabic 7. Option D
because 8. Option B
A. West Africa was colonized by the 9. Option D
Arabs 10. Option B
B. Arabic was the first written language 11. Option B
which West Africans came in contact 12. Option C
with 13. Option A
14. Option A
15. Option B

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

16. Option A UTME 1993

17. Option B 1. To ensure the authenticity of the compiled
18. Option B text of the Holy Qur’ , extracts written
19. Option C on various materials were cross-checked
20. Option A with texts
21. Option A A. written by the Prophet (S.A.W) himself
22. Option A B. recalled from memory by early
23. Option D memorizers
24. Option A C. delivered by angel Jir ̅ to the Prophet
25. Option C (S.A.W)
26. Option D D. written by Zayd bin Th bit
27. Option C 2. Which of the following terms portrays the
28. Option C Qur’ n as a healing for man’s spiritual and
29. Option C moral waywardness?
30. Option B A. − ℎ B. - ′ ℎ
31. Option B C. ℎ− ℎ ′ D. − ℎ ℎ
32. Option D 3. In − ′ (Q.107), we learn
33. Option C that a good believer should not
34. Option B A. repulse the orphan
35. Option B B. harm a fellow Muslim
36. Option C C. tell lies
37. Option C D. assist in wrongdoing.
38. Option B 4. The expression
39. Option B
40. Option A appears in
41. Option D −
42. Option A A. once B. twice
43. Option D C. three times D. four times.
44. Option B 5. The expressions ,′ and
45. Option B − in −′
46. Option C emphasize the importance of
47. Option C A. humility B. knowledge
48. Option D C. worship D. generosity.
49. Option D 6. Identify the ℎ to which the following
50. Option D ℎ belongs.

A. at-Tin B. al-Fajr
C. ad-Duh D. al-‘Alaq
7. In the had t̅ h that ends with ‘…piety is
based right here …’, the Prophet (S.A.W.)
meant the
JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

A. hand B. heart 15. ‘Say: I am but a man like yourselves, (but)

C. city of Makkah D. city of al-Mad n ̅ ah The inspiration has come to me …’ (Q.
8. − is a term used by 18:110)
scholars of In relation to Kalimat sh-shah dah, the
A. jurisprudence B. had t̅ h verse quoted above
C. us D. history. A. traces the origin of the expression
9. ‘It is most hateful in the sight of Allah that B. is a summary of the content
you say that which you do not’ (Q. 61:3). C. emphasizes a part of the content.
The main teaching of the verse above is D. proves that any other prophet could
honesty in take the place of Muhammed (S.A.W)
A. deeds B. words 16. ‘Still less can their knowledge comprehend
C. words and deeds the hereafter …’ Q. 27:66).
D. deeds and worship This verse of the Qur’ implies that
10. The goal of luqm n’s counsel to his son: …. A. man’s knowledge of the Hereafter can
only be partial
B. most men do not believe in the
As contained in ℎ 31:13 is to Hereafter
A. discourage pride C. man’s comprehension of the
B. encourage goodness to parents expectations in the Hereafter is a
C. warn against finding partners for Allah always on the decrease
D. uphold the principle of justice. D. it is difficult to deceive in the
11. was born in Hereafter.
A. Makkah B. al-Mad n ̅ ah 17. According to Islamic teachings, angels are
C. K fah D. Basra. A. like human beings
12. The authenticity of a had t̅ h may be B. of divine nature
faulted if C. a class of jinns
A. its wording is too close to the text of D. loyal servants of Allah
the Qur’ 18. The prophet whose wife was impious and
B. it is longer than a verse of the Qur’ consequently suffered the same calamity
C. its narrator was not from Makkah with the unbelievers was
D. it contradicts a Qur’ nic injunction. A. Shu’aib B. Y suf
13. In the Islamic belief system, the opposite C. M D. L t
of Tawh d ̅ is 19. The prophet who son was drowned in a
A. Qadar B. Qad ’ flood along with the unbelievers was
C. Shirk D. Shukr. A. S lih B. N ℎ
14. The divine attribute of omnipotence is C. Y suf D. Y .
implied in 20. An aspect of the Nigerian culture which
A. as-Sam ̅ B. al-Bas r̅ may be regarded as shirk is
C. al-Qad r̅ ̅ .
D. al-‘Al m A. excessive spending at burial
B. worship of ancestors

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

C. signing and dancing in public who misses two rak’ats in a congregational

D. ceremonies involving social interaction sal al-Maghrib?
between boys and girls. A. Four B. Three
21. According to Qur’ 4:48, to set up C. Two D. One.
partners with Allah is a great offence 27. An adult Muslim travels 300km by road
which Allah will not forgive during the month of Ramad and arrives
A. except the Prophet (S.A.W) intercedes at his destination on the same day. He
B. until He has forgiven all other sins spends three days and returns on the fifth
C. except the offender repents day. He is allowed to defer his fasting of
D. even if He forgives all other sins. the
22. Fortune telling is un-Islamic A. first day B. last day
A. only when it is done by non-Muslims C. first and last days
B. when Islamic scriptures are not used D. first to the last days.
for it 28. The text of talbiyah in h emphasizes the
C. only in matters relating to religious pilgrim’s
practices. A. readiness to observe the rites of ℎ
D. at all times and in all matters. to the end
23. In S rat al-falaq, the Qur’ n refers to an B. realization of the uniqueness of the
element of witchcraft and the rites of ℎ
A. evils of back-biting C. recognition of Allah’s absolute
B. mischief of created beings authority
C. evils of jinns and men D. aspiration for a reward.
D. mischief of the envious one. 29. A woman in her menstrual period
24. Accountability is an act of worship A. is not exempted from all forms of
A. though it is not mentioned in the ‘ib dah
Qur’ n B. is exempted from all forms of ‘ib dah
B. because it is specifically mentioned in C. has options to do ‘ib dah
the Qur’ n D. can only perform the obligatory
C. being one of the fundamental prayers.
principles of Islam 30. Qur’ 2:193 enjoins believers to fight
D. in matters relating to religious rites. unbelievers in the course of Allah if it takes
25. The second had t̅ h in an-Nawawi’s that to
collection teaches that it is righteousness A. be recognized by the unbelievers
to worship Allah as if B. get rid of the unbelievers
A. one would die the following day C. defend themselves against
B. He would punish one on the spot transgression
C. one was seeing Him physically D. strengthen the Muslim treasury.
D. one would live forever. 31. According to Qur’ 6:160, while bad
26. At the end of his prayer, how may sitting deeds would be rewarded in the same
for at-tashahud are expected of someone measure, good deeds would be rewarded
A. half measure B. ten-fold

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

C. twenty-fold D. uncountable fold C. Shafi i D. Hambal.

32. The doctrine of trinity is regarded in Islam 40. In the Islamic economic system, baytuk
as a form of m is equivalent to the
A. shirk B. kufr A. commercial bank
C. nif D. zulm. B. public treasury
33. While polygamy is permitted in S ℎ 4:3, C. common market
S ℎ 4:129 D. community bank.
A. limits the practice to Imams 41. ‘And consult them in the affairs …’(Qur’
B. modifies it 3:159). This expression emphasizes the
C. highlights problems inherent in it importance of the principle of
D. promises reward for its practice. A. sh B. mu’ malah
34. The practice of comparing the back of C. tatf ̅ D. bay’ah
one’s wife to that of one’s mother as a 42. The pre-Islamic practice of shig r which
method of divorce was known as was abolished by Islam meant
A. faskh B. li A. trade by barter
C. zih D. il B. exchange of female slaves
35. In Islamic law on divorce, the custody of a C. exchange of sisters in wedlock
child aged two years or less is normally D. gambling.
conceded to the 43. In the course of hijjat’l - wid , Muslims
A. father B. mother were taught to
C. aunt D. grandmother A. shun alcohol and games of chance
36. In Islamic law of inheritance, the brother B. pay zak ℎ regularly and fast annually
of a deceased person who had a son is to C. treat women and domestic servants
A. take a larger share of the inheritance kindly
B. take half of the share of the son D. ensure promptness and impartiality in
C. get equal share with the son the dispensation of justice.
D. be excluded from inheritance. 44. Compared with the situation in Makkah
37. Which one of the following actions may be before Hijrad, the da’wah in al-Madina
regarded as Mub ℎ? was more
A. Acquisition of knowledge A. persecution oriented
B. Smoking B. of an internal affair of believers
C. Sal ash-Shaf C. far-reaching
D. Shaking hands while greeting. D. intensive but less successful.
38. The shar a̅ h contrasts with the common 45. The Caliph who appointed the sh
law because the former is Council to produce a successor after his
A. flexible B. universal death was
C. temporal D. immutable. A. Ab Bakr as-Sidd q̅
39. The Sunni school of thought noted for B. ‘Umar b. Khatt b
resorting frequently to the use of personal C. ‘Uthm n b. ‘Aff n
opinion was that of Im D. ‘Al ̅ b. Ab ̅ T lib
A. M lik B. Ab Han f̅ ah


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46. The earliest contact of Islam with Africa 4. Option B

dates back to the period of 5. Option B
A. ‘Umar b. Khatt b 6. Option C
B. ‘Uthm n b. ‘Aff n 7. Option B
C. ‘Al ̅ b. Ab ̅ T lib 8. Option B
D. Muhammad b. ‘Abdull h 9. Option C
47. Ihy ’ ‘Ul ad-d n̅ is the title of a book 10. Option C
written by 11. Option B
A. Ibn S ̅ B. al-Ghaz l ̅ 12. Option D
C. ar-R ̅ D. Ibn Rushd. 13. Option C
48. One of the ways by which Islamic 14. Option C
civilization was manifested in West Africa 15. Option C
was 16. Option B
A. the employment of scholars of Arabic 17. Option D
as envoys by kings and emperors 18. Option D
B. construction of palaces based on Arab 19. Option B
technology 20. Option B
C. establishment of universities to train 21. Option C
scientists 22. Option D
D. recruitment of Muslim medical 23. Option D
personnel to man health institutions. 24. Option B
49. Ahmad bab, one of the early West African 25. Option C
‘Ulam ’, was based in 26. Option B
A. Sokoto B. Borno 27. Option C
C. Timbuktu D. Mali 28. Option C
50. Ignorance of religious rites and duties is 29. Option A
not excusable in Islam because 30. Option C
A. it is obligatory on all Muslims to seek 31. Option B
knowledge 32. Option A
B. most Muslims can read and write 33. Option C
Arabic 34. Option C
C. books of Islamic jurisprudence have 35. Option B
been translated into many languages 36. Option D
D. the Islamic system of education is 37. Option D
highly developed all over the world. 38. Option B
39. Option C
40. Option B
UTME 1993 ANSWERS 41. Option A
1. Option B 42. Option C
2. Option C 43. Option C
3. Option A 44. Option C

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

45. Option B The above statement is a

46. Option D A. Qur’ nic verse
47. Option B B. prophetic tradition
48. Option A C. saying of the companions
49. Option C D. remark of the ‘Ulam .
50. Option A. 7. ‘ ̅ishah’s role in the transmission of
Had t̅ h is next in significance to that of
A. Ab Hurayrah
UTME 1995 B. Im Bukh r ̅
1. Al-bayyinah appears in the Holy Qur’ n C. Ab Sa’ d ̅ al-Khudr ̅
chapter 98 D. Ab Bakr as-Sidd q ̅ .
A. once B. twice 8. The S ℎ which declares that there is no
C. thrice D. four times compromise in religion is
A. al-K fir n B. al-Kawthar
2. The verse C. al-Ikhl s D. al-F l̅
(Q.99:4) translates as ‘On that Day will 9. Islam regards the whole body of a woman
A. all people declare their deeds as ‘awrah except her face and
B. she declare her tidings A. legs B. hands
C. the dead be raised up C. ankles D neck
D. men proclaim religion. 10. ‘Verily spendthrifts are brothers Of the Evil
3. The major subject of the first revelation to ones; … (Q. 17:27)
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is In the verse above,’ All h compares a
A. creation B. origination wasteful person to the evil ones because
C. education D. writing the former
4. Which of the following sets, according to A. lacks management skill
̅ ; is ‘All h not susceptible B. regrets after wasting his money
to? C. causes harm to the public
A. Thirst or hunger D. is ungrateful to the provider.
B. Slumber or sleep 11. Which of the following was the most
C. Fear or terror preferred method of preserving the Holy
D. Sickness or pain. Qur’ n during the time of the rightly
5. guided caliphs?
A. Memorization B. Recording
C. Transmission D. Reading
12. The collections regarded as the most
This Had ̅ ℎ teaches us to avoid authentic in Had ̅ ℎ literature are those of
A. injustice B. indecency A. Bukh r ̅ and Muslim
C. innovation D. rebellion B. Bukh r ̅ and Ab D w d
6. ‘Of the excellence of the Islam of a man is C. Ibn M jah and at-Tirmidh ̅
his leaving alone what does not concern D. Im m M lik and Ibn Hanbal.

