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MODULE 1 Test Level 1 Name: Mark: .

Vocabulary and Grammar (50 points)

1 The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (4 points)
1. I’m so excited. My favourite band is giving a performer in my town.
2. Sylvia is an incredible recording. She’s in every show at school.
3. Angelina Jolie has done special effects like jumping from a moving car and walking on a narrow wall.

4. Some stages are better than the films.

5. Guy spent all day making a cello of his new song.
6. Some famous musicians started their careers on small stunts.
7. A live concert is a large instrument that is held between your knees.
8. Today, sophisticated computer programs are used to create trailers in films.

2 Complete the words. (5 points)

1. A song has got a tune and l .
2. The p is the story of a film or book.
3. Actors often p on stage.
4. You can watch v c on the Internet.
5. This singer is very popular. He’s got many f .
6. Many musicians play in an o .
7. I write about my life in my j .
8. Who is the main c in the film?
9. Who plays the l r ?
10. You hit the d with these sticks.

3 The sentences below are incorrect. Correct them by changing the words in bold. (3 points)
1. The supporting actors are the people who watch a film.
2. The make-up artist made amazing clothes for the characters.
3. People write about their experiences and feelings in a fairy tale.
4. You can see unimportant artifacts in the museum of archeology.
5. This story isn’t true. It’s an old poem.
6. The flute and violin are wind instruments.

4 Write words to match the definitions. (4 points)

1. very exciting
2. a show
3. the opposite of tiny
4. a small part of a film
5. funny
6. a place to make a recording
7. very old
8. female hero
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MODULE 1: Test Level 1

5 Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you need. (4 points)
tunes • awful • imaginary • director • disgusting • suitable • setting • ordinary • heroine • fiction

The Shape of Water, a film by the Mexican 1. Guillermo del Toro, is a wonderful work of
. The 3. for the film is the USA in 1962, and on the film’s soundtrack we
hear some well-known 4. from that time. Many mythical stories include 5.
creatures, and so does The Shape of Water. Its creature is half man, half fish. It is captured in South
America by the evil Colonel Strickland, and brought to a US government laboratory. There, the creature
meets the 6. of the story, Elisa. Elisa is a cleaner in the building. She can’t speak, and
because of this, she hasn’t got many friends. The creature looks 7. , but Elisa sees
that he is kind, and she forms a romantic relationship with him. Soon, however, she learns something
– Colonel Strickland plans to dissect the creature. Elisa decides to rescue the creature
by taking him back to the ocean. But does this mean that she will never see her love again?

6 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. (4 points)
give • go • not listen • read • perform • not tell • wait • want
1. My teacher us homework every day.
2. Andrea to music at the moment.
3. Joseph to a basketball lesson every week?
4. Make-up artists actors what to do.
5. I can’t go out now. I for my friend.
6. your sisters with the school orchestra right now?
7. you to start making our video clip now?
8. What book you at the moment?

7 Write the words in the correct order to form sentences. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. (3 points)
1. the new action film / yesterday / see / we / .

2. watch / at 5.00 / we / a live concert / .

3. the actors / at the theatre / at 8.00 / wait / ?

4. fun / last month / Fred / at Ellie’s party / not have / .

5. not sleep / I / at midnight / .

6. in the school play / perform / a year ago / you / ?

8 Choose the correct verbs in brackets and complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. (3 points)
1. Ellen outside while Sally her violin. (practise / wait)
2. The doctors the child when we . (not examine / arrive)
3. While Oliver the stunt, he an accident. (have / do)

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MODULE 1: Test Level 1

9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and add a suitable verb. (3 points)
1. Dan apples. Now he loves them.
2. you animated films on TV?
3. Before the invention of television, people to the radio.
4. My father any sport, but now he runs three times a week.
5. I violin lessons, but I’ve stopped.
6. you in this park when you were young?

10 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive. (4 points)
not catch • collect • tell • record • bake • save • not publish • not use
1. Computers at this factory now.
2. He escaped. He by the police.
3. These songs in 2017.
4. When rubbish usually in your neighbourhood?
5. Stephenie Meyer wrote the first Twilight book in 2003, but it until 2005.
6. At this theatre, people always to turn off their mobile phones.
7. In this fairy tale, the princess by a brave prince.
8. these cakes yesterday?

11 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the first sentence. (5 points)
1. Did they find the lost dog last week? (found)

2. She was a cook, but now she’s a costume designer. (be)

3. Many children read these fairy tales. (are)

4. During the singer’s performance, some people tried to get onto the stage. (while)

5. The stunts aren’t done by the actors. (do)

12 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8 points)

The All American High School Film Festival 1. (begin) in 2003. One day, while a teacher
and one of his students 2.
(try) to think of ways to inspire young people to make films,
they 3.
(decide) to start the festival. It 4. (call) the All American High
School Film Festival, but the festival is for young film directors from around the world. In 2017, for example,
more than 1,400 films 5. (send) to the festival offices from over 30 different countries.
Every year, the films 6.
(watch) by audiences in cinemas in New York City and
a committee 7.
(choose) the best films. At the end of the festival, the best film directors
(give) awards, like filmmaking equipment and money for university studies.

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