03AdvancedThinkAhead3 Term2 WritComp

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TERM  TEST  2 Name: Mark: .

Written Comprehension (20 points)

An Application Form
1 Read the application form. Then complete the text on the following page. (5 points)

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Choose Adventure Veterinarian Experience

Family Name: Winters First Name: Brian
Phone Number: 01632 32321 Date of Birth: 14th June, 2005
References (not family):
5 Name: Dr Emille Pascale, Greenhill School, Fairdale
How the person knows you:
Dr Pascale is my biology teacher. I’ve been his lunchtime
laboratory assistant for two years, helping to arrange the
equipment before the afternoon lessons.
What interests you about Veterinarian Experience?
It’s always been my dream to organise a travelling ambulance
for stray animals in the UK. However, I would also like to learn
about exotic animal medicine, particularly how to help birds. I’ve
15 read a lot about how beak and feather disease affects parrots.
I’d like to learn how nutrition – giving birds lots of minerals and
vitamins – can help birds with this fatal illness. Although they
can never completely recover, giving these birds foods such as
bananas and papayas can help them live longer lives.
Have you got any experience with animal medicine?
My mother is a vet and I love spending time at her clinic.
Although I can’t treat the animals, I’m able to contribute in other
ways. We sometimes receive terrified animals. For example,
we once received a seriously injured dog. He had walked onto
25 a motorway, and although a car had hit him, he had survived.
I made the atmosphere as peaceful as possible for him by
playing classical music. I’d recently read some research
explaining how music can be used to affect the behaviour of
different animals, and music therapy can also be used to help
animals overcome pain. Scientists have been studying the
effects of different types of music on various animal species,
including cows, elephants, gorillas and dogs. Music helps dogs
feel less anxious and according to my mum, if I hadn’t played
music for the injured dog, it would have been more difficult to
operate on him. Since then, this has become my job at the
Have you got any questions about the activities or accommodation?
Will there be a chance to watch operations on animals? Also,
will the participants be staying in hotels? If I get the chance to
stay for two or three nights with a local family, it will be very
exciting. Would this be possible?

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Brian Winters was born in 1. . He is applying for a trip to Costa Rica. Although
Brian’s ambition is to work in the UK, he also wants to learn how to help 2. animals.
Brian often helps in his mother’s clinic, but he 3.
give medical help to the animals.
He plays music in order to create a 4.
feeling in the clinic. If the company wants to
know more about Brian, they will contact 5.

2 Answer the questions. (10 points)

Why does Brian mention … ?
1. his school laboratory

2. stray animals

3. bananas and papayas

4. elephants and gorillas

5. a local family

3 Find words in the text to match the following definitions. (5 points)

1. helper (lines 5-9)
2. organise (lines 5-9)
3. illness (lines 12-19)
4. very frightened (lines 20-30)
5. detailed studies (lines 20-30)

Written Production (10 points)

Task 1: A Letter
Write a letter to your mayor describing a problem in your town
or city. Include:
a. a description of the problem
b. how it affects people
c. what the mayor should do about it

Task 2: A Notice
Imagine there’s a sports and health day at your school. Write
a notice telling students about it. Include:
a. date and hours
b. place
c. activities

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Oral Comprehension (10 points)
A Podcast
1 Listen to a health podcast about milk. Then complete the sentences. (5 points)
1. Cow’s milk has got around of calcium.
2. In 2017, people in the UK paid more than for alternative types of milk.
3. Sharon can’t drink cow’s milk today because it gives her .
4. Rice milk has got a lot of .
5. The presenter is interested in trying .

2 Listen again and answer the questions. (5 points)

1. What medical problem did Sharon have the first time she was given ordinary milk?
2. What is the problem with soya milk?
3. According to Pete, which animals aren’t usually treated well?
4. What is a disadvantage of rice milk?
5. According to Pete, what type of milk production is best for the environment?

Oral Production (10 points)

A Conversation

Student A
1 Ask your partner what he / she thinks about the topics below and complete the chart.
dealing with stray animals
reducing litter
urban farms
helping homeless people
eating meat

2 Tell your partner what you think about the topics in the chart.

Student B
1 Tell your partner what you think about the topics in the chart.

2 Ask your partner what he / she thinks about the topics below and complete the chart.
eating junk food
drinking fizzy drinks
open spaces in cities
exercising regularly

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