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

13. The Muwatta’ of Im M lik can be 18. According to the Holy Qur’ (27:59-66),
described as a book of nature is a unique manifestation of the
A. Had t̅ h and Fiqh work of ‘All ℎ because
B. S ̅ ℎ and Us l al-Fiqh A. man has no problem coping with it
C. Fiqh and T r k̅ h B. man has continuously endeavoured to
D. Had t̅ h and S r̅ ah. conquer it
14. The verse C. it is beyond the scope of human
D. the Qur’ n gives details of several
aspects of it.
19. The angel that interrogates the dead in the
grave is
A. Nak ̅ B. M k̅ ’il
C. Isr ’il D. Jibr l̅ .
20. Ibr h m̅ is described in the Holy Qur’ as
A. yah di B. mu’min
(Q.5:1) requires believers to C. nas r D. han f̅ .
A. Pray regularly 21. Qur’an 22:31 likens one who assigns
B. fulfil all obligations partners to ‘All h to that who had fallen
C. respect authority from heaven and was snatched up by
D. encourage honesty. A. angels B. spirits
15. ‘If anyone sees an abomination …’ The C. the devil D. birds
Had ̅ ℎ above saddles man with the 22. According to Had t̅ h 36 in an-Nawawi’s
responsibility of collection, ‘All h is ready to aid any
A. killing his enemies servant so long as the servant is ready to
B. fighting idolaters aid his
C. resisting evil practices A. neighbours B. friends
D. only preaching against the C. brothers D. parents.
abomination. 23. With the institution of zak h, the
16. The attribute of ‘All h which emphasizes distribution of wealth within the society
His holiness is should become
A. Al-Kh l q ̅ B. As-Sal m A. equal B. proportional
C. Al-Qud s D. Ar-Rahm n. C. lump-sided D. legally binding.
17. In view of the various favours bestowed on 24. Under the M liki school of law, the
man by ‘All h as enumerated in S rah 56: minimum number of people required for
57-74, man is enjoined to show gratitude Jumu’ah prayer is
to Him by A. 2 B. 12
A. submitting himself to Him C. 30 D. 40.
B. celebrating His name with praises 25. One of the spiritual objectives of as-sal ℎ
C. keeping his pledge to Him is that it
D. being mindful of his duties. A. develops self-restraint

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

B. encourages punctuality C. Guardian D. Servant.

C. fosters equality 33. In the law of inheritance, the term al-
D. promotes cleanliness. wasiyyah refers to
26. In which year of the Hijrah was fasting A. charity B. benefit
introduced in Islam? C. bequest D. gift
A. Second B. Third 34. In Shar a̅ h, makr h is an action which is
C. Fourth D. Fifth A. encouraged and rewarded
27. One major aim of marriage in Islam is to B. allowed but not rewarded
A. increase the working force of the C. disallowed and punished
family D. discourage but not punished.
B. distinguish between the duties of male 35. In pre-Islamic period, the social practice of
and female tribalism was known as
C. enhance ethnic loyalty A. al-‘asabiyyah B. al-muru’ah
D. achieve legitimate procreation. C. al-ghazwah D. ad-diy fah.
28. The term Khitbah in marriage contract 36. In the Islamic political system, Mas’ liyyah
means means
A. betrothal A. justice B. democracy
B. witness C. consultation D. accountability.
C. gift presentation 37. The outcome of the Battle of Badr proved
D. formal approach. that
29. Zih r means A. ‘All ℎ supported the Muslim army
A. likening a wife’s back to that of one’s B. Muslims were better fighters
mother C. numerical strength matters in war
B. forcing a woman to marry against her D. the Quraysh army was superior.
wish 38. The second treaty of al-‘Aqabah was a
C. having an extra-marital relationship turning point because Prophet
D. caring excessively for one’s wife. Muhammad (S.A.W)
30. The most hateful of the permissible things A. met his relations from Yathrib
in the sight of All ℎ is B. established his national army
A. mahr B. iddah C. became the king of al-Mad ̅ ℎ
C. fas D. tal . D. agreed the emigrate to Yathrib.
31. In Islamic law of inheritance, the share of 39. The Prophet (S.A.W) died in the year
the female child is A. 632 C.E B. 610 C.E
A. of the male’s C. 519 C.E D. 517 C.E
B. of the sister’s 40. The Muslim ruler of Mali who embarked
C. of the mother’s on a celebrated pilgrimage of Makkah in
D. of the father’s. the 11th Century C.E was
32. If a decreased Muslim had made a will on A. Muhammad Bello
his property, which of the following is B. Muhammad Askia
disqualified from benefiting from it? C. Sheikh b. Fodiye
A. Friend B. Son D. Mansa Musa

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

41. By the first pact of al-‘Aqabah. The C. Muslims wanted to revenge what
delegates promised Prophet Muhammad happened to them at the Battle of
(S.A.W) to become Badr
A. defenders of Islam D. Ab Sufy n, the leader of the caravan
B. helpers of Muslims wanted to become a king.
C. servants of the Prophet 47. The famous Islamic scholar who was called
D. believers in ‘All h. the father of the science of history was
42. The battle of Khandaq was known as such A. Ibn Batt ta B. Ibn Khald n
because the C. Ibn Rushd D. Ibn Taym y̅ ah.
A. encounter took place near Khandaq 48. The Muslim scholar who championed the
B. Muslims dug a trench as a war strategy rights and education of women in West
C. hypocrites protected Khandaq from Africa was
enemies A. Askia the Great
D. Quraysh fell into a trench. B. Mansa Musa
43. The first male adult to embrace Islam after C. Ibn Batt ta
the commencement of Islamic da’wah in D. Usman dan-fodio.
Makkah was 49. In Islam, syncretism means
A. ‘Umar B. Ab Bakr A. mixing religion with politics
C. ‘Uthm n D. ‘Al .̅ B. mixing Islamic beliefs with other
44. In what ways did the Muslim leaders beliefs
contribute to the spread of Islam in West C. discouraging innovations and
Africa? encouraging Islam
A. Their moral standard and mode o D. separating Western culture from
worship impressed the local people Islamic culture.
B. They sold commodities which were 50. Which of the following books was written
essential and indispensable by Ibn S n̅ a?
C. Acceptance of Islam was made a major A. Kit b al-Hayaw n
condition for the exchange of goods. B. Al-Bay n wa at-Taby n ̅
D. Organization of regular preaching and C. Ihy ’ as-Sunnah
free distribution of essential D. Al-Q n n fi at-Tibb.
45. Shaykh ‘Abdul-Q dir al-J l̅ ni was the
founder of UTME 1995 ANSWERS
A. Tij niyyah B. San siyyah 1. Option B
C. Jil niyyah D. Q diriyyah. 2. Option B
46. The main cause of the Battle of Uhud was 3. Option C
that 4. Option B
A. the Quraysh wanted to revenge what 5. Option C
befell them at the Battle of Badr 6. Option B
B. the Quraysh wanted to regain their 7. Option A
lost territory 8. Option A

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

9. Option B 50. Option D.

10. Option D
11. Option B
12. Option A UTME 2001
13. Option A 1. The man who analyzed the first encounter
14. Option B of the Prophet (S.A.W) with Angel Jibril
15. Option C was
16. Option C A. Hat b ̅ b. Ab ̅ Balta’a
17. Option B B. Waraqah b. Nawfal
18. Option D C. Arqam b. Arqam
19. Option A D. ‘Uthm n b. ‘Aff n.
20. Option D 2.
21. Option D
22. Option C
23. Option D The main message of the verse above is
24. Option B that the
25. Option A A. Muslim ‘Ummah should ensure that
26. Option A the Glorious Qur’ n is not corrupted
27. Option D B. protection of the Glorious Qur’ n is a
28. Option D divine responsibility
29. Option A C. protection of the Glorious Qur’ n is a
30. Option D joint responsibility
31. Option A D. Prophet (S.A.W) has taken adequate
32. Option B measures to protect the Glorious
33. Option C Qur’ n.
34. Option D 3.
35. Option A
36. Option D The verse above, is an expression of man’s
37. Option A absolute
38. Option D A. loyalty to ‘All ℎ
39. Option A B. dependence on ‘All ℎ
40. Option D C. obedience to ‘All ℎ
41. Option D D. humility to ‘All ℎ.
42. Option B 4. In s rah al-Q ri’ah, mankind is compared
43. Option B to
44. Option A A. scattered moths
45. Option D B. laden camels
46. Option A C. pampered creatures
47. Option B D. humiliated beasts.
48. Option D
49. Option B

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

5. Fount (of abundance) was given to the B. As-Sass s Ab Bakr Ahmed b. Ali
Prophet (S.A.W) and made known to him C. At-Tabari Ab J far Muhammed b.
in s rah Jarir
A. al-M ’ n B. al-Tak thur D. Al-Qutubi Muhammad Ab Abdullahi.
C. an-Nasr D. al-Kawthar. 11. The term ‘Asm ar-Rij l’ refers to the
6. investigation of the
A. Chain if Had t̅ h
B. content of Had t̅ h
The verse above is immediately followed
C. criticism of the narrators
D. chronology of the narrators.
12. The importance of knowledge of isn d and
matn lies in the fact that
A. both were taught by the Prophet
B. the two make it easy to memorize
Had ̅ ℎ
C. the two make it easy to identify fault
in Had t̅ h
7. The basic theme of s rah al-Zil Z l is the
D. they make it possible to understand
description of
Had t̅ h.
A. fearful events of the Day of Judgment
13. The term al-Mutaw tir refers to Had t̅ h
B. how people will be rewarded with
narrated by
A. Bukhari and Muslim
C. events before the actual doomsday
B. the six sound collectors
D. punishment of the unbelievers in hell.
C. the Prophet’s closest companions
8. The major theme of yah Amanar-Ras l is
D. large number of narrators.
A. steadfastness in prayer
14. The Prophet (S.A.W) enjoins that if anyone
B. the articles of faith
sees an abomination, the least thing to do
C. the pillars of Islam
is to
D. the importance of knowledge.
A. change it with his hands
9. The Sah ba were the first embark on the
B. condemn it in public
interpretation of the Glorious Qur’ in
C. hate it in his heart
order to
D. turn his eyes away.
A. be known as teachers of Tafs ̅
15. According to Had t̅ h 31 of an-Nawawi,
B. bring out the treasures in the Glorious
man will be loved by ‘All ℎ if he is
A. indifferent to the world
C. excel above other scholars
B. steadfast in prayers
D. get used to the language of the
C. obedient to the prophets
Glorious Qur’ .
D. kind to his neighbours.
10. The scholar who adopted Tafs r̅ bil
Ma’ath r in his commentary was
A. Abu Abdullahi Shadd d B. Aws
JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

