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Lab report

Department: Polymer & Process Engineering

Submitted To: Dr.M. Shafiq Irfan
Submitted by: Samrina Sharif (2014-PE-14)

University of Engineering and

Technology, Lahore

Lab report 6

Stress relaxation

Table of content:
 Objective
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Working principle
 Specification
 Experimental detail
 Results and discussion
 References

Stress relaxation (UTM)

Find out the stress relaxation of PET sample at different strain rate.

In stress relaxation constant strain is applied to the material and finds the amount of stress that is
required to maintain that strain. Stress relaxation analysis is very important in case where a
material is used for a long time under a constant load. Polymeric materials show decrease in
stress under constant load when applied for long time. For stress relaxation measurement tensile
test machine can be used. Sample is cut and clamped in machine and give the parameter in the
machine and run it. It will automatically perform and give the results in the form of graphs. As
we increase the stress rate the value of stress also increase.

When constant strain is applied to sample then the force required maintaining that deformation
does not remain constant it decreases continuously with time. Stress relaxation may be due to
physical and chemical process but in normal condition both physical and chemical is involved.
At low temperature and short term test physical process dominates and at high temperature and
long term chemical process is dominant. The apparatus used for stress relaxation measurement
should be capable of measuring a small elongation.

Working principle:
Stress relaxation measurement can be done by using tensile testing machine but his is not
practical because it is long term load test. Constant strain is applied to material and find out the
load required to maintain that strain. Load required maintaining applied strain is gradually
decreased with time because the intermolecular forces decrease with time. First strain is applied
at constant rate and after a particular time it held constant and find out the stress relaxation. [1]

Fig. Stress relaxation

Model UTM (2810)
Load cell capacity 10000 N
Weight 155 KN
Frame stiffness 50 KN/mm
Resolution 0.05 N
Supply voltage 230V 50 Hz or 115V 60Hz
Force measuring error Less than 1% of actual value from max. force
Deformation resolution 0.0001 N
Speed range 0.00005mm/min – 500mm/min

Experimental detail:
Sample used PET

First of all prepare a sample. Preparation of sample is important step as it will affect the results.
Thickness of sample should be uniform throughout the sample. Cut the sample in rectangular
shape. We have used the three samples of same material at three different strains (2%, 4%, and
6%). Take the dimensions of sample. Adjust the sample carefully and give the software
parameters and run. The software automatically run and gives the results.

Results and discussion:

Test parameters:
Test Tensile testing (stress relaxation)

Strain 2% 4% 6%

Load cell 10 kN

Gauge length 54mm

Thickness 0.19mm

Width 9.97mm

Following graphs are obtained.

Fig. At 2% strain

Fig. At 4% strain

Fig. At 6% strain


Stress relaxation
stress (N/mm)

50 f1
40 f2
30 f3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
time (s)

Fig. Comparison of 2, 4, 6 % strain

We have find out the value of stress relaxation at different strain and observe the difference. In
above graph f1 series show the stress relaxation at 6% strain f 2 shows at 4% and f3 at 6%. From
graph it is clear that, as we increase the value of strain rate the value of stress to maintain that
strain increase. As,

Strain rate = strain/time

As we increase the stress rate mean time available will decrease and more strain is required to
maintain required strain.

1. Hand book of plastic testing by Vishu shah


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