21. The admonition against arrogance in s rah

31:18 is directed to the son of
The statement in Had t̅ h 25 above gave A. Ibrah m ̅ B. M s
rise to the explanation as to the different C. Luqm n D. Y suf.
ways by which 22. ‘… here are my daughters: they are purer
A. Prayers can be offered for you’… (Q.11:78)
B. alms can be given The statement above was made by
C. fasting can be observed Prophet L t to discourage
D. pilgrimage can be performed. A. homosexuality
17. In s rah 17:23 ‘All h decrees that B. adultery
A. none should be worshipped but Him C. fornication
B. believers should not say what they will D. celibacy
not do 23.
C. prayers should be observed at their
appointed times
D. no distinction should be made
between the properties.
18. Labour crises could be resolved if S rah 2:195 above can be interpreted as
employers of labour adhere to the discouraging
Prophet’s advice which says A. stealing B. bribery
A. pay the labourer before his sweat dry C. gambling D. smoking.
B. it is better to cut firewood and sell 24. Mutilation which is stipulated in Q. 5:38
than to beg for theft is described as
C. Muslims should abstain from idleness A. an exemplary punishment
D. the honour of a Muslim should not be B. a retaliatory sanction
violated. C. a punitive measure
19. Q.2:219 prohibits wine and gambling for D. an incontrovertible disgrace.
the Muslims because
A. they lead to extravagance and 25. “All h doth command you
intoxication To render back your Trusts
B. the sins in them are greater than the To those to whom they are due;
profits And when ye judge
C. one becomes impoverished overnight Between man and man
D. they lead one to ignore one’s religion. That ye judge with justice…’ (Q.4:58).
20. The forbidden types of food listed in s rah
2:173 include carrion, blood, swine flesh Inherent in the Qur’ nic verse above are
and that which is the virtues of am nah and
A. dedicated to other gods A. diy fah B. kar mah
B. killed through beating C. khus c D. cad lah.
C. killed by goring 26. Ar-Rahm n as one of the attributes of
D. devoured by wild beasts. All h implies that He is

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

A. kind to His servants The verse above discusses the

B. more powerful than His servants A. Need for peace
C. an overseer of His servant B. reasons for marriage
D. closer to His servants. C. need for tranquility
27. The word H fiz ̅ n in Q.82:10 refers to D. nature of creation.
A. man B. jinns 35. The message contained in the Glorious
C. Angels D. prophets. Qur’ n 4:34 centres on the
28. The prophet who assisted Prophet Ibrah m ̅ A. rights and duties of a couple
(A.S.) in the reconstruction of the Kacabah B. position of a husband and wife
was C. role of a man in the family
A. Ishaq (A.S) B. N ℎ (A.S) D. virtues of an ideal husband.
C. Yacq b (A.S) D. Ism cil (A.S). 36. Men and women are considered equal in
29. S rah 79:24 reveals that Pharaoh’s action Q.16:97 in relation to
is incompatible with the Islamic principle A. responsibilities B. piety
of Tawh d ̅ because he C. intelligence D. discipline.
A. encouraged the art of magic 37. Where the husband and wife mutually
B. indulged in immoral acts agree to termite their marriage contract
C. worshiped beings other than ‘All h without anything against each other, such
D. equated himself with ‘All h. a dissolution is termed
30. The art of witchcraft is disapproved of in A. il ′ B. faskh
S rah C. khulc D. mub ra’ah
A. ash-shams B. al-falaq 38. The period of custody of a baby girl after
C. al-Ikhl s D. an-N s. her mother has been divorced lasts until
31. A mature Muslim who wakes up only to she is
discover that it was the first day of A. married B. mature
Ram d n is expected to C. 10years old D. 5years old.
A. observe ims k and make up 39. In the Islamic law of inheritance, the share
B. start his fasting the next day of the mother of the deceased who has no
C. compensate the day with kaff rah children is
D. observe ims k without making up. A. 1 2 B. 1 3
32. Zakatul-fitr is not permissible on
C. 1 4 D. 1 6
A. rice B. maize
40. Fard and Har m in the scope of shar ̅ cah
C. millet D. kolanut.
33. Jih d against carnal self is a
A. tolerable and abominable
A. minor jih d
B. permissible and punishable
B. major jih d
C. compulsory and disliked
C. compulsory jih d
D. obligatory and prohibited.
D. desirable jih d
41. ‘If ye do it not, take notice of war from
34. ‘…He created fpr you mates from among
‘Allah and His Apostle: But if ye turn back,
yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility
with them …’(Q.30:21)

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

ye shall have your capital sums …’ B. ‘Uqbah b. Sacad

(Q.2:279) C. Sa’ d b. Abi Waq s
The quotation above warns against D. ‘Amar b. al ̅
A. cheating B. fraud
C. usury D. gambling 49. One of the factors which helped the
42. Who among the prophets of ‘All h was spread of Islam in West Africa was
sent to his people to warn against deceit in A. the building of a mosque in Timbuktu
term of measurement and weight? B. the establishment of many schools
A. Shuaib (A.S.) B. Hud (A.S) C. effective trade relationship
C. Salih (A.S) D. Nuh (A.S) D. the existence of clans and kingdoms.
43. The worst vice prevalent during the 50. The first man on earth, Adam (A.S), was
Jahiliyyah period was exalted above other creatures because of
A. disloyalty B. insincerity his
C. cowardice D. vengeance. A. intelligence B. obedience
44. The Jahiliyyah practice that was gradually C. insight D. knowledge.
phased out is
A. gambling B. adultery
C. usury D. alcoholism. UTME IRK 2001 Answers
45. One of the most outstanding 1. Option B
developments after the Hijrah was the “As the Angel Jibril appeared to
A. emergence of a new religion Muhammad in the cave of hirah with the
B. increase in hostilities against the first revelation, It was very frightening to
Muslims Muhammed. He therefore rushed home
C. emergence of the Muslim ‘Ummah and said to his wife (khadijah) to warp him
D. increase in cooperation with the Jews. up. He their narrated his encounter at the
46. The Makkan forces were not successful at cave to her. Khadijah took him to her uncle
the battle of Khandaq because they by name (WARAQAH BIN NAWFAL) an
A. were afraid of another defeat aged Christian scholar …”.
B. ran out of supplies 2. Option B
C. were not properly coordinated “Verily, we, it is we who have sent down
D. were not familiar with the strategy of the Dhikr (Qur’ n) and surely we will
the Muslims. guard it/from corruption 1. Q. 15:9.
47. Who among the four rightly guided caliphs 3. Option A
introduced the systems of Bayr at m ? 4. Option A
A. Ab Bakr as Sidd q ̅ 5. Option D
B. ‘Umar b. al-Khatt b ‘Verily we have granted you (O’
C. ‘Uthm n b. ‘Aff n Muhammed S.A.W) Al-Kawthar (a river in
D. ‘Ali b. ’ Ab ̅ T lib. Paradise). Q. 108:1 (Suratul-kawthar verse
48. The Muslim soldier who introduced Islam 1).
into Tripoli was 6. Option D
A. ‘Uqbah b. N f ̅ c 7. Option A

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

8. Option B sacrifice for others than God….” Suratul-

Qur’ n chapter 2 (suratul-Baqarah) verse Baqarah (Q. 2:173).
285. “The messenger (Muhammed S.A.W) 21. Option C
believes in what has been sent down to “…. Allah likes not any arrogant boaster…”
him from his Lord…” (Q. 31:18).
9. Option B 22. Option A
“Tafsir means to discovered, or disclosed a 23. Option D
thing that was conceived or obscured. The “And spend in the cause of Allah (Jinad of
sahabah embarked on the interpretation all kinds) and do not throw yourselves into
of Ref Qur’ n to bring the treasures in the destruction…” (Destruction have refers to
holy Qur’ n”. harmful things). Q 2:195.
10. Option C 24. Option A
11. Option C “And (as for) the male thief and female
12. Option C thief, cut off (from the wrist joint) their
13. Option D (right) hands as a recompense for that
14. Option C which they committed, a punishment by
15. Option A way of example from Allah…” Q. 5:38.
“A man came to Prophet (S.A.W) saying; O’ 25. Option D
Apostle of God, show me a work which if I “Allah doth command you to render back
do, it will make me beloved of God and your Trust (Amanah)… That ye judge with
beloved of people. He answered, be Justice (`Adalah) … Suratun-Nis . Q. 4:58.
indifferent to this world…” (Hadith 31 of 26. Option A
an-Namawi). 27. Option C
16. Option B “But verily over you are h fidhu
17. Option A (appointed angels) in charge of mankind to
“And your Lord has decreed that you watch you” Q. 82:10.
worship none but Him…” Suratul-Isr I (Q. 28. Option D
17:23). “And (remember) when Ibrahim and (his
18. Option A son) Ismail were raising the foundation of
“The messenger of Allah said: “pay the the House (The Ka`abah)…” Suratul-
Labourer before sweat becomes dry” Baqarah (Q. 2:127).
19. Option B 29. Option D
“They ask you (O’Muhammad (S.A.W) Saying, “I am your Lord, Most High” (Q.
concerning al-cohol drink and gambling say 79:24).
in them is a great sin…” Suratul-Baqarah. 30. Option B
(Q. 2:219). “And from the evil of those who practice
20. Option A witchcraft….” (Q. 113:4) Suratul-Falaq.
“He has forbidden you only the Maitah 31. Option A
(dead animals) and, blood and the flesh of 32. Option D
swine, and that which is slaughtered as

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

“Zakatul-Fitr is given out from the food the Arab anti social culture before the
items i.e. grain, maize, corn, millet etc, not adventure of Islam.
on fruit”. 44. Option D
33. Option B “Gradual prohibition of al-cohol”
“Jinad against carnal self is a major Jihad” 45. Option C
Ref.[Al-Majlis Binhari al-Anwar, vol. 19, P. 46. Option D
182, Hadith 31]. “They were surprised to find their way
34. Option B barred by a deep trench, which was a new
“…. He created for you mates from among innovation in the Arab tactics of war”.
yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility 47. Option B
with them…” (Q. 30:21). The verse ‘Umar bin Khat b was the one who
discusses the reason for marriage. introduced bayt-al-m l as a home of
35. Option A treasures or mobilization for the muslims.
“men are the protectors and maintainers (Home of Finance).
of women, …” (Q4:4). 48. Option A
36. Option B “Ugba bin Nafiu led campaign from Barqa
“Whoever works righteousness-whether against Fezzan, matching to zaweeta, the
male or female while he/she is a true capital city of feezan, there was no any
believer …” Q. 16:97. resistance and the entire distric submitted
37. Option D to the muslims. Tripoli fell under this
“The four distinct lawful means of Divorce district”
in Islam are: 1 - Tal q, 2 – Khul, 3 – Faskh, 49. Option C
4 – Mubarah; (Mubarah is a Divorce by Trading relations is one of the factors
mutual consent of Husband and wife)”. which helped the spread of Islam in west
38. Option A Africa”
“The period of a female child in the event 50. Option D
of Divorce is until she is married” “He taught Adam all the names [of
39. Option B everything].
40. Option D
‘Hal l means Lawful earns while Har m
opposite it’.
41. Option C
42. Option A
‘And to the Mady n (Midi`an) people, (we
sent) their brother Shuaib…’ Q. 11:84-95.
43. Option D
“Vengeance means, infliction of injury,
harm, humiliation or the like on a person
by another person, and who has been
harmed by that person, and this is one of

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

UTME 2002 C. see hell fire with certainly of sight

1. Wahy in relation to the Glorious Qur’ n D. be questioned about the joy he
means indulged in.
A. explanation B. communication 7. One of the lessons taught in s rah cal-
C. revelation D. information. M cun is that
2. The Makkan suwar lay emphasis on A. man’s obligation towards ‘All ℎ is
oneness of ‘All h because constant
A. it was the only way to call Makkans to B. people should be cautious about their
Isl m devotions
B. it is the only article of faith C. a hypocrite is one who shows off in his
C. the pre-Islamic Makkans worshipped worship
many gods D. a good Muslim should always be
D. it is the basis of ̅ n and other honest in his works and worship.
articles of faith. 8. The theme of s rah al-Inshir h is that
3. The uniqueness of the Glorious Qur’ n, A. ‘All h’s favour is on those who are
according to Q.39:28, lies in the fact that it patient
is B. the Prophet’s name stands high
A. highly educative among others
B. in brief form C. the Prophet’s virtues are always
C. revealed piecemeal recognized
D. reveled in Arabic. D. ‘All h always provides a solution to
4. One of the sah bah considered most any problem.
knowledgeable in Tafs r̅ was 9. The creation of man in orderly proportion
A. cAli b. ‘Ab ̅ T lib is described in s rah
B. cUbay b. Kacab A. al-gh shiyah B. at-t n ̅
C. cAbdullah b. cAbb s C. al-fajr D. al-balad.
D. Sacad b. ‘Ab ̅ Waq s. 10.
5. The contents of s ℎ al-fatihah can be
summed up to mean that
A. mercy is always from ‘All h Az-zab niyah in the verse above refers to
B. man must always fear ‘All h and obey the
Him A. prophets
C. man must worship ‘All h and seek His B. angels of punishment
help C. spirits
D. it is the first s rah that was revealed. D. people condemned to hell fire.
6. 11. Which of the following Had t̅ h books
emphasizes the practice of the people of
Mad n̅ ah?
According to the verse above, man shall A. Sah h ̅ al Bukh r ̅
A. See what he indulged in B. sah h̅ Muslim
B. be fearful of the Day of Judgment C. Sunan Ab ̅ D d

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

12. Musnad as a work on Had t̅ h is credited to A. Isa (A.S) B. M s (A.S)

A. ‘Ab D d B. Ibn Hambal C. H d (A.S) D. Salih (A.S).
C. Ibn M jah D. an Nas ic 21. One of the revealed books ‘All h promised
13. According to Had ̅ ℎ 6 of an-Nawawi, it is to protect against distortion is
better to avoid ambiguous matters in A. as-Suhf B. az-Zab r
order to C. al-Inj l̅ D. al-Furq n.
A. avert self-destruction 22. Yawmudd n̅ refers to the day of
B. avoid being a hypocrite A. Sacrifice B. Judgment
C. protect one’s religion C. cArafat D. Jum’ah.
D. escape hell fire. 23. The field of study dealing with Ib dar and
14. The number of lashes prescribed for the Mu mal r is known as
consumption of alcohol is A. Fiqh B. Aq d̅ ah
A. forty B. sixty C. Tasawwuf D. Tahdh b ̅ .
C. eighty D. hundred. 24. Taking the ritual bath for Friday prayers is
15. Q.17:26-27 warns Muslims not to A. w jib B. sunnah
squander their wealth as squanderers are C. mustahab D. mub h.
brothers of the 25. The number of takbir observed during
A. evil ones B. misguided salah al-Jan zah is
C. hypocrites D. unbelievers. A. two B. three
16. Al-cawrah for a man is from the C. four D. seven.
A. navel to the feet 26. The jamrat that pilgrims are expected to
B. navel to the knee stone on the 10th day of Dhul hijjah is
C. head to the toe A. al-Aqabah B. al-Wust
D. head to the waist. C. as-Sugh ̅ D. al-adn .
17. Q.24:30 enjoins Muslims to 27. The next place for a Muslim to spend the
A. dress properly night after ‘Arafat is
B. be very attentive in prayers A. M n ̅ a B. Makkah
C. guard against adultery C. Mad n ̅ ah D. Muzdalifah.
D. lower their gaze. 28. A Muslim who cannot marry for genuine
18. According to the Prophet (S.A.W), he who reasons is advised to
betrays trust in regarded as having A. be reciting the Glorious Qur’ n for
A. faith but no religion spiritual uplift
B. religion but no faith B. engage in supererogatory prayers at
C. no hope in the Hereafter night
D. neither faith nor religion. C. give sadaqah to the poor and needy
19. ‘All ℎ’s existence is often demonstrated in D. fast periodically for self-discipline.
the Glorious Qur’ by reference to his 29. The ill-treatment of a wife in Islam is called
A. creation B. prophets A. hadd B. ‘idr r
C. angels D. throne. C. shiq q D. firnah.
20. The messenger of ‘All ℎ sent to the 30. Q.33:35 emphasizes the
people of Tham d was A. equality of men and women

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B. superiority of men over women C. tampers with the measure

C. superiority of men over animals D. refuses to pay for the goods.
D. equality of mankind before ‘All h. 39. Those exempted from paying jizy h are
31. If a husband divorces his wife before the A. Christians B. Jews
consumption of the marriage, it is C. women D. men.
considered 49. The pre-colonial West African rulers
A. revocable B. irrevocable employe the services of Muslim scholars
C. redeemable D. abominable. mostly as
32. A woman who loses her husband while A. teachers B. secretaries
undergoing an ‘iddah of revocable divorce C. ambassadors D. ‘Im m.
changes to ‘iddah 50. The popular house of wisdom in Baghdad
A. al-waf t B. at-tal q was built during the time of
C. al-mafq d D. al-mustah dah. A. cUmar b. cAbdulaz z̅
33. Where the father is the only heir who B. Har n ar-Rash d ̅
survives his son, he will inherit C. al-Macm m
A. one sixth of his property D. al-muctasim.
B. one third of his property
C. half of his property 2002 Answers
D. the whole of his property.
34. In an Islamic state, the right to pardon a 1. Option C
murdered lies with the “Wahy in its technical term means
A. head of state
revelation and it is used to
B. legislature
represent the divine information
C. deceased relatives
D. courts. thrown into the hearts of the
35. ‘People come in search of knowledge, but prophets or message coming to the
knowledge does not seek people.’ prophets through the Angel Jubril”
The statement above was made to Caliph 2. Option C
Har n ar-Rash d ̅ by “Makkan swar intends to reform
A. Im m ‘Ab Hanifah and purify the faith (Im a n)”.
B. Im m M lik 3. Option D
C. Im m Sh fic “And Arabic Qur`an without any
D. Im m Hambali. crookness…”
36. The followers of the Hambali School of law
4. Option C
are mostly found in
“Ibn Abbas (Abdullahi) was
A. Egypt B. Turkey
C. Morocco D. Saudi Arabia considered most knowledgeable in
37. Tatf f̅ in business transaction occurs when Tafsir among the scholars
one of the partners (Sahabah).
A. over-prices the goods 5. Option C
B. under-prices the commodity 6. Option D

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

“Then on that Day, you shall be 18. Option D

asked about the delight (you 19. Option A
indulged in, in this world)”. 20. Option D
7. Option D 21. Option D
8. Option D “Inna Nahnu Nazzalna dhikr wa
“Verily along with every hardship is inna lahu lah a fidh u~ n”
relief (5). 22. Option B
“Verily along with every hardship is “Malik Yaumiddeen” (The owner of
relief (6). the Day of Judgement) Q. 1:3.
(Q. 94:5-6). 23. Option A
9. Option B The meaning of Figh is
“Verily we created man in the best understanding comprehension
stature (mould)” Q. 95:4. knowledge and Jurisprudence in
10. Option B Islam” A jurist in Islam is called Faq
11. Option D ~
i h while Jurisprudence is called
12. Option B Fiqh.
“Ahmad bin Hambali was the 24. Option B
founder of Hambali School of Law, 25. Option C
one of the Sunning Schools. His “Sal a tul-Jamazah is a funeral
work on Hadith is known as prayer and it is Fardu Kifayah. It
MUSNAD. consists of two parts:
13. Option C 1. Four Takibirah.
He who is on his guard with respect 2. Qayamah
to the ambiguous things keeps his 26. Option A
religion and his honour clean…” 27. Option D
14. Option C 28. Option D
“Islam prescribes eighty lashes of 29. Option B
cane, as a penalty for the “Idr a r means ill treatment of
consumption of alcohol. “Sanan wife”
Abu Daud, Kitaab. Hudud 35-37. 30. Option A
15. Option A “Verily the Muslims (those who
“…. But spend not wastefully (your submit to Allah in Islam) men and
wealth) in the manner of a women…”
spendthrift…” Q. 17:27. 31. Option B
16. Option B 32. Option A
17. Option D 33. Option D
“Tell the believing man to lower 34. Option C
their gaze…” Q. 24:30.
JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

“…But if the killer is forgiven by the “The immigrant (those who

brother (or the relatives etc) of the migrated to Abyssinia) was led by
killed…” Ja`afar bin abi Talib, the cousin of
Q. 2 v 178. Prophet (S.A.W)”.
35. Option B 46. Option C
36. Option D “Muqaiqis (The patriarch of
“The followers of Imam Ahmad bin Alexandra) was the leader of
Hambali are mostly found in Saudi Alexandra in Egypt who received
Arabia” the envoy of the Prophet (S.A.W)
37. Option C and inquired
“Suratul-mutaffifeen verses 1-3 (Q. 47. Option
83:13). “… and when they have to “Abdullahi bin Yasin was the
give in measure give less than due”. Muslim leader who led the
38. Option C movement of al-Muravid”.
“Consequently, the following are 48. Option B
exempted from paying Jizya; 49. Option B
* Women 50. Option D
* Minors
* The aged people…”
39. Option B
40. Option C
41. Option B
42. Option D
43. Option C
“During the caliphate of Uthman b.
Affar Hudhaifa b. al-yamamah
(yamani) was the one who noticed
differences in recitation of the
Qur`an and became afraid, he
therefore, hurriedly came to.
44. Option C
“Serious disagreement among the
Muslims started during the time of
Uthman bin Affan” The
disagreement among the Muslim
Ummah which resulted to the
emergence of Kharajait (Khawarij).
45. Option A
JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

UTME 2003
1. The forms of revelations are explained in
A. Q. 40:51 B. Q. 41:50
C. Q. 42:51 D. Q. 43:50.
2. The initial idea to preserve the Glorious
Qur’ n was mooted by
A. ‘Ab Bakr As-Saddiq 8. S ratul-Kawthar was revealed because of
B. ‘Umar b.Khatt b the Makkans’
C. Zaid b. Th bit A. insinuation B. resistance
D. ‘Uthm n b. ‘Aff n. C. intolerance D. persecution.
3. The type of Tafstr which uses the Qur’ n 9. ‘All h swears by the Fig and the Olive in
to explain the Qur’ n began during the S rah
time of the A. al-Zilz l B. at-Trn
A. Prophet (S.A.W) B. Sah bah C. al-Qadr D. al-cA’laq.
C. T bic n D. T bic u-T bic . 10. The people described as sharrul-bariyyah
4. The most important use of Tafstr of in S ratul-Bayyinah are the
Glorious Qur’ n is in the A. Jews and Christian
A. proper understanding of the message B. ahlul-kit b and mushrik n
B. acknowledgement of the spiritual C. Makkan unbelievers and polytheists
value D. kuff r and the mun fiq n.
C. application of the legal provisions 11. ̅yatul-Kursiyy not only teaches the
D. interpretation of the moral principle. oneness of ‘Allah but also emphasizes His
5. The Tafstr of the Glorious Qur’ n which is A. Eternity B. Predominance
modern in its approach to commentary is C. Omnipresence D. Wisdom.
known as 12. Taqr r̅ , as a kind of Sunnah, means the
A. at-tasstr bir-r cay A. sayings of the Prophet (S.A.W) on
B. tafstr al-ma’th r religious matters
C. tafstr al-madh hib B. action or practice of the Prophet
D. at-tafstr al-casri. (S.A.W)
6. S ratul-F tihah is also referred to as C. direct approach of the Prophet (S.A.W)
A. S ratul-Hid yah to issues
B. Kit bul-math ni D. Prophet’s (S.A.W) silent approval of
C. Ummul-kit b the actions of others.
D. S ratud-duc ’. 13. The principles of Had t̅ h criticism
7. developed through
A. isn d and musannaf
B. matn and riw yah
is followed by C. isn d and matn
D. musn d and musannaf.
14. The author of the Muwatta was the Im m

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

A. D rus-Sal m B. D rul-Hijrah 21. Forbidding Munkar in Islam means

C. Makkah D. Damascus. discouraging others from
15. Had t̅ h 34 of an-Nawawi teaches that a A. abominable acts
good Muslim should B. injustice
A. keep away from wrongdoing C. waywardness
B. repent of wrongdoing D. double standard.
C. speak against wrongdoing 22. As ‘All h’s creative work is discussed in
D. always pray against any wrongdoing. Q.27:59-64, the passage intermittently
16. The main emphasis of Had ̅ ℎ 19 of an- cautions man against
Nawawi is that one should A. distrust B. disobedience
A. give unflinching support to the C. extravagance D. exploitation.
authority 23. Q6:53 indicates that the Book given to
B. have strong faith in’Allah Prophet M (AS) serves as a
C. recognize ‘Allah as the creator of the A. criterion B. healer
universe C. protector D. guide.
D. recognize the importance of one’s 24. ‘Verily when He intends a thing His
community. command is ‘Be’ and it ‘is’(Q.36:82)
17. The Prophet (S.A.W) says: If one of you From this Qur’anic passage derives the
takes rope (goes to the bush) and comes Muslim belief in
back with a bunch of firewood, sells it … is A. predestination
better than begging for alms …’ B. fatalism
The Had ̅ ℎ above focuses on C. providence
A. Dedication to service D. premonition.
B. dignity of labour 25. A Muslim who converts to another religion
C. decent living is known as
D. Muslim responsibility. A. Mushrik B. Mulhid
18. The final and total prohibition of C. Mun fid D. Murtadd.
intoxicants is contained in S rah 26. Tah rah is a symbolic preparation of the
A. al-Baqarah B. al-‘Imr n A. soul B. body
C. an-Nis D. al-M idah. C. clothes D. place.
19. The minimum amount that may be stolen 27. A special prayer that has no iq m h, ruk
to warrant cutting off the hand is or suj d is known as Salah
A. 2 Dinar B. 1 Dinar A. al-Khawf B. al-istisqd
C. ½ Dinar D. ¼ Dihar. C. al-jandzah D. al-khus f.
20. 28. The Zak h which is given at the end of
fasting is
A. voluntary
The verse above warns the Muslim B. an emphatic sunnah
‘Ummah against C. compulsory
A. carelessness B. disunity D. a commendable act.
C. intolerance D. impatience. 29. Fasting on the day of doubt is

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

A. forbidden B. allowed 39. The major difference among the Sunni

C. obligatory D. supererogatory. schools of law borders on
30. The 8th day of Dhul hijjah is called Yaum A. jurisprudential interpretation
A. ‘Arafah B. T s ’a B. judicial rulings
C. sh ra D. at-Tarwiyah. C. legal application
31. The legal statue of Jihad in Islam is D. customary usage.
A. fard ‘ain B. mustahabb 40. The most popular means of alleviating
C. mub h D. fardkif yah. poverty in the Muslim society is through
32. Marriage is referred to in Q. 4:21 as A. baitul-m l B. zak h
A. mirh q B. nik h C. raw tib D. waqf.
C. ijb r D. khitbah. 41. The most important right which both
33. Q.4:34 enjoins the wife not only to e Muslims and non-Muslims have under the
obedient but also to Islamic political system is that of
A. maintain her chastity A. worship B. justice
B. protect her home C. honour C. life.
C. defend her rights 42. The Prophet (S.A.W) granted general
D. endure all difficulties. amnesty to all enemies of Islam after the
34. One of the contributions of Islam to A. Battle of Yam mah
women welfare is the introduction of B. Conquest of Makkah
A. inheritance B. family planning C. Campaign of Tab k
C. marriage D. women seclusion. D. Battle of Hun in.
35. ‘.. the parties should either hold together 43. The Battle of Siffin was fought under the
on equitable terms or...’ (Q.2:229) Caliphate of
This verse of the Glorious Qur’ n stresses A. ‘Ab Bakr B. ‘Umar
the need for a Muslim to be kind to his C. ‘Uthm n D. ‘Ali.
wife at the time of 44. Caliph ‘Ab Bakr reigned for
A. divorce B. disagreement A. 2 years B. 3 years
C. pregnancy D. distress. C. 4 years D. 5years.
36. Tal q al b in means divorce that is 45. The man who established the Muslim city
A. revocable B. permissible of Qairaw n was
C. detestable D. irrevocable. A. ‘Uqbah b. N fic
37. Racy as a mode of Ijtih d technically B. ‘Ubaidah b. Sacad
means C. Irsh d b. Waq s
A. considered opinion D. M sa b. Nauf i.
B. debated opinion 46. By the year 1110 C.E., Andalusia had fallen
C. respected opinion under the control of
D. free opinion. A. Muj hid n B. Ans r
38. A feature which is common to the Sharl’ah C. Muh jir n D. Mur bir n.
and the common law is 47. In the early part of Islam in West Africa,
A. rigidity B. flexibility the rib t was primarily a centre for
C. credibility D. inimitability. A. religious propagation

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

B. S fi indoctrination (Q. 104:2).

C. social reform 8. Option A
D. fraternal movement. 9. Option D
48. Muhammed Bello justified Jih d against Qur`an chapter 95 vs 1. Allah says:
the Islamic state of Borno because of the
“By the fig and olive”.
people’s tendency towards
10. Option B
A. syncretism B. extremism
C. asceticism D. formalism. Qur`an chapter 98 vs 6.
49. The institution of learning referred to as 11. Option A
‘ummu-d-duniyah is Qur`an Chapter 2 vs 255.
A. al-Azhar university 12. Option C
B. Sankore University 13. Option C
C. University of Madinah “In order to authenticate or test
D. University of Khartoum. the authenticity of any Hadith, the
50. Apart from being a renowned philosopher, Scholar followed two methods
Ibn Rushd was also namely Riwayah (which has to with
A. a jurist B. an astronomer
isnad of health) and Diraya (The
C. a scientist D. a mathematician.
Hadith itself mato):.
14. Option B
2003 Answers
15. Option C
1. Option C
“…. Or if that is not possible than
“It is not given to any human being
with his tongue, …”
that Allah should speak to him
16. Option B
unless (it be) by revelation, or from
17. Option B
behind veil or (that) He send a
18. Option D
messenger to reveal what He wills
“Suratul-Maidah, Q. 5:90-91”
by his leave…” Q. 42:51.
19. Option D
2. Option B
20. Option B
3. Option A
21. Option A
4. Option C
22. Option B
5. Option A
23. Option Nil
6. Option C
The question is relevant to what Q.
It is He who has sent down to you
6:53 indicates.
(Muhammad) S.A.W. The book
24. Option A
(This Qur`an) in it are verse that are
25. Option D
clear. They are the Mother of the
26. Option A
Books …”.
27. Option C
7. Option C
28. Option C
Suratul-Humaizat verse 2
29. Option A
JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

30. Option D Islamic Religious Studies 2008

31. Option D
32. Option A 1. The complete Glorious was Qur’ n taken
“And how could you take it [back] from Lawn al-mahfuz to the lowest of the
heavens known as
while you have gone in unto each
A. Bait al- Izzah
other, they have taken from you a
B. Bait al- Maqdis
firm and strong covenant (Mithaq) C. Bait al-Haram
Q. 4:21. D. Bait al-Hikmah
33. Option A
34. Option A 2. The most important ways of preserving the
35. Option A Glorious Qur’ n by Sahǻbah include
36. Option D
37. Option A A. establishing schools in major cities and
38. Option A teaching the Glorious Qur’ n
39. Option A B. teaching the application of sunnah
40. Option B
C. explaining the conduct of the prophet
“…..Zakat eradicates poverty”. according to the Glorious Qur’ n
41. Option B D. guiding the new converts in Islam ways
42. Option B of life
43. Option D
44. Option A 3. What are the characteristics common to
“Abudbakr rules (reigned) within most Makkan Suwar?
632AD - 634AD”.
45. Option A A. They are short and poetic
“Quirawan was established by B. They are long and rhythmic
Uqbah bin Na fi within 669 – 670 C. They are easy and rhythmic
D. They are stylistic and summative
46. Option D
4. The Glorious Qur’ n is a guidance for
“There is error in the spelling it is A. The pious
“AL-MURABITUN” not AL- B. All mankind
47. Option A D. The Quraish
48. Option A
49. Option A 5. What will happen on the Day of Judgment
“Jamiul-Azar was established according to Q.101:4?
during the Fatimids Caliphates” It is
referred to as Unmud-Duniyah.. A. Mountains will discharge fire
B. Mountains will be like carded wool
50. Option A.
JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

C. Fire of Jahannam will be seen B. Caliph Uthman b. Affan

D. Sun will be extremely hot C. Caliph Mu’awiyah b. Abi Sufyan
D. Caliph Umar b. Abdul-Aziz
6. Every human being, according to Sūrah al-
Asr is in a state of loss, except the 11. The science of Asma al-rijal is introduced in
order to
A. Quraish tribe
B. the oppressed people A. Authenticate the chains of Hadith
C. faithful and righteous narrators
D. earlier generations B. Confirms the names of Hadith books
C. Ascertain the number of ahadith
7. ‘so verily, with every difficulty, there is D. Explain the contents of the sunnah
relief…’ the best Arabic translation of the
verse above is represented in 12. The real name of Imam al-Bukhari is

A. Musa b. Muhammad
B. Muhammad b. Ahmad
C. Isma’il b. Yaqub
D. Muhammad b. Isma’il

13. A Hadith in which the chain of narration

and text are sound is known as
A. Mash’hur
B. Maqtu’
C. Mursal
The translation of the verse above is
D. Sahih
A. ‘truly, man is to his lord ungrateful
B. ‘verily, to thy Lord is the return (of all)
14. Which of the following directly applies to
C. ‘And verily the hereafter will be better
Hadith ad-Da’if?
for thee than present
D. ‘truly, he succeeds that purifies
A. It can be used on certain conditions
B. Its rejection is due to its weakness all
9. The verse that can be recited for
the times
protection against evil machinations is
C. It can be equated with al- Mauduf
A. Q. 2:286
D. It’s legal status cannot be ascertained
B. Q. 2:285
C. Q. 2:256
15. The Glorious Qur’ǻn takes precedence
D. Q. 2:255
over the Hadith in that
A. it can be used for prayers
10. The official compilation of Hadith was
B. the former is recited in prayers
facilitated by
C. the latter can be invoked against evil
A. Caliph Umar b. al-khattab
JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

D. only the former is used in judicial A. be certain in some acts of worship

matters B. avoid doubtful things
C. note that doubt and uncertainty are
16. Hadith is important to Muslims because it close to each other
is D. always do things clearly

A. miracle of Islam 21. According to Hadith 41 of an- Nawawi, the

B. the most reliable sayings of the faith of a believer is incomplete until he
prophet (SAW)
C. the only linkage between the prophet A. Loves for his brother what he love
(SAW) and the Muslim himself
D. the means through which the B. Hate all kinds of evil
prophet’s message is known C. Likes good things for his family
D. Follows what has been revealed unto
17. Which of the following is the correct order the prophet(SAW)
of authenticity of three of the six sound
collections of the Hadith 22. The message in Hadith 34 of an- Nawawi is
A. Bukhari, Muslim and Tirmidhi about
B. Ibn Majah, Muslim and Nasa’i
C. Muslim, Nasa’I and Ibn Majah A. Performing the society for the better
D. Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi and Bukhari B. Preventing evil in the society by any
means possible
C. Commanding good among people
18. The first major written work of ahadith D. Abstaining from evil deeds
A. Sahih Muslim
B. Sunan Ibn Majah
C. Muwata Malik The Hadith above warns Muslims against
D. Musnad Ahmad charity with
A. useless things
19. The collection of Imam Muslim differs B. ill-gotten wealth
from that of Imam Bukhari in terms of C. evil intention
D. cheap things
A. Interpretation
B. Authenticity 24.
C. Repetition
D. Characterization

20. Hadith 11 of an-Nawawi admonishes The verse above teaches that Muslims
Muslims to should

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C. Speak with one voice politically

A. Travel round the world and see D. Unite for economic progress
B. Explore the earth and be learned 29. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was described
C. Go into the earth and see Allah’s as the seal of all prophets, meaning that
creatures he
D. Disperse into the land and earn a living
A. Was the last or the prophets of Allah
25. Good behavior and modesty in dress in B. Covered all parts of the world
Islam is an essential parts of preaching
C. Is reserved even by the Jews
A. Amal D. Was accepted by all Christian
B. duty
C. Iman 30. The act of taking refuge from the Jinns as
D. beauty mentioned in Q. 72:6 is that

26. Hadith 18 of an-Nwawai enjoins believers A. They could harm the believers
to B. People benefit from their protection
C. They would increase such people in
A. Be firm abravend fury
B. Be strong-minded and clean D. people may turn to be their partners
C. Have piety and work righteously
D. Acquire knowledge and be polite 31. The attributes of Allah as contained in Q.
59:23 are
A. 5
B. 6
The verse above urges C. 7
D. 8
A. Mankind to be patient and persevere
B. The Makkans to persevere and be 32. The important of Salah as listed in Q. 29:45
patient includes
C. Anyone in hardship to persevere and
be patient A. Prohibition of shameful and deeds
D. The believers to be patient and B. Making invocations regularly
persevere C. Prohibition of cheating in measures
D. Prohibition of hoarding
28. Q. 3:103 enjoins Muslims to
33. Which of the following vitiates Salah?
A. Unite and not be divided
B. Live in the same place A. Intoxication

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

B. Adornment
C. Falsehood 38. The gathering of pilgrims on the 9th day of
D. yawning Dhul Hijjah is known as

34. A major activity in Salah performed A. Wuquf bi ‘Arefah

through various bodily postures is known B. Sajadah ‘Arefah
as C. Jabal ‘Arefah
D. Da’al al- ‘Arefah
A. Raka’at
B. Takbiratul Ihram 39. The categories of women prohibited in
C. At- tashahud marriage due to blood relations are
D. Sujud ash-shukr
A. 14
35. In congregational Salah, a person who B. 11
comes late is expected to C. 10
D. 7
A. pronounce the taslim to indicate his
arrival 40. According to Q.4:34, the main right of the
B. say subhanallah so that the Imam can husband over his wife is to
note his presence
C. recite the iqama before joining the A. Prepare food for him
congregation B. Have conjugal relation with her
D. make takbiratul ihram and join the C. Accept his leadership and obey him
Imam D. Appreciate him for his favours

36. Hajj is one of the avenues for Islamic 41. A marriage is not valid in Islam without
brotherhood and A. At least two witnesses
B. Slaughtering an animal
A. kindness C. Marriage garment
B. fairness D. Deciding the place of residence
C. Trust
D. unity 42. The right of a husband over his wife
37. The type of Zakah due at the end of A. Controlling the wife’s activities
Ramadan fast is known as B. Taking additional wives
C. Deciding the place of residence
A. Zakah al-mal D. Total controlling the wife’s property
B. Zakah al-fitr
C. Zakah al-anam 43. Talaq al bai’in technically conveys the idea
D. Zakah al-harth of

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

A. Divorce of a new bride C. Burying their female children alive

B. Court annulment of marriage D. Fighting inter- tribal wars
C. An irrevocable divorce
D. Divorce in a state of impurity 49. The caliph who introduced stipend for
teachers was
44. When a woman is observing iddah ai-
wafat, she is permitted to A. Abu Bakr
B. ‘Umar
A. Wear jewellery of any kind C. ‘Uthman
B. Use any type of perfume D. ‘Ali
C. Cut her finger nails
D. Beautify herself 50. The main impact of Islamic values on social
life of the people of West Africa is the
45. Zihar occurs when a husband compares his
A. Performance of Salah by Muslims
A. Wife with himself B. Modification of polygamy in line with
B. Wife with his daughter Islamic principles
C. Daughter with her friend C. Adoption of Arabic words in many
D. Wife with the back of his mother languages
D. Avoidance of alcoholic drink in public
46. Excluded from inheritance is a places

A. Brother from the estate of his

deceased brother 2008 ANSWERS
B. Man after the death of his wife 1. Option A
C. Person who kills his father for his “The revelation of the glorious
estate Qur`an passed through three
D. Woman because of her gender stages, 2 from Lawh al-Mahfuriz to
the lowest of the heaven known as
47. Qlyas in Islamic law refers to “Bait-al-Izzah”
2. Option A
A. Measurement 3. Option A
B. Analogical deduction 4. Option A
C. Intelligent work “… a guidance to those who are
D. evaluation pious”.
5. Option NIL
48. Raiding as a characteristic of the Jahilyyah “Because the meaning of Q. 101
Arabs led to verse 4 is not in the option A-D. It is
Q. 101:5 that translates Option B
A. Holding annual political meetings which is the answer to question 5”.
B. Staging of annual trade fair 6. Option C

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

“Suratul-Abr” Q:103:3. “…. Any one amongst you who sees

7. Option D abomination act should change it
8. Option B …..”
Q. 96: 8 23. Option B
9. Option D “…Allah the Mighty is good and
“Ayatul – Kursiy – Q. 2:255. accepts only that which is good…”
10. Option D 24. Option D
“Umar bin Abdul-Azeez was the “…. You may disperse through the
one who facilitated the compilation land and seek for the bounty of
of the Hadith. He was a Umayyad Allah (by working) etc …. Q. 62:10.
caliph who gave an order to the 25. Option A
scholars to collect and compile the 26. Option C
traditions” 27. Option D
11. Option A “O you who believe, Endure and be
12. Option D more patient…” Q. 3:103.
“Imam bukahri’s full name is 28. Option A
Muhammad b. Ism a il bin Ibrahim 29. Option A
al-Bukhari” 30. Option C
13. Option D “And verily there were men going
14. Option A mankind who took shelter with the
15. Option C males among the Jin but the (the
“Qur`an is recited during Salat Jin) increase them (the mankind) in
Hadith is not to be used during sin and transgression”. Q. 72:6.
Salat”. 31. Option D
16. Option D “The attributes of Allah as
17. Option A contained in Q59: 23 are 8. i.e.
18. Option C 1. The king
“The Muwatta of Imam Malik bin 2. The Holy
Annab (died 179AH) is the first of 3. The one free from all defects
its kind .. 4. The Giver of security
19. Option D 5. The watcher over his creator
20. Option B 6. The Al-Mighty
“…Leave that about which you are 7. The compeller
in doubt for that about which you 8. The supreme.
are in no doubt” 32. Option A
21. Option D “…Verily, As Salat prevent from al-
“….None of you is a believer until Fahshai (i.e. great sins…) and Al-
his desires follow that which I munkar … (every kind of evil wicked
brought”. deed). Q. 29:45.
22. Option B 33. Option A
34. Option A


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“The various bodily postures UTME 2010 Questions

performed in Salah as a major
activity is called Rakat”. 1. The revelation of the glorious Qur’an
35. Option D started with a
36. Option D A. parable B. command
37. Option B C. legislation D. declaration.
38. Option A 2. Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) answer to
39. Option C Angel Jibril when he was asked to recite
40 Option C was
41. Option A A. ‘I am not a scholar’
“For validity of marriage, there B. ‘I am not a judge’
must be at least two witnesses” C. ‘I cannot read’
42. Option D D. ‘I cannot preach’
43. Option C 3. Angel Jibril asked the Prophet (SAW) to
“Divorce which cannot be reversed read during the event of the first
is known as (Talaq bain) irrevocable revelation
divorce” A. four times B. three times
44. Option C C. twice D. once.
45. Option D 4. ‘No falsehood can approach it, from
“Zihar is husband’s comparison of before or behind it, it is sent down by One
his wife’s back with his mother”. full of wisdom, worthy of all praise.’
46. Option C The verse above is the same as
“In a case of homicide, the person
guilty of murder is barred from
inheritance of the person he
47. Option B
“Qiy a s means: Analogical
deduction of Law
48. Option D
49. Option B
“Caliph umar bin Khatab was the
one who introduced stipend for
Teachers and the armies” 5. How many Caliphs did the Glorious Qur’an
50. Option C pas through before its standardization?
A. Six B. Four
C. Three D. Two.
6. Divine inspiration was employed in the
A. arrangement of the Glorious Qur’an
B. compilation of the Glorious Qur’an
C. standardization of the Glorious Qur’an

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

D. memorization of the Glorious Qur’an. B. praise, prayer and pledge

7. The authenticity of the Glorious Qur’an C. praise, promise and equity
has been proven by empirical evidence of D. praise, pledge and prayer.
A. dredging sea water to dams 12.
B. stages of growth of human embryo
C. development of nuclear technology
D. development of solar technology. The verse of the Glorious Qur’an above
8. One major peculiarity between the refers to the
Makkan and Madinan Suwar of the A. back-biters B. rumour mongers
Glorious Qur’an is that C. envious ones D. treasury looters
A. Makkan Suwar are historical while 13. Al-Kawthar in the Glorious Qur’an is
Madinan Suwar are theoretical otherwise called a
B. Makkan Suwar are meant for daily A. river in paradise
rituals while Madinan Suwar are for B. garden in paradise
commercial transactions C. light in paradise
C. Makkan Suwar are purely to people of D. fruit in paradise.
Makkan while the Madinan Suwar 14. The significant message contained in s rah
addresses the people of Madina at-Tak thur is that
D. Makkan Suwar are short and poetic A. passion for wealth and position may
while the Madinan Suwar are longer divert man’s attention from worship of
and generic. Allah
9. The copy of the Glorious Qur’an in use was B. moral obligation and spiritual sacrifice
standardized during the period of Caliph should be uppermost in the minds of a
A. Abu Bakr as Siddiq true believer
B. Umar b. Khattab C. man should avoid committing sin at all
C. Uthman b. Affan times
D. Ali b. Abu Talib. D. man should pray five times daily.
10. The term Isra’iliy t in the study of tafs r̅ 15. The Day of Judgement is described in
refers to s rah al-Q ri’ah as a day when men will
A. statements which refer to people of be
Israel in the Glorious Qur’an A. arranged in three rows
B. stories of the Israelites in the Glorious B. made to drink from hot vessels
Qur’an C. like moths scattered about
C. teachings concerning the Israelites in D. made to wear iron rods around their
the Glorious Qur’an necks.
D. traditions and commentaries with 16.
Jewish origin derived from non-
muslims sources.
11. The major themes that can be derived The verse above is translated as
from Surah al-fatihah are A. ‘truly, man is to his Lord grateful’
A. knowledge, prayer and sacrifice B. ‘truly, man is too arrogant’

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

C. ‘truly, man is submissive C. ambiguous matters

D. ‘truly, man is to his Lord ungrateful’ D. lump of flesh.
17. ‘Peace descending on the righteous 23. ‘Indeed the people before you were
throughout the night …’ destroyed by asking a lot of unnecessary
The verse above is one of the major questions …’
themes in S rah The quotation above is in Hadith 9 of An-
A. al-Qadr B. al-Alaq Nawawi which refers to the
C. al-Kawthar D. al-Falaq. A. People of the Book
18. B. Quraysh
C. People of Madinah
D. Arabs.
The verse of the Glorious Qur’an above is 24. Who among the six compilers of Hadith
on the importance of knowledge and the became blind before his death?
description of Allah as A. Nasa’i B. Abu Da’ud
A. the Supreme C. Ibn Maja D. Tirmidhi.
B. the most Gracious 25.
C. the Grand Teacher
D. the Grand Supplier.
19. A text of Hadith is rejected if it is
A. reported by an Arab
B. against natural phenomenon
C. reported twice by the same reporter The subject matter of the Hadith above is
D. not reported in Madinah. A. dignity of labour
20. Hadith 4 of An-Nawawi’s collection is B. modesty in dressing
about the complete C. honesty and sincerity
A. nature of man’s creation D. stealing and fraud.
B. movement of the sun in its orbit 26. In Q.17:27, the extravagant are likened to
C. nature of the creation of the earth associates of
D. movement of the seas and oceans. A. pious people B. pharaoh
21. The book of Hadith that contains reports C. satan D. soothsayers.
on the practices of the people of Madinah 27. Islam decreed against begging through
apart from aℎ dith is encouraging
A. Sahih Bukhari B. Sahih Muslim A. collective bargaining
C. Mukhtaril aℎ dith B. labour association
D. Muwatta Malik. C. trade bargaining
22. In Hadith 6 of an-Nawawi’s collection, the D. dignity of labour.
Prophet (SAW) said the lawful and 28. ‘Allah begets not nor is He begotten.’
unlawful are all clear, but between them The quotation above condemns
are A. hero praising
A. things prohibited B. the doctrine of trinity
B. things permitted C. worshiping of ancestors

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

D. idol worshiping. A. astaghfirullah B. Allahu Akba

29. What is expected of a believing Muslim C. subh nallah
when an important decision needs to be D. subh na rabbial Azim.
made? 37. Fasting has been prohibited on doubtful
A. Du’ B. Da’awah day which is
C. Istikh ma D. Istikh rah. A. 28th of Sha’aban
30. Qadr to the majority of scholars in Islam B. 1st of Ramadan
means C. 30th of Ramada
A. faith B. situation D. 30th of Sha’aban.
C. circumstance D. destiny. 38. Those who are not Pilgrims are advised to
31. The best Ibadah according to the Prophet fast on the day of
(SAW) after the major pillars is to A. eid al-fitri B. ashurah
A. pray naw fils C. eid al-adha D. Arafat.
B. marry a pious woman 39. The permission to marry up to four wives
C. make a fellow Muslim happy in Islam is aimed at
D. devote one’s time on dhikr. A. bearing more children
32. Among the obligatory steps of ablution are B. treating them equally
intention, washing the face, washing the C. reducing the number of unmarried
hands to the elbow and also women
A. rinsing the mouth D. preventing adultery.
B. wiping the two ears 40. The Prophet (SAW) said, ‘Of all things
C. washing the feet lawful, divorce is the most hateful to
D. silence during the ablution. Allah’ because it exposes the parties to
33. Among the Sunnah steps of ablution are A. reconciliation B. provocation
wiping two ears, inhaling and exhaling C. hardship D. arbitration.
from the nose and also 41. Imam Malik was born in
A. wiping the head again from back of the A. Syria B. Makkah
skull C. Madinah D. Egypt.
B. supplication at every stage of ablution 42. Allah’s pleasure in this world and the
C. brushing the teeth hereafter can be obtained through
D. saying the du’a aloud. A. physical exercises
34. In Q.5:7, Allah says, ‘if ye are ill or on a B. writing Qur’an on a slate
journey … and ye find no water, then C. Shari’a
perform …’ D. oratory.
A. wud B. al-ghusl 43. Lending out money with interest in Islam is
C. at-tayammum D. qasr. A. sadaqah B. rib
35. The number of takbirat performed in a C. kharaj D. Jizyah.
rak’ah as a unit of sal h is 44. Zakat is an economic system that de-
A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 D. 6 emphasizes
36. An Imam leading prayer, forgetfully rises A. accumulation of wealth
when he is to sit, he is alerted by saying B. poverty

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

C. helping others
D. employment.
45. ‘O Allah! Lord of power (and rule), Thou 2010 Answers
giveth power to whom thou pleaseth, and 1. Option B
thou strippest off power from whom thou “Iqrah” “Read” in a commanding tone
pleaseth …’ Q.3:26 by the Angel Jibril (Q. 96:1).
The verse above describes Allah’s political Ref: Q. 96:1.
power as most 2. Option C
A. complex B. liberal “Ma ana biqari” “I cannot read”.
C. severe D. sovereign. 3. Option B
46. The core of Muhammad’s (SAW) 4. Option A
da’awah in Makkah was on Ref: Suratul-Fuslah, Ayat Q. 41:42.
A. the unity of Allah 5. Option C
B. business transaction “Abubakar, Umar then Uthman”
C. divine punishment of wrong-doers 6. Option A
D. sincere brotherhood. 7. Option B
47. The battle of Badr was fought in the 2nd Ref: Quaran Chapter 23 Vs 12 - 14
year after Hijrah in 8. Option D
A. 622 A. H B. 624 A. H 9. Option C
C. 625 A. H D. 632 A. H. 10. Option B
48. The Arabs worshipped idols during the 11. Option D
Jahiliyya period because 12. Option C
A. They were ignorant of God’s existence “And from the evil of the envier when
B. there were Prophets among them he envies”
C. they believed that the idols will Ref: Suratul-Falaq. Q. 113:3.
intercede 13. Option A
D. there were revealed Books. “Verily, we have granted you (O
49. The similarity between the Jihad of Muhammad S.A.W) Al-Kauthar (a river
Uthman b. Fodio and the Prophet’s hijrah in paradise).
in 622 C. E was the Ref: Q. 108:1.
A. strength of their followers 14. Option A
B. inspiration from Allah Ref: Q. 102:1 - 8.
C. display of bid’ah 15. Option C
D. envy of non-believers. “It is the Day whereon mankind will be
50. The companion who introduced Islam to like moths scattered about”
North Africa through Egypt was Ref: Q. 101:4.
A. Amr b. As B. Abu Musa 16. Option D
C. Ibn Ishaq D. Ibn Suleiman “Verily man (disbelievers) is ungrateful
to his Lord.”.
Ref: Q. 100:6.
17. Option A

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

Ref: Q. 97:5. “It is recommended for Muslims who

18. Option C are not engaged in the right of Hajji to
“He has taught man that which he knew fast on the Day of Arafat”.
not” Q. 96:5. 39. Option D
19. Option B 40. Option B
20. Option A 41. Option C
“… verily, the creation of any one of 42. Option C
you takes place when he is assembled 43. Option B
in his mother’s womb…?.. 44. Option B
21. Option D 45. Option D
22. Option C Ref: Suratul-Al-Imran; Q. 3:26.
23. Option A 46. Option A
24. Option D 47. Option B
“Trimidhi wept because of his fear of (But it is 624AD not AH).
Allah and became blind” 48. Option C
25. Option A 49. Option B
26. Option C 50. Option A.
“Verily the spendthrifts are brothers of
the shaytan (Devil) ….
27. Option D
28. Option B
Ref: Suratul_Ikhlas Q. 112:3.
29. Option D
“If a Muslim wants to make a decision,
he/she should do Istikhara”.
30. Option D
Al-Im a n bil-qadr is one of the six
articles of faith “The faith in the
31. Option C
32. Option C.
33. Option A
34. Option B
Ref: Suratul_Maidah, Ayat 7; Q. 5:7.
35. Option D
“A complete rak`at is made up of 6
Takbirah”. See Fiqh Sunnah bab.salat
or Siffatus-Salati-Nabiyy.
36. Option C
37. Option D
38. Option D

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

UTME 2011 Questions D. arrangement of the Glorious

1. The outcome of the Prophet’s visit to
Cave Hira was 5. The battle that served as a pointer to the
compilation of the Glorious Qur’an was
A. compilation of the Glorious Qur’an fought at
B. revelation of the Glorious Qur’an
C. award of chieftaincy title by the A. Khandaq
Makkan aristocrats B. Uhud
D. his resolve to migrate to Madinah. C. Tabūk
D. Yamāmah.
2. One of the importance of the first
revelation was the 6. The committee that standardized the
Glorious Qur’an is made up of
A. description of the Arabian peninsula
to the Prophet (SAW) A. six people
B. dissemination of knowledge B. five people
C. explanation of knowledge C. four people
D. description of the steps of acquiring D. three people.
7. A characteristic common to Makkan
3. The gradual spiritual and moral chapters is that, they
development of Muslims was the wisdom
behind the A. are long
B. address the people of the Book
A. compilation of the Glorious Qur’an C. contain a lot of oaths
B. standardization of the Glorious D. make references to battles.
Qur’an 8. The victory of the Roman Empire over
C. preservation of the Glorious Qur’an the Persian Empire after the Persians had
D. piecemeal revelation of the defeated the Romans as stated in the
Glorious Qur’an. Glorious Qur’an (Q. 30: 2-3) is an
evidence of the
4. "‫ﻈﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻓ‬‫ ﻟﹶﺤ‬‫ّﺎ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﺇﹺﻧ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺍﻟﺬﱢﻛﹾﺮ‬‫ﻟﹾﻨ‬‫ﺰ‬‫ ﻧ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺎ ﻧ‬‫"ﺇﹺﻧ‬
A. beauty of the words of the Glorious
The verse above is in relation to the Qur’an
B. historical nature of the Glorious
A. standardization of the Glorious Qur’an
Qur’an C. simplicity of the wordings of the
B. preservation of the Glorious Qur’an Glorious Qur’an
C. compilation of the Glorious Qur’an D. authenticity of the Glorious Qur’an.

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

9. The Qur’an is different from other B. it provides the basis for the deeper
revealed Books because understanding of the Glorious
A. it is a prayer book only C. it provides the knowledge of correct
B. barren women can be helped pronounciation and recitation of
through it the Glorious Qur’an
C. both spiritual, moral and social D. it increases the ability to recite and
values are found in it communicate in Arabic.
D. one can use it for protection only.
13. "‫ﺢ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹶﺘ‬‫ ﺍﷲِ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺼ‬‫ﺎﺀَ ﻧ‬‫"ﺇﹺﺫﹶﺍ ﺟ‬
10. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did not
hand-over the Glorious Qur’an to his In the rule of Tajwid, the portion of the
companions in an arranged form and in a verse underlined above applies to
single written volume because
A. tarqīq
A. he did not want only the Quraish to B. tanwīn
inherit the book C. ta hīm
B. the revelation did not come in one D. tashdīd.
piece but at intervals
C. many tribes would want to take 14. The only Sūrah in the Glorious Qur’an
over its distribution which must be recited in every obligatory
D. there was no need for it. prayer is

11. The correct meaning of tafsir is the A. al-Baqārah

B. al-Alaq
A. detailed explanation and C. al-Fā hah
commentary of the Glorious Qur’an D. al-Ikhlās.
B. scientific application of the contents
of the Glorious Qur’an to human life 15. The expression
C. true reflections on the contents of ’‫ﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺴ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ﻨ‬‫ﻰ ﻋ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻏﹾﻨ‬‫‘ﻣ‬
the Glorious Qur’an
The verse above in sūrah al-Lahab means
D. practical application of the contents
of the Glorious Qur’an.
A. no profit to him from all his power
and business
12. Tajwid as one of the science of the
B. no profit to him from all his military
Glorious Qur’an is important because
and economic powers
C. no profit to him from all his wealth
A. it allows for the understanding of
and gains
history of the Glorious Qur’an
D. no profit to him from all his
property and children.

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

16. Q 16. One important lesson taught in B. five pillars

Suratul Kawthar is that Muslims should C. fast of Ramadan
D. articles of faith.
A. always fulfil their promises
B. protect themselves when the need 21. The teaching in the 10th Hadith of an-
arises Nawawi is that
C. accept whatever calamity that
befall them A. Allah accepts prayers from Muslims
D. worship Allah and sacrifice. only
B. only credible people shall be
17. Suratul Mā’ūn discusses the privilege to elected leaders
be enjoyed by the C. abstinance from forbidden things is
prelude to accepting prayers
A. givers D. abstinance from misconduct by
B. travelers ladies makes them more attractive
C. the wealthy to men.
D. the needy.
22. ‘Do not get angry’
18. The eagerness and zeal of Muslim This tradition from the 16th Hadith of an-
warriors to fight in the cause of Allah is nawawi has been repeated by the
one of the major theme of Sūrah Prophet (SAW)

A. al-Qāri’ah A. once
B. al-Adiyah B. twice
C. al-Asr C. thrice
D. al-Humazah. D. many times.

23. What differentiates Hadith Qudsi from

19. The allegorical and the ambiguous verses Hadith Nabawi is the
of the Glorious Qur’an are understood
through the A. place and manner of application
B. condition under which the two are
A. ijtihad of Muslim Scholars narrated
B. qiyas of Muslim jurists C. wording and teaching intended
C. tadabbur in the Glorious Qur’an D. chain and reliability of the narrator.
D. tafsir of the Glorious Qur’an.
24. One of the peculiari es of Sahih Bukhari
20. Hadith 3 of an-Nawawi’s collection shows is that ahādith are sorted according to
that Islam is built upon
A. topics
A. believe in Allah B. chapters

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

C. records C. praise the Prophets as enjoined by

D. biographies. Allah
D. perform Salat.
25. One of the two compilers of Hadith that
deals with legal traditions of permissions 30. Seeking assistance from the fortune
and prohibitions is tellers is forbidden because

A. Abu Daud A. it gives one an insight of what

B. Bukhari tomorrow holds
C. Ibn Maja B. it creates animosity amongst people
D. Muslim. C. it leads to ascribing absolute power
to a fellow being
26. One of the moral lessons in Q.17:23 apart D. it’s proceed is unlawful.
from obedience to parents is
31. It is shirk in Islam to
A. résilience
B. repentance A. dance
C. persévérance B. sing religious song
D. honesty. C. undergo plastic surgery
D. masquerade.
27. The Jews were admonished to avoid
mixing truth with falsehood in 32. Suhf was revealed to

A. Q.2:285
B. Q.2:177 A. prophet Haruna (AS)
C. Q.2:45 B. prophet Ilyas (AS)
D. Q.2:42. C. prophet Ibrahim (AS)
D. prophet Muhammd (SAW).
28. Islam encourages every Muslim to seek a
lawful livelihood through 33. In Islam, the articles of Imān are

A. equitable distribution of wealth A. six

B. dignity of labour B. five
C. family inheritance C. four
D. shared responsibility. D. three.

29. Islam as a monotheistic religion expects 34. The presentation of Sermon is an

that every faithful follower should obligation on the Imam when leading

A. not tell lies A. all the prayers

B. serve Allah without associates B. funeral prayers

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

C. Friday prayers
D. every prayer on Friday. 40. One of the scholars reported to have
been imprisoned by his non
35. One of the conditions that make prayer compromising stance was
obligatory on believers is
A. Shafi’i
A. social status B. Abu-Hanifah
B. reciting the Qur’an with proper C. Hambali
Tajweed D. Māliki b. Anas.
C. following pious Imam
D. attainment of maturity. 41. The entrenchment of an Islamic
economic system is aimed at
36. The supreragatory fasting of Āshura is
observed on the A. controlling the world funds
B. restricting the unlawful acquisition
A. 8th of al-muharram of wealth
B. 9th of al-Muharram C. restricting men to particular
C. 10th of al-Muharram occupations
D. 11th of al-Muharram. D. promoting equitable distribution of
37. Ayyam at-tashriq are the days of 42. One of the major consequences of ribā is
that, it makes people
A. buying and selling
B. visits and caring A. wealthy
C. singing and dancing B. lazy
D. eating and drinking. C. smart
D. parasitic.
38. The minimum number of witnesses in an
Islamic marriage is 43. Mas’uliyyah as a principle of the the
Islamic political system is a measure to
A. four males check
B. three males
C. two males A. indiscipline
D. one male. B. rigging
C. nepotism
39. The term, Shari’ah refers to D. misappropriation.

A. a path 44. Allah commands Muslims to observe and

B. wisdom fulfil agreements with the non-Muslims,
C. passion if the later do not
D. an idea.

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

A. infringe on the right of women

B. observe the five daily prayers 49. The teachings of Uthman b. Fodio are
C. change the language employed remembered today as it relates to
D. violate the terms of the agreement.
A. idol worshiping
45. During the Jihiliyya era, the Ka’aba was B. marrying more than four wives
the centre of poetic contest at the annual C. all form of syncreticism
festival called D. taxing of farm produce.

A. ijāz 50. The ruler who instituted Friday prayers in

B. ukāz Mali was
C. manāt
D. ushrah. A. Mansa Musa
B. Mansa Suleiman
46. In Pre-Islamic Arabia, the Arabs killed C. Mansa Ule
their daughters because they D. Mansa Abubakar.

A. were the weaker sex

B. were afraid of incest 2011 ANSWERS
C. feared the females would
outnumber males 1. Option B
D. did not participate in wars. “As a result of Prophet Muhammad’s
withdrawal to the cave of Hirah near
Makkah, when he was 40 years old,
47. The first person who recognized signs of Angel Jibril appeared to him with a
Prophethood on Muhammad (SAW) was revelation from God”
a 2. Option B
Ref: (Q 96: 1-5) “read in the name of
A. Christian Monk your Lord…”
B. Jewish Rabbi 3. Option D
C. Buddhist Monk 4. Option B
D. Soothsayer. Ref: Q 15:19
‘Surely, We have sat down the
48. Members of the Prophet’s family that Reminder [al-Qur`an] and surely we
embraced Islam the first day did so, on will protect it’.
the basis of his 5. Option D
“Many Muslims who had memorized
A. truthfulness and uprightness the Holy Qur`an died in the battle of
B. wealth and influence Yamamah (in 633CE). Umar bin
C. love for them Khataab feared possible extinction of
D. family relation.

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

the Qur`an if measures were not The word of hadith qudusiy is by the
taken…” Prophet; the meaning is from God…”
6. Option C 24. Option B
“Uthman bin Affan appointed a panel 25. Option C
of for people to carry out the “kitaab al-sunan Abu-Dawud
standardization of the Holy Qur`an. contained only traditions relating to
They include; 1 – Zaid bin Th bit; Ahk m-things ordained or allowed or
2 – Abdullahi bin Zubair; 3 – Sa’ad bin forbidden by law…”
Al-ÁS and 4-Abdul-Rahman bin H rith” 26. Option C
7. Option C Ref: Q: 17:23.
8. Option D 27. Option D
9. Option C Ref: Q: 2:42.
10. Option B 28. Option B
11. Option B 29. Option B
12. Option C Ref: Q: 17:23.
13. Option C 30. Option C
‘Answer is Tafkheem ‘ (Rau) will be 31. Option D
pronounced with Tafkheem if the Rau 32. Option C
(j) has a Dommah. 33. Option A
14. Option C “Articles of faith are six (in Islam). They
“Suratul-Fatiha must be recited on are: belief in
each rakàt of Salát, without it. The 1. Allah
Sal t is voided. 2. the Angels
15. Option C 3. the revealed book
Ref: Suratul Layab Ayat 2 (Q. 111:2) 4. the Prophets
16. Option D 5. the Last Day
‘Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord 6. destiny.
and sacrifice to Him only”. 34. Option C
Ref: Q: 108:2. 35. Option D
17. Option D 36. Option C
Ref: Q. 107:7 ̅ ℎ is recommended by the
18. Option B Prophet S.A.W. for the muslims to fast
Ref: Q. 100:1-11 on the 10th Day of the month of
19. Option D Muharram’.
20. Option B 37. Option D
21. Option C 38. Option C
22. Option D “Marriage must not be conducted in
“The Prophet S.A.W repeated don’t be secret. There must be at least two
angry several times”. adult witnesses (male)”
23. Option C 39. Option A
40. Option B

JAMB-Wisdomline e-Testing Islamic Religious Studies 2012-2014

“Imam Abu Hanifa was imprisoned for

his non compromising stance and died
in the prison at the age of 70 years in
the year 150AH.
41. Option D
42. Option B.
“The economic consequence of Ribbah
is that, it makes people lazier”
43. Option D
“Mas’uliyyah means a mechanism
based on which public affairs are
checked with a view to preventing
them from misappropriating the
resources put in their care”
44. Option D
45. Option B
46. Option D
47. Option A
48. Option A
49. Option C
50. Option A

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